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  1. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    If you could keep your Epistles down to two short paragraphs of 4 lines each, I might endure reading them.
    ..... throw me a bone.
  2. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from xero in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    If you could keep your Epistles down to two short paragraphs of 4 lines each, I might endure reading them.
    ..... throw me a bone.
  3. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I realize that I am not as smart as humans, but I am smart enough to realize that EVERYBODY, without exception has been wrong 100% of the time about the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy in modern times.
    Interpreting invisible things without a shred of evidence is a tough gig.
  4. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    The Governing Body has a procedure on how they decide "New Light".
    Someone comes up with an idea, and they discuss it among themselves, and then they vote on the adoption of the "New Light" 
    It takes a 2/3 majority to carry the proposal.
    That means if there are eight GB members then at least 5.333 have to be for the idea for it to become official doctrine.  Say, six members.
    In 1957 when Sputnik was launched the above idea was proposed, that artificial satellites, and Sputnik in particular, would be the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy as regards "signs in the heavens", etc.
    I do not remember how many GB members there were back then, as I was just a Puppy, but a 2/3 majority did not carry the day. If memory serves (?) it did pass, but one GB member went to the restroom, and when he came back, he changed his vote.
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I realize that I am not as smart as humans, but I am smart enough to realize that EVERYBODY, without exception has been wrong 100% of the time about the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy in modern times.
    Interpreting invisible things without a shred of evidence is a tough gig.
  6. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    The Governing Body has a procedure on how they decide "New Light".
    Someone comes up with an idea, and they discuss it among themselves, and then they vote on the adoption of the "New Light" 
    It takes a 2/3 majority to carry the proposal.
    That means if there are eight GB members then at least 5.333 have to be for the idea for it to become official doctrine.  Say, six members.
    In 1957 when Sputnik was launched the above idea was proposed, that artificial satellites, and Sputnik in particular, would be the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy as regards "signs in the heavens", etc.
    I do not remember how many GB members there were back then, as I was just a Puppy, but a 2/3 majority did not carry the day. If memory serves (?) it did pass, but one GB member went to the restroom, and when he came back, he changed his vote.
  7. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I realize that I am not as smart as humans, but I am smart enough to realize that EVERYBODY, without exception has been wrong 100% of the time about the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy in modern times.
    Interpreting invisible things without a shred of evidence is a tough gig.
  8. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    @TrueTomHarley you are good for a laugh. And you certainly hate me, which I find amusing.  Keep it up old chap  
  9. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I don’t hate you. I consider you a dodo. There’s a difference. 
  10. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Only ‘dodo.’ And only when it is appropriate. Which, admittedly, occurs frequently.
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JW Insider in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    You appear to have conflated two different GB meetings. In 1980 (when there were about 15 active GB members) only 3 GB members had their names on the memo to discuss moving the beginning of the "generation that will not pass away" from October 4, 1914 to October 4, 1957. It was the "brain-child" of Bro. Bert Schroeder, and my guess is that the other two GB members whose names are on the memo were only included because Bert Schroeder was the chairman of that committee and the others (Booth and Suiter, if I recall) happened to be on the same committee. It's not like the other two signed or promoted the idea. It was just brought to the table for discussion. Bert Schroeder was serious about it, but if you knew Suiter and Booth, I don't think they would have been strong advocates of it or even had much of an opinion about it.
    The idea that such things as satellites and rockets in space could be signs in heavens was already hinted at during the study of the book "Your Will Be Done on Earth."  The book was written in 1958, but it's still on the jw.org website, because that book was reprinted in the Watchtowers from November 1958 to June 1960. And those articles are on the site. But the most similar ideas to this (before 1980) were the talks that sometimes tied the verses in Luke 21 to the fear of the nuclear age and the new dangers of combining the space race with the nuclear age. Sputnik itself was usually treated in the publications as not a specific threat. Even though Sputnik was also mentioned in the same 1959 article that mentioned the signs in the sun moon and stars, below, no direct connection had been drawn from Sputnik to the "signs:"
    *** w59 6/1 p. 335 par. 46 “Look! I Am Making All Things New” ***
    “ [“Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars] On the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out . . . , while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth.”
    Nuclear fears increased in the early 1960's (e.g. Bay of Pigs, Cuba, 1961) and an even closer connection was then drawn between Luke 21:25,26 and these "signs in the heavens." But they were tied to the generation starting in 1914, of course:
    *** w62 3/1 pp. 131-132 God’s New World in Our Generation ***
    Today in this nuclear, space age there is indeed “anguish of nations, not knowing the way out.” There is no need for proof of this; it is apparent to anyone who observes world events.
    But when did this period of distress of nations begin? With this generation! That is why the new world comes within our generation! World War I marked the beginning of worldwide “anguish of nations.”
    That exact same idea was repeated in the May 15 and October 15 Watchtowers of the same year, 1962. And then again in 1965:
    *** w65 5/1 pp. 261-262 Cheer amid World Fear ***
    Now, too, man has succeeded in sending his space vehicles around and onto the moon, even obtaining remarkable close-up photographs of the lunar surface. The thrill of such scientific achievement, however, is not without widespread feeling of uneasiness, for it is well known that both of the great blocs of nations now confronting each other in cold-war array are planning to be the first to plant a military mission on the moon and use it to scrutinize the installations and movements of the enemy. So the moon is no longer just a gently beaming light for the night sky. It has become a cause for deepening anxiety. And what may yet be discovered, as man turns his attention to nearby planets, is likewise certain to promote the dread feeling of insecurity and uncertainty.
    . . .
    Nineteen hundred years ago Christ Jesus foresaw this fear-gripped generation, and pointed to the immediate cause: “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation, while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Luke 21:25, 26)
    The material in the 1968 Truth book pointing to 1975 also brought up the connection again. After that the idea seemed to have been dropped from publications for over a decade (1968-1982).
    Since 1982, it's been common to see a general connection between the signs in the heavens and military capabilities in the sky and space, but not in a way that could limit the sign to just the nuclear age or the space age. The following statement (with the inclusion of military planes and rockets) could have application to the time from about WWI to now, or even perhaps going further back in time (e.g. the rockets red glare, and bombs bursting in air):
    *** w82 5/15 p. 14 par. 10 The Signs of the Times—What Do They Mean to You? ***
    With the stockpiling of armaments racing beyond the control of the nations, the literal sea itself is filled with war equipment in the form of ships and submarines capable of carrying deadly nuclear warheads that can wipe out millions of people with a single missile. Indeed, the sea is roaring and ‘agitated.’ And what about the sky and space above us? True to Jesus’ words, ‘the powers of the heavens have been shaken’ in that war planes, rockets, ballistic missiles and the like, can streak through space, across oceans and continents to strike enemy targets.
  12. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    The Governing Body has a procedure on how they decide "New Light".
    Someone comes up with an idea, and they discuss it among themselves, and then they vote on the adoption of the "New Light" 
    It takes a 2/3 majority to carry the proposal.
    That means if there are eight GB members then at least 5.333 have to be for the idea for it to become official doctrine.  Say, six members.
    In 1957 when Sputnik was launched the above idea was proposed, that artificial satellites, and Sputnik in particular, would be the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy as regards "signs in the heavens", etc.
    I do not remember how many GB members there were back then, as I was just a Puppy, but a 2/3 majority did not carry the day. If memory serves (?) it did pass, but one GB member went to the restroom, and when he came back, he changed his vote.
  13. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Matthew9969 in IN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM A JW   
    If you could keep your Epistles down to two short paragraphs of 4 lines each, I might endure reading them.
    ..... throw me a bone.
  14. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    The Governing Body has a procedure on how they decide "New Light".
    Someone comes up with an idea, and they discuss it among themselves, and then they vote on the adoption of the "New Light" 
    It takes a 2/3 majority to carry the proposal.
    That means if there are eight GB members then at least 5.333 have to be for the idea for it to become official doctrine.  Say, six members.
    In 1957 when Sputnik was launched the above idea was proposed, that artificial satellites, and Sputnik in particular, would be the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy as regards "signs in the heavens", etc.
    I do not remember how many GB members there were back then, as I was just a Puppy, but a 2/3 majority did not carry the day. If memory serves (?) it did pass, but one GB member went to the restroom, and when he came back, he changed his vote.
  15. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    wag wag wag wag
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I think this is a good way to put it. It accounts for “extremism” being extended into things that never used to be thought extremist at all—quirky, perhaps, but not “extremist”—like the “preaching of the good news” or any suggestion that one should be “no part of the world.”
  17. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    I realize that I am not as smart as humans, but I am smart enough to realize that EVERYBODY, without exception has been wrong 100% of the time about the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy in modern times.
    Interpreting invisible things without a shred of evidence is a tough gig.
  18. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Since I have VERY limited vocalization abilities, and can only type with my thumbs, which are half-way up my front legs ( go figure! ), and realizing that NOBODY alive knows how to REALLY pronounce the name of the one and only Almighty God, what works for me is to use the address "Almighty and only True God, Jehovah", and figure as much as Jehovah put up with humans in the past, perhaps even today it is intent, over formality, that counts.
    It's like when my Guardian talks to me ... " Pudgy! blah blah Blah blah blah Pudgy blah blah blah blah BLAH blah blah Pudgy".
    I think there should be a rule, that if you pick at the nits, you have to eat them.
  19. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    “Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.”   -    Homer Simpson
  20. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Thank you Cesar, for these quoted scriptures. The points you make are VERY valid, and the quoted scriptures specifically backs them  up.
    It sure conflicts with the natural tendency of humans to go on "witch hunts"
    I am sure one day my Guardian would like to actually become the man I think he is.
    It is the natural tendency for all dogs to forgive all humans.
    Perhaps that is why, it is generally said, that
    "All dogs go to Heaven".
  21. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    "Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." -- Homer Simpson
  22. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    .... sigh .... and all this time I thought it was Trump's fault ......
  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Everyone knows that Baptists and Catholics have an extremely "flexible" religion as to badness .... what with all the in which witch burnings, inquisitions and what-not .... and that the JWs give lip service to being above all of that.
    When dog bites man ... it's not big news.
    When man bites dog .... it is !
  24. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in What is the point of it all?   
    I have noticed that humans have the greatest actual joy ... I mean the REAL THING ... when they are laying on their back on the floor, covered in a litter of happy puppies!
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    The phrase you are looking for is: ‘a lie.’
    Headline of your story reads: “Coroner blasts Jehovah’s Witnesses for not stopping....”
    Whereupon the coroner himself, who has other things to do but is annoyed at being misrepresented, must set the record straight:
    “We would like to state that at no time did the Coroner find that opportunities existed and/or were missed by any individual or group to prevent the murder.”
    One might even say the phrase you are looking for is: “an apostate lie.” Who else would turn the Coroner’s statement inside out?
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