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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I do not have the time to look up the history again. I did it about two years ago. Tried to look for my old post but it seems to have been archived. I reasoned on the flood and the generations who were associated with the flood and afterward.... . I could have improved on my old reasoning if I hapoened to have found it.  

    I just feel if I have gone to he trouble before and people still go on taunting without really wanting to reason....... I think the repeated  excercise is not worth my time. I rather benefit myself by learning something new.  Trying hard to benefit others on this forum is not met with appreciation but taunting..... like throwing pearls to......... a dead lion? 

    I understand.

    I have asked several Elders, who could not explain it either. 

    One Elder was the smartest man at our Kingdom Hall. After I asked him he paused and replied (paraphrased) “I think they are trying the best they know how …”

    My gut feeling is that when Jesus was talking about “ …. This generation will not pass away until all these things occur … “, he meant HIS generation .. not the death of Fred Franz, as shown on GB Bro. David Splain’s chart. ( if memory serves …..)

    Whatever the case, I am sure the REAL TRUTH about the matter is what’re the Apostles understood the term “this generation” to mean, and I am guessing Jesus did not have a chart to explain it.


  2. 12 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Yes - I see that the slave has identified the UN as the image of the beast right after it was created.  It identified the harlot as the world empire of false religion.  It identified 1914 as the beginning of the invisible rule of Jesus Christ.  It identified so many things.

    Are you still waiting for a visible christ to come on the clouds down to earth to rule?  Do you know what is the seven heads of the beast?   Who told you that? 

    A generation is overlapping and I have demonstrated it here on these pages many times. So do not show old magazines to bring on old discussions.........  I reply with a question back to you...... do you see these things?   And if you see them....... who taught them to you?   


    I must have missed something, and I do try to read all of your posts in their entirety.

    Can you please explain to me from the Bible, about the “overlapping generations“?

    I would like to understand what the Apostles understood about the “overlapping  generations”.

  3. 1 hour ago, Witness said:


    Can you see it yet?  Do you realize how responsible the leadership of your organization is, for placing stumbling blocks before God's holy people - Jesus Christ's "kings of the earth"?  Mal 2:8; Rev 1:5; 5:9,10

    Prophets who lie are spiritual harlots, because they have broken their covenant with God.  Ps 78:10;  Rev 13:11,12; 17:1-5


    At one time in history most of the people on Earth thought that the Earth was flat.

    And they thought that if you went out into the Atlantic Ocean far enough, “there be dragons”.

    Where did they learn this from?

    They learned It from people who sincerely believed it, and told them. Were the generation of teachers liars, each and everyone, to the up-and-coming generation?

    No, they were wrong based on sincere belief, regardless of the fact that it was not based on anything rational except their observations and conclusions, AND UNSOPHISTICATED THINKING ABILITY.

    In order to be a liar, you have to know that what you are telling is not true.

    …… like when one child who firmly believes in Santa Claus tells another child the whole complicated story of the North Pole, Santa‘s elves, etc. he is not lying, BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IT HIMSELF ….. he’s just perpetuating a fantasy.

    Such is the nature of delusions.

    Most peoples’ lives are so hard and miserable and lonely, that their delusions are the only comfort they have.

    Jury trials by “12 men good and true”, are based on the falsehood that you can vote on Truth, and many totally innocent men have died in prison, or been executed.


    If you can do better, do so.

    The sad truth is most of what EVERYBODY BELIEVES …….

    ……. Is WRONG.



  4. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It may be they fear you will be one of those who, if attending in person, will forget to lower your hand after comments, a carryover from Zoom days.

    Too true, for example at last weeks meeting on Zoom they were telling about the arrangements for the memorial Friday, April 15 at a local municipal convention center, and they needed to allocate funds to pay for it and as it turned out the rental cost for each congregation was  $671, with the total cost 3 times as there will be 3 congregations attending.

    There are officially 109 people in our congregation but I have noticed on Zoom that there is only about 35 to 45 people and it’s consistent weekend after weekend after weekend so I do the math and I thought ….. wow !

    So a brother made the motion that the Congregation spend $671 and another brother seconded the motion and it came to vote. They asked all the brothers that voted to spend the money to raise their hands, and nobody raised their hand. Nobody at all.
    Then he asked at all those who oppose the motion raise their hand, and nobody raised their hand. Nobody at all.
    Then the brother announced after a pause, very long pause that he was gonna put it down that it passed unanimously.

    He also said that everyone would be required to wear a mask at the municipal center, and I know in our County all mask restrictions have been lifted, so I would imagine that this is something that JW headquarters is requiring. (?)

    I think everyone was just stunned at the $671 cost, I know I was. Perhaps everyone else was just doing the math in their head and forgot to raise their hands either time.

    As an aside, I would assume that if there are any cartoon Penguins attending the Assembly, or the Memorial in two weeks, that they would not have to wear a mask.

    Cartoon Penguins don’t have ears.

  5. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It seems the Kingdom Halls are reopening here this Sunday in the UK ( 3 April 2022)  in time for the Special Talk and the Memorial. 

    Here in the United States we have a One Day Circuit Assembly starting on Saturday April 2, and it is also being streamed … starts in about 25 minutes!

    …. still have to wear cloth masks, or if viewing on-line, clothing is optional.

    I will be wearing my Sunday Best dress collar.


  6. I hope it is NOT RUBBISH, but is a non-sequiter visualization joke … but humor is an individual thing.

    The comedian and TV LATE NITE host Johnny Carson had 16 joke writers, and about half his jokes bombed ………. But he stlll made about $16,000 a minute for 30 years or so doing that schlock.

    What I am looking for is a gig that pays $2,000,000 a minute, I work 30 minutes, and then move to Florida.

  7. There are a lot of assumptions made in the above posts that are extrapolation upon extrapolation, and then that is extrapolated upon to the point that it’s a matrix made out of gauze and fog.

    Let’s get right down to the real nitty-gritty ……

    If Jehovah’s Witnesses are NOT the “true anointed” … where might I find these “true anointed”?

    If I got in a taxi cab and I said “take me over to these folks”,  what address would I give the taxi driver?

    What address would I give the taxi driver?

    If your entire supposition is not based on fantasy, then this “true anointed” should be real people congregated somewhere.

    Where is that place? How do I get there? When I introduce myself …. who are they going to tell me who they are?.

    Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice??

    Is it that they are real people, at a real location, or is it they are not real people and don’t exist at all.

    If you’re not able to supply directions of how I get there, and who these people are that I can introduce myself, you’re living in a fantasy world, and just wading through a sea of Scrabble chips, playing with words.

    I await your specific reply.

    I might even take a present to give them, like a pie, or something.


  8. 14 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    Sharks are actually the cleaning mechanism of the ocean. They have turned to eating meat but they can change in future. They definitely have teeth that are replaced regularly...... there were many tough plants on this earth before which grew humongous.  We can only speculate and look at what we see now.

    We can only speculate and imagine what MIGHT have been the case before sharks developed the direction finding ability to follow a blood trail from a thousand feet away, based on whether their left or right nostril detected ONE MORE molecule of blood than the OTHER nostril.

    It is obvious from the design a 454 engine Corvette is not to haul lumber.….. same with sharks.

    Corvettes also make very poor clown cars.

  9. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I left because of knowledge I'd gained through my own research. 

    This is a typical JW comment. Why ? Because JWs do not like it when a person choses to leave the JW Org for a very valid reason.  You know why i left. It was because of all the CSA in the JW org. 



    Apparently the moderator or whoever makes  these decisions is requiring everyone to have a approval of their comments, solely because Dimitar and I engaged in a very serious “flame war“. Our comments were deleted, as they should’ve been.

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