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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    … ever notice how much more responsible and polite people used to be when dueling was fashionable?
    … jus’ thinking out loud …..
  2. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    (…. glances at watch ..) Well, it’s about time for Eric, the doppelgänger sock puppet to make an appearance…
  3. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    The above is merely solid documentation and proof that you are a compulsive and habitual liar… from your own words.
  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    You are too dumb to realize that you just did EXACTLY as I predicted and also just proved with your own words that you are a compulsive, habitual liar.

  5. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Either you are LYING, wrapped up in your own delusions which you believe, or you can specify and enumerate my alleged fabrications and deceits.
    Let’s see if you choke on this and once again prove with your own words you are a habitual, compulsive liar. 

  6. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Of the five sentences above, only the last one makes any sense at all. 
    I actually agree with sentence No. 5.
    The other four are delusional.
    Sweeping generalities that have no basis in reality.
    … think I am kidding?
    Read them out loud to yourself.
  7. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    The difference between my posts and your posts, Fausto, is that I have documented proof for my every statement, and you have only your delusional opinions.

    Which have no facts whatsoever to back them up.
  8. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    … ever notice how much more responsible and polite people used to be when dueling was fashionable?
    … jus’ thinking out loud …..
  9. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Yeah … I remember when the Super Duper Top Secret “Shepherding the Flock of God” Elders Manual first came out. I had a copy before my local Elders had theirs. Rank and File Brothers could not have a copy, or even read it, and if they helped an Elder by making a copy, they had to be watched so they did NOT read any of it. It was not to left out so a Sister could see it.
    Meanwhile copies were given by the Society to the Finland Minister of Health, and the Minister of Education.
    Both women.
  10. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Just because you have no sense of humor or any common sense whatsoever, and do not understand comedy, humor, satire or parody does not mean everyone else is so afflicted.

  11. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    I try not to respond to fantasy, wrong, delusional ad hominem attacks like the sentence above, but since it is partially correct, I will make an exception.
    This is my trusty HP-41CX Calculator which I used for 30 years, and heavily modified, (… designed and made the specialized chips and keyboard myself …) with which I made a living for international engineering companies as a Principal Senior Design Engineer, mechanical and civil, in the USA, the Congo, Peru and Norway.
    Since I am only a High School Graduate, as you alluded to, I think I have done reasonably well.
    …. it may irritate you, but then, who cares?

  12. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    With High School Algebra you could probably prove that Fausto’s posts were nonsense mathematically.

  13. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Of the five sentences above, only the last one makes any sense at all. 
    I actually agree with sentence No. 5.
    The other four are delusional.
    Sweeping generalities that have no basis in reality.
    … think I am kidding?
    Read them out loud to yourself.
  14. Haha
  15. Downvote
  16. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    I would just like to say, almost as an aside, that as a minor point that you can take to heart …. the screenshots I posted,  I posted without any commentary whatsoever, and it was screenshots of the Watchtower Bible and Track Society’s own publications.
    What could be more straightfoward and honest?
    I ASKED YOU TO EXPLAIN WHY IT WAS NOT POLITICAL LOBBYING … and you choked and replied with the usual foggy bottom agenda driven drivel.
    Heck, I did not even supply HALF the hard unimpeachable direct exact unmodified quotes available.
    ….. let me make my position clear ….. it is my personal opinion that all interaction with human beings is political, and nobody can avoid being in politics.
    When the Society uses lawyers, they are lobbyists for the Society. 
    That is why they are also called “Counselors”, or “Advocates”.
    I have no problem with that.
     I do not think that the Society has done anything wrong by negotiating for a better deal, and is and has been trying to make the best way they can under difficult circumstances.
    What I object to, and the ONLY thing I object to, is deliberately lying that IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
    Hard evidence says it did!
    It’s a short road, and a slippery slope to drowning in manufactured fantasy.


  17. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    .., significance of the organization lies in its dedication to spreading the message of God's love and promoting religious freedom to governments..,
    Maybe my memory is not serving me well, but I can't remember any Bible text that writes about how Jesus, as the Pillar and Model of the Perfect Preacher and Proclaimer of the Gospel, promoted religious freedom to the political elites in the 1st century?
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    So much for the Sweeping Generalities.
    Now, for a change, address the SPECIFIC elements of the 49 minute video.!
    Otherwise your vague, off topic generalities have no more substance than fog.
    Be a sport ….. get off the teleprompter.
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Lobbying, Advocacy, Open Communication
    First source:
    Many researchers’ workplaces and affiliations are likely nonprofits and, more specifically, nonprofits categorized as 501(c)(3)s (e.g., public colleges or universities, research institutes). As such, it is important that researchers are aware of the lobbying rules for nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits classified as 501(c)(3)s public charities must not use “substantial” resources for lobbying, though it is not prohibited outright. These organizations have the right to lobby for issues they believe in or against issues they do not. It is only when this advocacy deals with specific legislation that calculated cost limits apply. If the rule that “no substantial part” of activities be dedicated to lobbying seems too vague, consider an “h election” to allow your organization to precisely report the amount of money spent on direct or grassroots lobbying. Researchers should consult with their organizational leadership about lobbying definitions, allowable activities, and how their paid time may be used when communicating recommendations to legislators.
    Next source:
    Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) are subject to specific restrictions on their political activities. Violating these rules can lead to loss of tax-exempt status, so all nonprofits need to be aware of these restrictions to avoid any potential problems.
    Lobbying Restrictions
    IRS regulations generally prohibit charities with tax-exempt status from engaging in lobbying except to an “insubstantial degree.” Historically, if a charity spends more than about five percent of its budget, time, and effort on lobbying, it may be considered “substantial” and thus violate IRS regulations, although there is no regulation that defines “substantial” with precision.
    The other alternative for charities under IRS statutes is to use the 501(h) expenditure test under Section 501(h) of the IRC. Under the formula defined in 501(h), a charity’s lobbying activities are subject to specific dollar limits with an overall cap of $1 million. However, any lobbying activities by volunteers on behalf of the charity do not count toward those limits.
    WTJWorg is full of volunteers, isn't it? They are actually all volunteers.
    What is open communication?
    Open communication is the ability to express your thoughts freely while interacting with other people. In a workplace, it refers to the ability of employees to share and receive feedback, provide ideas and suggestions, and raise concerns, which makes them active participants in the work process. 
    Open communication is about honesty, availability, and transparency. It means that you have to tell the truth as it is and be willing to hear it in return. It also means you have access to the information you need, and you have to provide the information to those who need it, too. Finally, it means nothing can be kept secret – so there is no chance for politicking or intrigues.   
    Open communication is based on the following principles:
    Trust. When you know you will hear an honest opinion, you do not expect a get knife in your back. You can rely on your colleagues. You can ask for help. This highly reduces the risk of workplace conflict, and lays the foundations for healthy work relationships.    Psychological safety. It is the ability to express your thoughts without fear of judgment or rejection. A workplace is psychologically safe when employees can openly raise up sensitive issues and be sure that they will not be scolded or fired for challenging someone else’s authority.  Consistency. For communication to be truly open, it has to be open on a regular basis. This is why it’s important to establish specific open communication policies that would normalize this phenomenon in the workplace. The role of the leader is crucial here – leaders set an example for the whole team and motivate people to act in the same way.   
    When WTJWorg destroys important documents and refuses to hand over documents to the courts that request it, can we talk about open communication?
    Or when GB publishes manuals for elders that no other member of JW society is allowed to see?
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    I would just like to say, almost as an aside, that as a minor point that you can take to heart …. the screenshots I posted,  I posted without any commentary whatsoever, and it was screenshots of the Watchtower Bible and Track Society’s own publications.
    What could be more straightfoward and honest?
    I ASKED YOU TO EXPLAIN WHY IT WAS NOT POLITICAL LOBBYING … and you choked and replied with the usual foggy bottom agenda driven drivel.
    Heck, I did not even supply HALF the hard unimpeachable direct exact unmodified quotes available.
    ….. let me make my position clear ….. it is my personal opinion that all interaction with human beings is political, and nobody can avoid being in politics.
    When the Society uses lawyers, they are lobbyists for the Society. 
    That is why they are also called “Counselors”, or “Advocates”.
    I have no problem with that.
     I do not think that the Society has done anything wrong by negotiating for a better deal, and is and has been trying to make the best way they can under difficult circumstances.
    What I object to, and the ONLY thing I object to, is deliberately lying that IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
    Hard evidence says it did!
    It’s a short road, and a slippery slope to drowning in manufactured fantasy.


  21. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Unfortunately for many JWs who deeply believe in WTJWorg doctrines and instructions, we have to ask, is the WT Society really a Logical Society? With the passage of time, the GB leaders deny with their own statements the possibility that such an assessment is correct. I'm sorry.
  22. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    This article shows the position of the JW Corporation that "lobbying" within JW congregations is impermissible. And only that. Nothing says that such action is forbidden in relation to the "outside world".
    This is the same as the method used in "theocratic warfare". Every JW is obliged to tell the complete truth and not withhold anything when talking to the elders. But he is permitted to speak untruths or half-truths or withholding the truth from those "who are not authorized to hear it."
    That's why you have JW elders and JW lawyers who appear before the Courts and actually manipulate the information given, that is, they lie.
  23. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    … And just for the record, I really don’t care what anyone believes or does on this forum. 
    … but if you are going to have and hold, and argue for a position, at least base it on checkable hard facts … and when someone else takes the opposite view, always demand from them the same .
    Otherwise it’s all about arguing about whether a transformer car can morph itself into a robot, and is it male or female.
  24. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    Your only, repeat ONLY rational response,  is a point by point rebuttal of the Watchtower Society’s own documentation of hard fact historic events, as shown in the video.
    OooOOooo … but that would be WORK, wouldn’t it? 
  25. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower and "Lobbying" related to the doctrine of "Christian Neutrality"   
    If you did not see the video, and did not study the video to see if the points documented were true or not, you have no right to any opinion whatsoever.
    If you did not see the video, and did not study the video to see if the points documented were true or not, you have no right to any opinion whatsoever.
    Because that’s what this thread is about.
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