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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alphonse in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    You know George88, et al, ad nauseum, as much as you choke when asked a simple, direct question that would require a simple, direct answer conflicting with your agenda, you may want to get a portable oxygen tank, and some of that aquarium type air hose for your nose.
    I hate Zombie Movies, so I find it disconcerting, yet strangely entertaining, to watch THIS one.
    …   and don’t fall asleep while eating a ham sandwich!
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Many Miles in Forum participants we have known   
    Hey! Don't make fun of my favorite punch line!
    PLUS, it's true!
  3. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Many Miles in Forum participants we have known   
    Oh, don't get me started! I can hear,
    "Have you ever been in earshot of a grandfather joke? Call 1-800 blah, blah, blah, and get in line for your huge payout! Get what's coming to you! Call now! Don't wait! Time limits are closing! Call NOW! NOW!"
  4. Like
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forum participants we have known   
    Even worse is the one about the genie that emerged from the lamp and granted a wish.
    The finder wished for a bridge to Hawaii, since he had always wanted to visit but got seasick and was afraid to fly. Whereupon, the genie calculated the difficulties of building such a bridge, the quantity of concrete required, driving piles into shifting seismic plates, etc, and said he couldn’t do it. Please make another wish.
    The fellow then wished he could understand women, something he had long wanted to do but had never been able.
    ’You want that bridge two lanes or four?’ the genie said.
  5. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    For true Jehovah's Witnesses, you bet I have. I entrust those who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses but lack conviction in their beliefs to the guidance of God.
    Perhaps that why you checked mark someone to kick them off as not to impede in your research, sounds like bad form. 
    People simply need to judge for themselves the type of conduct a person possesses, whether it is in the past or present, especially within this forum.
    Mean-spirited, they can be the judge of that. I find it difficult to understand why individuals continuously defend one another with falsehoods. Nonetheless, this behavior is futile, as no one can deceive God.

  6. Downvote
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    I downvoted your lie, not her sentiment. What motivates you to persist in playing your word games?
  7. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    First warning!!! LOL
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    I'll try one more time, just so it may be even more obvious to anyone who cares: that even for a Witness who claims the following (below) they will still dodge the question:
    Imagine, having made a thorough analysis of all available data, and still being unable to bring yourself to answer a simple question. Instead, you rely on tired old tactics of poisoning the well by calling the evidence "apostate." Or pretending the evidence somehow comes from COJ. Or making the empty claim, without evidence, that the data is being distorted. 
    Figured as much.
    You don't give any evidence about "their true purpose." You appear to disagree with the Insight book where it says that inscriptions about two eclipses are "helpful" in determining chronology (at least when it's a specific BCE date we can agree with). 
    So one more time, for you or anyone else who is interested. Find any fellow Witness who has studied the issue and ask the question:
    What BCE year does Babylonian astronomy evidence point to for the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign? 
  9. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    Let's turn our attention away from hate and self-pity and focus on mature content that exposes the hypocrisy of those who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses, allowing viewers to see the true nature of those who control this site.
  10. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    What is your excuse for sending "warnings" to others and then deleting them to avoid being exposed as dishonest? Stop trying to make excuses for your and Tom's inappropriate behavior when it comes to randomly deleting people.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in Forum participants we have known   
    Who is in charge of overseeing those moderators who defend individuals like you, even though they themselves behave like lunatics? Eventually, your findings must be comprehensible to rational individuals trying to make sense of all this chaos.
  12. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Many Miles in Forum participants we have known   
    OMG! Way more than a total mess. The lunatics would come out! There wouldn't be sufficient moderator controls for the tsunami release of pent-up raw emotion. The server facilities would be smoked! There'd be hands sticking out of windows waving white handkerchiefs.
  13. Like
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    It would be a total mess, much like this forum sometimes gets.
  14. Like
    Pudgy reacted to Many Miles in Forum participants we have known   
    Not holding my breath for that one, at least not for a comment section that publishes publicly.
  15. Like
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    It doesn't seem like that, at all. I have only given warnings to "AlanF" and I think just two to "Patiently Waiting for Truth." Never tried or wanted to try removing anyone, though. Removing someone from a forum such as this is pointless because they can just come back under another name -- often with a vengeance. Also, it bruises their egos, which is extremely important for those on forums who concern themselves with upvotes and downvotes. Those with bruised egos also never stop talking about those people who got kicked off unfairly. It's for the same reason I don't fully support our current shunning policy, either, except for certain types of cases. But this is nothing like a congregation. It's probably more like a place for anyone to add any kind of comments to jw.org if jw.org had a comments section.  
  16. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forum participants we have known   
    I’d say I gave these guys from Metallica pretty good advice. The deal is even better today. They no longer have to shave off those beards, but still, if they get their act together, might be assigned to write, not one, but two, original songs in view of their background.
    I don’t know what became of Cesar, anyway. He was a very difficult guy to please, downvoting most anything.
  17. Like
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    "Dad jokes" are supposed to be ultra corny so that their kids groan, mostly in embarrassment.
    That grizzled farmer one is a "grandfather joke" that I first heard from my grandfather. It's very funny. Although, I'm not sure, but I think it might actually be illegal to laugh at those grandfather jokes these days.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forum participants we have known   
    When AlanF, in full evolutionist mode, savaging anyone who ‘refused to learn,’ made a similar statement, I said, “It’s just you and me, you blowhard! plus maybe a half-dozen more. What! Do you think you are Clarence Darrow, arguing Inherit the Wind?’
    Quite a mission you’ve chosen for yourself. Are you having success?
    ’Come here, come here, gather round—so I can tell you why you shouldn’t be here!’
    Yeah. Everyone has their own reason for being here. I use the site as a writing workshop and some of what I create here later appears elsewhere in better form. Meanwhile, I rub shoulders, learn, and share, just like you. Notwithstanding some occasional trash-talking, hopefully I am never mean-spirited in doing so.
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    Not me. I think it can be useful for some people and sometimes can even be funny. It's often entertaining, and it can have serious uses, too. It can be revealing in interesting ways related to psychology and human interaction. I think the world and Witnesses too need to be ready for an onslaught of fake people, fake news, fake information, and no one will have the time to figure out who's really who online, or even on the news. People can scrub their own accounts and try to start fresh (like a certain NYT's "journalist" who was just outed as a propagandist for Israeli intelligence). I don't like Nikki Haley's "true ID" proposal because people use identities as protection from harassment, political persecution, religious persecution, or even from being shunned by loved ones in their local congregation over the things they are learning. 
    Sock puppets don't bother me. I personally don't want to use one. But there are times when their use can be informative. I've seen you use one in a good way, even very recently, to raise a question, and make an informative comment, and sometimes that keeps a conversation going for a good purpose. It's only when people under any of their names are being obnoxious, divisive, causing dissension, being nasty, etc., that I have a problem. Also, there are some people here who don't respond well to a string of downvotes at everything they say. And there are some who use their sock puppets for no other reason than to build up their reputation with upvotes, which doesn't hurt anyone. But I don't like to see a person get discouraged or offended at constant downvotes so I will sometimes "out" a person for doing that because then they will know it's ONLY this or that person, and it's not a "real" response.
    Here's an example that could feel offensive to @Arauna:

    Notice that I said nothing controversial, and added that I hoped Arauna would say something to us about how she is doing these days since we hadn't heard from her in a while. But you downvoted it. Is she going to think that some new person doesn't like her and doesn't want to know how she is doing? In the past another one of your identities told her multiple times that she was foolish for disagreeing with you. She got used to that from you. So if she knows it's just you again, she won't be overly concerned. 
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    I think you missed the point. A sock puppet, as you know, is used as a secondary ACTIVE account. Pudgy was the name JTR used AFTER JTR stopped using the JTR account. 
  21. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Forum participants we have known   
    LOL. Pudgy JTR has had two names on this forum, but never used both at the same time.
  22. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    That's quite an admission. And I'm sure you know that you could be disfellowshipped if you made this same  "unequivocal" statement and stuck to it publicly in your congregation after "counsel" or "reproof."  So I seriously hope you are careful about it, especially as you earlier mentioned that you hope to have your theory published someday. 
     Actually, you have found evidence that Jerusalem met it's fall in 597 not it's end, not its destruction that the Bible says came about 10 years later. You haven't proven the Bible wrong yet. Those Babylonian Chronicles mention that Nebuchadnezzar went up against Jerusalem in his 8th year. So if you say his 8th year was 597, where does that put his 18th year, 10 years later. Sounds like 597 minus 10 is 587 is what you are saying his 18th year was. Unless you are manipulating something for other purposes. 
    *** it-1 p. 775 Exile ***
    King Nebuchadnezzar took the royal court and the foremost men of Judah into exile at Babylon. (2Ki 24:11-16) About ten years later, . . . at the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the Babylonian bodyguard, took most of the remaining ones and deserters of the Jews with him to Babylon

  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    I think you are forgetting that a specific, identifiable lunar and/or planetary configuration that happened in a specific year in history actually is a historical fact relevant for that period and region. It's an event.
  24. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    That's correct, and you also have things going on in China and Europe at the time. Therefore the events have nothing to do with the fact that this and ALL OTHER astronomical diaries and observations from his time point to 568 as the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar, and that is the same thing as pointing to 587 as the 18th year, and 586 as the 19th year. It absolutely does not matter what events were going on at the same time. You are right that they have no value for the year stipulated by the tablets.
    Interestinig isn't it? This has come up before in old topics, that Jeremiah may have meant the expression "70 years" in much the same way as it looks like Isaiah used it. "The typical or "fated" lifespan of a kingdom" like that of Babylon. As if it were already a cliche about Assyria, and the "lifespan" of a kingdom rarely went beyond a dynasty of say, father/son/grandson before a new dynasty would begin. It may not have been literal, a literal, exact 70 years, but just used a way of reminding people that empires and dynasties come and go, and Jehovah will use that same lifespan cycle, of the rise and fall of empires, to both punish and then release his people. In that sense Babylon's "70 years" becomes Judah's "70 years" of reversal. Not that either one needs to be exact or even needs to coincide. The "70 years" given to one is the cause of the "70 years" of the other. 
    I personally don't buy it, though, because it's so obvious that the fall of the Assyrian Empire was most apparent 70 years before the fall of Babylon was most apparent. From 609 to 539 is a much better theory than 587 to 517 for the "flip side" of the 70 years for the Temple. I think you have implied that the Temple might have actually been effectively destroyed in 597 or at least at the Babylonian Chronicle's event associated with 597. It makes for an interesting "compromise" only 10 years off the WTS date, and 10 years off the evidence from all the astronomy dating for NEB II.
    You said that wrong. Accession year is used so that his 37th regnal year IS also 568 and not 567, according to the way Babylonians were required to count. If you had used a different method of counting regnal years (NON-Accession year counting) then the 37th year would be one year EARLIER not later, because his accession year (the zero-th year) would have already counted as his 1st, therefore his Babylonian counted 10th would be counted in NON-Accession as his 9th. And his 37th would be counted as his 36th. The year earlier was 569 BCE, not 567 BCE. But G88, BTK59, etc., never admit error.
    He didn't say it was destroyed in 597, though, did he? He said it fell. Just like Babylon fell to Cyrus in 539. It wasn't destroyed then. For most cities, it wasn't worth destroying if they could still be forced to pay tribute, keep the fields planted, keep the vineyards dressed, etc. There is more wealth to transfer to a king when you DON'T destroy the city but take away their elites who keep most of the trading profits from the "people of the land," and replace those elites with soldiers who are required to take most of those same profits back to their king. 
    Also, note that the Bible said it took him about a year and a half of siege to take Jerusalem and finally break through its walls. If you notice the wording carefully in Jeremiah, it appears that most of the ones exiled in 597 were apparently NOT from Jerusalem itself. That happened in year 18/19.
    (Jeremiah 52:28-30) . . .These are the people whom Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar took into exile:
    in the seventh year, 3,023 Jews.
     In the 18th year of Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar, 832 people were taken from Jerusalem.
     In the 23rd year of Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar, Neb·uʹzar·adʹan the chief of the guard took Jews into exile, 745 people.
    In all, 4,600 people were taken into exile.
    As you also indicated elsewhere above: the opposite is true. You need to work with the dates by their face value, and not try to disprove them just because you assume certain events must have happened elsewhere at a different time. I can say I was 60 in in 2017 and that I saw a total solar eclipse in NYC, but you can't say I wasn't just because you claim that I should have been 60 during the Viet Nam war, or that there was another total solar eclipse in 1925, so THAT must have been my 60th year. The desired event has nothing to do with the date. My birth certificate doesn't change for any events, my driver's license doesn't change for any events, my passport doesn't change for any events. 
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in Trying to nail down 612 BCE as the date of Nineveh's destruction   
    Over time, I have used 4 different ones that calculate ancient readings. Some are on old broken laptops and I didn't bother to update because it looked like I would have to buy new versions for my current laptop. The only ones I used for Babylonian and Persian readings that I posted here were from Stellarium and The Sky 5 (maybe 6, too). I never paid attention to the ones Hunger and Steele were using. Apparently, they all give the same results within seconds or maybe a minute of each other. But it takes 4 full minutes for the "night sky" to turn even one degree, so they are all giving the same reading.
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