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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Since I'm speaking about Satan, then yes, anything is possible. Satan pretended to be an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14. This is why the admonition of Galatians 1:8 was given. Keep an eye on those that willfully teach a gospel contrary to that of Christ. 
    However, in your view, that would fit everyone, including God and Christ.
    What point of reference are you referring to? After Christ was created, the angels came second. When they were created, they had the ability to know from good and evil. That's the indicator in Genesis 3:22. They also knew, their life cycle was everlasting, not immortal as Jesus became to be.
    Here human nature doesn't distinguish between the two, since by definition, it can mean the same thing. However, God and now Christ do.
    The angels understood, back then, they also had a choice. Satan chose to be an angel of darkness, and other angels followed. Satan wanted exclusive devotion from God's creation. A "right" only God has. Now people might think, well, God destroyed angels in the flood. No he didn't. He destroyed a product of the angel's lust for creation. The nephilim. Judgment upon the angelic realm will come next. 
    Just like the evil pre-flood, Satan understands his fate. The thing to understand is simple. Perfection is a blameless state. That's what made Jesus sinless. He maintained a sinless state by being blameless by his loyalty to God. He refused the temptation of what was evil. We as imperfect beings don't have that luxury of perfection. However, we all can remain blameless by also following in the footsteps of Christ. That's what made him a perfect example.
    Now, you can argue, then we should be sinless also. No!, that condition was not exempt by Christ sacrifice. We are still under that conviction. Jesus sacrifice was to establish that means for humanity as a reward for their loyal service to God. Just like Noah in the pre-flood era. God made Noah the reward for humanities existence to continue.
    Actually, that assumption was already in place. Now you can argue, was Satan jealous of Christ for being God's firstborn? The way he handled God's creation of man, I believe he was. The process of humanity is not just to answer why God deserves exclusive devotion from his creation, but to also answer the need for the angelic realm to understand, why Satan a creation of God decided to turn away from his creator for his own interest. That question has yet to be answered, and little by little it is by humanities actions. 
    That's why the only Kingdom that can govern man properly is the kingdom of heaven. After all this time, God still believes in righteousness, and is looking forward to many survivors. He'd rather see almost 9 billion people, but we all have a choice to make.
    While Pilate might have asked a good question, the answer is in the heart. We just need to look deep into our inner self.
    Yes, I do accept Christ truth, and as my lord and savior, I acknowledge my creator and love him for being my one and only true God.
    Enjoy your day @Srecko Sostar!
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I am of the opinion that "truth" is discernible through several (and more) possibilities; Through believing in the one who speaks to us. Through the meaning and logic of what was said. Through determining the credibility of what was said. Through factual examination. By assuming that something is possible for which accuracy or inaccuracy cannot be established. Or all this and something else about proving, is left to others to decide for us, so we accept without much need to be suspicious.
    Genesis chapter 3:
    2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
    4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
    What is a lie here?
    Do we know anything about the possible fact that YHVH may have told the angels that they (angels) would die if they disobeyed him, God? Was there a "Tree" for angels in the heaven?
    If we assume something like this, because angels are only slightly "bigger (higher)" than humans, so the "free will" test could be valid for them as well. If the devil "ate the fruit of the tree in the heavenly paradise" and did not die because of it, then his claim to Eve that neither she nor Adam would die was merely an experiential claim based on the current situation or current state of the rebellious angel. 
    Then his claim was not a lie, but only a product of his experience, and that is, that he as a rebel was not punished by death, so he "assumed" that neither Adam and Eve would die violating the same kind of prohibition.
    Moreover, the second part of his (devil) statement that Adam and Eve would become gods and know what good and evil are proved to be completely true, because YHVH himself said exactly the same thing when he said:
    22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” 
    Pilate's question; “What is true (truth)”, was a good question.
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    As usual, Dimitar, your understanding is agenda driven, and demonstratively faulty.
    Charles Taze Russel was not speaking favorably about Satan …. He was speaking favorably about TRUTH.
    Scanned copies of the first issue of the Watchtower are almost instantly available on the Internet. If memory serves, the article title is “What Is Truth?”.
    As usual, you gave your disassociative diatribe BEFORE you read the article, and as usual were wrong and blusterous.
    You could at least TRY to be funny. Occasionally that in itself is  inadvertently funny.
    If sad and pathetic is what you were looking for ….. you NAILED it!
  4. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Dmitar in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    Can you explain, why you would promote a right-wing conspiracy theorist Podcaster? Also, can you explain how this impact is any different from that of the flu shot? If you cannot control your anger, then, please don't respond.
  5. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    As usual, Dimitar, your understanding is agenda driven, and demonstratively faulty.
    Charles Taze Russel was not speaking favorably about Satan …. He was speaking favorably about TRUTH.
    Scanned copies of the first issue of the Watchtower are almost instantly available on the Internet. If memory serves, the article title is “What Is Truth?”.
    As usual, you gave your disassociative diatribe BEFORE you read the article, and as usual were wrong and blusterous.
    You could at least TRY to be funny. Occasionally that in itself is  inadvertently funny.
    If sad and pathetic is what you were looking for ….. you NAILED it!
  6. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Tell that to the CSA victims and those d/fed just because the Elders didn't like them. 
    But then you think that war is ok in God's eyes, and that boasting about having a houseful of guns is good. Remember James, we know who you are and your past remarks. 
    So, you serve this idol and it's 8 Leaders. And you believe that God and Christ approve of them telling lies and treading on the True Anointed ones.  You believe that God and Christ approve of false teachings do you ? 
    So tell me, why would God and Christ want people to be stumbled by these wicked men ? 
    Why, in these last days, when faith is so important, would God and Christ want the truth deliberately hidden ?
    You seem to believe that GB when they call themselves the Faithful and Discreet slave. Well you must believe them if you write that the W/t are 'God's people'. 
    But then you also love guns and you believe that war is ok with God. I don't think I will rely on your judgement any time soon. 
    Remember James, those sharks you mention, there are just as many of them inside that fake Ark as there are outside. 
  7. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth.
    I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information.
    do you not use it to save lives, because of its source?
    The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved.
    Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military.
    The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded.
    So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is.
    Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby.
    I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves.
    Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions.
    But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim.
    It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  8. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth.
    I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information.
    do you not use it to save lives, because of its source?
    The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved.
    Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military.
    The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded.
    So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is.
    Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby.
    I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves.
    Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions.
    But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim.
    It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    We weren't kidding with the censorship. They've been censuring a whole lot of us, as mentioned before they are attacking Rogan. The Left side of the paradigm wants to be on the right side of history, when clearly they are not. This is effecting Truthers, for a lot of information we rely on is either censured, or some people are jailed.
    As of right now the Trucker Convoy is a reality break for some for the MSM is trying to shift the narrative and both sides are being more aggressive toward each other. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the MSM, as with some media like Guardian, Atlantic NYT, wanting a push for war.
    That being said, Rumble is more of a battleground for most, however, even Rumble has a few cracks.
    Big Tech is a tricky enemy. Eventually, some of this stuff will spill over to your religious faith, granted, as pointed out before, the media and events in the world has broken some in your community, the same thing I tell other community, namely the investor community who is getting hammered by the FEDS. In the coming weeks stuff like this can get very difficult.
    That said, everyone is in a Freedom vs. Compliance situation. Some would be Conformist, but to an extent while others given in.
  10. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth.
    I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information.
    do you not use it to save lives, because of its source?
    The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved.
    Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military.
    The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded.
    So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is.
    Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby.
    I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves.
    Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions.
    But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim.
    It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth.
    I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information.
    do you not use it to save lives, because of its source?
    The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved.
    Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military.
    The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded.
    So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is.
    Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby.
    I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves.
    Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions.
    But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim.
    It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  12. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
  13. Confused
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
  14. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    …. Cool in the summertime, and protection against Covid-19 !

  15. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I think the way “selection by God” is usually determined is what kind of costume they wear.
    The Popes are always bent over at a thirty degree angle because they are wearing 25 pounds of clothes, lots of gold, and a very tall 15 pound hat.
    I think those having God’s approval should wear striped bermuda shorts, and a welder’s helmet with a red clown nose.
    Considering the outfits the Jews used to wear in the Temple, it would be a step up!
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Some people imagine they have an idea when it's just the eggs hatching in their brains.
  17. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    …. Cool in the summertime, and protection against Covid-19 !

  18. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I think the way “selection by God” is usually determined is what kind of costume they wear.
    The Popes are always bent over at a thirty degree angle because they are wearing 25 pounds of clothes, lots of gold, and a very tall 15 pound hat.
    I think those having God’s approval should wear striped bermuda shorts, and a welder’s helmet with a red clown nose.
    Considering the outfits the Jews used to wear in the Temple, it would be a step up!
  19. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    If memory serves, I bought five copies of “Dissent on the Margins” from Amazon.com. 
    A “PayPal” account makes impulse purchases easy.
    I would suggest to Dmitar that he go to Amazon and read the book reviews …. There are 15 of them, and hope that “someday”, there will be a cure for high functioning total cluelessness.

  20. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Get your money back.   
    It’s sorta like when you buy something that has a three year warrantee,  that costs $35, and it breaks under warrenty, and you find out you have to pack it up in the original box, provide proof of purchase, and the return shipping is $26.
    You might get “burned” once ….. perhaps even twice ….. but being a loyal “customer” is not about what is advertised, it’s about credibility, and true value.
    When you continually disparage comprehensive education, and misrepresent what you know to the customer ….. even if it is for the very best of noble reasons, your company will not fare well.
  21. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Matthew9969 in Get your money back.   
    Not even a child of the earth bug planting eggs in his ears.

  22. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Get your money back.   
    Protests are useless …. The WTB&Ts is now TOTALLY controlled by their accountants and lawyers.
    Nothing new …. This ALWAYS, without exception occurs when any religion starts accumulating Real Estate.

  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Get your money back.   
    I think Dimitar is trying to use flattery on me, but because from all outward appearances he has absolutely NO sense of humor, I suspect he would not recognize a cartoon canine court jester if it bit him on his butt cheeks.
  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Get your money back.   
    Today’s DILBERT CARTOON perfectly illustrates the above two responses.
    ….. I have found that typically coincidental almost to the point of being spooky.

  25. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Get your money back.   
    Protests are useless …. The WTB&Ts is now TOTALLY controlled by their accountants and lawyers.
    Nothing new …. This ALWAYS, without exception occurs when any religion starts accumulating Real Estate.

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