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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. There is no evidence whatsoever, zero, zip, nada, Jehovah God or Jesus Christ intervened in anyway whatsoever during World War II or any conflict in modern times in any way whatsoever. There is no evidence that a single individual’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever. There is no evidence that any nation’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever. Irregardless of a plethora of competing religious theories, ideas and concepts, there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise than we are on our own, and have to manage the best way we can. Jehovah God did not stop Adolf Hitler, or Pol Pot. Nor did he intervene in any way in Grand Prairie Texas when four sisters were driving in Field Service, were T-boned at an intersection and killed. Of course you are welcome to any theory you want. Reality, the way things really are, cares nothing about our convenient fantasies.
  2. My Guardian and his wife have been unloading supplies in preparation for WWIII, and I asked him what he bought. Three lawn chairs, a Coleman chest cooler, and a case of beer.
  3. I really have no idea, because you’d have no idea what the differences between deception and propaganda that is normal during time of war. however the news reports I have seen seem to indicate that the Ukrainian citizens are asking for completely on their own initiative weapons to fight the Russians and are being given weapons by the military. I have seen pictures of women who are part of the Ukrainian legislature with a rifle on their backs, in the office. and these are fully automatic weapons. The Ukraine has a long reputation for being an extremely corrupt nation, perhaps even equaling our state of Illinois, or Louisiana so you really don’t know what’s going on.
  4. Arauna, your quote of my words was several words short of my actual words. If you’re going to quote me, please quote with complete sentences. It is my firm belief that justIfied self defense in and of itself does not convey the mark of the beast. In the Ukraine right now Ukrainians without joining the military are preparing to defend their homes. My wife and I eat almost every day at the Golden Corral restaurant here in the United States, it’s a great buffet which if you get there before 4 o’clock you can get the senior discount for lunch, and two minutes later have the dinner and so we eat, if we want steak every day, or shrimp or catfish. Today every piece of steak we got was terrible interlaced with fat and gristle and I told the man cooking the steaks I said “Do you know it’s a good thing the cows do not have guns, and it’s a good thing the Ukrainian people do, otherwise THEY might be on the menu. He grinned knowingly, and continued to cook up some steaks, and I moved down the line and selected something else to eat. Ever see the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man“?
  5. From downstairs, my wife heard the house shake because upstairs I had fallen onto my knees. She yelled up “Are you Ok? Are you OK?”. Stunned, grimacing, and still on the floor, as she ran up the stairs to check, I replied “I’m OK, I’m OK …. I just tripped over something, and landed on my knees, taking the skin off.” She asked “What did you trip over, and why are you laughing?” I showed her Dmitar’s sentence on my iPhone “So, your comment is non conforming.”. Hahahaha …. still funny.
  6. After the assassination of the American Ambassador to Benghazi, Libya ….. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State under Obama, was highly insulted when she demanded transportation appropriate for her, and they brought her a broom.
  7. When I was younger the only dates I cared about was in an alley behind an Italian Restaurant, sharing a plate of free spaghetti and meatballs, with a big eyed Cocker Spaniel……
  8. I think I should have phrased that differently, as TTH POINTED OUT, perhaps it is those afraid of painful death, I have noticed in some Christians. I could even be wrong. ….. or (coff), be barking up the wrong tree.
  9. True, that. But I do not believe justified self defense conveys the “mark of the beast”. If I am wrong, perhaps I should not have everlasting life. It always bothered me that true Christians seemed to be the ones most afraid to die.
  10. ….. see, even the mention of Kamelli screws things up. Joseph was not in the hereditary line of succession when the Pharoh died, as a Vice President would be.
  11. …. Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about. Completely devoid of relevancy to my comment. If your intent was to reply to my comment (?) perhaps you could expand your point?
  12. By Dmitar having a long, long history of “downvoting” according to personal agenda, irregardless of content, it has earned less relevance than someone pissing in the Atlantic Ocean. I suspect this will be permanent.
  13. ….. And considering the question of neutrality and how God is it relates to the affairs of men more and more I’m wondering of Joseph‘s relationship to the Egyptian government of his time. He was the third ruler of the land, Under the son of Pharaoh, and my guess is he was roughly the equivalent of here in the United States the Secretary of Defense. Since he was obviously a Hebrew, did he give his allegiance to the government of Egypt which in those days was the Pharaoh in the house of Ra?. It is my understanding that the term pharaoh actually means “the house of Ra“. Joseph controlled the food supply for the nation of Egypt for at least 14 years in a time when everybody had a tendency to steal food for at least seven of those years. I can easily visualize Joseph having to order armed soldiers to protect those granaries during the times of starvation especially. Considering the responsibilities of his job as Secretary of Defense and Agriculture, do you think it bothered him to control the forces that protected the assets of the Egyptian government, and Egyptian people? To chastise them unto death? I can easily visualize bandits in raiding parties attacking the granaries, and him having to kill them to make them stop. Perhaps not personally, but ordering the forces that were necessary to have it done. I can also easily visualize Joseph maintaining his integrity to God and maintaining his allegiance to God, while serving the house of Ra in the exact same way as if his allegiance was to Egypt, and perhaps at some point in time he did have to give that also to the Pharaoh, even if only a secondary allegiance in order to protect Egypt’s food supply, which naturally extends to protecting Egypt’s borders from invasion by outside nations that we’re devastated by starving populations during the day 7 “lean years.”. I am in my bed now writing this on my iPhone, having just awakened from a very vivid lucid dream in full color, (I generally do not dream in color, all my life I have dreamed in black and white), And the dream was about this issue. I think it was inspired today when I learned about the 13 soldiers that died on Snake Island in the Ukraine when ordered to surrender by a Russian warship on the Black Sea, and they replied “go F—- yourself”, Which was the ultimate defiance and for which they paid the ultimate price. I was so proud of them at that moment that I cried like a baby and feel much like many Texans do when they hear the story of the Alamo. I guess this means that I am not neutral, anymore.
  14. It depends on how prescient, and motivated a person is. If you leave without anything, your choices of how to get away are severely limited. There are many who in times of crisis hear someone yell “DUCK !!”, and they stand up and look for a duck. And then there are those like the Hero’s of Ukraine Snake Island, who when the Russian Warship demanded their surrender, chose to die fighting … and the civilians, who are arming themselves to fight. Short of the use of atomic, biological, or chemical warfare, I can easily see the Russians will be beaten.…. As the Soviets were beaten in Afghanistan by tribesmen with WW1 rifles and American shoulder launched Stinger Missiles.
  15. The Jews that understood what was going on during World War II and lived in countries subject to Nazi occupation if they could sold everything they had and evacuated those countries. Some of their homes and possessions had been in their families for centuries and they sold them at $.10 on the dollar, or the equivalent. Some chose to immigrate to America, and some chose to get even further away to remote Pacific Islands like Iwo Jima, or the equivalent.
  16. Enoch was”transferred” to another location on Earth or some planet in another Star system close to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy …. Might even have been to Switzerland, where he became an Investment Banker, or to FS-45Alc-19 in the Andromedia Galaxy, where he joined a Conestoga Wagon Train going through the mountains to settle a new continent. The Bible DOES NOT SAY WHERE HE WAS TRANSFERRED TO ….. it only says he did not see death. Anything else (including THIS SPECULATION) is completely made up, but Heaven is out of consideration by anyone with common sense .…. ….. it’s as silly as babies going to heaven, and needing to have their diapers changed 3 times a day, for the rest of eternity. It is not a lack of faith to just plain admit we do not know, even though with common sense we can definitely figure out what it is NOT.
  17. Reading through some of these comments it’s the first time in my life I have seen the word “translation” used to describe how Enoch was supposedly taken to heaven. Without dying! Gimmee a break! I have previously been exposed to the word “transference”, or “transferred” to described how he was extracted as if by helicopter from his potential and real perils. The important points to me were this…… the Bible did NOT say, repeat did NOT say, that he was killed. It’s important that the Bible did NOT say he was taken to heaven! It makes no sense to me that Jehovah would save someone by killing them, whether they “saw it coming”, or not. Because the word “transference” was used and because it made no sense to me the current explanations from any source, I got to thinking about what does the word “Transfer” really mean. What does “transfer” really mean? The Bible does not provide an explanation, so what would a normal rational person with common sense conclude the word “transfer” or “transference” actually meant in context with all that was going on, back then …… AND The common sense explanation that Jehovah God does not reward faithfulness by killing the faithful? I know in modern times, if you work for a company and are a valuable and loyal employee, you may be promoted to a new position in another town and be transferred there. They do not kill you, presumably, and they do not send you to heaven, unless of course possibly you are an astronaut, Or a cosmonaut. Therefore it makes more sense to me to ignore all explanations that do not use simple every day language and simple every day explanations. ….. my guess is, and I’m going to tell people that what I “know“, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and just plain old common sense, including that caveat, Is that Enoch was not killed, did not go to heaven, but was simply relocated or transferred to another location somewhere else on earth. That makes the most common sense to me, and keeps the meaning of the word and does not assume things that are not said in the Bible. Otherwise, you’re just making stuff up. On a non- sequiterial related note, have you ever noted that representations of “ghosts” are always wearing clothes? Where do they shop?
  18. The two or more times you were previously exiled from the Archive here was not because you told the truth, as you assert, but because you were a liar and slanderer on those occasions as well. You seem to be intelligent enough to deflect and weasel, but otherwise a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur that requires you to call others “fools”, and “stupid”, as well as make up lies about them. That makes you both sad, and dangerous.
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