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    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    To "clarify" this topic for the readers. This "spiritual heritage of management" culminated in the formation of today's GB. How does GB work? It governs dogmas, instructions, supervises, governs how JWs should live. How do they come to decisions? By voting of all GB members. If 2/3 of the members outvote 1/3 of the members, then the decision is considered valid. What does this say about the activities of the HS (Jesus and God) under whose "leadership" all members of the GB are allegedly act? This tells us about several possible implications.
    1. not all GB members are influenced by the "same HS" when making decisions
    2. HS does not "lead" all GB members equally and simultaneously, in harmony, in unity,
    3. the decisions made by the GB are not united by "one spirit", that means the HS is disunited or the GB is disunited,
    4. none of the JWs have a guarantee that the decisions made by the GB are the "will of God", that is, that they are for the benefit of the believers. God's will consists in the fact that the "sheep" do not go astray, but if the decision was made only because of 2/3 who overrode, overrule 1/3, then it is not God's will but human,
    5. the annulled decisions of the previous GB prove that they were "human decisions" without "guidance by HS",
    6. the previous statement (No.5) proves that even the current decisions of GB do not have to be "from HS"
  2. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I am having trouble with the concept that humans sinning against God reflects badly on the reputation of God.
    That assumes weakness and vulnerability..
    Humans can never “get it right” anyway.
    The Dinosaurs failed at spirituality, and the whole thing just didn’t work out.
    Did their failure reflect badly on God?
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    If you think like that, then it is also clear to you that GB has no justification for making decisions about who can and who cannot be greeted.
    You contradict yourself again and again, because you stated that only God sees the true situation. This means that you have admitted that GB, and also that you personally, do not know who is an "apostate" and who is not. Because, you say, the point is who makes the observation. Since the observation is made by "imperfect" people, their assessment of who is a "renegade, apostate" is based on shaky, unreliable, inaccurate and biased conclusions. GB regularly confirms, with their nonsensical instructions, that they have placed themselves at that level of power.
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Bible and Politics (and Israel and Russia and . . . )   
    They fired him:
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Miracle Pete in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I guess the problem is, if everyone is banned as you suggest, it would just be you and your numerous aliases/ imaginary friends talking to and upvoting each other or in other words you telling yourself how great you are. It’s must be depressing enough as it is. That would be spectacularly tragic. 
  6. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I suspect there are a lot of mislabeled “apostates” (actually heretics) that are not evil in any way whatsoever. Honorable men and women in a tough spot.
    They just expect their religion to be as advertised, and not demand something that is flat, be recognized as being round.
    Remember what just recently occurred ….
    It was those nasty evil “apostates” incessantly hammering on the Watchtower for 60 years about beards that created the Liberty and Freedom the Brotherhood now enjoys.
    It was like tightly compressed spring being released!
    Defend TRUTH, and wonderful things happen.
  7. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Juan Rivera in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    …. and because you clearly do not know the difference, BTK 59, as an off-subtopic aside, an apostate is someone who renounces or abandons their religious or political beliefs, whereas a heretic is someone who holds beliefs contrary to the official or orthodox teachings of a religion or ideology. So, while both involve deviating from established beliefs, apostasy is more about abandoning beliefs altogether, while heresy is about holding beliefs that are seen as incorrect or contrary to the mainstream.
    I hold JW core beliefs, but reject the made-up self-agrandizing and irrelevant crap.
    That makes me a disfellowshipped heretic, not a disfellowshipped apostate.

  8. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    @BTK59 ( @George88 ) ( @BillyTheKid-55 ) ( @Allen Smith ) ( @AllenSmith35 ), etc., etc., etc., etc. --
    and @Pudgy ( @James Thomas Rook Jr. ),
    I once got in trouble from an Admin here for revealing that @TrueTomHarley was from Rochester, based on the assumption that I had used a moderator's ability to read I.P. addresses. I got out of trouble by showing that TTH had himself made posts claiming he was from Rochester.
    It is considered very bad forum etiquette to reveal information or attempt to reveal personal information about a forum participant that isn't something they bring up about themselves. If it is specifically to reveal something negative, it is clearly malicious. Because it also goes against the rules of the forum, BTK59 and his cohorts might end up getting banned. I don't want to see BTK banned, for all the reasons I've stated before: 
    Banning is meaningless on a forum like this one, because anyone can come back under a different name. Banning is a form of shunning, which can have serious and unintended psychological consequences. Banning can involve erasing all of a person's writing here, into which they may have put a lot of time and research. Banning a person who shows signs of maliciousness and viciousness and paranoia usually will motivate the person to come back only to seek vengeance on everyone they think was involved in their "excommunication" or "disfellowshipping" from the forum. In practice that has meant attacks on persons who were not even interested in the matter.  So, for these reasons, I recommend the following so that BTK and cohorts are not banned. I recommend that the posts related to the malicious attempt to expose personal legal issues and troubles be removed.
    I will remove all related posts within 24 hours, unless both parties to this matter request that they remain. 
  9. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Was I referring to your plea deal that was ultimately dismissed or will be dismissed, considering that the date of February 2023 is not four years ago, but rather a recent no bill? It's important to note that this dismissal does not erase your record or the charges that were brought against you. A dismissal does not automatically expunge your arrest record, especially on felony charges. If your lawyer told you, he/she could, you were taken for a ride. Felony records stay with you forever.
    If you want people to believe that you are innocent of the crime, the dismissal alone does not prove it. It simply indicates that you managed to persuade a lawyer to argue that you are an elderly person with health issues, and the court took that into consideration. Therefore, the information still stands as an indictment of your behavior.
    Who cares if you're confidently at home? "True No Bill" is simply another way of expressing superseding charges. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your focus on these matters. I wouldn't be surprised if this type of content about children was forbidden to you with certain conditions. Why would a blogger ignore it? That is a choice.
    Your credibility is nonexistent.
  10. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    If that's the best you have to offer, then we definitely need an air freshener for the words you just uttered. Your insults seem like nothing more than a feeble attempt to distract from the truth. It's clear that the room needs to be thoroughly ventilated to rid it of such negativity. 😂
    If desired, I can provide the recorded address for you. Is that address included in or part of the United States? What does your mental state imply? That Gastonia N.C. is in Canada? 😁
  11. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    🤣 Are you attempting to mislead with your arrogant claim that Gaston County is located in either North Carolina or Virginia? Although I initially refrained from mentioning Gastonia, North Carolina in order to be polite, I can now reveal the area code since you insist on deceiving others if you wish.
    Speak the word directly without avoiding or evading it. Refrain from your regular habit of dishonesty. Just say the word, and I'll post the TRUTH! 
  12. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I'm simply being respectful by asking, but I want to clarify that I don't require your authorization to share public information. If you have an inexperienced attorney pressuring you to have your personal record revealed with that sensitive information, I suggest recommending that they review the Freedom of Information Act and understand how your checkered past is covered. This applies to all those aspiring attorneys without education who provide misguided counsel.
  13. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Pudgy, don't even dare to compare your insults with mine. The only real whack-a-mole with real McNastys is YOU! If you can't handle the consequences of your behavior, it's your issue, but don't try to justify your rudeness and insults; that's just weak. 
    Which lie are you referring to? I can post it if you'd like! You are the only one who is not telling the truth here. Your credibility is nonexistent when it comes to these discussions. 
  14. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    …. and because you clearly do not know the difference, BTK 59, as an off-subtopic aside, an apostate is someone who renounces or abandons their religious or political beliefs, whereas a heretic is someone who holds beliefs contrary to the official or orthodox teachings of a religion or ideology. So, while both involve deviating from established beliefs, apostasy is more about abandoning beliefs altogether, while heresy is about holding beliefs that are seen as incorrect or contrary to the mainstream.
    I hold JW core beliefs, but reject the made-up self-agrandizing and irrelevant crap.
    That makes me a disfellowshipped heretic, not a disfellowshipped apostate.

  15. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    The person who thinks they can share advice on pedophilia after being accused and sentenced for such behavior is completely detached from reality. Zero credibility.
  16. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    You, BTK, are so divorced from reality it’s truly amazing your brain has enough intact circuitry to make your legs work. 
    Two words describe the entirety of your written opinions:
    Egocentric narcissism.
  17. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Miracle Pete in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    You know … even Japan gave up after two atomic bombs. Best decision they made in 4,000 years.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Bible and Politics (and Israel and Russia and . . . )   
    It doesn’t matter. No matter what the topic is or where it is, it always boils down to a squabble with George.
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    You want to say that only those arguments with which you agree are acceptable (to you)?
    Yes indeed, a good argument. Who wouldn't accept it. lol
    Is this an insult?
  20. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    That is the best example of egocentric arrogant word salad I have read since … um … Ever!.
    NO ONE on this planet cares obout what you percieve as an insult, or are disheartened about … except you.
    …  maybe your Mom.
    Governments do what governments do … THEY have the bayonets. Get used to it.
    If you accept their money, it’s “the golden rule”.
    “Dem dat gota da gold, maka da rules”
  21. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    Soon it won’t matter …. the generation that knew the Truth will have all died off, and agenda driven people will win.
    … as “history” is beaten to fit, and painted to match, one detail at a time.
    Double-Plus Ungood … but that’s how it goes.
    (Sixty years from now all JWs will know that JW men NEVER had a problem with beards, and no one will have any idea what the “Overlapping Generations  Chart “ was.)
    … but that’s how it goes.
  22. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Miracle Pete in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    Having absolutely no observable sense of humor whatsoever, Georgie, humor and satire are totally unknown to you. 
    Hitler had the same observation when Berlin was beseiged by English, French, American and Russian forces from all sides …
    ”You know, Steiner, those Allied Forces have absolutely NO sense of humor …”
  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alphonse in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    … fine Corinthian leather?

  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alphonse in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    … OR … be like Georgie, and get sixteen lives!
    .., reminds me of the time I used the edge of the top of a tin can of black eyed peas to cut a worm into three parts ….
    …. so he (?) might have some friends.
  25. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alphonse in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    Having absolutely no observable sense of humor whatsoever, Georgie, humor and satire are totally unknown to you. 
    Hitler had the same observation when Berlin was beseiged by English, French, American and Russian forces from all sides …
    ”You know, Steiner, those Allied Forces have absolutely NO sense of humor …”
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