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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forced meeting times....a ask for help.   
    Yes, I’m sure you care about your mother but you appear to care more about insulting her beliefs—and thereby her for being stupid enough to hold them. Try respecting her beliefs and stop carrying on about her being “ordered” to this or that because it is not the way she would phrase it, nor is it true.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Joan Kennedy in Forced meeting times....a ask for help.   
    Our congregation has hybrid meetings — both in person and zoom, plus we have KHCONF where you can listen audibly.  We elderly ones are not “forced” to attend in person but can take our pick on how to participate.  Presently 1/3 are attending in person and about 2/3 are on zoom and I might say are quite proficient in muting, unmuting, raising and lowering our hand for commenting. 
  3. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    “Thou hast escaped me! Thou has escaped me!” said Roger Chillingsworth after Arthur Dimmesdale retreated into his closed club, and his very countenance seemed to wither away, his very reason for existence blown to smithereens.
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Again, set up your own closed club and talk about us all you want. See how much we cry that we cannot get in.
    Face it, lady. You need us to give meaning to your existence, not the reverse.
  5. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    I was in the JW ARCHIVE CLOSED CLUB yesterday and I noticed it was dramatically different than this ratty club here.
    For one thing, everything is in full color video and the moderators are in 3-D, and they have self-help courses in telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy. It’s called the “three tees“. I had to leave because I wanted my cartoons to be full holograms, and I had just missed the course in levitation.
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Tell you what—why don’t you and Witness and Srecko start your own closed club. Talk about us all you want in there, then sit back and take note of how much we cry that you will not let us in?
    You appear to need us to give purpose to your existence, not the reverse.
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    God goes for that method too as many scriptures attest.
    You object to rules that decree participants should avoid bitter backbiting but should instead show reasonable respect for one another? Fine. Plainly, you belong here.
  8. Downvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    I see that tom is going for the divide and conquer method. Go at it tom.  Get them all in the closet. 
    It's no longer a baptised JW Closed club is it ? It's a who can we drag in now club. Proper JW tactics. 
    But i also notice that just like the elders rule the Kingdom halls, you have made up rules for the 'closed club'. 
    He must do this he must not do that, and with a threat of being d/fed if he doesn't  .
    Well I've always said this forum is run by elders. It's proving itself each day. 
    However i will continue to post here even if i get ignored. It is good practice for me. 
    Have a nice day. 
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   
    Actually, bad comparison. The elders don't make up rules, they are supposed to stick clearly to the tenets of the Bible, as interpreted by Jehovahs Witnesses. We on the other hand are not the elders, we are not the KH, we can make up any rules we like.
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in NEED A NEW TOPIC?   
    True - they equate science with truth.... but they forget that IMPERFECT humans are making the assumptions these theories are based upon.  Most of them are theory upon theory but the conclusions are defective because the premise is inaccurate. Mathematics is also a language to express things which cannot be said in verbal language.  Does it mean that every equation is truth / reality?   NO.  Much of science is unproven and only theory.  Any scientist that tells you that they know it all, is a liar.   Where did the energy in our universe, and the energy within the matter come from? - is still not proven!  
    Jehovah is the source of all dynamic energy and his intelligence organized the matter and the natural laws we see in nature.
    Most of the "scientific" methods" in evolution are the highly imaginative imaginations of illustrators and scientists.  The scientific methods is: to repeat an experiment to get the same results - this does NOT apply to the theory of evolution.  To do that you have to be able to go back in time.  When ones DOES go back in time and look at the EVIDENCE in the fossils -   one sees that the theory does not line up with the REALITIES in the fossil record and the Geological record.
    Therefore the GB use science which has been through the true scientific method.
    This is why I call evolution a quasi-science...... pseudo science, a cult or a religion... or something to that effect.
    The universe came into being very long ago - and the earth was part of that.  Afterward, at the right time, the earth was prepared for humans to live on.   That is why ALL the days of creation is spoken of in the bible as one DAY.  It is not a 24 hour day.
    Science teaches that all mass is energy.  How can we be sure? Well, burn a planet, a human, and animal or a house - it releases energy or heat.  For Jehovah to create the universe he organized his energy to create mass out of his energy.  There was nothing and then there was creation because energy was used.  Time and 3 dimensional space came into being in our physical universe which has mass.  Jehovah is timeless and has no mass. He himself says so! How is that for accuracy of science! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom.... 
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in NEED A NEW TOPIC?   
    Yes. I can.......  the flood was a catastrophic event with the earth ripping open (under the sea) to expose the underground water and even lava coming up.  The sea pushed up and created tsunamis which rolled forward and later retracted.  If you look at the land mass of North America and the situation of the mass graves, you will find that most of the animals are in two very long graves (trenches) which are hundreds miles long.  This was when the water pushed whole ecosystems into gullies.   These animals are often twisted into positions which indicate a mass extinction event..... (scientists try to show it is a meteor).... but a meteor does not deposit large animals into a long gully hundreds of miles long -water does. 
    They found a kind of bark in much of the coal.  This was made by  trees floating on water, rolling against each other and loosing its bark.....the bark floats down to the bottom of the water where there is little oxygen and the heavy pressure of the water does its work. Coal forms in conditions with much pressure. Carrying a pail of water tells one how heavy water is. The flood was a year long... so floating things get water logged ad sink. 
    If animals were lying out in the open for thousands of years waiting for layers of ground to cover them - would the majority of them not be partially eaten by other carnivorous birds or carrion feeders who in the meantime proliferate?  On the other hand we see that birds no longer had a place to fly to and also succumbed to the prevailing conditions. (when evolutionists find one single bone with teeth marks on it, it becomes major news.  LOL ...  and the proven 'fact' of evolution once again receives its propaganda.
    Most of the deposits of fossils have adult animals with very few babies with them.  This also indicates an event where animals were running to higher ground or a place of safety and were caught up with.  What about the mountainous deposits which have layers of earth with sea shells  in it.  (the layers of the grand canyon is a good example).  layer upon layer was quickly formed due to the weigh of the water. 
    The evidence is overwhelming for a catastrophic flood.  Evolutionists do not speak of the deposits that have contemporary animals with them...  I have read of a pit with contemporary animals and prehistoric animals together..... 
    There are many anomalies in the evolution theory that can easily be explained if one explains it as a catastrophic flood.
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in NEED A NEW TOPIC?   
    If the figures on the age of the universe and the events in it are not accurate, because some say that the figures on the age of events on Earth are not accurate, it would mean that science cannot reliably claim or assume anything.
    This means that even WTJWorg cannot rely reliably on scientific methods, not only when it comes to astronomy and space but also medicine and other scientific disciplines, then it is really ironic that WTJWorg literature deals with topics covered by scientists and that they publishes together with the religious content of his journals, giving them this or that conclusion.
    Scientists have telescopes, these on Earth and those that travel through space, and they say that they are watching this or that (star explosion, merging galaxies and everything else), and that what they see now actually happened many millions of years ago. If the figures on the age of the Earth are not accurate, as you claim, then neither these figures on the age of the universe are reliable or accurate, because they come from “science”.
    If, on the other hand, it is true that scientists see the current, present event (star explosions and galaxy mergers, etc.) through a telescope, then I would be interested to know what these events represent? That God continues to create the universe ... or to destroy it,..... or that he has long ago started processes unknown to us in other parts of the universe in which there is nothing but raw mass and energy?
  13. Thanks
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in NEED A NEW TOPIC?   
    You have so many theories that do not make sense because the premise is wrong:  Jehovah did not need to use evolution to create (which according to theory happened all by chance with no purpose); and as you know the number of years is the main part of the theory to get evolution to work (yet 5 billion years could still not create one cell), s o they came up with multiple universes to increase the "chances" of life emerging; and the argon test and carbon 14 test has too many adjustments to the calculations - flaws. 
    Fossils are not as old as they say - because they now find blood vessels and collagen in the fossilized bones (repeated experiments).  This does not get much publicity-  only the theories they dub "facts" gets much publicity due to scientism being the new world religion - replacing our creator.
    DNA evidence is emerging which indicates that one can calculate the number of generations through the number of mutations per generation.  Human life goes back to 3 branches (on the mitochondrial DNA which comes from the mother)......  after the flood.  They are even writing papers on this now...... but it does not get much publicity. 
    One male DNA line for male chromosome. 
  14. Upvote
  15. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BARBARA ANDERSON’S DIARY   
    Can you condense that 21 years into two paragraphs? It’s like looking at a 5 gallon jar of toenail clippings.
  16. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in BARBARA ANDERSON’S DIARY   
    This seems to be fragmented thoughts from different puzzles. Can you explain it in a cohesive linear way?
  17. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    The “Closed Club” mission statement says only JWs “in good standing… etc.” may join…. last time I checked.
    It’s a very good idea.
    ” Sometimes the needs of the many are greater than the needs of the few, or the one.“ -  Spock
  18. Haha
  19. Sad
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Thanks for the kind invitation TTH, but the reason I left before is I was offending some very fine people with a very different sense of humor.
    I realize that because of the general nature of what I am accused of, I am assumed guilty until proven innocent, and it looks like that resolution may take several more years, until it goes before a jury. 

    For that reason alone, I initiated and asked the Elders to disfellowship me, and reluctantly, they eventually did, so the Truth may not be spoken of abusively.
    I have learned to live without support from anyone, and may survive this …. Because, after all … it’s “one to a box”.

  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    You worked yourself out of that very nicely... .......total collectivism is never good .... the individual will and choice is always supreme and a willing sacrifice in every situation .....not total abstinence of the group..... just as absolute subjugation to the group is not acceptable. 
    One thing that jehovah values is our willing choice in every situation.... a choice to submit to his moral values. 
  21. Thanks
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    I am surprised they did. Usually they don't disfellowship someone just because they ask to be disfellowshipped (?) The only way I think that would work is if you handed them a letter of dissasociation...(?) But what do I know....
    And yes, if you want to join the closed club you can.....as Tom said, it might be more beneficial for you than here only. 
  22. Thanks
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hmm. Well, we DO have to work on that. On the other hand, police are known to develop a sort of “gallows humor” due to what they have experienced. Maybe it’s something like that with you too.
    You didn’t have to say this. No one here would ever have known. The fact that you did say it nonetheless indicates several things: 1) respect for the arrangement of the congregation of God, 2) a personal sense of honor, 3) proof that you do what you do out of fear of God and not humans, and 4) a desire not to ensnare others, even unknowingly, into violating congregation discipline not to engage with disfellowshipped ones. My respect for you has steadily heightened, and with this it goes through the roof. 
    At the same time, I still see no reason you should not join the closed club, nor for @Annato reject your request when you make it. Disfellowshipped ones can attend meetings, in fact they are encouraged to do so when repentant. I’ve no doubt that the ‘honor system’ would compel you to behave there as though sitting in the Kingdom Hall. There’s no reason to cut yourself off from proper association, particularly as there are those there who are just the ticket for you to be readjusted. Find things worthwhile and you could even repackage them for the crowd here. I mean, the malcontents here repackage and run again the same pablum ad infinitum. No reason you can’t repackage stuff as well.
    Well, yeah. I see where you’re coming from. But there’s no need to add to it unnecessarily. You should come, as the eagle does, to the carcass that is JWI—and all the others, too. 
    I’m not sure what to make of this. Yes, you don’t want the Truth to be spoken of abusively. But with the elders apparently willing to keep you on board under some lesser form of discipline—well, I’m not sure one has to be less forgiving than God. Lots of sins are exposed these day. Adding them up, Jehovah’s people still have less than the population in general, because of the godly principles they diligently seek to apply. Even without holy spirit, it rubs off through sheer repetition.
    We all fall short many times, James says. The truth of the matter might be as when Bud was replacing my car brakes and he couldn’t figure out how to reinstall the anti-rattle clip. “What’s one more rattle on a Ford?” he said at last as he threw it away.
    Maybe I can serve as a character witness for you someday. I’d like that.
    ”Dear, TTH. Please don’t offer to serve as a character witness for Pudgy. We’re well away that he’s a character.”—the brothers.
  23. Haha
  24. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
    Hey, that’s funny. I enjoyed that a lot.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    I have no problem with spelling mistakes or other mistakes - I often do them myself. I do take some offense that you imply an intelligent "cunning" from me.  But I do not want to argue with you about any of it. Not worth it. 
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