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  1. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    The Good part is Caleb and Sophia, and their Family do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, and are OK until plate tectonics subducts them.
    They of course have lumps on their heads the size of  bananas, circled by a rotating disk of canaries and stars .... not unlike a halo.
  2. Upvote
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    My guess was that Linda James was going along with the joke.
    My intent was to have people continue the "story", and see where it would end up.
    That assumes everybody "got it".
  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in There's always a difference between what you know and what you think you know   
    When you are a hammer .....
    ...everything looks like a nail!
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to ApostaBabe Linda James in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    Yup! That's exactly where I was going with this "Story," in the direction of "continuing it."
    I do hope that everybody can "get it."
    And maybe join in.
  6. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in There's always a difference between what you know and what you think you know   
    When you are a hammer .....
    ...everything looks like a nail!
  7. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    My guess was that Linda James was going along with the joke.
    My intent was to have people continue the "story", and see where it would end up.
    That assumes everybody "got it".
  8. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    It does not have to be THAT funny to be mildly amusing, invoking mental imagry of the various sub-references.….. and besides, it was fun to write, and like Dilbert, most of my humor only I understand. 
    ….. thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to tip the waitresses.
  9. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    The Good part is Caleb and Sophia, and their Family do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, and are OK until plate tectonics subducts them.
    They of course have lumps on their heads the size of  bananas, circled by a rotating disk of canaries and stars .... not unlike a halo.
  10. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff, known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.
    A huge sinkhole approximately 85 feet wide, at the edges of Disneyworld's remote parking lot 9G opened up this morning at about 9:45 AM and swallowed up a New York Tour Bus chartered by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for the Bethel Art Department's annual "Mousekateers Mashup", and disappeared out of sight into the limestone caverns that undermine most of Florida.
    The only survivor, an un-named  member of the Society's Governing Body and driver of the bus,  and reported creator of those lost to the sinkhole, leapt from the front door as the bus's rear wheels crashed through the asphalt and slid to oblivion, and suffered cuts from broken glass bottles he was carrying in his pockets.
    The bus slid to oblivion .... the driver staggered away across the parking lot.
    Investigations showed that "Caleb's Family" had not been seen for several years now, with the general assumption had been they had already been thrown under a bus somewhere in New York State.
    This is an on-going story and will be updated as more facts emerge.
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    I find that all this "1914 Overlapping Generation", "Gog of Magog", and "King of the North" stuff does nothing but distract me ...and even if it is all true, it SOUNDS phony, and destroys any credibility that I might otherwise perceive.
    I have resolved to put such things, and all similar things that have no practical, real life consequences ON THE GROUND, where the "rubber meets the road" on a mental "suspense list" shelf, and ignore it completely.
    Otherwise, I agree with GB Member Dan Sydlik, and will try to do the same.
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    I remember GB member Dan Sydlik writing or saying in a talk….he had a hard time with brothers trying so hard to be righteous….and said they…just needed to do their best and leave the rest to the ransom."…..
  13. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    It does not have to be THAT funny to be mildly amusing, invoking mental imagry of the various sub-references.….. and besides, it was fun to write, and like Dilbert, most of my humor only I understand. 
    ….. thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to tip the waitresses.
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to ApostaBabe Linda James in How would solid, controvertible evidence of Extraterrestrial Aliens affect your Theology?   
    aaaaaawh. So this was unserious.
    A throwaway comment.
    So would your comments about "waiting untill the 3rd page" to Space Merchant, ( or as you put it, a "throwaway unserious " comment ) fall under what is called, "bantering?"
    I know, this may appear to be a socially awkward question. But I'm being totally serious as I'm asking this.
    So TrueTomHarley, if that be the case, then you weren't meaning to throw him off ( and I would assume anyone else for that matter ) with your "throwaway unserious" comment, because it's form of "bantering?"
    And again, if that be the case, then I could really use some help ( and/or patience ) and a lot, and I mean A LOT of time with adjusting to what has always appeared to me, 🙄 as a disturbingly strange way of socially interacting.
    I've seen people appearing to be, and it has even been explained to me as being, a form of 😊☺ social bonding through a number of dismissive insults. 😳😲😬 Yet when I see them get to the worst possible dig or insult, they will literally bust out belly gut laughing. Both of them! I, on the other hand am just speechless, ( possibly even traumatized ) as they will high five one another through what appears to be a really good time between the two of them.
    As I write out this comment, I am coming to realize that with so many of your comments that I have read here at "World News," for the last year or so, where I have thought to myself,  💭 "What a pompous elitist schmuck this man is," 💭 what you've more then likely been doing is, simply attempting to bond with other's here through "bantering."
    Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    Now if you are willing help me with this "bantering" thing, just know that for all of my life, I have never been able to tap into that place of realizing or knowing the difference between bantering ( which = fun ) and bullying. ( which = abusive. 😥 a tearing away at one's soul )
    Thanks 😁
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    James, I think you are unwell. We know you have been through a tough time lately but, well I think you need some help. 
    A reference to a GB member being filmed in a supermarket buying bottles of booze. 
    Oh dear. Sorry James it's not even that funny. 
  16. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    … reminds me of when I was a puppy, looking through a chain link fence at a cow next door, calmly chewing grass. She was dressed in a flowered cotton print sun dress with clashing high- heels, a large plastic snap together “pearl” necklace, and a Mexican sombrero, with large chicken feather. 
    Obviously the work of some cult.
    At least the cult I prefer dresses better!
  17. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in There's always a difference between what you know and what you think you know   
    People invariably relate experiences both good and bad.
    If you happen to have been in the same room as the event being reported, you have greater credibility with yourself if you agree with the judgment that it's "good" or "bad" because you were present.
    Of course this doesn't mean that your judgment is correct. A third person or even a fourth of fifth person might disagree.
    Eyewitness testimony isn't very good. This is why the police interview everyone they can when investigating a crime. No one expects the testimony to be consistent or correct.
    It's more like plotting points on a graph. The more points plotted, the more likely you have an accurate picture of a given graphed function.
    On the other hand it's important that the eyewitnesses not have time to rehearse their testimony or time to synchronize their testimony with those of others.
    Actual footage of an event from multiple angles is best and if you can also get audio that adds value.
    A person's attitude, their previous experiences and the things they believe to be true and righteous vary and this is true even among Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Now on the synchronization side of things we can see that people quite naturally seek out others who see things the way they do and are not particularly pleased if there isn't agreement.
    I see the grumbling lot not as liars, but as those who as a result of various factors has chosen to play a different movie of the annoying events in their lives and with a different music track to these events.
    I remember reading in a book somewhere that in a relationship the more things you have in common (as long as these are positive things) the better. I'm talking about a value system as well more importantly. But, they countered that having identical values isn't sufficient as it needs to be determined how these values rank in relation to each other. In a scarce or competing resource situation, how will these things be prioritized?
    Some people are more "feelings" oriented and if something doesn't feel right, even if it is right it isn't enough for them and this is why you have to dig deep and see what it is in your own mind (because we all have feelings) that feels right or doesn't feel right and really figure out why.
  18. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I do not have an answer for hate-OCD - it seems to be a mental condition for which there is no cure.  People have hurt the Spirit of Jehovah too much...... I will not even try to answer or help. 
  19. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff, known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.
    A huge sinkhole approximately 85 feet wide, at the edges of Disneyworld's remote parking lot 9G opened up this morning at about 9:45 AM and swallowed up a New York Tour Bus chartered by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for the Bethel Art Department's annual "Mousekateers Mashup", and disappeared out of sight into the limestone caverns that undermine most of Florida.
    The only survivor, an un-named  member of the Society's Governing Body and driver of the bus,  and reported creator of those lost to the sinkhole, leapt from the front door as the bus's rear wheels crashed through the asphalt and slid to oblivion, and suffered cuts from broken glass bottles he was carrying in his pockets.
    The bus slid to oblivion .... the driver staggered away across the parking lot.
    Investigations showed that "Caleb's Family" had not been seen for several years now, with the general assumption had been they had already been thrown under a bus somewhere in New York State.
    This is an on-going story and will be updated as more facts emerge.
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    You can see the same situation w/regard to people who lost money in an investment scheme. Now you and I wouldn't say that anything valuable was lost by becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but these have, but they adopt an invalid strategy for losing value - they spend more time arguing w/Jehovah's Witnesses. It's the sunk cost fallacy. We see this sort of thing in relationships all the time. How many people who after living perhaps 17 years as minor children to less than perfect (or even terrible) parents blame their lives decades later on their parents?
    I would argue that clearly these didn't feel they were getting a raw deal (in their view) until they felt they were and they felt that they wished they could have gone back in time and had a do-over. Who hasn't wished they could go back and change some decision?
    Point is that it's not baffling, but in many cases it isn't useful to continue to rail (at least in an emotional way - some adopt a more studious approach and write books contra-JW's) against decisions past-made.
    The other case is that these likely have social relationships which these would have likely wanted to retain, but for the decisions these have made, they can no longer maintain.
    Some feel honestly that they have made the right decision and that they could simply not play along w/it all no matter the cost, while others not as sure of themselves lash out in an attempt to provoke the kind of response which would justify the way they feel.
    I would say to these to perhaps consider the possibility that their own feelings are self-caused and that any happiness or sadness these are feeling are natural reactions to the way in which these events have been presented by the self to the self.
    Further, if what these are doing does not yield greater comfort or satisfaction it should be asked whether these are injuring themselves because they haven't accepted that they made decisions and that all that led to them becoming Jehovah's Witnesses and them leaving as well were their own decisions as well. Are these self-flagellating in an attempt to atone for the sins they imagined they made which led them to where they are today?
  21. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to ApostaBabe Linda James in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    I never even knew that this was a thing.
    Wait a minute. Didn't governing body member Anthony Morris admonish the members that going to Disney World before doing a tour of Bethel would be......
    Do you think that the unnamed Governing Body member at the seen of the sinkhole was possibly Anthony Morris the Third. Oh my.... I shudder at the thought.
    Wow! A huge sinkhole. That must have been so awful for everyone involved. That's just so awful!
    Evidently these kind of sinkholes are quite possible when choosing to build over what once was swampland or wetlands.
    Come to think of it, the Ramapo media center that is intended to be built, will be built over wetlands.
    I just hope that with Jehovah's hand, all of that state of the art technology that will implemented won't be experiencing a huge sinkhole.
    Now this is going to be interesting
  22. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have recently discovered that a good reply to the accusation that a person is wrong but obstinate, i.e. “you always have to get the last word in, don’t you?“ Is…
    ”Since you did not address my last point, and replied as you did, I DID get in the last word.”
  23. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.   
    Associated Press: Dateline Orlando Florida, June 7, 2021 - Entire Watchtower Bethel Class cartoon character staff, known as "Caleb's Family" swallowed up by Florida Sinkhole.
    A huge sinkhole approximately 85 feet wide, at the edges of Disneyworld's remote parking lot 9G opened up this morning at about 9:45 AM and swallowed up a New York Tour Bus chartered by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for the Bethel Art Department's annual "Mousekateers Mashup", and disappeared out of sight into the limestone caverns that undermine most of Florida.
    The only survivor, an un-named  member of the Society's Governing Body and driver of the bus,  and reported creator of those lost to the sinkhole, leapt from the front door as the bus's rear wheels crashed through the asphalt and slid to oblivion, and suffered cuts from broken glass bottles he was carrying in his pockets.
    The bus slid to oblivion .... the driver staggered away across the parking lot.
    Investigations showed that "Caleb's Family" had not been seen for several years now, with the general assumption had been they had already been thrown under a bus somewhere in New York State.
    This is an on-going story and will be updated as more facts emerge.
  24. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have recently discovered that a good reply to the accusation that a person is wrong but obstinate, i.e. “you always have to get the last word in, don’t you?“ Is…
    ”Since you did not address my last point, and replied as you did, I DID get in the last word.”
  25. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    That is wise…..
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