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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    It is my understanding that Eleanore Roosevelt was horrified at how Jehovah's Witnesses were treated after the first Supreme Court ruling on the issue of compulsory flag salute ... and influenced the Supreme Court to look at what damage they had caused, by this ruling, resulting in an unprecedented reversal on Flag Day, 1945, as World War II was raging.
    Her opinions were generally VERY highly respected.
    Perhaps we could use some of her wisdom and intelligence here.

  2. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    It is my understanding that Eleanore Roosevelt was horrified at how Jehovah's Witnesses were treated after the first Supreme Court ruling on the issue of compulsory flag salute ... and influenced the Supreme Court to look at what damage they had caused, by this ruling, resulting in an unprecedented reversal on Flag Day, 1945, as World War II was raging.
    Her opinions were generally VERY highly respected.
    Perhaps we could use some of her wisdom and intelligence here.

  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Dear Tom, when GB members call listeners on JWTV and in literature; "Trust Us because JHVH and Jesus have full trust in Us...", don't you think how GB statement is enough twisted (distorted) and how GB lives in their twisted world with twisted reality they constantly creating in JW Church? 
    What ideology is behind the GB claim? For sure it is not about Idea, but about Ideology! 
    Thus, we have a question; What did Jesus promote? Idea or Ideology?
    What was promoted by (what is behind) Massimo Introvigne, the German court and FECRIS? Ideology.
  4. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Chioke Lin in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    This makes no sense at all.
    I watched the entire series of  Lego animated  "Dubtown" satire on YouTube, and barked myself silly! 
    It was obviously ( to me ... ) "fair use" of whatever logos or trademarked material ....  as it was biting satire. 
    Works can be copied in their entirety if the use is satirized.
    WHERE was the infringement?
    I hope it was NOT claimed that it was recordings of Meetings, or Field Service. 
    Oh my!
    MANY claim extensive knowledge of the Law and it's applications to life, but they are usually just jealous paranoid busybodies, without an ounce of humor or creativity in their souls.
    Although articulate and well educated, more often than not it turns out that everything they DO know .... is WRONG.
    One time I chased a bee from "Winnie The Pooh and the Honey Tree" across the woods and bit it, so I know how that goes.
  5. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    It is my understanding that Eleanore Roosevelt was horrified at how Jehovah's Witnesses were treated after the first Supreme Court ruling on the issue of compulsory flag salute ... and influenced the Supreme Court to look at what damage they had caused, by this ruling, resulting in an unprecedented reversal on Flag Day, 1945, as World War II was raging.
    Her opinions were generally VERY highly respected.
    Perhaps we could use some of her wisdom and intelligence here.

  6. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    No they do not. They seek the opinion of the court that their theology and practices are not being lied about by FECRIS—whether they are correct or not is immaterial. And the court says, in 17 instances out of 32, that FECRIS has indeed lied about them in “defamatory” statements. It is a prime example of Jesus’ words on how opposers would “lyingly say every sort of wicked thing about you.”
    It hardly matters, does it?  Would you invite for your keynote speaker someone with a GPA of .6 in their field of expertise? “Well, he doesn’t lie all the time—let’s see what he has to say!” Perhaps in your twisted world that would work, but not in any world respecting integrity.
    A far more significant detail that the article does not show is that the VP of FECRIS, Alexander Dvorkin, is the prime instigator of the ban against JWs in Russia. Armed with FECRIS ideology, he shouts “CULT!” in the crowded Russian theater with “facts” that are incorrect 53% of the time. Thus he and his FECRIS is responsible for the mayhem that results. Each time a Witness is beaten, tortured, jailed, detained, or harassed, it falls upon him.  It is the same as how someone shouting FIRE! in a crowded theater would be held accountable. Hopefully, now that his credibility is seriously undercut, the government may reassess the degree to which they wish to rely upon his “expertise.”
    I’m not holding my breath, but it may be like when the US Supreme Court ruled during WWII that Witness children could be compelled to salute the flag. A wave of persecution broke out across the country that saw widespread destruction of property, and even some Witnesses lynched. In the aftermath of what had been unleashed, 2 or 3 of the justices gave to understand they thought the case had been decided incorrectly. Another 2 or 3 retired and were replaced by ones thought more agreeable to individual liberty. The case came before the court once again, just three years later, and the decision was reversed. Would that such a thing were to happen in Russia. 
  7. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    This makes no sense at all.
    I watched the entire series of  Lego animated  "Dubtown" satire on YouTube, and barked myself silly! 
    It was obviously ( to me ... ) "fair use" of whatever logos or trademarked material ....  as it was biting satire. 
    Works can be copied in their entirety if the use is satirized.
    WHERE was the infringement?
    I hope it was NOT claimed that it was recordings of Meetings, or Field Service. 
    Oh my!
    MANY claim extensive knowledge of the Law and it's applications to life, but they are usually just jealous paranoid busybodies, without an ounce of humor or creativity in their souls.
    Although articulate and well educated, more often than not it turns out that everything they DO know .... is WRONG.
    One time I chased a bee from "Winnie The Pooh and the Honey Tree" across the woods and bit it, so I know how that goes.
  8. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    This makes no sense at all.
    I watched the entire series of  Lego animated  "Dubtown" satire on YouTube, and barked myself silly! 
    It was obviously ( to me ... ) "fair use" of whatever logos or trademarked material ....  as it was biting satire. 
    Works can be copied in their entirety if the use is satirized.
    WHERE was the infringement?
    I hope it was NOT claimed that it was recordings of Meetings, or Field Service. 
    Oh my!
    MANY claim extensive knowledge of the Law and it's applications to life, but they are usually just jealous paranoid busybodies, without an ounce of humor or creativity in their souls.
    Although articulate and well educated, more often than not it turns out that everything they DO know .... is WRONG.
    One time I chased a bee from "Winnie The Pooh and the Honey Tree" across the woods and bit it, so I know how that goes.
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  10. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
  11. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Hey! I gotta idea for a new topic !
    Let's argue for a couple of days on whether or not the "rapture", or even simple resurrection sends people to Heaven, with or without their clothes!
  12. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I believe he also said something about not "casting pearls toward swine".
    I used to bark at pigs, but it just ruined my voice, and irritated the pigs.
  13. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Hey! I gotta idea for a new topic !
    Let's argue for a couple of days on whether or not the "rapture", or even simple resurrection sends people to Heaven, with or without their clothes!
  14. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I believe he also said something about not "casting pearls toward swine".
    I used to bark at pigs, but it just ruined my voice, and irritated the pigs.
  15. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Some things are very difficult to understand.
    Like a St. Bernard giving birth to 12 Chihuahua mix puppies.
  16. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alex Jade in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Hey! I gotta idea for a new topic !
    Let's argue for a couple of days on whether or not the "rapture", or even simple resurrection sends people to Heaven, with or without their clothes!
  17. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Alex Jade in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I believe he also said something about not "casting pearls toward swine".
    I used to bark at pigs, but it just ruined my voice, and irritated the pigs.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Some things are very difficult to understand.
    Like a St. Bernard giving birth to 12 Chihuahua mix puppies.
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Witness in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    You seem to diagnose people as having OCD on a regular basis.  I have never seen OCD defined generally as hate.  It is an unwanted obsession that the person spends copious amounts of time and energy, in eliminating.  OCD cannot be associated with the personal desire to spread truth, by exposing lies.   Jesus hated lies and exposed them.  Did he suffer from OCD?
    "And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather even expose them."  Eph 5:11
    If we love the Father and the Son, shouldn't we "desire" to expose wickedness and lies said against them?    It is not an "unwanted" obsession.   It is called our "testimony" of truth, in the same way Jesus gave his testimony of truth.  John 18:37
  20. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Dmitar in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    Some things are very difficult to understand.
    Like a St. Bernard giving birth to 12 Chihuahua mix puppies.
  21. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    Dogs are extremely empathic, almost bordering on telepathy.
    Not so much with other dogs, but the canine/human bond is truly amazing!
    Dogs don't believe in Heaven or Hell ... we just try to be the best dogs we can be for our 15 or so years on this earth, and if we are extremely fortunate, we have a Guardian, who as the end is near, as is unavoidable with everything DNA, will end our lives painlessly somehow, so we do not have to suffer, so this concept of "hell" is foreign to us.
    Our deaths cause them such great pain.
    I have observed, It is a two way street.
    Can you please tell me in detail how you visualize "hell", and what do you use as hard evidence to justify that belief?
    Inquiring canines want to know.
  22. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    "They" say that a dog ages seven times faster than a human, which is actually good for dogs with loving Guardians, as we almost never die alone, as do many humans.
    Of course, I do not know what my age multiplier if any is ..... as I am a Cartoon Dog.
  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    On the other hand, upon resurrection, if it should turn out that God has really done this, perhaps she could thank him for having given her a heads-up in advance so she wouldn’t be one of those who went down. 
    And if it should turn out that he hasn’t done this, that there are more survivors than she envisioned, where’s the beef?
    ”Destruction of the wicked” has been a Bible theme from the moment pen was put to parchment. All but the most liberal of churches have it to some degree. Many put it far worse that JWs do, by preaching that God would torment the wicked FOREVER in hell, as payback for just A FEW DECADES of wrongdoing. Doesn’t your church believe something like that?
  24. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    If you could keep your Epistles down to two short paragraphs of 4 lines each, I might endure reading them.
    ..... throw me a bone.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Witness in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    As far as I am concerned, this covers it all.
    Doing just those two things is a 24/7/365 job.
    Everything else can be discarded.
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