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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …… perhaps this might be a good time to review the series of Mel Gibson’s “MAD MAX” movies ……
  2. In my opinion, I think the most notorious and despicable example of those who might be identified as the King Of The North (KON)are the infamous red suits. I understand they have a secret fortress somewhere in northern Canada where tens of thousands of slaves with pointed ears (possibly Chinese), toil Without pay for an autocratic leader that crosses all international borders directing havoc with the disciplining and instruction of children. and of course, I’m indentifying this King Of The North (KON) as a agent of German manufacture, “Papa” Noel, otherwise known as Santa Claus. You may be naysayer to this new light, presented to you today, but I assure you with all earnestness that MY ALLEGED screwball inspiration has the exact same factual basis as YOUR ALLEGED screwball inspiration. Where do you think the Chinese get all those toys and Ronco Bass-a-Matics? WalMart?
  3. Actually, all 2D Cartoon Dogs have noses, but they never have nostrils to smell with. And you will never see a WalMart Pharmacy in a cartoon.
  4. I think I am the only one I could probably get away with it, and they would probably scratch my ears with appreciation.
  5. The military decides who they will shoot at. The rest of the people decide who they will shoot at. ……. Minimal or nonexistent accountability all the way around.
  6. Germany knew that the Lusitania was carrying munitions for England, and they put an ad in the London times telling them that they were it was their intention to sink the Lusitania but the British command, the Admiralty decided that the Lusitania could sneak by because the wolf packs were operating in a different part of the Atlantic at the time. Also the Americans were trying to pretend they were neutral, and for a long time neither would admit that the Lusitania Was carrying the nations munitions. They also adamantly declared that the Lusitania was not carrying munitions. The British admiralty decided to charge the captain of the Lusitania with dereliction of duty and incompetence as a scapegoat because they knew the ship had been blown up with a single German torpedo, Which detonated the munitions on board the ship and it sank in 15 minutes. They promulgated the lie that the ship was sunk with three German torpedoes because with one German torpedo, and no munitions, it would not have sunk in 15 minutes. That was the official report of the British Admiralty judges, but the Captain of the Lusitania who incidentally had survived and was pulled from the water unconscious and was hospitalized, in his trial he was eventually exonerated. After World War I was over, the truth came out, but they deliberately falsified testimony and ignored evidence to try and get the United States into the war, which was OK with Woodrow Wilson.
  7. Aphorism No. 328. ”Never let a crisis go to waste” Martial Law allows EVERYBODY to shoot at each other.
  8. A long time ago I read about the book of Algonquin J. Calhoun, and the Mystic Knights Of The Sea, and his sidekick Andy. That’s how I learned about the Great Chinchilla Wars.
  9. I remember thing, as a teenager, that it would take about 400 miles per hour for those fins to have any value., but it would not matter as the airflow would tear the car apart.….. same with Spock’s ears.
  10. ….. Sounds like some kinda “72 virgins” group to me, like some thin’ grabbed outta a hat!
  11. On a related note, did you ever see the episode where Mr. Bean is it is stuffing a very large turkey and he loses his watch inside the turkey?
  12. Some people are completely lacking any sense of humor. They are unable to extrapolate ideas necessary for survival. And by definition, are very unhappy, grumpy people.
  13. …. Sigh …… BARK-alounger ….….. get it?
  14. Yeah you do, but most cannot afford to. I had a Mormon friend that said Mormons have 6 months of supplies stashed away. I asked how well his home was defended, and would he please stock up on mustard sardines.
  15. I always thought that if things get really bad in the United States I could escape to Australia, but it seems that Australia has become or is becoming a totalitarian state. It all began when they confiscated everyone’s guns.
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