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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    One thing for certain. Noisy doesn't know anything about crime, crime stats and the causes of and correlates of crime. I do. I took every CJ class offered. Other things (beyond absentee fathers) which increase the likelihood of violent offending is low IQ and higher male hormone levels . Interestingly, when the IQ drops to 70 the rate of offending goes down. The sweet spot appears to be an IQ of 85.https://law.jrank.org/pages/1363/Intelligence-Crime-Measuring-size-IQ-crime-correlation.html
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from JW Insider in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    Actually, everyone has the same amount of time .... some start earlier ... some die earlier.
    But barring that, other things being equal, we all choose how to, and how not to ... spend our time.
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    There are many books about finances.  You can just about pick up any book about the history of money and you will get the same story...... 
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I'm talking about the police response. I'm not talking about the rate of offending which is highest in the black population, likely due to the ruination of the family at the hands of leftist policies going back to the Johnson administration which incentivized single parent families.
  5. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I think the above statement is blatantly false, because in the USA, white people comprise 87% of the population, and black, brown and people of color compose 13% of the population.
    The reason black, brown, and people of color get shot, arrested, and imprisoned more often is because THEY COMMIT 60% OF ALL VIOLENT FELONY CRIME.
    If you remember how to setup a simple proportional algebraic equation you can calculate the actual violent felony crime rate committed by blacks, browns, and “coloreds”, in comparison to the violent felony crime rate of white people.
    During WWII, there were many, many millions of good and wholesome Germans, but those on the battlefield, wearing Nazi uniforms, were many, many, MANY times more likely to get shot.
    Like the standup comedian Ron White often said on stage, pausing for effect, sipping from a glass of whisky: “In Texas … if you kill somebody…..(pause)…… we’ll kill you Back!”.
  6. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    In order not to have ZERO credibility, you may want to share your calculations with us (".... show your work, as the math teacher used to direct in 7th grade ...".
    If one doe not have to show ones' work, I predict the year 2525 ... if man is still alive, they may find ....
  7. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BroRando in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    2055.... the point of no return.
      This 'timed event' represents the end of the system of things as we know it. The end of man-made societies, financial institutions, and finally, the dissolving of earthly governments. (Daniel 2:44) Say good-bye to your pension funds and retirement accounts. Even the gold and silver that was saved for bread and food will become something worthless. The Divine Warning has been given. "As for you, son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says to the land of Israel: An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.... And you will have to know that I am Jehovah." (Ezekiel 7:2-4) This will not be the time to preach the 'good news of the Kingdom.' That time will have passed. The time for 'the end' will have come! (Matt. 24:14) Those @ (2 Timothy 3:1-5) will have been abandoned.   "Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying. (Rev 22:15)   No need to buy insurance because insurance companies will no longer exist. The World Economy will have collapsed and its supporters will be forced to take on the mark of the beast to stay alive, but they will only buy a few anguishing moments of an everlasting death. " Look, the day! Look, it is coming! Your turn has come; the rod has blossomed and presumptuousness has sprouted. Violence has grown into a rod of wickedness. Neither they nor their wealth nor their crowds nor their prominence will survive. The time will come, the day will arrive. Let the buyer not rejoice, and let the seller not mourn, for there is wrath against their whole crowd. For the seller will not return to what was sold, even if his life is spared, for the vision is against the entire multitude. No one will return, and because of his error, no one will preserve his life. They have blown the trumpet, and everyone is ready, but no one is going to the battle, because my wrath is against the whole multitude. The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword, and famine and pestilence will consume those in the city. Their survivors who manage to escape will go to the mountains, and like the doves of the valleys, each one will moan over his error. All their hands will hang limp, and all their knees will drip with water. They have put on sackcloth, and shuddering has seized them. Everyone will be put to shame, and every head will be bald. They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury. They will not be satisfied, nor will they fill their stomachs, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error." (Ezekiel 7:10-19)   "Then the kings of the earth, the high officials, the military commanders, the rich, the strong, every slave, and every free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rocks: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,  because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Rev 6:15-17)   So what are the mountains and the rocks that the animalistic crowd wants to hide inside of in order to escape the impending destruction? The majority of mankind will seek refuge in human organizations, societies, financial institutions, and academia, that are likened to “the rocks of the mountains. To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah? Just think! At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what.—Dan. 6:10, 11. Remember the account of Daniel in Babylon. Stay faithful to the end! The Truth... it's coming and you can't stop it!   No doubt, God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. The Bible likens this message to hailstones when it says: “Great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great.”—Rev. 16:21.   Spiritually speaking, God’s people will stand out as unique, “in the center of the earth,” as it were. This will be too much for the nations. Jesus states in his prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things: “There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” (Luke 21:25-27) And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:30)   The ones lamenting or expressing grief are in the process of dying the second death of an everlasting destruction. They witness that Jehovah's people are) protected and have plenty to eat, even those who were imprisoned. Jehovah in the past has fed his people by the means of animals and angels. Jesus by the aid of holy spirit fed thousands with a few loafs and fish and with a little instruction, taught his followers to catch a multitude of fish when there were seemingly none to catch. Knowing about 2055 doesn't give you special protection. It's the faith you exercise beforehand by going to the Kingdom Hall while we still have them and then staying faithful after we don't. Jehovah, the God of gods and Revealer of secrets will extend his undeserved kindness towards you, but YOU need to act. (Daniel 2:47) Get the Answers you Deserve to keep on living into Christ's Millennial Reign... JW.org   The weeds of apostate christians who have left our brother will have all died the death befroe 2055.   lamentation [ lam-uh n-tey-shuh n ] noun: the act of lamenting or expressing grief. Armageddon starts off in a Spiritual Matter then ends in a Physical Matter once the 1,000 years come their end when Jesus hands the Kingdom back to his Father. "They will dwell on it in security and build houses and plant vineyards, and they will dwell in security when I execute judgment on all those around them who treat them with scorn; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah their God." (Ezekiel 28:26 )   Gog of Magog... The Sealing of the 144,000 - Free eBook
  8. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    Resigning as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not something to be done without serious consideration and well established protocols.   Therefore over the last hundred years of overlapping protocols, changing in form and formality, it has been established that in order to resign as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, one must appear before a tribunal of Elders in a Judicial Hearing, and before them exclaim three times " I quit!, I quit!, I quit!", and smear goose poop on their shoes.
  9. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I have always felt extreme sympathy for people who fear imprisonment  to solitary confinement.  The humans I know and identify with would consider solitary confinement a highly desired plus.
  10. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Could be worse ..... could be a Chinese Oligarch
    who bought 200 Hunter Biden paintings .....
  11. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    Resigning as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not something to be done without serious consideration and well established protocols.   Therefore over the last hundred years of overlapping protocols, changing in form and formality, it has been established that in order to resign as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, one must appear before a tribunal of Elders in a Judicial Hearing, and before them exclaim three times " I quit!, I quit!, I quit!", and smear goose poop on their shoes.
  12. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    Resigning as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not something to be done without serious consideration and well established protocols.   Therefore over the last hundred years of overlapping protocols, changing in form and formality, it has been established that in order to resign as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, one must appear before a tribunal of Elders in a Judicial Hearing, and before them exclaim three times " I quit!, I quit!, I quit!", and smear goose poop on their shoes.
  13. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    No disrespect, they will find new ways. There will be a break and then new attacks will start. Satan leaves and then comes back. 
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    Wow 2055 another 'date'. What happened to 2034 ? Oh yes it's still in there somewhere. 
    but you've just said 
    The Watchtower (society) and JW Org / CCJW are only human organizations.
    Wake up Billy, you are just part of a human organsation. An org that will not exist at Armageddon. 
    Russia has given an example of what it can do to the Watchtower / JW Org. Do you not think that the American government will desroy Warwick and Ramapo at some time ????? 
    You need a building to give you faith ?  No billy it goes much deeper than that. 
    You use this scripture but so could any other so called Christian religion. Because the sexual immorality inside JW Org has been proven and is still being proven. And serving the GB and the Watchtower Soc' / JW Org proves idolatry of JWs. And as for lying, so much proof has been given in courtrooms about Elders lying. And it seems clear that the GB continue to lie about the CSA database. 
    Yes they will. But they will not be JWs at that time. 
    Billy, Every word you have written in your comment above can be used against you and against the JW Org. 
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    But at least it might be good for some JWs at this time. 
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I didn’t get that sense. Rather, it seemed to be more akin to the “gallows humor” cops develop as they resign themselves to the viewpoint that much of their most diligent efforts will be undone by snafus at higher levels. That’s not to say that such jokes would not be wildly popular in the West, but it doesn’t seem they were originated for that purpose.
    The sense I got from two series of lectures is that they sabotaged themselves, making any Western sabotage beside the point. It is the aspect of ‘command economies’ that disincentivize initiative and thereby make trade with outside powers impossible because whatever goods are produced soon fall behind in the quality that competitiveness spawns. I gather that those communist economies had no interest in trade anyhow, except with other satellite countries—and even feared it, since goods could not be imported without the attitudes of entrepreneurship and relative freedoms that enabled them—attitudes corrosive to those communist govennments. Western media was blocked to the extent possible, since when it was not possible, Eastern Europeans saw just how much better Western Europeans lived, and that fostered still more discontent with their governments.  The prof, who has lived and taught in Russia, said the success of the Beatles, along with rock & roll in general, terrified the Soviets because it was a completely popularly driven phenomenon that created huge income with no input whatsoever from any central planning. I took this remark at face value and did not think of it as a baby boomer looking for any pretext he could find to insert his favorite band, as I do with Bob Dylan.
    One of these profs points out that the Soviet economy did make reasonable progress after WWII. The country was stable, enabling some patriotism and trust—important to any economy, and it invested in infrastructure and meeting basic housing needs of its people, simply by ‘commanding’ it. But its own inefficiencies and disincentives steadily undermined it. Khrushchev pounded on the table with ‘We will bury you.” He was speaking in terms of steel production, and by quota command the USSR actually did pass by the US in terms of steel, but by that time newer technologies such as plastic made that accomplishment less than it would appear. Personal disincentives at every point eroded the system. The prof tells how restaurants frequently closed at noon, for employees wanted to eat their lunch in peace, and would only open afterwards. Factories with the imposed quota to produce a certain number of shoes might produce them all in one size, as it was easier, and no idea of consumer demand or incentive to meet it had been supplied. There is even an example of one quota being met only with left shoes.
    This makes no sense at all to me and strikes me that you are trying to have it both ways. In the case of a communist, or socialist economy, yes, but Russia at the time was coming over ‘from the dark side,’ into democracy and free market. It was adopting the “right” system of government and it seems far more likely that the US would encourage it, if only in self-interest, just as they did with Germany and Japan after the WWII. 
    Now, trying to sabotage a communist economy seems more likely to be a goal, and thus China presents a better target than Russia. Yet, there is reasonable, even thriving trade between the two countries—each constrained by neither wanting to import the ideology of the other—but growing nonetheless, so I think you overplay the sabotage case in the above instances. 
    With small economies it is a different matter. Several examples are offered of the US thwarting the economies of South American economies when they chose the ‘wrong’ government, even when they did so democratically. 
    You must understand that I’ve only made so much progress in my course auditing. I am like the Autocrat of the Breakfast table who tells of a fellow boarding house guest that appears to know everything there is to know about anthromorphic coal. On and on he speaks of it. But when conversation turns to bituminous coal, he strangely knows nothing. Turns out he has subscribed to one of those encyclopedias that used to come out in a series, and he had received and devoured only the A volume.
  17. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer
    Nov. 17, 2021 MT Russia’s Supreme Court has banned the criminal prosecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses for joint worship, potentially putting an end to the law enforcement practice of jailing believers for prayer sessions.
    The ruling could also affect the 152 convictions that have not yet entered into force or are being appealed, the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia organization said in a statement on its website Tuesday.
    news A Russian Jehovah’s Witness Vows to Keep Worshipping Despite Crackdown
    Read more Russia outlawed the nonconformist Christian denomination as “extremist” in 2017 and has since subjected thousands of worshippers to police raids, harassment and up to eight years of imprisonment. 
    Russia’s Supreme Court binds law enforcement authorities to provide concrete evidence for the worshippers’ “criminal intent,” “extremist motives” and “prior collusion” — justifications for criminal prosecution that have been criticized as arbitrary.
    The organization said the ruling poses “new challenges” for authorities to open criminal cases, search residences or “detain a person simply because he or she professes the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses or meets with another at a worship service.”
    “Investigators will now have to justify the wording often used in indictment papers against Jehovah’s Witnesses,” it said.
    The Supreme Court’s plenum ruled that joint prayers among members of banned religious organizations “consisting exclusively in the exercise of their right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, including through individual or joint profession of religion… do not contain elements of extremism.”
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia noted that the country’s courts are under the obligation to “consider” the Supreme Court ruling when considering appeals.
    The group said it “eagerly anticipates” how the Oct. 28 Supreme Court plenum ruling will affect the release of its members currently held in custody.
    In its original 2017 “extremist” ruling, the Russian Supreme Court accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of “propaganda of exclusivity” and signs of violating public safety.
    The Soviet Union had exiled thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for door-to-door preaching and an alternative interpretation of the Bible, to Siberia for anti-communist activities and their refusal to serve in the military.
    for our free weekly newsletter covering News and Business.
    The best of The Moscow Times, delivered to your inbox.
      Read more about: Jehovahs Witnesses    
  18. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer
    Nov. 17, 2021 MT Russia’s Supreme Court has banned the criminal prosecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses for joint worship, potentially putting an end to the law enforcement practice of jailing believers for prayer sessions.
    The ruling could also affect the 152 convictions that have not yet entered into force or are being appealed, the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia organization said in a statement on its website Tuesday.
    news A Russian Jehovah’s Witness Vows to Keep Worshipping Despite Crackdown
    Read more Russia outlawed the nonconformist Christian denomination as “extremist” in 2017 and has since subjected thousands of worshippers to police raids, harassment and up to eight years of imprisonment. 
    Russia’s Supreme Court binds law enforcement authorities to provide concrete evidence for the worshippers’ “criminal intent,” “extremist motives” and “prior collusion” — justifications for criminal prosecution that have been criticized as arbitrary.
    The organization said the ruling poses “new challenges” for authorities to open criminal cases, search residences or “detain a person simply because he or she professes the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses or meets with another at a worship service.”
    “Investigators will now have to justify the wording often used in indictment papers against Jehovah’s Witnesses,” it said.
    The Supreme Court’s plenum ruled that joint prayers among members of banned religious organizations “consisting exclusively in the exercise of their right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, including through individual or joint profession of religion… do not contain elements of extremism.”
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia noted that the country’s courts are under the obligation to “consider” the Supreme Court ruling when considering appeals.
    The group said it “eagerly anticipates” how the Oct. 28 Supreme Court plenum ruling will affect the release of its members currently held in custody.
    In its original 2017 “extremist” ruling, the Russian Supreme Court accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of “propaganda of exclusivity” and signs of violating public safety.
    The Soviet Union had exiled thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for door-to-door preaching and an alternative interpretation of the Bible, to Siberia for anti-communist activities and their refusal to serve in the military.
    for our free weekly newsletter covering News and Business.
    The best of The Moscow Times, delivered to your inbox.
      Read more about: Jehovahs Witnesses    
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The Ivermectin blow-up over Joe Rogan's prescription from a doctor made headlines reverberating into the late night comedy shows and, of course, embarrassed CNN to no end. (Actually, it should have been to no end, but they went right back to lying about Ivermectin.)
    Most people know this, I'm sure, but when Joe Rogan got Covid he looked for a doctor that would prescribe Ivermectin and some of the other non-standard medications. CNN has pushed the Ivermectin = Horse-Dewormer lie for so long that they couldn't help making fun of Rogan and ran headlines that said things like "Despite Warnings Joe Rogan takes Livestock Medicine" or words to that effect. Joe Rogan invited Sanjay Gupta (CNN Medical Reporter) on his show, and called CNN out on the lie. Gupta could only admit that the CNN had made a mistake.
    (Ivermectin is, of course, a medicine designed for humans to treat various tropical ailments in humans, and the two doctors who developed it won Nobel prizes for it in 2017. Calling it a horse medicine is about the same as calling penicillin a pig medicine because it is sometimes recommended for pigs/swine.)
    CNN's Sanjay Gupta had to go back on CNN right after this and allow Don Lemon to interview Gupta in order to restate the case as falsely as possible to do damage control for CNN.
    Saturday Night Live weighed in with their support for CNN with a very unfunny skit about Joe Rogan taking horse dewormer.
    Of course, the main reason that Joe Rogan had to be taken down is because Ivermectin apparently worked just fine in helping him get over a bad case of Covid in a matter of hours. (Analogous to the CIA's need to crush any small nation that succeeds with a ruling ideology that differs from their recommended dose of pseudo-democracy or a puppet dictatorship.) Another reason is that CNN is very jealous of people like Joe Rogan who isn't even that smart (my opinion) but can garner an audience even larger than CNN among demographics younger than 65.
    Of course, Pfizer's problem with Ivermectin is that it only costs about 4 cents for a dose of Ivermectin and it is easy to make. It's a 3CLPro inhibitor (3-chymotrypsin like protease inibitor) and therefore, if taken as an early treatment for covid, will inhibit the virus from replicating in the body, making it easy to fight off without hospitalization or death.
    Just last week Pfizer announced its patented version of a 3PCLPro inhibitor, which will likely cost much more than 4 cents a dose.
    A good explanation of this was provided by John Campbell, PhD, who has taught medicine and trained nurses. For a while his explanation was given a warning by YouTube/Google, although the so-called fact-checkers ended up only pointing to info that agreed with his findings.
  20. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Latest Info on JW.org Ramapo Audio Video Production Center   
    ....and don't forget the natural woodlands holographs protecting the entrances to the Flying Saucer repair hangers and refueling facility hollowed out with those tunnels. Those things are not cheap, you know ......
    That's why they have whole underground factories with row after row of workers at sewing machines, day after day, turning out women's fashions for the Ferengi.
  21. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Latest Info on JW.org Ramapo Audio Video Production Center   
    ….. sometimes I wonder if NoisySrecko even understands what he is down-voting.
    ….. some people cannot understand multiple nested sub-references, and refuse to work it out.
  22. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Latest Info on JW.org Ramapo Audio Video Production Center   
    It’s the Archie Bunkers I worry about …..
  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    I remember reading in the “Doggone News” about a hybrid mix of a lion and a rhinoceros, a “Lionocerous”,  which had the body of a lion and a rhinoceros head.
    It’s fertility was never determined, because in hunting for food, it would pounce on its prey, and the heavy head made it do a complete front flip in the air, landing on its back, and getting its horn stuck into the ground.
  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    In order to understand what the Bible says, AND what it ALMOST says, one has to care deeply about understanding ALL things (whether we are good at it is a whole other discussion ... especially if we are highly educated ... but everything we know is wrong, or totally screwed up with liberal agenda claptrap).
    The more you understand about life and death, freedom or imprisonment, common sense (which is not all that common ...) human nature, and the very real and difficult problem of governing groups of people so that something RESEMBLING peace, Justice, equity and righteousness may prevail, the better you will be at understanding unexplained things in everyday life, and unexplained things in the Bible.
    Just as in detective work, philosophy and riding a bicycle, if you have no sense of balance, depth perception, or stamina, barring unforeseen circumstances which bite and bless us all, your trip through life will not fare well.
    I THINK I understand why Jehovah had Jewish human males circumcised. (But then, I seriously misunderstood when my Guardian said he was taking me to the Vet, to be "tutored".)
    "Back Then", Families, Tribes, and national groups needed a way to identify each other at a distance, and close up. Arguably, the only reason a person with access to soap and water, in their right mind would get circumcised is to obey some religious edict.
    For 400 years the Jews had soldiers stationed at the Jordan River, protecting their borders, and they had several ways of "checking your I.D,", as you could be a spy, or a terrorist, or whatever you asserted. There was of course the "Sibbolith/Shibbolith" test, but  all other things seemingly OK, checking for circumcision was a pretty serious test.
    There is more, but I may address that later.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    Also we're still assuming that all Nephils were male. We don't know that. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
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