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  1. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Chioke Lin in George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK   
    Then you should understand your own abusive behavior and apply your response, by deceiving people that you are Christian.
     3 Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? 
    Once again, being labeled, here by people that don't know me, has no influence on me, but a great deal of influence by Satan to cause this kind of Christian division.
    Your opinions are no better than mind. Likewise, the topic has now become about me, because of the whims of another instead of the topic. I'm forced to defend myself when you don't question the validity of others. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    To be really politically incorrect
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    What a maroon. No elder is judging a conscience. It's all about behavior. 

  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    I'd say that Jehovah is the judge of whose conscience is in order. Anyone who disagrees is an ass.
  5. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    “…. Is ANYBODY here a real sheep?”

  6. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    In the 2D Cartoon World we have similar communications problems …..

  7. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    When my daughter was four, she never NEEDED a baby sitter ……

  8. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    …. We always felt comfortable just leaving her with the dog …..

  9. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    If only in theological discussions there were some semblance of common sense, discussions would go a lot easier and be more logical and coherent.
    But it appears that common sense is sorely lacking which allows everything to be misconstrued, bent out of shape Or exaggerated…… And even more often things,  ideas and expressions that are totally harmless are considered to be Proclamations of Evil.
    I think Brother Lett’s expressions about babies being enemies of God were meant for a educated sane, savvi  theocratic audience who actually thinks about things and doesn’t have a knee-jerk reactions to something that may in another context be creepy but in the context it was intended perhaps with a little thought would be OK.
    If someone who is borderline insane would listen to him, all bets are off.
    A good example of this would be the infamous “Pillowgate“ videos for the new Bethelites. This fiasco went around the world several times creeping everybody out and to be fair it was world-class creepy, awkward and dumber than a bag of sticks in its presentation, but the fact remains that it was very good advice.
    …… being fair is a double edge sword, it cuts both ways and although Brother Lett is sometimes creepy to those that don’t know him, at least 50% of the time he  gave us good advice.
    This is better than most corporations, where if an executive gives good advice 50% of the time he’s considered to be effective at his job, and then you get somebody like Elon Musk who is right about 95% of the time and it makes him look like the Messiah.
    Elon Musk has a philosophy that he’s not gonna analyze something to death before he tries it out, he puts stuff together he thinks will work and then sees if it blows up on him.
    And occasionally it does.
  10. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    “…. Is ANYBODY here a real sheep?”

  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    Every child born is a potential Hitler, Alexander the Great or Ghinges Khan.  In fact, what is going on in the world right now - the extreme lies, gaslighting, propaganda by the wild beast and false prophet (Rev 16), are all done by people who are 'willingly' cooperating with the propaganda and getting the mark of the beast.
    Humans are evil - all of them.  History confirms this. We are all born in sin.  The word sin refers to lacking the glory of God.  Not a teensy weensy, small lack but an extremely gaping, large lack.  If we think it is a little flaw - then we are bluffing ourselves.
    We have to daily study the bible and keep close to Jehovah, to remain a just and moral being. The minute we stop taking in His word, we can drift away.   We need the Spirit of Jehovah on a daily basis to remain in the Truth.  We cannot do it on our own - even if some of us think we can.  While we remain in the love of Jehovah with the ransom covering our sins, we can remain. Jehovah is most merciful  - none of will remain in the truth if it was not for his mercy and training. 
    Do not be misled - we should not bluff ourselves - we need Jehovah every minute of our lives to remain clean and without blemish.
  12. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from C-D67 in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    …. We always felt comfortable just leaving her with the dog …..

  13. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from C-D67 in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    When my daughter was four, she never NEEDED a baby sitter ……

  14. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Mic Drop in Climate Hysteria in the Media   
    The two major religions on this earth today or the church of climate change, and the church of Covid, and worship is mandatory.
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Mic Drop in 1919 - Frank Conrad invented Broadcast Radio   
    And look how far we have come in 100 years since...
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    If only in theological discussions there were some semblance of common sense, discussions would go a lot easier and be more logical and coherent.
    But it appears that common sense is sorely lacking which allows everything to be misconstrued, bent out of shape Or exaggerated…… And even more often things,  ideas and expressions that are totally harmless are considered to be Proclamations of Evil.
    I think Brother Lett’s expressions about babies being enemies of God were meant for a educated sane, savvi  theocratic audience who actually thinks about things and doesn’t have a knee-jerk reactions to something that may in another context be creepy but in the context it was intended perhaps with a little thought would be OK.
    If someone who is borderline insane would listen to him, all bets are off.
    A good example of this would be the infamous “Pillowgate“ videos for the new Bethelites. This fiasco went around the world several times creeping everybody out and to be fair it was world-class creepy, awkward and dumber than a bag of sticks in its presentation, but the fact remains that it was very good advice.
    …… being fair is a double edge sword, it cuts both ways and although Brother Lett is sometimes creepy to those that don’t know him, at least 50% of the time he  gave us good advice.
    This is better than most corporations, where if an executive gives good advice 50% of the time he’s considered to be effective at his job, and then you get somebody like Elon Musk who is right about 95% of the time and it makes him look like the Messiah.
    Elon Musk has a philosophy that he’s not gonna analyze something to death before he tries it out, he puts stuff together he thinks will work and then sees if it blows up on him.
    And occasionally it does.
  17. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Flash Floods of Worthless Men   
    Now—THERE’S an image:
    “The waves of death broke all around me; Flash floods of worthless men terrified me.” (2 Samuel 22:5)
    Flash floods of worthless men.
    Not all translations so personalize it but enough do to make it clear that the former are being overly prissy, the latter adding a necessary specification that the former avoid.
    “A deadly flood was carrying me away,” says English Revised Version. Oh yeah? A deadly flood of WHAT?
    “the floods of ungodly men made me afraid,” says King James Version
    Thank you.
    “while torrents of abuse from the ungodly overwhelmed me” International Standard Version
    “devil waters rushed over me. Hell’s ropes cinched me tight; death traps barred every exit.” Message 
    Oh for crying out loud. Deviate too much into paraphrase and you bring on charges of ‘What have THEY been smoking?’ 
    “the floods of scoundrels overwhelm me” Orthodox Jewish Version
    Yeah! That’s what I’M talking about!
    It’s too much bother to check what renderings come from which manuscripts, though I suppose it would be a good thing if someone did so.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    If your religion doesn't have remora-like apostates, it isn't likely the right one.
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    “Then Truetom, also called TTH, becoming fed up, looked at her intently  and said: “O woman full of every sort of fraud and every sort of villainy, you daughter of the Devil, you enemy of everything righteous, will you not quit distorting the right ways of Jehovah?  (Acts 13:9-10)
    What he said was: 
    “Now, if we think about it, we're not born as friends of God because we're born as sinful offspring of Adam. Actually, when we think about it, we're born as enemies of God. Sometimes you'll hear people say of a little baby, ‘Look at that little angel,’ but more accurate would be to say, ‘Look at that little enemy of God.’ Now, of course we love that little baby and it's now not hopeless because our loving creator has made reconciliation with him within the reach of everyone. We can become a good friend of God and that close relationship with Jehovah will become our most valuable possession.”
    Notice how he twice said, ‘when [if] we think about it?’ You have to do that: think about things and not just parrot sound bites to make people you hate look bad. Oh, you spiteful woman, who quotes scripture by the bushel basket but never lays hold on the one that applies, besides the reference to Adam in Genesis, the place to focus is here:
    “…through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned—.” Romans 5:12
    “when we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son,” by exercising faith in him, which a baby cannot yet do, and thus is temporarily ‘grandfathered’ via the faith of it’s parents. (vs 10)
    Now, as for Bro Lett, for a guy who will quote Job 12:11, “Does not the ear test out words As the tongue tastes food?” you’d almost think he’d test them out a little more before letting loose with a phrase that every evil cherry picker will use against him to “distort the right ways of Jehovah.”
    Still, I hate to think what you would have done to Jesus, after his, ‘Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.’ John 6:54-55
    Taking into consideration that passage in John, I would say Lett is supremely adhering to and following Christ as a model, more so than any of the other GB members.
    Imagine: what sort of vile person would comb through a convention in which every talk explores the verse ‘seek peace and pursue it’ to find and exploit a faux pas?
  20. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
  21. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    You need to take a course somewhere on “reading comprehension”., as it has been well advertised by me over the last 10 years or so that I disagree with 85% of what the Governing Body had taught over the past 50 and more years…. which of course makes me a heretic,  but the magnificent changes in people’s lives cannot be ignored. 
    Neither can the fact that the 15% they get right are the most important and relevant part.
    I am a firm believer in statistical probability, and the probability of them being the true Congregation of God is very high based on the day to day application of the 15% core beliefs that impart a true understanding, IN SPITE OF a continuous sad comedy of errors and self-aggrandizing vanities common to all ego laden males.
    Testosterone is a blessing and a curse.
    I do not see how in good conscience you can advocate Jehovah’s Witnesses “jumping ship”, when you will not even indicate WHERE there is a safe harbor, by filling out the stupid form, above.
    One does not fight a war …. and it is a war …  . With the army you want …. You fight a war with the ARMY YOU HAVE.  
    ….. which  makes much of what you say, although true, in the context of practical reality, it is also irrelevant.
    Leave them alone, or you will with the imprimatur of good conscience, actually be found fighting against God.
    Theology is a seductive gig …. In the history of the world, NOBODY, not a single natural man, has yet gotten it right.
  22. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to BroRando in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    Yeshua is not in the Hebrew or the Greek Scriptures. So your arguement is based on a false premise and a strawman.  The Apostle JOHN was on earth way before 1949 and proves you are being untruthful. Anyways... if you had the truth... you could back it with facts. But you can't.
    To claim Jehovah is made up, then you can't avoid other Names that give witness to Jehovah.  Knowing you are wrong and feeling sick to your stomach is not my fault. Try looking in the mirror JOHN.
    I can do the same thing with your Name John...
    John is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JOHN in the 13 Century.   Jews are a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JEWS in the 13 Century.   Jeremiah is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JEREMIAH in the 13 Century.   Jerusalem  is a made up name because a Catholic Monk invented the name JERUSALEM in the 13 Century.   If you can't take the heat.. then get out of the kitchen... 
  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to The Librarian in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    Yet you continue to enter a JW forum and declare Jehovah is not God's name "repeatedly".......
    Adios.... go find some other waters to play in and hurl insults.
  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    You need to take a course somewhere on “reading comprehension”., as it has been well advertised by me over the last 10 years or so that I disagree with 85% of what the Governing Body had taught over the past 50 and more years…. which of course makes me a heretic,  but the magnificent changes in people’s lives cannot be ignored. 
    Neither can the fact that the 15% they get right are the most important and relevant part.
    I am a firm believer in statistical probability, and the probability of them being the true Congregation of God is very high based on the day to day application of the 15% core beliefs that impart a true understanding, IN SPITE OF a continuous sad comedy of errors and self-aggrandizing vanities common to all ego laden males.
    Testosterone is a blessing and a curse.
    I do not see how in good conscience you can advocate Jehovah’s Witnesses “jumping ship”, when you will not even indicate WHERE there is a safe harbor, by filling out the stupid form, above.
    One does not fight a war …. and it is a war …  . With the army you want …. You fight a war with the ARMY YOU HAVE.  
    ….. which  makes much of what you say, although true, in the context of practical reality, it is also irrelevant.
    Leave them alone, or you will with the imprimatur of good conscience, actually be found fighting against God.
    Theology is a seductive gig …. In the history of the world, NOBODY, not a single natural man, has yet gotten it right.
  25. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    The acid test for me is this:
    Can you personally direct me to an organization, group, tribe or congregation that does NOT EXHIBIT all the faults you attribute to Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    Name: _________________________________
    Address: _______________________________
    City: ___________________________________
    State: __________________________________
    Country: _______________________________
    Phone No: _____________________________
    Email: __________________________________
    I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses currently, and have been disfellowshipped twice, but objectively it is still my opinion that the 15% of the things they do right is better than anybody else in current operation. They are mankind’s best bet to have righteous lives acceptable to Jehovah God.
    Prove me wrong.
    Fill out the above “form”, and tell me WHY!
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