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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Do you know why Watchtower Lawyers and people that are close to them do not fear being eaten by sharks when they swim in the ocean? ……….. Professional Courtesy.
  2. You obviously did not read what I wrote with any sort of understanding at all, or the link that you yourself provided. The link that you provided exactly confirms the dates and details of what I said that you disparaged with manipulative distraction with irrelevancies. It was 1980 under the old logo, then I sent my certified letter, return receipt requested to Procter & Gamble headquarters in Cincinnati Ohio. Again you have clouded the issue with complete irrelevancies and made another accusation about me that is false. My long-winded commentary was relating exactly what happened, in detail. Your reply related how they changed their brand symbol in the 1980s from the old one to the new one, and nothing more was stated in the reference you gave… The topic we were talking about has absolutely nothing to do with what you understood as a child about the 13 colonies of the United States, or brand changes.
  3. A Politician’s reply ….. sorta like a Dmitar post. Manipulative and changing the subject many times with MANY WORDS, to wear you down with irrelevancy.
  4. … and as to the 1975 issue, photographs of a kingdom ministry I believe from 1974 have been posted here many times, although I do not have a copy on my iPhone, when the Society was commending the brothers who had sold their homes, assets, and businesses to preach the Kingdom message this time of the end. Perhaps somebody here will post it again. This makes it completely clear to my mind That the WTB&TS was in fact preaching that the end would occur In the mid-1970s. JWI was there, and I was there, and saw it happen. AND WITH THAT KINGDOM MINISTRY STATEMENT is the written confirmation. And ( coff, coff ) I wonder where a lot of that money went?
  5. I first became aware of the Procter & Gamble satanic allegiance controversy in 1980, and if memory serves about that same time there was a skit on SNL about that but I don’t quite remember that I just remember the impression of it. The congregation I attended in Portland Oregon knew about this controversy and told me about it as a fact. The fact that Procter & Gamble and its symbol was of satanic origin. I also heard about this at work several different times. I put it on my metal shelf of things that could be true, or could be false, but since I had no directed interest in such things and it didn’t affect my life I pretty much ignored it as much as I could. For me it came under the category of “Interesting if true, interesting if not true, why should I give a damn either way.” Except for the people at work, I never talked to anybody that wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness. This is pretty much been through my entire life as I do really don’t have any interest in talking to people at all, as I’m occupied with internal thoughts that keep me quite busy. People would mention this to me, and occasionally I asked the question out of the blue to people, casually interested in the truth. I did notice that nobody had any proof of any sort and it was complete hearsay. So what I did was this, I wrote a letter to Procter & Gamble asking them about the assertions of their satanic involvement, and this was of general conversation in the area at that time which was 1980, but I was distracted because Mount Saint Helens in Washington state just exploded, and Portland Oregon was covered in about 2 1/2 inches of volcanic ash. Realizing from experience that’s the easiest way somebody can ignore you is to say they didn’t ever get the message, I sent it by certified mail, return receipt requested (the green card you may be familiar with), and pretty much forgot about the whole thing, in the same way I might ignore some nutty group in Australia, when I’m busy trying to work a heavy overtime schedule. …. but one day I got a reply from Procter & Gamble and when I opened it up I was expecting to see a simple affirmation or simple denial perhaps with some documentation to prove it either way. What I got was a history of the symbol of how it happened that boxes of their soap and it was Ivory soap at time would be shipped by boat up and down the rivers, etc. and as they were unloaded on the docks they started putting in chalk stars, moons or other things to separate their shipments from other shipments that were on the same boat. As an aside it’s a same sort of thing is done as identifiers on Russian manufactured tanks to tell where they’re coming from or where they’re going to etc. The correspondence included the History of how the symbol developed with some inserts perhaps five or six explaining this that or the other thing which might be considered somewhat related to my original question which was extremely simple but they never answered the question directly. Because of the “million words“ they used, most people, even the great majority of people, would assume they did answer the question but they probably couldn’t tell you what the answer was, but the impression was that Procter & Gamble was not involved in any satanic activity. I try to never ever assume a persons motive, or their intentions or their knowledge or lack of knowledge unless they have a gun pointed at me and cackling like Vice President Kamila Harris For no apparent reason. After studying the materials at Procter & Gamble sent me, It became quite clear that they were deliberately being ambiguous so as not to say anything at all while leaving the impression that they were not involved in the satanic activity. My guess was that since their headquarters was in Cincinnati Ohio right on the river between Ohio and Kentucky, they have people of all religions creeds and ideas, and somewhere in their organization there might be a group of employees that are part of the satanic cult, but not part of their business. Just a guess. No more. The fact is, and all I can say about it is this is when in the middle of a national and international controversy about this exact issue, when directly asked a direct and unambiguous question, they waffled and never denied satanic influence association or involvement. And it was quite clear to me they deliberately did this. It’s like when a politician is asked a simple yes or no question, and the reply is so long, rambling, and manipulative that you don’t even want to ask a follow-up question because you don’t wanna have to go through that again.
  6. … that brings up the question, what is the difference between Gog of Magog, and Fredericks of Hollywood?
  7. You mean the wild beast that attacks, lies about people, denigrates people for no reason to exalt them selves, and slanders them with false accusations? ……. Whom so ever could that be? Hmmmmmm?
  8. The point is this: invisible things that supposedly happened in heaven in 1914, for which there is not a single shred of evidence their invisible kingdom with an invisible presence supported by invisible people, or angels as the case may be is completely indistinguishable …… Based on facts…… From a delusional fantasy. The Bible said that nobody knows when Armageddon is going to take place and it would surprise everybody. So far, every person, group, and organization that has claimed insight and ability to explain prophecy as always without exception been 100% WRONG. That arrogance, fraud and just being flat wrong has been going on for at least 2000 years. There have been no exceptions. And I believe, that is the point.
  9. For those that have been on the ARCHIVE for many years, we remember that what has been said about this if it was assembled and stapled together it would be about a 1000 page book. Everything that has been said or could’ve been said has been said, over and over and over and over. Then it’s been rephrased a dozen times In a dozen different ways and that has been resaid over and over. in a dozen different ways and that has been resaid over and over. It’s real simple for me, because I was there and I watched it happen from California to the Congo and in the state of Virginia in the middle. The battle cry was “stay alive till ‘75” .…. which, surprisingly, I’ve been able to manage, so far.
  10. The thing that often comes to my mind is the parable of the boy who continually cried “Wolf!!”, when there was no wolf. somehow I find the same sort of thing acceptable with Air Raid drills.
  11. Yeah …. You have to break away from agenda driven thinking to be happy! Otherwise you are like a bug trapped in amber, always unhappy, doomed to compulsively try and denigrate others.
  12. I was speaking about “our Theology” To include all living things on planet Earth. Please go back and re-read that post with my intended perspective and see if it looks better then. My “broad stroke” was intended to be understood as planetary in scope. Perhaps I should have been more specific, but I did not think it would be misunderstood. Also, I am five or more years older than you, and was in California when the hustle started, an the Congo in late 1974, so our experiences might be expected to be completely different.
  13. So? Either you “get” innuendo non-sequiter nuanced humor …. Or you don’t. Usually, those that build pictures in their minds with each word in a sentence they read, “get” visual humor as well.
  14. I was overseas working at the time, and I did not speak the local languages. By the way, my kind of humor is usually reserved to guys my age who grew up reading MAD Magazine, and like stand-up comedians like Robin Williams and Lewis Black.
  15. The moral of the story is this: No matter how badly screwed up our Theology is, we could be an ugly epileptic baby cockroach having a stroke, drowning in cold coffee.
  16. If you get close, you can hear some of them screaming for help! help! Help! help. help help!
  17. Which reminds me : On my iPhone, above this post, is an ad for bugmd, showing a cockroach drinking coffee. Your device may show something different, so I am including a copy here. What you do is leave coffee out on your kitchen counter, and in the night, in the dark, cockroaches will assemble around the rim of the cup, and drink coffee. It gets ‘‘em totally wired. You sneak in, and as fast as you can, flick the lights on and off about twenty times. Their eyes are frozen open, they have a stroke, fall into the coffee, and drown.
  18. Sometimes …. delusions about the beauty of our incredibly ugly babies keeps us from drowning them at birth. It’s more important if we are the baby.
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