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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days... When?   
    Things that I can do ABSOLUTELY nothing about …. Like when Armageddon comes, I care Absolutely nothing about.
    It’s like being a Fig …… either you fall down and rot anyway ….. or you get consumed.
    As every fig knows, it’s easy being a martyr …… when you have no arms or legs
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from admin in Bitcoin's Lightning Network-powered app Strike has launched its services in Argentina.   
    Whatever bitcoin is doing, the United States should imitate that, because bitcoin is constantly increasing in imaginary value, which all the United States currency also is made up of thin air with no basis in fact, is subject to massive inflation which lowers its valuation.
    I think that the comedian Steve Martin made passing reference to this in the 70s mentioning holding up a poster of Ferrah  Fawcett with one hand.
  3. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    As I lay here on the floor on a coiled rope carpet of many colors, with my chin resting on my dog dish and staring across to the iPhone resting at an angle against the wall, I often visualize Dmitar as a very small person continually waving his arms and saying “you want to fight, you want to fight?…… I can beat any man in the room!“, And then I realize that each morning someone probably uses him to soak up a coffee spill.
  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    As I lay here on the floor on a coiled rope carpet of many colors, with my chin resting on my dog dish and staring across to the iPhone resting at an angle against the wall, I often visualize Dmitar as a very small person continually waving his arms and saying “you want to fight, you want to fight?…… I can beat any man in the room!“, And then I realize that each morning someone probably uses him to soak up a coffee spill.
  5. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Dmitar in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    Since impudent people had a "problem" and criticized my LAST moniker, I thought it fitting they should really have a reason to criticize a moniker. Therefore, I feel it's important then to criticize the moniker "witness" as a "false witness" along with Pearl Doxsey, that you defend, without having the means to answer her own discrepancies of understanding scripture. It seems you are no better than those that can't answer questions, they find it a need to resort to childish positions. Now, that's normal human compulsion.
    Therefore, you cannot apply this to yourself and Pearl Doxsey as you bear a false witness to God. However, this by no means answers my question on why you use a man's invention of language YHVH that was made by the Jews.
    AMP: Deut 19:18-19
    18 The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, 
    19 Then you shall do to him as he had intended to do to his brother. So you shall put away the evil from among you. 
    I guess you will now find it a need to criticize the bible versions I use. Would you prefer for me to "change" my moniker, or will it be your crutch? Perhaps you need to call on big daddy @JW Insiderto do battle for this discussion to, like, @Srecko Sostar did. Then he can illustrate why Pearl Doxsey is "correct" by restoring to literature manipulation that is common here. Maybe that person will illustrate how the Bible Students Association, Russell, Rutherford and Jehovah's Witnesses framed Pearl Doxsey's ideology.
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    I suspect you already knew that @Srecko Sostar never called on me in any way. This is something you apparently just made up when you stated it as fact under another topic/thread.  But just in case you weren't aware, I thought I'd let you know. It will say a lot about your motives, if you continue to repeat this unfounded and false idea.
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    His claim about our "secret" communication is absurd. This could be due to some kind of paranoia, misinterpreted events on the forum or simply throwing a “hook”.
    As you can see, I did not react to his statement because it is meaningless, and if anyone wants to believe in stupidity, good luck to him.  
  8. Downvote
    Pudgy reacted to Dmitar in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    Oh! The compulsion of people. It's sad how uneducated people really are here. Yet, this post speaks for its self. Communication comes in different forms. This just happens to be one of them, on how two individuals communicate to each other, and claim intelligence. @Srecko Sostar found it a need to post someone else's post in order to respond. Does This impudent @Srecko Sostarneed to secretly communicate with a Jehovah's Witness tyrant? Or can it be, this tyrant, seeing a "losing discussion, found it a need to defend a former Jehovah's Witness that has the same destructive view. Intentional bad reports by literature manipulation. Not a good day for humanity.
    I guess certain words would be appropriate, when applying it to @JW Insider and @Srecko Sostar
  9. Like
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST   
    I'll just sit on the edge of this school playground and watch the children fight.   It's good for a laugh. 
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in 2034 and its significance...   
    For humans, the older you get, the more of the threat of being rounded up and put into an interment camp appears to be a good alternative to going to a rest home your children have picked out.
    Dogs have the advantage however because we know we will be loved and cared for at the home of those who love and care for us until the very end, and if necessary they will take us to the vet to be painlessly put down before  we start to rot while  still alive.
    A very great kindness, not available to most humans.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    ……. Could be worse ………
    Could be Worse ….. .mov    
  12. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    I was just sitting here on the floor, with my chin on my dog food bowl contemplating the Universe when I read Dmitar’s tirade, and I thought occurred to me that Dmitar is somewhat like a slinky…… it has no purpose, but it’s entertaining if you push it down the stairs.
  13. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    I was just sitting here on the floor, with my chin on my dog food bowl contemplating the Universe when I read Dmitar’s tirade, and I thought occurred to me that Dmitar is somewhat like a slinky…… it has no purpose, but it’s entertaining if you push it down the stairs.
  14. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    I was just sitting here on the floor, with my chin on my dog food bowl contemplating the Universe when I read Dmitar’s tirade, and I thought occurred to me that Dmitar is somewhat like a slinky…… it has no purpose, but it’s entertaining if you push it down the stairs.
  15. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Matthew9969 in Did you know that Mars is the only planet in our Solar System inhabited ENTIRELY by Robots?   
    Maybe Jehovah will use Skynet to spread the good news on Mars?
  16. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    ……. Could be worse ………
    Could be Worse ….. .mov    
  17. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in 2055... the point of no return.   
    How did you get the year 2055?
    It makes no sense whatsoever. 
    Why should not a normal, rational, common sense person not consider this “2055” as a delusional fantasy?
    To illustrate …. If I arbitrarily change your “2055” to “2255”, what’s the difference?
  18. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How God Caused Noah's Flood to Occur   
    Ever gone to the tire store to have a tire replaced after it wore out, or you had a flat, and they had to take it off the wheel to replace it?
    Well, assuming the tire was "balanced" before it failed, the new tire has to be balanced, or it will start to vibrate and shake the car as the imbalance is aggravated by rotational speed.
    If you know NOTHING whatsoever about this and you hear your tire needs to be balanced, who knows what crazy ideas will come to mind?
    It is obvious that anyone making the statement " ... The Flood may have been caused by all of the other planets being on one side of the earth simultaneously. God may have inserted the “youngest” planet Neptune on the other side to act as a gravitational corrective to make sure it cannot happen again!", knows NOTHING about elementary physics or elementary astronomy.
    But that's OK, because the readership has for four generations been encouraged ... HEAVILY encouraged ... to know nothing about how the real world works, including elementary physics and astronomy, so in that context, the statement does not reek of outrageous absurdity. In that context, it is legitimate food (at the proper time ...) for serious consideration.
    I have seen this in the cartoon world, where Sylvester the Cat's son saw a Kangaroo, and told his dad he had seen a giant mouse! You may have seen that same cartoon.
    Some statements and observations are only valid in a cartoon world.
  19. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    Of course not!
    It would be the ramblings of a Heretic against the Church of the Three Holy Vaccines.
  20. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Did you know that Mars is the only planet in our Solar System inhabited ENTIRELY by Robots?   
    …… sigh ……. (Puts paws over eyes and shakes head in resigned dispair).
    The robots were sent by humans from Earth, on rockets, to explore and take photos and soil and other samples, and radio that information back to NASA and the ESA, etc.
    Currently Mars is inhabited by NINE Robots, depending on whether or not you count the subsidiary helicopter drones, etc.……. and so far …. No humans.
    ….. sheeeesh!
    This is a LOT OF WORK!
  21. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Did you know that Mars is the only planet in our Solar System inhabited ENTIRELY by Robots?   
    Perhaps you should adjust your medication, or tell the nurses.
    You have NOT answered the question
    If you cannot do that, you condemn yourself with your own words.

  22. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Did you know that Mars is the only planet in our Solar System inhabited ENTIRELY by Robots?   
    Please expound on your unfounded assumption. 
    HOW is it flawed?
  23. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in After Forty Years at Bethel...   
    You know, I am a great admirer of William Jefferson Clinton, former President of the United States to the extent of his skill at lying better than anybody else I’ve ever seen, with a smile, and with an intelligence that is far beyond my own.
    I have listened to him at great length during lengthy speeches and dissertations and known from facts that he was lying …… but with a sense of awe and wonder of how well he was doing it.
    If you didn’t know better, the hypnotic affect was captivating and pervasive.
    …. not since ex-president Bill Clinton have I seen such a skilled “lawyer” as the screen persona DMITAR, who drags you into his slanderous fantasies and misrepresentation of everything you can imagine with such skill that you are inclined to defend yourself, where no defense is necessary…… Just to exercise common courtesy in a debate.
    He can take a narrative that is totally false and spin it so it seems to have some legitimate value … a truly amazing thing to watch, like a trout’s admiration of a fishing lure with bright colors.
    …… but besides being slanderous and libelous, and borderline dangerous the most chilling thing about having a conversation with Dimitar is the fact that he is almost always, if not actually always wrong about the positions he takes.
    ….. as a cartoon dog I am completely immune to his slander, and his libel, but even so I don’t have to like it, and I don’t.
    On various discussion forums I understand you can block certain people, but I do not believe in doing that, as dangerous people are able to hide in darkness if that’s done. 

    Therefore I have decided to completely ignore Dimitar, and his various quasi-evil manifestations with other screen names, even as I mentioned earlier that’s probably a safe bet that he can be completely ignored …… And should be.
    …… And should be.
    It should be interesting to observe the sound of one hand clapping.
  24. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
  25. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    Thank YOU, Dmitar, for confirmation ... to the extent that you don't even have any explanation for your own nonsensical comments, that somehow being here generates revenue.

    From the 1978 Superman Movie:
    122 INT. LUTHOR' S LAIR - NIGHT (DAY) CAMERA CLOSE on a TV monitor screen. OFFICER #2 is seen on it, crossing the track. A disapproving, clucking sound is heard. A hand comes into frame holding a remote control device. A button on it is pushed. The TV image changes: We now see OTIS walking nonchalantly down a narrow underground passageway lined with enormous steam pipes, still holding on to his newspaper. LUTHOR'S VOICE (Offscreen) It's a miracle that brain can generate enough power to keep his legs moving....  
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