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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. That reminds me of my good friends Kermit the Frog, and Fozzie Bear, sitting on a wooden fence, and Fozzie leans back and looks behind the fence, and says to Kermit “You know you have a hand up your butt?”
  2. As you may or may not be aware TTH, in the Truth there is no means to address grievances. And until the last 8 years the Governing Body has acted as if it was infallible, inspired of God, and more. This is no longer the 1950’s. Even a dog does not like to be beaten, even by the persons that fed him.
  3. “Insults are the first and last resorts of cowards, and the incompetent”. - somebody famous.
  4. That might be worth hiring a Klansman actor, to see God induced indoor lightning! What do you figure, $300? ( …. during the passing of the unleavened bread chew some corn chips with his mouth open ….)
  5. 1. Mass 2. Black Mass You have presented no evidence to stand on…. roughly the equivalent of stating that the horse Mr. Ed lives on Mars. Two more False assumptions…. Unless you can provide HARD actual real EVIDENCE. 3. Yes, they do pass the Emblems. Christ’s sacrifice extends to all people of faith, no matter how they fail. That is the whole point. I attended disfellowshipped for four years, and passed the Emblems, just like anyone else.
  6. My observation was about you, PwfT, being unfair and slanderous to BroRando, not about what TTH said. Instead of apologizing, you made excuses.
  7. Your question is a based on TWO blatantly false assumptions and is a thinly disguised insult that legitimately deserves no response other than strong condemnation of the thought processes that spawned it.
  8. Pudgy is merely an affectionate literary device, like “BLACK BEAUTY”, the novel, being told from the perspective of the horse. As have stated before, over an over and over here, for perhaps nine years, that I consider Jehovah’s Witnesses right only 15% of the time …… but WHICH 15% make all the difference. For perhaps nine years I have constantly challenged all comers to show me something better, and ALL HAVE FAILED TO DO SO. Humans, all humans, are “just ugly bags of mostly water” And are prone to all manner of failures and faults, and so are you and I . If it wasn’t for Jehovah’s Witnesses my entire life would have been much worse, and I may have killed innocent people in Vietnam, the Congo, the Middle East, or Peru. I have no fear of death, because I never expected to live past my 40’s, so “theocratic” Boogyman threats, and even directed gunfire I find silly, not scary. It is YOU, PwfT, that are half afraid JWS MAY BE RIGHT, not me. That is why you continue to hang out here. My estimation is that they are right 15% of the time …… in a world where all the others are so much worse. When a person is afraid of dying, there begins the search for comforting lies.
  9. PwfT: I have never seen any sexual component to BroRando’s posts, and think you have insulted him with no factual basis. Your general idea may be valid, but how you said it was not called for. Merely an observation … If the things you say are not true, you lose credibility, and it is a very slippery slope to be on.
  10. When I posted this article, it was not directed at anyone. I posted it because it was JW news that was not available on the JW.org website, no more. Topic was not considered, by me. If Elon Musk was a “closet” JW, that too, would have been news, probably not on the JW. org website.
  11. Here in the United States 13% the population commits 60% of the violent crimes. It is considered racist to identify their race, so people just refer to them as “the 13%”.
  12. Well, today IS TUESDAY, so this must be Belgium. (….. I just LOVE arcane sub-references …..)
  13. Wow…. I had no idea we were talking about that …. I don’t even remember thinking that!
  14. AND SPEAKING OF CURRENCY BY THE POUND….. NEWS FROM BELGIUM (. … who are famous for their breakfast Waffles!)
  15. And don’t forget PUDGYCOIN! The only edible digital currency that comes in a TEN pound box, AND is good for your teeth!
  16. My guess, considering Jehovah has unlimited power, was 3/8 of a second. If the combatants on both sides suffered no casualties …. Their Phasers must have been set on “stun”. If they fought with bows and arrows (as illustrations show ….), the arrows must have been tipped with beanbags. Of course, it could have been some gigantic pillow fight!
  17. The thing I try to remember is this: If I had the absolute correct answer “to six decimal places”, it has NO PRACTICAL VALUE. How we treat each other does.
  18. AND ! … for each $100,000 you invest in PudgyCoin, you get a FREE rubber football squeaky toy, while supplies last.
  19. AND …. here is PROOF that PudgyCoin has been the digital currency of choice, since October, 2021 !
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