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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. SOooooo…. I challenged you defend your lies and slander with facts, and instead you replied with irrelevancy, and “…. Blah! Blah! Blah! ….”. You choked, and remain convicted by your own words, as a liar, and a slanderer.
  2. Obtuse is in the eye of the beholder. I proved, from your own posts, that you told 4 lies about me, and one possible lie about State law concerning me. PROVING someone is a liar and a slanderer is hardly obtuse.….. reminds me of the story about Adolph Hitler, who in his Berlin Bunker knew the Allied Armies had penetrated Berlin from the East and the West, and just before he committed suicide, turned to an Aide, and said “You know, those Allies just cannot take a joke ….” You get banned over and over because you are a compulsive liar and slanderer. It’s not obtuse at all.
  3. I hereby give you full Power of Attorney to post public information for any crime of any sort that I have been convicted of. You have accused me of being a convict and on probation and on parole … NONE of which are true. You are a liar in each case, and a slanderer in each case …. AND SHOULD BE BANNED for that reason alone. Any of the above are public information which can be easily checked by anyone with a telephone. Feel free to post it here … to prove you are NOT a liar and a slanderer. I think you are lying about it being against State Law to divulge public records. But that is only conjecture, just a guess. If so, you are more of a weasel than a real weasel. Have a checkable reference citation for ANY of the above.? Be a sport …. Do it. If you do not, you stand self-condemned.
  4. …. and to refute your false premise, which is a made up lie, I do not slander ANYONE …. EVER.
  5. The point is, the accusation of slander can be refuted by the truth. I never make a statement I cannot prove, with solid references. Your statements are agenda based slanderous fantasy, made up without a factual basis. That is the point.
  6. In direct answer to your first question ….. BECAUSE YOU SLANDER EVERYONE. Proved with your own words.
  7. I never, ever, thought I would be saying this, …. But I now agree with those who think it is time to ban Dmitar.
  8. It is quite clear what YOU SAID, which you disavowed to slander me again. It is, as anyone can see as I have included it here, what you ACTUALLY SAID, accusing me of relating to magic, which you DISAVOWED your own words to again slander me, as you continually do here to everybody. As shown here, you have convicted yourself of evil slander with your OWN words.
  9. …. “Now look in the mirror and @Pudgy then, think how much more "obtuse" former Jehovah's Witnesses are with their woeful and foolish debates.”
  10. Dmitar: You say you are sure that my “dark side” can relate to magic? I would be very interested in knowing what specifically brought you to that conclusion. Discerning that you are wrong about everything is not magic …. Just simple factual observation, which like your comment above, continually confirms your slanders never cease. Be a sport ….. tell us how you reached your latest insane conclusion.
  11. Unfortunately, doing stupid things is one reason men die before women.…… usually prefaced with “…… here, hold my beer!”.
  12. I think that a legitimate cults are the ones WE belong to, and the illegitimate cults are the ones THEY belong to.
  13. I think I remember about 20 years ago the Watchtower had an article on “maturity”, how a mature Elder could love God, and be loyal, but make a serious really stupid mistake … which would not make him any less loyal, dedicated, or mature …. Just plain stupid. Much like King David’s example. Of course, they phrased it a bit less directly, in the Watchtower.
  14. You know, that those who understand clowns real people, just with costumes and make-up, watching the antics of clowns is funny…… Depending on whether or not your taste runs to slapstick humor. The Three Stooges made a living off of slapstick humor, and many became great fans. But for many children, they do not understand what a clown is, and the value in society of having clowns, and so they are deathly afraid of clowns. Clowns scare them. A lot! In a circus, one of the common acts is for a Volkswagen full of clowns to drive into the center ring, and the clowns start piling out of the car. And the clowns come, and the clowns come and the clowns come… And sometimes 25 or 30 clowns will come out of the Volkswagen. For a long time I never gave it any thought at all, but then it occurred to me, that is just not enough space in the car for that many clowns! Later on I discovered that the way they do it is they have a trap door in the floor of the center ring and the clowns are under the stage, and the Volkswagen drives over the trap door And the clowns come up under the bottom of the car and out the door. I don’t know but it probably looks good on a résumé. With the title of this topic in mind, and the above preface, I submit for your approval, or comment, or for Dmitar’s agenda driven down vote, the following:
  15. Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ? in America back on the 'door to door' work now ? ?
  16. And remember ….. wherever you go …. There you ARE! ….. sometimes in life, the winds blow us in some directions less traveled …..
  17. Completely ignoring the previous post, as has been fully established previously is safe to do (… the expression “… Physician, heal thyself” comes to mind …..), you have to realize that the topic “BETHEL’S BIG SECRET” is a “National Inquirer” headline properly characterized as clickbait, and nothing more. Similar to when checking out your basket of groceries, and you see the Inquirer headline “Elvis’ Love Child Found In Watermelon!”. As a canine cartoon character myself I have access to information as to why information various corporations have should NOT BE shared with all the employees, and honesty and transparency is NOT always the best policy. The following is a recent meeting of the eight members of the WTB&TS Corporation’s Governing Body which illustrates that point. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.
  18. ….. ….. All of us start out totally ignorant … and it’s often an uphill climb from there …..
  19. Dimitar, EVERY ASSUMPTION YOU HAVE MADE ABOUT ME HAS BEEN FLAT WRONG, but at least you are 100% predictable. You are wrong about everybody.
  20. No, Dimitar, it appears you have an exclusive on this one, but occasionally you make a good, none-snide comment, and I do upvote you when you do. If memory serves, it’s a total of seven now. If you get 1 million “upvotes”, you can get a free Bell Helicopter. Or, you could finance it for 7 years, with a monthly payment of $111,234.00.
  21. I seriously doubt that Jehovah God has any opinions at all about how we do, or do not, calculate celestial navigation to be able to cross the oceans safely, and even nowadays use GPS. in our cars.
  22. Along the general topic of the above posts, it’s interesting to note that Superman really is Superman. He only pretends to be Clark Kent. Sometimes this is obvious, sometimes it’s not.
  23. There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all. Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude. As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe. Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
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