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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I believe the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman to be entirely consistent with everything else in the New Testament, without exception, and that is why when I go out in Service, use a Bible with those scriptures included.
    I used to make rough drafts of essays on index cards, before my first drafts, and later final working transcripts, and then final edits ..... I used to use 3"x5" index cards.
    I suspect back in the Apostle's days it was even more important as they were writing on leather with ink. (Think about THAT, willya?). Not just the final Epistle, but outlines and notes.
    (Visualizes a small leather "Post-It Note"stuck to the wall with diluted boiled sinew glue, and it fell off, and slipped behind the writing table ...)
    I consider the "deleted" scriptures to have possibly been on one of the Apostle's notes, found later, and inserted at a reasonable location, because the copiest made the same determination I did.
    Further, I believe that the REAL reason the NWT leaves it out is that it would erode the authority of the GB and Elders, who constantly need to reinforce their management authority.
    Like the story of the Quantum Physicist at the Bar, buying drinks for himself and the empty seat beside him, in any analysis of ANYTHING ... I try to ask "What is the most PROBABLE scenario?"
    Opinions and results may differ ....
  2. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As far as I can tell .... NOBODY.
    Perhaps a more pertinent question would be , to whom would it have been advantageous to misinterpret what Jesus ACTUALLY said to his apostles, in coming up with the silly "Overlappng Generations"?
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    No. That’s called making the same missteps as the original disciples did, missteps all stemming from an eagerness to see the kingdom come.
    “When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” (Acts 1:6)
    “While they were listening to these things he spoke in addition an illustration, because he was near Jerusalem and they were imagining that the kingdom of God was going to display itself instantly. (Luke 19:11)
    It’s not ideal, then or now, but that’s what imperfect people do. It sure beats the pants off of giving up on the whole project.
  4. Like
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Next thing you know, she’ll have the wrongdoer ascending with Jesus to paradise that day, nevermind how it conflicts with the rest of the scriptures.
    I think it is pretty clear that scholarship does not matter to her and that she uses her special ‘anointed’ sense to tell if a passage is any good or not. If it helps her in her battle against her ‘rival anointed,’ is is golden.
  5. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Vaccine time   
    …….. growing a tail, and fur is scheduled for the booster shot.
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Vaccine time   
    Perhaps these experimental, not FDA approved, still under development vaccines will do for you what the Kennel Cough Vaccine did for me!
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    People keep making this claim, but no one has ever seemed to come up with the evidence. Every one I have seen has always been a spin-off of Second Adventists (after William Miller) or the Bible Students (after Barbour/Russell).
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As far as I can tell .... NOBODY.
    Perhaps a more pertinent question would be , to whom would it have been advantageous to misinterpret what Jesus ACTUALLY said to his apostles, in coming up with the silly "Overlappng Generations"?
  9. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    (... I edited my post after BR made his ...)
  10. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...   
    You know,, that explanation seems a lot simpler than others I have heard …… But I seem to remember the scripture saying it’s a false prophet it will give you a specific date or year.
    I’ve also heard from possibly the smartest natural man who ever lived, Sir Isaac Newton reportedly calculated the end days to be in 2060, as early as possibly 2032, But I don’t remember how he calculated it.
    Sure,  Isaac  Newton’s natural intelligence was possibly greater than everybody we’ve ever met put together, but it makes sense that no man knows the year of the day or the hour otherwise we’d all be up with a shotgun waiting for the thief.
    The fact that you’ve actually made this prediction is prima facie evidence that you’re a false prophet.
    it’s a natural temptation, that few can resist. 
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Can someone explain to me, to whom would it have been advantageous to insert that piece of writing ?
    'Religions' have always been about control. That piece of writing was concerning forgiveness. Therefore whoever wanted that piece of writing included, wanted forgiveness of sins, as opposed to punishment (by death). 
    Matthew 9 : 13  The words of Jesus 
    Berean Study Bible
    But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
    I am not fighting this battle as to whether it should or should not be included. I am just giving proof that from the time of Jesus Christ living here on this Earth, things changed drastically. They changed from punishment of death, to, mercy and forgiveness shown by God through Jesus Christ. I do agree with Tom, that forgiveness is only possible if the person is repentant. 
  12. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Space Merchant in Abaddon, also known as Apollyon - The Angel of the Abyss   
    The REAL question is .... who is going around making all these keys?
    ...and would they be SKELETON Keys?

  13. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Faith is when you believe something that has some overall evidence but not enough to prove it with a reason and logic, or perhaps even textual dating.
    I believe the scripture is true, even though it may well not be.
    I believe the scripture is true, even though it may well not be. 
    either way, I’m not up and out on much of a limb.
    I would much rather err on the side of Mercy, than err  on the side of the Pharisees ….. and THAT is where the rubber meets the road !
  14. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I can easily see that …. Perhaps …. The reason it was omitted from the earliest manuscripts is that elements of the first century “church” realized that if forgiveness was so freely given, it would subvert the authority of the rapidly developing corrupt precursor to what would become the Catholic Church. 
    It is just a guess on my part, but the Scripture about Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman would subvert the grip the corrupt “Elders” were trying to establish as God’s sole representatives, in the same way that the concept of a burning “hell of torment” did, in reverse.
    Perhaps (?) centuries later, this omission was corrected, when those political influences that had the scripture removed were not as strong, and immediately dangerous. 
    For me, I believe the Scripture is the words of Jesus, because contextually, there is no reason to believe they are not the words of Jesus. 
    The ONLY thing I can see that anybody would gain by spuriously inserting that text is ….. Nothing!
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Faith is when you believe something that has some overall evidence but not enough to prove it with a reason and logic, or perhaps even textual dating.
    I believe the scripture is true, even though it may well not be.
    I believe the scripture is true, even though it may well not be. 
    either way, I’m not up and out on much of a limb.
    I would much rather err on the side of Mercy, than err  on the side of the Pharisees ….. and THAT is where the rubber meets the road !
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I can easily see that …. Perhaps …. The reason it was omitted from the earliest manuscripts is that elements of the first century “church” realized that if forgiveness was so freely given, it would subvert the authority of the rapidly developing corrupt precursor to what would become the Catholic Church. 
    It is just a guess on my part, but the Scripture about Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman would subvert the grip the corrupt “Elders” were trying to establish as God’s sole representatives, in the same way that the concept of a burning “hell of torment” did, in reverse.
    Perhaps (?) centuries later, this omission was corrected, when those political influences that had the scripture removed were not as strong, and immediately dangerous. 
    For me, I believe the Scripture is the words of Jesus, because contextually, there is no reason to believe they are not the words of Jesus. 
    The ONLY thing I can see that anybody would gain by spuriously inserting that text is ….. Nothing!
  17. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I agree with the above logic and reasoning, and because it answers the question “why?”.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I can easily see that …. Perhaps …. The reason it was omitted from the earliest manuscripts is that elements of the first century “church” realized that if forgiveness was so freely given, it would subvert the authority of the rapidly developing corrupt precursor to what would become the Catholic Church. 
    It is just a guess on my part, but the Scripture about Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman would subvert the grip the corrupt “Elders” were trying to establish as God’s sole representatives, in the same way that the concept of a burning “hell of torment” did, in reverse.
    Perhaps (?) centuries later, this omission was corrected, when those political influences that had the scripture removed were not as strong, and immediately dangerous. 
    For me, I believe the Scripture is the words of Jesus, because contextually, there is no reason to believe they are not the words of Jesus. 
    The ONLY thing I can see that anybody would gain by spuriously inserting that text is ….. Nothing!
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    For anyone interested, here is a very fair, well written article about its possible position in the scriptures, including lists of early manuscripts that included it.
    From the article:
    "People who make up stories tend to have too many details or are completely vague with almost no specifics. Here this passage has the details expected from an eye-witness. For example, someone on the sidelines would record Jesus writing on the ground, but not specifically what He was writing. Certainly this account is in harmony with how Jesus is characterized and acted throughout the gospels. It is most probable that this was an authentic episode in the life of Jesus.
    If this passage was a forged or invented account, a huge question would be "why?" Unlike the Gnostic and heretical forgeries that arose in the time of the apostles and continued into the first centuries of the church, this account does not contain any new and aberrant doctrine, nor does it contradict any other teaching of Scriptures. In fact, if it was created by a heretic, it has never surfaced in any heretical or alternative gospel. There's no evidence it's a fraud."
  20. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Since I am not smart enough or educated enough to intelligently evaluate all of the supposed scholars of years past the above explanation seems very reasonable to me. Especially due to the fact that’s the scripture in question it’s completely compatible with everything else in the Scriptures and I see no conflict whatsoever.
    Let’s assume as a worst-case scenario that it’s not actually the words of Jesus…… Is it is to my mind a very wise example worthy of emulation, as if it were. 

  21. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Since I am not smart enough or educated enough to intelligently evaluate all of the supposed scholars of years past the above explanation seems very reasonable to me. Especially due to the fact that’s the scripture in question it’s completely compatible with everything else in the Scriptures and I see no conflict whatsoever.
    Let’s assume as a worst-case scenario that it’s not actually the words of Jesus…… Is it is to my mind a very wise example worthy of emulation, as if it were. 

  22. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Did it ever occur to you that the early scribes may be have been at fault for leaving out this passage, and that God made sure it was replaced, especially for our sake in the last days?  Read it, and notice what Jesus was speaking about in the temple before the event with the adulterous woman took place. 
    "On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."  John 7:37,38
    At dawn of the very next day, he was teaching in the temple courts. The Pharisees brought in the woman, attempting to trap him with their questions. Notice, Jesus bent over and wrote in the dust. (John 8:6) We have a reference of another writing in the dust, and the connection to "living water".  
    "Lord, you are the hope of Israel;
        all who forsake you will be put to shame.
    Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust
        because they have forsaken the Lord,
        the spring of living water."  Jer 17:13
    The majority of the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as the source of living water.  They preferred the "yeast of the Pharisees".  (Matt 16:11,12)  Today, the same is happening in your organization.  "Living water" in Jesus Christ is polluted by doctrines of men.  (2 Thess 9:9-12; Heb 12:15; Rev 8:10,11)  Judgment is made against individuals by your laws in a book compiled by men.  Do they dare cast the first stone, these men who have trampled down the Temple of God, assuming God has assigned them to shepherd the people above and beyond His priesthood?  (Mark 13:14) (Mal 2:7; 1 Cor 6:1,2)
    Do you prefer the "yeast' of the GB over the living water in Jesus Christ?
  23. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I believe the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman to be entirely consistent with everything else in the New Testament, without exception, and that is why when I go out in Service, use a Bible with those scriptures included.
    I used to make rough drafts of essays on index cards, before my first drafts, and later final working transcripts, and then final edits ..... I used to use 3"x5" index cards.
    I suspect back in the Apostle's days it was even more important as they were writing on leather with ink. (Think about THAT, willya?). Not just the final Epistle, but outlines and notes.
    (Visualizes a small leather "Post-It Note"stuck to the wall with diluted boiled sinew glue, and it fell off, and slipped behind the writing table ...)
    I consider the "deleted" scriptures to have possibly been on one of the Apostle's notes, found later, and inserted at a reasonable location, because the copiest made the same determination I did.
    Further, I believe that the REAL reason the NWT leaves it out is that it would erode the authority of the GB and Elders, who constantly need to reinforce their management authority.
    Like the story of the Quantum Physicist at the Bar, buying drinks for himself and the empty seat beside him, in any analysis of ANYTHING ... I try to ask "What is the most PROBABLE scenario?"
    Opinions and results may differ ....
  24. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I believe the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman to be entirely consistent with everything else in the New Testament, without exception, and that is why when I go out in Service, use a Bible with those scriptures included.
    I used to make rough drafts of essays on index cards, before my first drafts, and later final working transcripts, and then final edits ..... I used to use 3"x5" index cards.
    I suspect back in the Apostle's days it was even more important as they were writing on leather with ink. (Think about THAT, willya?). Not just the final Epistle, but outlines and notes.
    (Visualizes a small leather "Post-It Note"stuck to the wall with diluted boiled sinew glue, and it fell off, and slipped behind the writing table ...)
    I consider the "deleted" scriptures to have possibly been on one of the Apostle's notes, found later, and inserted at a reasonable location, because the copiest made the same determination I did.
    Further, I believe that the REAL reason the NWT leaves it out is that it would erode the authority of the GB and Elders, who constantly need to reinforce their management authority.
    Like the story of the Quantum Physicist at the Bar, buying drinks for himself and the empty seat beside him, in any analysis of ANYTHING ... I try to ask "What is the most PROBABLE scenario?"
    Opinions and results may differ ....
  25. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I believe the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman to be entirely consistent with everything else in the New Testament, without exception, and that is why when I go out in Service, use a Bible with those scriptures included.
    I used to make rough drafts of essays on index cards, before my first drafts, and later final working transcripts, and then final edits ..... I used to use 3"x5" index cards.
    I suspect back in the Apostle's days it was even more important as they were writing on leather with ink. (Think about THAT, willya?). Not just the final Epistle, but outlines and notes.
    (Visualizes a small leather "Post-It Note"stuck to the wall with diluted boiled sinew glue, and it fell off, and slipped behind the writing table ...)
    I consider the "deleted" scriptures to have possibly been on one of the Apostle's notes, found later, and inserted at a reasonable location, because the copiest made the same determination I did.
    Further, I believe that the REAL reason the NWT leaves it out is that it would erode the authority of the GB and Elders, who constantly need to reinforce their management authority.
    Like the story of the Quantum Physicist at the Bar, buying drinks for himself and the empty seat beside him, in any analysis of ANYTHING ... I try to ask "What is the most PROBABLE scenario?"
    Opinions and results may differ ....
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