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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Now if I could only apply this counsel to myself.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Equivocation in Time to ban dimtar.   
    I don't think it is normal to make a thread to have someone banned; or demanding someone to be banned. Not sure who @Dmitar is but if he did something that issues this thread to be made, shouldn't the same be done to you? I still remember that John 17:3 reponse you made.
    Anyways, all forums have rules, and you should deal with mods/admins about the issue, not everyone else.
  3. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You think too much. That is why you persistently claim that other people thought or said this or that, and they did not. What do you care if I vote for someone else's comments or they vote for mine? You see where that got you. To your own misconceptions and misconceptions about others. Maybe we are just collecting points on the forum :))))))
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Equivocation in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So this thread in a Nutshell
    After sitting down and reading through everything. 🍿

    @Witness hops in with a video and says something to the effect that this is absolute truth because the person who made the video is an EX-Jehovah's Witness who is also a Bethelite.  
    @Space Merchant The guy who does not like falsehood or anything misleading points out the video is misleading, but purposely held back to see what @Witness will say.  
    @Witness still holds own to her words and the video.  
    @Srecko Sostar chimes in and then @Space Merchant opened the floodgates, refuting nearly every point made in that video which was actucally opinion based vs facts, which wraps around even that of history. Even about the events of the 1900-1930s, mainly about Tulsa. Some of what is said in the video @Witness didn't realize it until later.  
    @Witness keeps saying the the opponent is defending the Watchtower or that he isn't a Jehovah's Witness, but due to what @Space Merchant said, the facts, from which I read, is not associated with JWs, but the history of which the JWs were indirectly involved in. @Space Merchant (who is black) checks @Witness and @Srecko Sostarabout Racism and Segregation; the history.  
    @JW Insider is for some reason often mentioned by @Dmitar.  
    Then @Srecko Sostar somehow points out doctrine, when both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar corrects stating the information follows the history of that specific point in time.  
    @Dmitar chimes in to correct and collect and somehow @JW Insider is mentioned by a selected few.   
    @Pudgy For comic relief. 🐕‍🦺👍  
    @Patiently waiting for Truth comes in for a hello and good bye.  
    @Space Merchant literally gave point for point and now @Witness and @Srecko Sostar is on high defense because now the video went as stale as bread.  
    @Space Merchant quotes the Ex-Bethelite "word for word" but @Witness and @Srecko Sostar ignores it while defending the lie.  
    @Srecko Sostar defends the stance of the video, but owned himself with a Watchtower Article that refutes the claim of racism in the video.  
    @Space Merchant knows that the defeated party lost the debate so he just idles to shoot down claims and insults.  
    @Dmitar chimes in when a silly reponse is made.  
    @Srecko Sostar punching at air at this point. Lol reading through the comments, one thing for certain, I reminded of the situation in Germany once again.
    Archives are nothing new, even as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I knew they existed because some Elders mentioned how they were able to get a hold of older publications, so I don't see it as a big secret. Plus we preach using newer publications anyways; archives may be used as call backs or for research, besides that, most of them are on a public domain online around the internet. This is like what some schools and hospitals do, they have records with current information and the rest is archived somewhere, for example a school can have information on a student from the 1980s, which isn't important to a student in the 2000s, or even for medical records, although personal, in some instances they can pull archived data. So I do not see the problem at all, nor do the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses take issue with this because everyone knows how long the faith was moving, and then some.
    Then there is the point in the video where the Ex-Bethelite claims that Bible Students were racist because of Segregation. That is 100% unfounded. Due to customs and the situation back then, things were different so the idea now vs te past can't be coupled together. Even back then, a lot of people were not fans of Racism, in the Bible Student's case, they looked out for their brothers be it black or white in skin tone.
    The second example about the Holocaust was kind of an odd one. It is unlikely that the camps were specifically made for Jehovah's Witnesses only, nor were they the first ones on Hitler's chop block. Hitler's anti-Semitism was laser focused on Jews. He, and his party considered the Jews as sub-human and a dangerous cancer that needs to be dealt with. Some believed that Hitler's view of the Jews was a result of his history in Vienna (1908-1913), at some point he came into contact with antisemitic ideas at an early age. The Roma and the Jehovah's Witnesses came later, both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar mentioned this to an effect, @Space Merchant pointed out from the Holocaust source of how they were attacked in those camps, in short, the Nazi's attempted to push the Witnesses to abandon their faith in Jehovah.
    The last example regarding 1925 is essentially Rutherford's words being taken out of context, which is another can of worms. I think @JW Insider or someone else gave more insight about this, @Space Merchant even linked that disscussion.
    All in all, if the video is indeed false and misleading, I do not see why there is such a strong push to defend it, in addition to that, the Debater purposely entrapped to expose some peeps. One thing for certain, what can be seen here in this thread shows that some EXJWs need a catching up to do with history.
    I guess this thread will show the guests of why we take issue with Apostate media.
    One thing I wanna point out about Tulsa, both the Latino and Asian communities in the past, were somewhat indirectly effected to, for back in those days, even going to the 1940s+, there was some discrimination against some people, likewise, with others.
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Equivocation in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Then there are some who choose to remain ignorant, and attempt to bring anyone who has some knowledge down to their level only to fail.
    This thread had me rolling when I read through everything lol
  6. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    ….. All of us start out totally ignorant … and it’s often an uphill climb from there …..

  7. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    See .   100% predictable.
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    EVERY ASSUMPTION YOU HAVE MADE ABOUT ME HAS BEEN FLAT WRONG, but at least you are 100% predictable.
    You are wrong about everybody.

  9. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Equivocation in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    See .   100% predictable.
  10. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The good thing, secular authority, wasn't wrong about you @Pudgy. That make your comments much more worthless.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No, Dimitar, it appears you have an exclusive on this one, but occasionally you make a good, none-snide comment, and I do upvote you when you do.
    If memory serves, it’s a total of seven now.
    If you get 1 million “upvotes”, you can get a free Bell Helicopter.
    Or, you could finance it for 7 years, with a monthly payment of $111,234.00.
  12. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No, Dimitar, it appears you have an exclusive on this one, but occasionally you make a good, none-snide comment, and I do upvote you when you do.
    If memory serves, it’s a total of seven now.
    If you get 1 million “upvotes”, you can get a free Bell Helicopter.
    Or, you could finance it for 7 years, with a monthly payment of $111,234.00.
  13. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    EVERY ASSUMPTION YOU HAVE MADE ABOUT ME HAS BEEN FLAT WRONG, but at least you are 100% predictable.
    You are wrong about everybody.

  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The issue is the fact you were formerly a Jehovah's Witness, yet, you lack even the basic things of your former faith. You do not even know who was the second leader of the Bible Students; for you did this here to not look foolish, but the reality is, your remarks elsewhere proves you are pushing an Agenda based lie just to save face.
    As seen here # 1 Here # 2 JWI even provided some information in which you interacted with him on that. That is Hypocritical.
    Everyone, both current, former, as with those who study Religion is aware that Rutherford took over for Russell - case closed.
    It is not about care, as with I don't care at all, this it is more so as to exposed, which you walked into that remark on your own when you attested to the remark about religious leaders. You engineered this yourself. Going back to Examples 1, 2 and 3, they are alluded to Rutherford, especially Example 1 because of the events of Tulsa whereas around the time Black Wall Street was getting destroyed, as with blood running in the streets from the violence, you can see convention pictures of Rutherford in old pictures.
    Example below which is near a court house, a picture of Rutherford can be seen in the background whereas their was a conflict between White and Black people taking place; events of Tulsa 1921.

    Current and former JWs are aware of Pastor Rutherford's conventions, as is his lead of the Bible Students, after all, even in this forum you made remarks of the book which relates to Example 3, but here we see you are pretending to not be aware.
    This has to do with you.
    Your former faith, as with former members of the faith is aware of who led the Bible Students, the first being Russell. Therefore the fact you play ignorant here but elsewhere you attest to the notation shows you to be a lair, cowardice to your own claim at best.
    Rutherford took over for the Bible Students, we all know.
    I do not see why you were so afraid to say it.
    Technically you do.
    I can pull some of your remarks about Example 3 elsewhere, as with other notations to Rutherford vs here when you claim ignorance to pretend you have no idea of who lead the Bible Students. As is you not knowing as to why your forerunner was called a Judge.
    Learn your history, you need it, for anyone attempting to re-write history or deny events of the Holocaust, it is problematic, as is agreeing with those who hold such an idea - hence Agenda. You make the Black Hebrew Israelites look like saints, in this regard for they attempted the same thing many times, and people like me refute them as well.
    I am a Preacher of the Word, nothing more. As Preachers, we call out the accursed, as with falsehoods and false witnesses, which is called a Refutation. - Galatians 1:1-11. As side for that, anyone that repaints history because of an Agenda, I tend to call that out too.
    That being said, it does not matter if you agree or disagree with JWs, even for the fact you were formerly one, an Ex-Deacon of the faith, but at the same time, you should not be this gullible to false witnesses and adhere to it as a truth, it not only makes you look bad, but shows the lack of thinking in regards to historical accounts. Some EXJWs usually go after Jehovah's Witnesses stating they lack critically thinking, likewise with Atheist who says this of all Christians. You should at least shed some responsibility to research anything and everything, even videos such as this, the fact you play the role of a White Knight for someone tainted in this field, only causes more harm, than good, on your part.
    As stated before, the video is misleading, and the facts proved this to be the case, facts are everything.
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Dmitar, I just sent the following to you as a private message, but it would not go through, so I am copying it verbatim from the private messages section over to here:
    I'm sorry that I haven't been paying much attention to the conversation that included the comments I just requoted above. I have glanced at the topic now and then, mostly because of all the times you have made a reference to me. Just to let you know that I have never had a private conversation with Srecko about any topic, and neither has Srecko ever tried to initiate a conversation with me.
    On the point you made above, I agree that it doesn't seem to make any difference whether Russell had ever been addressed with the title "Elder." I'm sure that the instance you noted above was not the only one. And I'm not sure what Srecko's point was about thinking that Pastor Russell was not called "Elder." I didn't go back into the conversation to find out.
    In any case, you might want to point out to Srecko that the evidence you made use of was not from a fellow Bible Student, but from someone who opposed Russell on nearly every major doctrinal point. It was from the Russell-White debate, as I'm pretty sure you were already aware. It was from someone who would not have recognized Russell as "Pastor" in any case. This was not the only instance of Mr. White referring to Elder Russell in that debate, of course. But wouldn't it make more sense to have found an instance of a fellow Bible Student referring to Russell with the title "Elder"?
  16. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I seriously doubt that Jehovah God has any opinions at all about how we do, or do not, calculate celestial navigation to be able to cross the oceans safely, and even nowadays use GPS. in our cars.

  17. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I seriously doubt that Jehovah God has any opinions at all about how we do, or do not, calculate celestial navigation to be able to cross the oceans safely, and even nowadays use GPS. in our cars.

  18. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.
    Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.
    As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.
    Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
  19. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Space Merchant in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Along the general topic of the above posts, it’s interesting to note that Superman really is Superman.
    He only pretends to be Clark Kent.
    Sometimes this is obvious, sometimes it’s not.

  20. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Along the general topic of the above posts, it’s interesting to note that Superman really is Superman.
    He only pretends to be Clark Kent.
    Sometimes this is obvious, sometimes it’s not.

  21. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.
    Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.
    As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.
    Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
  22. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    … could be worse .      

  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Maybe 2013, when the GB said via the Watchtower that only THEY, the GB, are the Faithful and Discreet slave class.
    Prior to that all anointed were 'said to be' the F&DS. So is can been seen that in 2013 the GB exaulted themselves above all mankind by pretending to be the only spokesperson for God. 
  24. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No need to because the issue here is the misleading, so a refutation, however, Dmitar's focus was on Pricvay Act issues, which isn't too different from what you asked before.
    Also as a side note, you of all peole should know a Christian should be defending a Truthful Witness, not a False one.
    That being said, the disccusion is in regards to a True Witness and a False Witness, whereas the latter has no idea what the video entails.
    To give you a breif run down:
    Witness claims the video is true, however, the video has misleading information riddled in bias opinions. Witness claims Archives are unknown to people, even JWs because of a logon in Bethel, however, the Archives exist to the public. Srecko aruges, and Witness, about privacy, Dmitar interjected. Witness' video claims Bible Students purposely segregated because they were racist, however, this is not true, for although they had seperate churches due to customs in the United States, as is the laws, they still attempted to risk in a violent enviroment to see their brothers and sisters, black and or white. The events of Tulsa utlimately destorys the bias opinion. Srecko claims to know of the focused Era from Example 1, however, he back pedals form his statement,and attested the notation to human beahavior and doctrine, however, this is not the case. Example 2 is in regards to the Holoscause and Nazism whereas Witness' video attest to the the idea JWs were the sole target, which is untrue, the Nazi went after Jews, and everyone else, JWs, came much later; it is also noted that JWs were tormented differently compared to others, it is because the Nazis wanted them to renouced their faith. The conclusion shows there is indeed misleading information in the video, however, the latter defends misinformation willfully, thus even disrepescting 1 John 4:1 in order to do so. Srecko's Glasgow now effects Witness. The link you provided was brought up in my older disscusion concerning CTR (I am not sure if you even read the link either), as pointed out, not only have ExJWs from that time, 17 years ago, jumble, they state things that are not associated with the truth of the matter; taking information that is true/false and mold it into something entirely different - as seen by opinion riddled comments and so forth for example, i.e. CTR's wife, his beleifs, the Era he is from, Masonic Hall, etc.
    The thread also puts the Witness' YouTuber video in an even more compromising spot.
    For that website/forum is no different from here. The difference is it is riddled with more ExJWs and Atheists compared to here, granted eyars ago, those who are not fans of God dominate the fourm base, this was the case with the Stack Exchange also.
    The irony of it all is that just like the video, the commenters applied today's view of Racisim to the 1900s (and the late 1800s), the same problem the YouTuber has done, therefore leads to the reason as to Witness willfully adhereing to a misleading information, likewise with the Archives, which even in that link some have used (the same Archives Witness attesed to not existing which she uses), as is other events of the 1900s even outside of the United States, i.e. Germany.
    Surely you could do better than that, but if I were you, I would not interject, for the issue is in regards to the party who support misleading information being - Witness, Bill, and Srecko. If you get invovled, it would only be a problem for you because there is a chance your tenure may be brought to question concerning Race and World War II and or you being challeneged in a True vs False Witness disscusion. 
    This article was brought up, cited before. If people add their own exgesis into it, let alone opinions, as is what we can see by the comments, then the truth in this regard is obsured.
    Also your latter statement is incorrect because at the time, it was Bible Students, not Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e. the events of 1921 and prior, Bible Students were in the United States and they only becaome Jehovah's Witnesses years later.
    It should be known to you of your former faith that Pastor Russell was succeeded in 1917 by Pastor Rutherford, for even around that time, the new Pastor and the Christains still went under the name Bible Students. It wasn't until much later on the group's name to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931 to emphasize its members' belief that Jehovah, or Yahweh, is the true God and that the Witnesses were his specially chosen followers. The early events of the Segregation Era, as is Tulsa, which actions of the Bible Students then, disqualfies the fact that the YouTuber attest to them to be adhering to Jim Crow-sque mentality.
    If this was indeed the expectation, then the in real life example of the white man risking his life for a black man would be entirely different. More so, if Bible Students gave into the Jim Crow mentality at the time, there is a high chance that
    [A] Pastor Rutherford would have been dealt with early on which would erase the coming events of 1931
    [B] This would literally prevent Jehovah's Witnesses from existing, as with other events that took place since the Bible Students would end up like some faith groups who vanished from 1914 onward.
    [C] even Historical Accounts invovling them would vanish, the situation with the Consitution in 1940, Blood Transfusion, The transation and or collection of various Bibles, etc.
    In short - Jehovah's Witnesses would have not existed for those under Jim Crow would have made sure of it, after all, they tried to eradicate all Black people in Tulsa because they assume a black man had sexually assaulted a 17 year old girl, an event that did not occur.
    As I said, seems you've  successfully interjected yourself when you coined the entity himself. You've walked yourself into this one.
  25. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    …. Marker to hold this spot until I finish my nap ….
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