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    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Thanks for the kind invitation TTH, but the reason I left before is I was offending some very fine people with a very different sense of humor.
    I realize that because of the general nature of what I am accused of, I am assumed guilty until proven innocent, and it looks like that resolution may take several more years, until it goes before a jury. 

    For that reason alone, I initiated and asked the Elders to disfellowship me, and reluctantly, they eventually did, so the Truth may not be spoken of abusively.
    I have learned to live without support from anyone, and may survive this …. Because, after all … it’s “one to a box”.

  4. Thanks
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Huh! Here I write a long message for Pudgy only to find he does not accept messages! Very well, with one tiny change, I’ll put it here:
    “Thinking suggested on the closed forum that we post there and not on the open one, due to the constant fighting with those who truly do hate Jehovah’s organization and all it stands for and haven’t moderated a whit over eons of time. There was widespread agreement that it was an idea whose time has come.
    I’m sure it’s not the end of participation on that open forum, but at least for a time I would expect it to be much less. 
    In your new persona, you have not joined the closed group as your old persona did. I’m sure you’d be welcome there, as your old persona was. You know how to behave and keep your darkest grumblings in check. 
    It may be you prefer squabbling and raucous posts. If so, it’s a valid choice. But you will get much less support here from Witnesses, I’m afraid. For the time being at least (it could change) they have moved on.
    Why don’t you show up on the closed as you previously did: “Surprise!”
  5. Haha
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   
    Is Peter Carroll (PC) some pseudonym for “Politically Correct”?
    Just because YOU have not seen some events happen does not mean that the rest of the people in that vast Arena of Life have not.
    Truely, infinite variety.
    For those who have been paying attention, and whose thinking doesn’t have “agenda blindness”, what PwfT said is general knowledge.
    I have read in the publications how 8 year olds have been baptized, but memory is all I have to offer.
    About 9 years or so ago this was discussed at great length here on the Archive.  
    Here is an example: This is a security cam picture of my front yard taken in the dark, with infrared light. If you were standing next to the camera with your eyes wide open, you would not see this.

  7. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Yes, I have watched this take place as well.To survive mentally I find you need a very “thick skin”, and the ability to think of heavy wounds and massive scars as only new learning experiences.
    This is called the “One To A Box Principle”.
    With VERY few exceptions all humans live alone, and are buried …. One to a box.

  8. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from JW Insider in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    Yes, I have watched this take place as well.To survive mentally I find you need a very “thick skin”, and the ability to think of heavy wounds and massive scars as only new learning experiences.
    This is called the “One To A Box Principle”.
    With VERY few exceptions all humans live alone, and are buried …. One to a box.

  9. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    This is not a slight to you but I use it to raise a new thought:
    Has anyone noticed how the media disparages anyone who does good research and brings the truth to others?  Wikipedia just writes the most liable things about people wherein the celebrity himself has no right to change anything..... even personal histories are changed.  Far lefties are suddenly called far-righters or conspiracy theorists.  The HIT-media is part of the world-wide retaliation-machine which has been put in place by the powers that rule the media at present; and any professor which displays  a little common sense, is a statistical guru, or prized virologist/geneticist, is no longer worthy of being an academic. Their stellar careers get marked by very nasty black spots - especially if they lost their tenure at a university due to gender politics or by speaking out.  Their successful career is maligned and the worth of the Nobel prizes etc. suddenly cancelled.
    Although this so-called truth-faction, coming from a wide political spectrum, are not all religious -  they do try to dismantle the deceit and gaslighting going on throughout the world.  Some of them are older (they do not have families in the home and can speak out), and know that they may be targeted and have also accepted this inevitability..... due to the totalitarian way of thinking which is tightening its stranglehold on the world.
    The orchestration of the false prophet and the wild beast seems to be world-wide and very efficient.   Revelation 16:  And I saw three unclean inspired expressions* that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14  They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty."
    This propaganda was prophesied. Propaganda definition: propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. I may add that people may soon end up hurting themselves or even their loved ones when they are zealously following instructions via the propaganda.  (Germany's government propaganda during ww2 is a good example of creating good zealots).
    While the reliable signs given by Jehovah are now going into fulfillment in the world (such as pestilences, untimely deaths, hunger soon to appear in great scope, King of the North, and the UN trying to get world-controlling documents drawn up and ratified); these signs are giving us an indication where we are in the stream of time (if we watch for them).
    The false prophet is also busy with his signs. The false prophet is leading us all mesmerized along with their lab-manufactured problems, massive fear-inducing propaganda, together with an unending list of solutions which have already been deliberated on by those who will soon become the 10 new kings together with the UN; constantly creating new diversions so that the populous cannot get time to think straight; and the atheist prophets of scientism can get their transhuman agenda into play.
    What I find fascinating, is the propaganda...... they are managing it extremely well through the appointed  counter media or managed opposition - (algorithms watching every new trend or truth being discovered) - and writing new hit-news  pieces with half-truths which debunk the lies with more half-lies. They use written and visual aids to great effect.  Soon they will be able to cancel-kill all dissenting voices by cancelling all documents which expose the truth. The world will truly be in darkness then- Satan's darkness where no light of any truth will shine through. 
    The implication of this is that people could be rounded up for prison or any other nefarious reason and media will be managed by the "state". No news of this will leak out or will be downplayed as "conspiracy"-theory.
    What the above definition does not say is that governments usually do the propaganda.  In USA an amendment was passed in 2012 which allows propaganda by the federal government..... and since the end of last year, the government and the UN has appointed various media organizations to remove anything they deem mis-information.  At present they are managing it, but here is the scary part: citizens which go against the LGBTQ agenda now taught in schools to very young children, their names are put on a 'terrorist' list.   
    In fact, Governments have done propaganda just about forever because they have had the money and the cooperating educated class to do it. Jesus's death was instigated by a small group of ruling class people (Sanhedrin) who managed, by collusion or conspiracy, to arrest Jesus and sway public opinion ... they could even have planted a few agitators in the crowd as modern propagandists do. 
    The "dragon's" propaganda has been excellent in its dividing of humans.  The BLM movement, post-modern philosophy and the rewriting of history has filled many unsuspecting people with hate for others with a different color or worldview;  the publicity about the fakeness of the bible and its historicity is everywhere; the book of Enoch and the anunnaki now has a large following which is basically a form of demon worship.  The belief in aliens is skyrocketing .....due to the belief that the anunnaki were aliens;  as is, the new religion of scientism and the idea that one can live forever in a computer algorithm. 
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Evacuated in Draft Copy of December 2016 Watchtower, on Beards.   
    or even a "daft" copy?
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to INTREPID TRAVELLER in Draft Copy of December 2016 Watchtower, on Beards.   
    JTR III - You are surely having me on re: the WT Cover/Article ? Its wonderfully tongue in cheek ? 
  12. Haha
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    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   
    Why confused @Pudgy ?    Membership is counted on Report slips put in, and parents put in Report slips for children of 5 years old upward, or possibly younger.  Some families have 5 children, so including two adults that is 7 report slips per family.  That is how the numbers are made up. Adults leave the Org so they now have to count all the children to pretend that numbers haven't decreased. 
    And Children of 5 or 6 are being baptised into the JW org now. Even though they say they 'don't do child baptism'. 
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in SAY SORRY ORG.   
    I'm so far behind the times i'd never even heard of this.  And no i am not a member. 
    ‘Say Sorry’ exposes and holds accountable the Watch Tower Society and those leaders within the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that disregard and violate the laws of the land, or that cause religious harm to sections of the community.
    Accountability and change has been achieved by the Say Sorry Team through a range of activities including: awareness, education, campaigns, public speaking, conferences, submissions to parliamentary inquiries, assisting with the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, working with governmental and statutory authorities, advising law enforcement agencies, lobbying, legal action, and prosecutions.
    For the past 12 years the team behind ‘Say Sorry’ have provided up-to-date factual and unique content to international law enforcement agencies, government departments, politicians, inquiries, royal commissions, law firms, and the media. We also provide non-legal advice for investigations, civil lawsuits, and prosecutions involving the Watch Tower Society and the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The ‘Say Sorry’ website was re-launched on 26 July 2018 to highlight our current work and to provide an information and news platform for those concerned about the activities of the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The sole owner and administrator of the website is Steven Unthank.
    ‘Say Sorry’ exposes and holds accountable the Watch Tower Society and those leaders within the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that disregard and violate the laws of the land, or that cause religious harm to sections of the community.
    Accountability and change has been achieved by the Say Sorry Team through a range of activities including: awareness, education, campaigns, public speaking, conferences, submissions to parliamentary inquiries, assisting with the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, working with governmental and statutory authorities, advising law enforcement agencies, lobbying, legal action, and prosecutions.
    For the past 12 years the team behind ‘Say Sorry’ have provided up-to-date factual and unique content to international law enforcement agencies, government departments, politicians, inquiries, royal commissions, law firms, and the media. We also provide non-legal advice for investigations, civil lawsuits, and prosecutions involving the Watch Tower Society and the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The ‘Say Sorry’ website was re-launched on 26 July 2018 to highlight our current work and to provide an information and news platform for those concerned about the activities of the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The sole owner and administrator of the website is Steven Unthank.
    The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse stated in its Final Report, published in December 2017, that the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia had a reported 1,800 child sexual abuse victim files[1] within a membership of 68,000. By contrast, the Catholic Church in Australia had a reported 4,444 child sexual abuse victim files[2] within a membership of 5.3 million.
    The British Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse stated in its Truth Project Thematic report (May 2019) on page 25 that “out of the sample of 1,697 participants, 133 reported that sexual abuse took place within a religious institution. In these cases, Church of England (28%) and Catholic institutions (25%) were most commonly cited, with Jehovah’s Witnesses (11%) the third most frequent.”[3]
    It is also our hope that one day the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses will “say sorry” by acknowledge their errors and by adopting a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and in a socially responsible manner.
    Say Sorry wins long running courtroom battle against a ‘prolific’ and ‘unrelenting’ stalker
    This was the heading of an email i received from Watchtower Documents ths morning. 
    I have not reaserched this organisation and as such I am not promoting it, just putting it up here as information. 
  15. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in DUBTOWN MAYOR SURVIVES!   
    Strange. i just an email this morning about this from Watchtower Documents. 
  16. Confused
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   
    And probably one thind of them are UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE. 
  17. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   

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    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in DUBTOWN MAYOR SURVIVES!   
    In case anybody here does not know, there is an incredibly funny video  parody  about Jehovah’s Witnesses on YouTube, probably seen by millions of people
    by now. Involves an imaginary town called DUBTOWN where only Jehovah’s Witnesses live there, ( where EVERYTHING is made from Legos …) and it is a parody, a satire and it’s very humorous. It has many parodies, like Melkezidec’s (sp?) resurrection, and he is invited to a party, and finds out it’s called a  “gathering”. 

    The creator of this many season and episode series goes by Kevin McFree, not his real name, and the WTB&TS has had YouTube and Kevin in court for several years, trying to find out his real name with no success.
    Here is the latest news on that!  …..

  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    I suspect that they wanted you to have a longer time to think about your stance without having to take drastic measures.  Often people act irrational and fast and end up having regrets later.
    This is why I said (above) that one must not always attribute bad motives to people. Yes, elders are just people and can act in self-interest.  They do not want to make harsh decisions immediately concerning JW members who seem to be inconsistent or dissenting. But they know they have to act quickly when people are unnecessarily public.
    It is in the attitude: love hopes all things, believe all things.....endures all things........ it means to see the best in people and give the benefit of the doubt..... to give them time to reconsider.....
    I have seen all too often that people who are hyper-critical end up hurting themselves in a bad way - even those critical JWs who operate under the radar in a congregation.  People can walk around with a permanent bad attitude..... they become like repelling magnets. 
  21. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   
    Usually mega-churches are considered to be those where you pack 2000 or so people into a room every Sunday. Like the crystal Cathedral in California which I believe actually went out of business and was sold to someone else, and allthough the Witnesses do have large assemblies and conventions, usually the mega church refers to the building they meet in weekly.
    The problem with all churches is as soon as they start collecting real estate they assume a patina of corruption.
    To protect their money and real estate .
    My observations have concluded that there are no exceptions.
    I would suspect this is why Jesus never even had his own “headquarters” to live in. 
    All that being said, I personally would not consider JWs to be a “Mega Church”.
  22. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Witness in Posts moved from a recent topic about a J.F.Rutherford book   

  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Matthew9969 in Is the Watchtower a mega-church?   
    I thought I'd introduce a topic to hopefully end the endless diatribe of other post.
    Supposedly over 8 million members, a single source of leadership, using worldly means of communication, having full control of worship services, etc. 
    Mega churches are cess pools of bad teaching...
  24. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What factors were behind the rapid growth of Christianity in its first few centuries?   
    It is not at all ‘obvious.’ It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
    okay, make that the 2nd stupidest. No one is shunned for lack of participation in the ministry.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in I am reading: "Rutherford's Coup" by Rud Persson -- 600+ pages, and much too expensive!   
    Sure. You just didn’t want to leave Walter stranded high and dry. Old softie.
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