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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Never addressed any opinions in this thread, nor have a mentioned JWs and political in one notation.
    That being said, that is an interesting claim, but you should be aware that Truthers are against the paradigm, we hold no political stance because we see the paradigm as a problem to the truth.
    Moreover, as you can see in this thread alone, no one is supporting Ukraine or Russia and or specific ideologies that lean Left or Right, for if there was legitimacy in such, there would be evidence.
    That being said, truth is always a casualty in such situations, therefore it draws concern as is one needing to be vigilant.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    No one is, but there are concerns, even guests have concerns about the situation. Unfortunately, these are facts spoken, not of one thought or opinion, I believe you are aware of this already. I am unaware of what you are attesting to concerning those months granted the facts I was referring to was directed towards a different matter.
    That being said, regarding 2016, if you are talking about what transpired in 2016, why the reaction concerning this thread? The events of Washington was an ominous one, so much so, many, even some guests here got fooled. The event in question connects to these world powers of the political paradigm, a threat to the majority.
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.
    As mentioned in the other thread, events can cause an indirect action towards many, anyone who can buy food and or resources. Therefore, one must be prepared. Us Truthers are not like our Prepper counterparts, however, we can hold our own in tough situations, even physically, adapting to not eating/drinking for long periods, if need be.
    That being said, it is 100% that many people who are unaware will be caught off guard, therefore, some among them, the fringe, will become dangerous, for there is no stopping a man who is on his last burst of wind to do what he needs to do to support his family and only then his true colors will show itself. A situation that some cannot confront, granted, not realizing the common man can turn into such a state.
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Today, I heard part of an interview with her on NPR. An interesting intrigue about her grandfather, Nikita Krushchev, is that he was a Ukrainian saboteur AGAINST the Soviet Union, and for several years he was secretly supporting the Nazi party in an effort to undermine Stalin. This likely makes very little sense to most of us, but is presented by some Russian scholars to explain some otherwise inexplicable episodes under Stalin. Historically, of course, Stalin was successful in initiating the Nuremburg trials. The United States was not totally on board with this, and the US secretly and sometimes openly hired former Nazis for various government positions. It is fortunate that Stalin actually was successful in pushing for these postwar trials, in that they provide a memorable "punctuation point" to the Nazi regime.
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The origin of this club is that anything could be discussed, even in some instances, you attest to this notation, you fit this bill whereas some notations treads outside of faith itself. The only JW centric space is the closed one, unless there is another and this one is more populated because in the beginning it was essentially anything goes (Controversial Posts). It would be political should anyone, even current JWs take sides on be it for the Democrat Party or the Republican Party which is associated with the Paradigm - The Left and the Right. The situation with what is going on now can and will indirectly effect everyone, i.e. some who didn't escape are being forced to fight, while others, are unaware of what is going on and instantly taken by Propaganda.
    Your opinion, however, unverified, however, you are free to speak your peace. The truth is I am not Americanized, for if I was, I'd be for the influence of today's society and be somewhat of a Nationalist, more so, specific cultures would have overwritten the one I already follow, which is heavily Caribbean Islander based, a mistake Srecko, Dmitar and Witness attempted to challenge and failed. Time and time again some notations I proclaim against various things in today's society. I am more so an enemy to the culture of today's society, for those outside of the paradigm, even us Truthers are essentially viewed as the bad guy, and they equate us to Conspiracy Theorists.
    Other then that, today's society is the reason I am against various Agendas; having a strong disdain for misinformation that is engineered to mislead, as is, build a path for the Reset.
    The MSM cannot be trusted at all, to verify what is truth, you have to do the due diligence to find out what it is and evade misleading information. The thing is now is a lot of us are being censored (I got hit with a lot of censors as of recent), a contact of mine in Russia has not only been censored, but because of the situation, his family instantly hit the poverty line, this is the same contact who was able to get information for me concerning a Hacker website used by the FSB (of which a group of people shut down) that targets people in Russia associated with Alexei Navalny, as is JWs during the ban, the same person who I was able to get information on how easily Putin won his election, as is what I said about Russia and China concerning NATO 4 years ago.
    All that said, propaganda is everywhere now, so much so, it is even a problem for my community and those who support it, one person had to come out to apology because he was tricked by the videos from Ukraine, one in question even @JW Insider posted to give example of how easily emotional videos can get the best of people.
    But you can still be effected indirectly. To not be knowing of this puts you among the unaware, as with most people, even among JWs, for some are unaware.
    War is indeed wrong do argument on that, but to be oblivious to is also a problem to oneself; to be cautious you need to be aware. We have to know how our enemy operates also, so we do not fall victim. The Wild Beast and Babylon are very cunning, and some actions done by them, the unaware are usually the first to be taken by surprise vs those who are very cautious of every step, example, Babylon's actions in Washington in 2016, or a move by the Beast in 2017, etc.
    Better to know these things, vs to not be aware, even Biblically, we have examples.
    He's quite aware of the situation, and most likely will have his say.
    The United Kingdom is of the first group, which is associated with America whereas Russia is in the second group under the United Nations banner. One sees an Order, the other does not. Whatever they do, it effects, example, Russians are suffering because of the sanctions met to target the RU government. Boris Johnson's say and action, along with is allies, will effect you and the UK people indirectly. Evidently, you will feel it, and to be unaware, the next move will sweep you or anyone else like a sudden flash flood.
    I could have gotten some info in regards to the UK and the US, but a missing persons case took my attention, so I am doing research as of now.
    That being said, as mentioned to you before, you do not have to 100% concern yourself with such but at least be aware of the Lion in the field. If thousands of Christians could easily be duped worldwide in 2016 from that same Lion, there is no question the same case can happen now and onwards into the Reset.
    As for our Russian friends, it is tough for them, some of them now face Racism, for the actions of the Kremlin somehow Russians are deemed the enemy. My contact also suffers from this.
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The open JW club is not really a JW page. The JW page is in the closed club. 
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Thanks. Just shows how much I know. But it does confirm what I have always said. Big children playing in a sand pit. I've watched them, that is real children, when I used to take my son to the park. Some of these little ones got real aggressive with their little trucks and buckets and spades. It became a tit for tat battle. 
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    True, he only intervened in human affairs when his future purpose was in jeopardy such as when he warned Joseph that Jesus' life was in peril.  Jehovah does not as a rule take control of human affairs but does work towards his goal when he has prophesied events such as the prophecy concerning Cyrus.  Cyrus was anointed by Jehovah for a certain job...... to send Israel back and build the temple.  Jehovah gave him special capabilities in order for him to unite all the tribes of the Persian empire almost overnight.  There was NO empire and them there was one.
     It is in prophecy that the king of the North as this time (Germany) would act against the nation of God and also that he would not prevail.... But it is also prophesied that the League of nations (which went into the abyss at start of WW2), would again re-appear and get life blown into it from the Anglo-American world power as the UN (image of the beast). Rev 13:15.   
    Consequently,  Jehovah does not step into human affairs to help us because humans (Adam) chose independence from God and self-rule without his "good and bad".  God has allowed humans to rule the earth without Him to prove that humans cannot rule the earth successfully when they do not follow his moral guidance.  If God acts like a fairy godmother and fixes all problems as the occur,  then he will be helping the renegade governments and in the process destroy his own case that humans cannot rule successfully without Him.
  9. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Yeah you do, but most cannot afford to.
    I had a Mormon friend that said Mormons have 6 months of supplies stashed away.
    I asked how well his home was defended, and would he please stock up on mustard sardines.
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    In retaliation for the US doing the same in Turkey and Italy.
  11. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    There is no evidence whatsoever, zero, zip, nada, Jehovah God or Jesus Christ intervened in anyway whatsoever during World War II or any conflict in modern times in any way whatsoever.
    There is no evidence that a single individual’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.
    There is no evidence that any nation’s eventuality was changed by divine intervention in anyway whatsoever.
    Irregardless of a plethora of competing religious theories, ideas and concepts, there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise than we are on our own, and have to manage the best way we can.
    Jehovah God did not stop Adolf Hitler, or Pol Pot.
    Nor did he intervene in any way in Grand Prairie Texas when four sisters were driving in Field Service, were T-boned at an intersection  and killed.
    Of course you are welcome to any theory you want.
    Reality, the way things really are, cares nothing about our convenient fantasies.
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I really have no idea, because you’d have no idea what the differences between deception and propaganda that is normal during time of war.
    however the news reports I have seen seem to indicate that the Ukrainian citizens are asking for completely on their own initiative weapons to fight the Russians and are being given weapons by the military. I have seen pictures of women who are part of the Ukrainian legislature with a rifle on their backs,  in the office.
    and these are fully automatic weapons.
    The Ukraine has a long reputation for being an extremely corrupt nation, perhaps even equaling our state of Illinois, or Louisiana so you really don’t know what’s going on.
  13. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    My lawn chair was a Barkalounger.
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I always hear out veterans. I will seek out their stories whenever I see a ‘Veteran’ designation on door or car. They have no stories to tell and, for the most part, no one wants to hear them. So I do. I often start by observing ‘how can you not admire someone willing to put his life on the line for what he believes?’ 
    I just hear them out, regardless of which way it goes. Sometimes, though I do not insist upon it, I get to throw in the observation that while his/her bravery and conviction is admirable, were he living anywhere else in the world, that bravery and conviction would be directed to another entity, and isn’t that a strange way to run a world?
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I really have no idea, because you’d have no idea what the differences between deception and propaganda that is normal during time of war.
    however the news reports I have seen seem to indicate that the Ukrainian citizens are asking for completely on their own initiative weapons to fight the Russians and are being given weapons by the military. I have seen pictures of women who are part of the Ukrainian legislature with a rifle on their backs,  in the office.
    and these are fully automatic weapons.
    The Ukraine has a long reputation for being an extremely corrupt nation, perhaps even equaling our state of Illinois, or Louisiana so you really don’t know what’s going on.
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I have often wondered this as Anglo American powers have flooded other lands and gain their riches and ruled their governments with cunning..read confessions of a economic hit man ….what lands have Russia flooded over…?..or perhaps they are about to?…so many questions ???
    But then the Anglo American powers have not really hurt Jehovah’s people to badly…so that doesn’t fit ?
  17. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    I agree with you totally - but an opinion does not necessarily express sympathy for one side or the other side.  Most of it is just to find clarity about the background of what is going on.  We are still in this world and cannot go out of it.
    I am not prepared to watch movies all day (my eyes are too bad) or do internet field service for 14 hours solid....  I do not have that number of contacts.  So please tell me what I can do with my time?
    I am a pensioner and apart from a walk on the beach, some cleaning and preparation of food and bible reading ..... I need to do some things.  I used to sing opera and make dresses and knit..... but now my eyes have become too bad and the voice a little rusty.... so I like to watch how Jehovah's prophecies are going into fulfillment.
    ... I do not suggest that you take ANY sides in this conflict.... that is showing favor to one of the sides of the Beast. 
    As the GB have shown - we must not take our eyes of the promises of Jehovah and try to develop the qualities of Jesus - keep our eyes focused on Him. But it is natural to want to understand what is going on around you. 
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to ComfortMyPeople in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Very interesting what you say, as always.

    But, look, I think there is a lot of evidence that the USA is the king of the north. I hope to have time one day to explain myself better, just to advance two things:
    In our explanations it has been said that Russia has worshiped the "god of fortresses" as meaning that it invests a lot in armament (more tanks and less butter), as they used to say. But according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures it turns out that the USA spends TWICE as Russia, India and China TOGETHER.
    And about the King of the North's mood to invade. Sure, drawn from the Western perspective Russia is the bad guy, but what if we include the US role in Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, Vietnam and many others? Well, just this that I don't have time today. But I insist, AND I MAY BE WRONG, but I think there would be grounds for thinking that the north and the south...
  19. Thanks
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    The first revolution was a color revolution (orange revolution) - CIA has orchestrated many of these across the world.  They also changed the regime again at the last election with puppets in power.  The extreme corruption came when George Soros opened his NGO to "fight" corruption. The shenanigans of president Biden and his son in Ukraine is absolutely shocking but this was covered up.  What I learn from this is that ALL human government is absolutely corrupt and will stoop at nothing that is in their way. Human laws are made to be broken when the top echelons of society are forcing their will on the people. Honest men are fired and people are secretly killed or suicided.  Ukraine has been stolen of all their riches. 
    Putin is justifying this war - and while he has more than enough evidence and good reason to distrust the West - we know he represents the king of the North and will get a message from the remote north and east (Jehovah and Jesus) and go out to annihilate... (most probably together with his allies).....before he comes to his demise.... but this will happen at jehovah's time when the West and King of North have both reached the point where Jehovah decides - now is the time.
    It has been 70 years now that the UN has been identified as the image of the beast.  With perestroika the west was fooled just as they have been with China's sudden capitalism....... but it is 'stakeholder capitalism".....and China and USA elites have their money interwoven in the west..... even Putin has money hidden in the west. 
    Does anyone here need any more confirmation that we are at the end of the end times?  It may still be a year or three - in which very much can happen.  All I do know is that they are planning digital identity documents for all nations in the west and have been forcefully jabbing people in the poorest regions of the world such as a province in India.  They want to keep track of all the billions in Africa and India so they can control the environment and who may eat what . 
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Well it depends on how I’m to die…put me up against a brick wall and firing squad..yeah..I could handle that..even a gullatine is doeable….but being skinned alive…..well…yeah I’m going to run…!!!
  21. Haha
  22. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    By Dmitar having a long, long history of “downvoting” according to personal agenda, irregardless of content, it has earned less relevance than someone pissing in the Atlantic Ocean.
    I suspect this will be permanent.
  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    What does the Bible say about calling someone a (woeful) fool?
    (Hint: Matthew 5:22.)

  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    The two or more times you were previously exiled from the Archive here was not because you told the truth, as you assert, but because you were a liar and slanderer on those occasions as well.
    You seem to be intelligent enough to deflect and weasel, but otherwise a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur that requires you to call others “fools”, and “stupid”, as well as make up lies about them. 
    That makes you both sad, and dangerous.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Do you get your own lawn chair?
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