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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    You need to know someone, to know that. I convene committee's not get dictated by them. 

    It appears here that you are claiming to be an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

    If this is true, it would go far in explaining why it takes 22 “man-years” of witnessing to get ONE Jehovah’s Witness to stay his entire lifetime, and why 73% leave.



  2. 5 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's where we differ, I was taught by the best Bible educated person, Fred Franz. Even so, we all have a choice to make. You can either dedicate yourself to the service of God, or you can rely on your own interpretation of scripture and fool yourself into thinking you are doing the right thing.

    I don't expect you to. I want to see, you dust yourself off and fight for your salvation. Ask God for mercy and forgiveness, even if you think you are talked out. Just like God, I refuse to see quitters in a race they started toward their personal salvation. I hate to think people coming here will be influenced in not accepting the righteous path of Christ. JWs are better than that.

    Like I said, it's not about me, it's about getting you people here back in the correct road to salvation, no matter what it takes.


    That is scarier than a President Hillary Clinton!

  3. 1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    ….. You should join them and stop trying to be something you're not, Christian.

    I disagree. 

    I have never claimed to be a “good” Christian, and if it were not for the training and education I received from OTHER highly flawed Jehovah’s Witnesses, I would have had a very short life, dying on a battlefield somewhere, or worse.

    A lot worse.

    We should NEVER stop trying to be a Christian.

    As the famous cartoon character Pogo once said “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”


  4. Years ago, I took my family to a Renaissance Faire, where people walk around in costumes from the 1500s and 1600s, and they have Shakespearean plays, and jousting contests on horses, fake sword fights, all for entertainment  … and vendors selling giant turkey legs, etc.  Sorta like walking through a medieval village in England.  The entrance to the Renaissance Faire looks like a castle and is attended by thousands of people, who pay for this.

    I paid a costumed Professional Insulter $5 to insult me and his non-stop invectives for five solid minutes were blistering, embarrassing, and took insulting to all new levels that I did not even know existed. But it was all in good fun and I laughed and laughed with a sense of wonder about how he could possibly think of such things.

    The thing about Dmitar’s insults is that they’re just plain malicious and hateful with no redeeming social value. Actual slander.


  5. 3 hours ago, Thinking said:

    ……. Animals we’re not meant to eat each other at all …..


    You are obviously getting your theology from the movie “The Lion King”, or Disney cartoons, where they dance and sing, and there is an orchestra in the background.

    Ever look at the teeth of a T-Rex?

    or the teeth of a shark?





  6. I had a system almost exactly like that in my briefcase, and when you called Home for messages they would come in at 300 baud rate, and it was so slow that you could read it in real time as the letters came in. That particular computer you could buy at RadioShack for about $300.

    Before that I had a computer with a 50 baud rate modem, and it was sort of like playing scrabble. I used it to turn giant water pumps on or off, over the phone.



  7. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

     ….. If there were no humans on earth to appreciate the beauty and generosity around them - then it would be as if the earth did not exist in a conscious moral way. Animals could not appreciate this earth. They merely act on instinct not appreciate 

    When you make statements like this, you lose credibility for your previous statements, at least among all of us who have seen the great joy animals have playing with each other and living their lives.

    I suggest you go to a store someplace where there is a box of puppies and observe them.

    For over a half a century I have directly observed animals of all sorts that are very happy, and obviously so, all day every day and they enjoy their lives.

    To the best of my knowledge, your knowledge, or anybody’s knowledge alligators may be the world’s best mathematicians, and we would never know it.

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