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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Thanks JWI, The part that I am concerned with is this: If I have full and complete understanding about everything there is to know about these two subjects. Or know nothing whatsoever … what’s the practical, applicable difference in a normal person’s life and daily activities? we have no control over any of it.
  2. How Long ago was that prophecy about the king of the north invading the king of the south with many ships and horses and chariots? 3500 years? For purposes of discussion let’s say 3500 years. 1.) Since we are still discussing it today as if the event never happened, I would have to assume that the event never happened in the past, and that’s probably why people are looking forward to it occurring today. But, it appears that everyone that has been making prophecies for the past 3500 years have been wrong …….. so if anybody today makes such a prediction that it’s this year or soon or whatever, I suppose the Probabilities that being true are approximately 1/3500. Even so, I will begin to worry about it when I see horses swimming across oceans or perhaps being carried on ships with or without chariots. Of course this resoluteness is tempered somewhat by the fact that no matter what the case is, or who is the king of the north or south actually are, or any other thing about this, I and you can do absolutely nothing about it. As Alfred E. Newman once said “What, me worry?“
  3. When you return to the Archive, Dmitar, with a new screen name, may I suggest Phineas T. Bluster, from the 1950’s TV “The Howdy Doody Show”. YouTube has a clip. A PERFECT FIT!
  4. OK I GOT IT! The King of the North will invade with chariots, AnD horses and many ships. I GOT IT! I have several questions about that if it is to be in modern times …… 1. ) will the horses come on the ships, or will they have to swim the Atlantic Ocean? 2.) will they be talking horses like Mr. Ed? 3.) would it be a prudent thing to stock up on apples, and carrots?
  5. Because drivel, and trivia are the same thing, and both are ENTERTAINING. Your assumption is based on two false premises. In all the years this entire motley crew have assembled here, I venture NOT ONE has changed his mind about anything said here. ….. and TTH, I did not say it was a complete waste of time. Not completely, anyway. I do enjoy drivel and trivia and arcane information. You never know when someone will ask who Krypto was, or Mr. Ed’s real name, or what town in New York is associated by with small yellow boxes, or 42. Simply, it’s FUN to know!
  6. I immediately see two things wrong with your above analysis. Number one: if all these people in the “great awakening“ were part of a great awakening and they were all wrong it seems to me like a “great going to sleep“. Number two: Clark Kent was not pretending to be Superman……… Superman was pretending to be Clark Kent. there is a difference.
  7. However, the reverse is true, and your mortality rate dramatically INCREASES if your “best friends” are Bill and Hillary Clinton.
  8. If your failed predictions need more “wiggle room”, the hole you have dug can be backfilled without “Weasel Room”.
  9. At the time of the last Solar System survey, the best bet for life would have been Mars .….. Mars, with its oceans and temperate climate and two moons, which at the same time the Earth was a cratered molten ball of volcanic lava, with a huge moon that circled very fast and close, dragging tsunamis of lava behind it continuously.
  10. You know, it all depends on what we’re used to. 10,000 years ago the ocean levels were 400 feet lower than they are now. But everybody was used to it. At one time what is now the Sahara desert at the northern end of Africa's used to be lush jungle. It all depends on what we used to. Whatever it is things have adapted. Don’t worry about it. Be cool. Be happy. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  11. 2D Cartoon Dogs don’t HAVE stuffing.
  12. You mean, like going back and revising history from “Millions now living will never die.”, to “Millions now living MAY never die.”? Hmmmmmmm?
  13. ….. there is that old adage “Silicon beats Iron”.
  14. Of course, Elon Musk has just launched 48 new Starlink satellites, so it may be a case of “my machines can beat your machines”. It may be as simple as yodeling at a Martian invader.
  15. ….. with all the silly oneupsmanship that goes on here, I was inspired by an account in the news today that Elon Musk has challenged Vladimir Putin to single combat, the winner to take Ukraine. It was a one sentence challenge, worth more that 3,000 pages of the drivel here. ….. inspirationally.
  17. I would not in the least bit be surprised if the drone was launched from America, and had some purpose that would enhance the commercial aspect of the sanctions.
  18. As far as illumination goes, I suspect Dmitar would cast a dark shadow, even if he was on fire! He is, however, a literal Master at adding insult to injury!
  19. I have often commented that we have no idea about many things in the garden of Eden, because nobody has Polaroids. It could be worse, the Bigfoot family came back from their vacation and every single one of their pictures was fuzzy.
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