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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Only Jehovah can  sort this out. Jehovah knows if there was true repentance...... like in the case of David.... he was allowed to live after causing the death of a person. .... and taking his wife. 
    Unfortunately, good people can succumb to bad things and other righteous people suffer the consequences. This calls for tremendous self-control, restraint, forgiveness and a  keeping of focus on  serving Jehovah to the best of our ability. People are people (jws are just people)  and we trust that most of them stick to their faith ..... but sometimes they disappoint the community/ and congregation.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Exactly! What a waste of a precious life! All that time and energy spent on negative activities!  Non-life non-love activities.
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No one has denied that it has happened in the JWOrg. It happens in the entire world where people work with children...... and it seems that it will soon be accepted as normal behaviour in  wider society due to the fact that they are now teaching porneia to children as young as five in schools all over the world- part of the curriculi. . Even people who have been fighting against pedophilia have been hiding their own pedophilia behind a so-called hate for it.
    But -  you try to make out that it is one in every ten JWs instead of one in every 100 thousand which sucumbs to pedophilia. You also try to create the impression that it is acceptable to us. We do NOT teach it and neither do we accept it.   This is what I object to-  that you try to criminalise every single JW. This is not logical reasoning but an overwhelming unreasoning hate-OCD. 
  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   

  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Almost in the same breath you’ve answered your question:
    Any number of times you’d said how you don’t expect to survive Armageddon. Why don’t you repent and turn around from whatever is causing you that little problem? If you have faith in Christ, and unless you are a practicer of sin, the ransom is supposed to give you confidence. They teach about the ranson sacrifice of Christ at the Kingdom Hall.
    Will you even be doing the Memorial this year? Or will you be holding out for the really big holiday two days away involving the Easter Bunny?
    If I was on a boat drifting toward the falls which I did not expect to survive, I would not be using all my energy hollering to those on shore how they are doing everything wrong.
  6. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    That reminds me of my good friends Kermit the Frog, and Fozzie Bear, sitting on a wooden fence, and Fozzie leans back and looks behind the fence, and says to Kermit “You know you have a hand up your butt?”
  7. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Good advice, each and every word … I am thankful ( somehow ) that most JWs have no idea what often happens.
    …… sigh ……
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far exceeded the abrasions that can come from working closely with people. But that does not mean that abrasions have never occurred. In No Fake News, I wrote: 
    “After studying one book seemingly written for no other purpose other than to harp on dress and grooming and harangue about field service, the conductor said to me: “Tom, why don’t you comment? You know all these answers.” It was a turning point. He was right. I did know them all. It was time to stop sulking. From the circuit overseer on down, they had stirred up major chaos in the family. They had been heavy-handed and clumsy - but never malicious. And it had never been Jehovah.
    I had read of ill-goings-on in the first-century record. Congregations described in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were veritable basket cases, some of them, but that did not mean that they were not congregations. Eventually things smooth out. Eventually 1 Timothy 5:24 comes to pass: “The sins of some men are publicly known, leading directly to judgment, but those of other men will become evident later.” “Later” may take its sweet time in rolling around but it always does roll around. Should I stumble when it becomes my turn? I’d read whiner after whiner carrying on about some personal affront or other on the Internet. Was I going to be one of them?”
    When a circuit overseer years later—he was a good guy—tried to soften matters – saying how God sends just the right personality at just the right time, I said “Look. I know the line. I’m perfectly willing to spin it and even view things that way - God works with people. I get that. But I also want to call a spade a spade. The guy was an unbalanced nut.” Later when my daughter asked the circuit overseer about his conversation with her dad, the latter replied: “He was…frank.”
    Jesus makes exactly this point in his illustration of the slave not forgiving his fellow slave for a debt after his master had forgiven him for a huge one. It’s a matter of looking at things from his point of view, not our own.
    “That is why the Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his slaves.  24 When he started to settle them, a man was brought in who owed him 10,000 talents.  25 But because he did not have the means to pay it back, his master ordered him and his wife and his children and all the things he owned to be sold and payment to be made.  26 So the slave fell down and did obeisance to him, saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay back everything to you.’  27 Moved with pity at this, the master of that slave let him off and canceled his debt.  28 But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves, who owed him 100 de·narʹi·i, and grabbed him and began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay back whatever you owe.’  29 So his fellow slave fell down and began to beg him, saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’  30 However, he was not willing, but he went and had him thrown into prison until he could pay back what he owed.  31 When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they became greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all the things that had happened. 
    Then his master summoned him and said to him: ‘Wicked slave, I canceled all that debt for you when you pleaded with me.  33 Should you not also have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I showed mercy to you?’  34 With that his master, provoked to wrath, handed him over to the jailers until he repaid all that he owed.  35 My heavenly Father will also deal with you in the same way if each of you does not forgive your brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18)
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There is…nobody should be beaten..not spiritually  or emotionally….but it does and has happened and if anyone says that not true then they are either lying or have genuinely never seen it or experienced it….beleive it or not but there really are some good congs who don’t ..and there are some appalling ones who do….
    We are not door mats..tho many things can be excused as normal common human responses and we need to forgive or just not take notice of some things…as many many times I have experienced such forgiveness also from my brothers and sister.
    Yet there are things that at times one must stand up like David did when facing Goliath…and it’s not pleasant…it’s not nice…and blood symbolically speaking may be shed…even doing it the right way ..the theocratic way…this will still happen.
    1) You take your complaint and  lie it before the Court  of the God of Justice first…number one thing to do…
    2) Make sure your written formal letters is addressed to Elders Co then the Branch and the GB…apparently then those who it is addressed are forced to read it. Write your letter well and only once…as Jehovah has it in his Justice  court.
    3) Be respectful and not a smart….but be blunt and to the point…and do not skirt any emotional trauma…right from the heart…use only a few scriptures…( very important as they don’t have time to read novels ) lay it all out on the ground…the truth and even the ugly parts..and personal faults as well.
    Give it directly to your CO…they then must then Handle it theocratically..keep a copy….then muster up your strength to go back to those meetings …DONT…DONT EVER Let them chase YOU away from amongst Gods people…YOU FIGHT your spiritual fight..just as you had to when in the world.
    Give up any hope of ever hearing again from your letter….it will never happen….no apology…as if it was never written.
    This is hard to take…but don’t let those guilty change your Personality…fight your own inclination to become resentful and bitter ..it took me two years and at times I still battle it.
    Consider Joesph and  his battle In getting justice..8-10 yrs his cries went un heard..are you any better than him..I know I’m not.
    one has to learn a new humility as Joesph did…unfair treatment…down right server injustice with blatant lies involved…lack of loyalty and a trusted friendship ruined…some dont like to hear this but it happens in the truth as well…
    My experience took the greatest toll as a mother….and yes I’m still a bit cynical which I hate…as I was never like that before…it’s hard…but with Jehovah’s help it’s doeable….and most of the brothers and sisters are loving and kind …some are not..and I dont mix with them…my motto is..if you don’t build me up but tear me down stay the h…..away from me…and yes I slip back into the bitterness at times…it’s a hard fight they put on you…and then  Jehovah reminds me of my considerable errors..and I am shamed and humbled.
    Did I  get justice…sort off… not what I wanted….elders were removed…( it took two long years ) three years latter a assembly the last talk was given by a bethel brother and it was absolutely scathing on the elders and those in positions of authority….he got the cat of nine tails out on them and beat them over and over……I was stunned.and had tears running down my face…..and at times I felt for them…I watched them as they sat thru that…..I don’t feel sorry for them anymore as you never get an apology….you never get  …do you want to talk over a coffee……you get grunts when you humbly say hello to the….well I tried all that lovey dovey stuff and it didnt work so I don t waste my time with them anymore…..even Jesus say you have to repent to be forgiven…
    If you have been wronged and I’m talking severely wronged….after the shock wears off ….TAKE YOU STAND….and then leave it and try to let it go…or put it on the back burner or find another cong and move.
    As to Bro Morris’s 111….he’s not my favourite speaker …but In Fairness he didn’t laugh over one’s dying his little laugh or smirk was the match acted like a little unexpected firecracker before it blew out….fairs fair…
    I loved Dan Sydlick…..but he wasnt perfect…a little on the chauvinistic side…he gave great talks but one talk he introduced himself saying he never had children …but he’s got a wife…and I guess that’s like having a child…..I remembered I   cried out ..whoooooah..and so did the audience…you could hear them..but he was a genuinely warm loving brother and we easily forgot his blunder…not sure if his wife did tho…lol….. …
    Just don’t let them make you angry and resentful….then Satan has got what he wants..Jehovah will deal with all of us eventually ….and kindness may even be shown to these ones….so don’t be a victim…be a soldier  of a Christ and stand up to the serious  wrongs…with out hatred and remember Jehovah know the full story.
    Our whole cong changed but it too, two years of facing those men…I don’t call them brothers…I wouldn’t even look at them when they had their parts…and blocked my ears at their voices ….and read my Bible…I got anxiety at these times…my heart beat faster…and I felt sickly…it was like torture..and I would silently say to Jehovah in a heated voice,,,this isn’t fair, how much longer do you expect me to last!!!!
    The truth is I really wanted to get up and smash them one….should I have been a brother…I would have been prepared for jail time and disfellowshippement  over that,….such was the pain and mental torture…but I had to not behave as I wanted and act before Jehovah in a judicial matter…
    I don’t know what it was like in the 1950s….do tell more …
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    This is indeed a comforting statement (made by so called apostate) for many JW members. Too bad it won’t be published in WTJWorg magazines.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    In Texas we have Aggie jokes. I worked in an office w/a few Texas A&M grads and was always ripping them. "You know what you call this?", I asked one while holding up a black felt marker. "No", he replied. "It's an Aggie highlighter!", I responded. (yes I made that joke up allll by myself)
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Even Franz who wrote the book Crisis of conscience…stated clearly on a utube interview he did not think JWs had any more of a problem with this than  any other faith.
  13. Confused
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It is much like a spat of Polish jokes that made the rounds years ago. 
    Tracking down the origin of such joke, one prof of Eastern European history said they came from hostile neighbors trying to justify their aggression against Poland in the late 1700s. Poles were too stupid to rule themselves, was the slander, and so outside powers had no choice but to rule them. In the aftermath, some Polish nobility fought for the colonies in the American Revolutionary War. If they were driven out from their own country for wanting self-rule, might as well fight for someone else pursuing the same thing (much as some outsiders are fighting in Ukraine today). Casimir Pulaski was one of them, who organized and directed American calvary 
    Fortunately, most ethnic jokes are freely interchangeable—simply change the ethnicity. Or they need not be ethnic jokes at all. Say how the scientists of PSomH’s family declared their intention to land a spacecraft on the sun. Fellow scientists mocked them for this. It’s too hot to land on the sun. The PSomH scientists replied that of course they had thought of that—they were not dodos! They planned to land at night.
    Or why is so-and-so’s mother so strong as muscular? From raising all those dumbbells. 
    Alas, only one ethnic joke does not work if the ethnicity is changed:
    Scientists crossed a Cohoe Salmon with a Walleye and got a Cowal. But it wasn’t a fighter. So they crossed the Cowal with a Muskie to get a Cowalsky. But they had to teach it to swim.
    I broke off ethnic jokes when I told one to a friend who happened to have that ethnicity in his background and took great offense. In today’s environment, I’m sure they come across as ‘spreading hate.’
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I just rope-a-dope and ignore any counsel I don't think applies or is unscriptural and keep the aforementioned reaction  to myself. I had young brothers coming to me to confess that they'd seen a boob on the internet, I asked one "So what do you want me to do about it? Just stop doing that. Maybe meditate on where staring at boobs got King David and realize going down that path leads to nothing good."
  15. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Pudgy is merely an affectionate literary device, like “BLACK BEAUTY”, the novel, being told from the perspective of the horse.
    As have stated before, over an over and over here, for perhaps nine years, that I consider Jehovah’s Witnesses right only 15% of the time …… but WHICH 15% make all the difference.
    For perhaps nine years I have constantly challenged all comers to show me something better, and ALL HAVE FAILED TO DO SO.
    Humans, all humans, are “just ugly bags of mostly water” And are prone to all manner of failures and faults, and so are you and I .
    If it wasn’t for Jehovah’s Witnesses my entire life would have been much worse, and I may have killed innocent people in Vietnam, the Congo, the Middle East, or Peru.
    I have no fear of death, because I never expected to live past my 40’s, so “theocratic” Boogyman threats, and even directed gunfire I find silly, not scary.
    It is YOU, PwfT, that are half afraid JWS MAY BE RIGHT, not me.
    That is why you continue to hang out here.
    My estimation is that they are right 15% of the time …… in a world where all the others are so much worse.
    When a person is afraid of dying, there begins the search for comforting lies.
  17. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    You have no proof of that number - it is merely an accusation. since 1957 until the Australian commission there were slightly more than ONE thousand names...... cases where there were accusations made. So yes, there may be more but not to the extend you are wildly accusing of.... in your mind every JW is a criminal ready to commit a ' porneia' act.
    Also, in your accusative frame of mind you try to pretend that porneia is accepted as part of JW teachings - which is a blatant lie!  
    Who is the fibber here ?   Does your false accusations make you righteous before god? Does your false teachings make you more righteous with god?  or are you just a hateful person taking out your gall on JWs here, with NO hope of eternal life yourself.  Many people choose to become opposers instead of showing repentance. 
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    laughing?  You know, my husband says: There is nothing so democratic as the presence of sin in every person. That is why it is so important to be close to god, be humble, and work on yourself every day. 
    While I agree, one can be naïve regarding human wickedness - there is nothing as good as being taught by Jehovah and having the fear of Him. This alone keeps one on the straight and narrow and helps one to maintain godly devotion.
    Rejecting the only organization which tries to maintain cleanliness (pure worship) according to Jehovah's standards - that is true naivety. You see, while we cannot expect perfection from all brothers ( due to imperfection), we do well to expect them to keep the congregation clean of people who can wreck the faith of others or bring the leaven in. 
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in I have a question about your memorial.   
    According to worldly standards, not.  BUT, most of these people have had a life-long career in serving only Jehovah - only focused on the spiritual things and the things above.  It is very hard to remain a hard working servant of Jehovah, especially if it lasts for about 60 years or more.  There are many disappointments that one has to overcome, going to foreign countries, and then later in life go to Bethal, and then when one has done menial jobs in bethal - then move on to some key functions. 
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in I have a question about your memorial.   
    This question is completely in place. I believe that almost every JW will agree with the conclusion that it is not possible to know who is a member of 144,000 and who is not. From such a conclusion emerges another - No one can know and claim who is a member of the FDS class.
    If the first claim (who is the anointed one) cannot be proven then the second (who is the FDS) can be proved even less.
    Regarding self-proclamation or confirmation of self-proclamation from members of others who have also self-proclaimed themselves to be something, it is not worth discussing.
  21. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from JW Insider in I have a question about your memorial.   
    1. Mass
    2. Black Mass
    You have presented no evidence to stand on…. roughly the equivalent of stating that the horse Mr. Ed lives on Mars. Two more False assumptions…. Unless you can provide HARD actual real EVIDENCE.
    3. Yes, they do pass the Emblems. Christ’s sacrifice extends to all people of faith, no matter how they fail. That is the whole point.
    I attended disfellowshipped for four years, and passed the Emblems, just like anyone else. 
  22. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    As long as they are civil, I don’t even care if they HAVE heads.

  23. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    As long as they are civil, I don’t even care if they HAVE heads.

  24. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from BroRando in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    That reminds me of my good friends Kermit the Frog, and Fozzie Bear, sitting on a wooden fence, and Fozzie leans back and looks behind the fence, and says to Kermit “You know you have a hand up your butt?”
  25. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Not excuses, but examples.  Whereas, you are so ashamed you hide behind a dog cartoon. 
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