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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    …. THAT’S exactly why I use my Hitchhiker’s  Temporal Calculator to verify all such things!!
    ”The Secrets to Life, the Universe, and Everything, in the palm of your hand , with the SRR-41CX-COGO/HTC HITCHHIKER’S TEMPORAL CALCULATOR”
    …. batteries not included.

  2. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    I am sure there is a correct answer, but does it really matter? What I have been trying to convey with my quasi-satirical comments is that in my opinion it doesn’t really matter, and when you try to conflate several things that won’t fit, and can’t fit, wanting to make them fit, and seeing that they might fit, and then it would be fitting if they did fit or they fit or not, it’s enough to give you a fit.
    ….. meanwhile, it’s all a distraction to keep one from and the important things like  justice and truth and righteousness, and fairness and equity in the brotherhood…… And making sure that orphans and the disadvantaged have food in the refrigerator and clothes on their backs,And have sound guidance and a warm place to sleep.
    I know too well how easy it is to get distracted by irrelevant things, and lose sight of important things. Been there, done that.
  3. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    After watching Benny Hill, I was unaware the British HAD a sense of humor.
    It wasn’t until “Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail” with the “Holy Hand Grenade” that I found out they do.
  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Is that 1000 people years, or dog years?
    ….. reminds me of the time the State of Tennessee put up signs “PLEASE DO NOT SHOOT THE SIGNS”, with predictable results.
  5. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Please! Please! Please! I'm enjoying this discussion. Can we keep it civil and without distractions?
  6. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    As usual, you COMPLETELY missed the point, PwfT. 
    …. and it was as simple an illustration as could be conveyed.
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from BroRando in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    As usual, you COMPLETELY missed the point, PwfT. 
    …. and it was as simple an illustration as could be conveyed.
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Peter Carroll in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    As usual, you COMPLETELY missed the point, PwfT. 
    …. and it was as simple an illustration as could be conveyed.
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    That makes as much sense as sayin that because prostitutes wear high heel shoes, that women that wear high heel shoes must be prostitutes.
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Peter Carroll in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    That makes as much sense as sayin that because prostitutes wear high heel shoes, that women that wear high heel shoes must be prostitutes.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    That makes as much sense as sayin that because prostitutes wear high heel shoes, that women that wear high heel shoes must be prostitutes.
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to BroRando in Paradise… Will it come?   
    But you claim the word Jew is a made name up because the letter "J".  The readers should  know your stance against, Jehovah, Jesus, and the Jews.
    I find it quite hypocritical when you quote scripture from the Book of John, but believe John is a false and made up name because the letter, "J".   Can one conclude from your hypocrisy that Jerusalem doesn't exist either??
    Maybe your Name James or Julie doesn't exist?  Everything is in vain for you so you continue your weeping and gnashing... 
  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Paradise… Will it come?   
    If it is comfort or solace you are looking for when you ask a question, be sure to ask someone skilled at flattery.
    I am easily irritated.
    Not your fault!
    (… unless you really ARE “Wally McNasty”, in disguise ? ….)

         “Wait a minute … is ANYBODY here a real sheep?”
  15. Sad
    Pudgy reacted to Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    It only saddens me to know your apology was not sincere. I will take BroRando's advice and stay away from such insincere people that target others they disagree with, with animosity and suspicion. Sorry to have bothered you and the other commentator that carries the same unwillingness to help.
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Sorry, BroRando.
    I have become a distraction from your post. That wasn't my intention. You are doing a wonderful job explaining what the bible actually says. 
  17. Sad
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    If it is comfort or solace you are looking for when you ask a question, be sure to ask someone skilled at flattery.
    I am easily irritated.
    Not your fault!
    (… unless you really ARE “Wally McNasty”, in disguise ? ….)

         “Wait a minute … is ANYBODY here a real sheep?”
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Sorry, I didn't mean to irritate you. I won't ask again. Thanks for being honest. 
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to BroRando in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Well, I appreciate you and your honest efforts. It really has alot to do with the heart condition. Someone with an honest heart may have questions, so how a person responds, can either provide comfort and understanding or leave a person empty and disappointed. 
    So don't give up and allow anyone to pursade you to stop asking questions.  Jesus taught his followers not to give up.
    Matthew 7:7
    “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you;
    You may have noticed that sometimes, I misspell words or stop short of a constructive sentence. I make many mistakes and Enlgish is my first language. So I ask you to forgive me. 
    A person with a responsive heart can hear the ring of truth from reading a scripture. So they dig alittle deeper. 
    Hebrews 4:12
    For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.
    Acts 17:11
    Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·niʹca, for they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.
    Malachi 3:18
    And you will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him.”
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Witness in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Nope, nothing to do with English not being one's primary language.  It's just an observance I've noticed before - a pattern made by one person with many identities.🤔
    I wouldn't wish for anyone to stop posting, no matter who they are.  🙂
  21. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Please continue to post … All people that are civil and respectful of others.
  22. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Witness in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Please continue to post … All people that are civil and respectful of others.
  23. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    My sincere apologies if you are not the person we are alluding to, but “Wally McNasty” keeps reappearing again and again and again after being banned for general nastiness, and his writing style is very distinctive, and different, and we were waiting for the “new incarnation” to show up.
  24. Sad
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    I noticed 4 separate “tells”. …. Similar to knowing who was or was not the actual person sending Morse Code, by their “fist”.

  25. Sad
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Paradise… Will it come?   
    (….. Pudgy feels a sudden chill in the room, as if someone has pulled a sharpened wooden stake from the lifeless heart of Wally McNasty, and ….. naw …. Probably just a semantic coincidence …..).
    For some strange reason, all of a sudden I feel the need to buy LOTS of garlic …. 
    …. perhaps a touch of Covid-19 going around, no more.
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