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  1. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    EVERY time you use the term “former members …” you assume homogenous thinking of both groups, and is a prima facia admission of ignorance of reality.
    What makes it worse it that it is deliberate and premeditated ignorance, actively denying reality.
    That is what agenda driven thinking ALWAYS does.
    The PROOF of it is clearly shown here, when you spasm downvote historically straight simple facts.
  2. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Reality has always been worrisome for those agenda driven theorists whose income depends on a carefully crafted  web of fantasy definitions of reality.
  3. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States faked “neutrality” toward the Nazis, and loudly proclaimed its “neutrality” about the war in Europe … while at the same time shipping enough supplies to England to “sink the Island”.
    As a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War, it took me a long time to realize that being against war in general resonates and is in fact a political stance, and that NOT doing something IS POLITICAL AND BEING INVOLVED IN POLITICS.
    That is REALITY.
    The only time in the entire history of humanity that there was no politics was before Eve was created!
  4. Downvote
  5. Thanks
  6. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    In order to write like that, you must be being paid by the word.
    Whatever you are being paid … it’s too much.
    ….. sounds EXACTLY like Doodyville’s Mayor, Phineas T. Bluster. 

  7. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    In order to write like that, you must be being paid by the word.
    Whatever you are being paid … it’s too much.
    ….. sounds EXACTLY like Doodyville’s Mayor, Phineas T. Bluster. 

  8. Downvote
  9. Haha
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    The commentator may also be attempting to obscure the fact that if you want the same proportional ‘catch’ among Jehovah’s Witnesses that exists among the leaders of some faiths, you must widen the net to include everybody in the faith. Imagine if NCR decided to report on the abuse reported among any Catholics.
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Do you notice the similarity? The secret becomes public, sooner or later. Religious institutions (there are no true and false) have the same pattern of behavior. Covering up and trying to keep a "clean" face in front of the public, one's own and the other's.
    “DURING the past decade, some 400 Roman Catholic priests have been reported to church or civil authorities for sexual abuse of children,” according to U.S.News & World Report. Recently, a national gathering of survivors of such abuse was held near Chicago, Illinois. Many spoke openly of how they had been victimized by pedophile priests.
    But NCR (National Catholic Reporter) notes that speakers sounded another theme repeatedly throughout the conference: “The first abuse is sexual; the second and more painful, is psychological.” This second abuse occurs when the church refuses to listen to victims of abuse, fails to take their accusations seriously, and moves only to protect the offending priests. “Fairly or unfairly,” NCR reports, “they portrayed Catholic clergy as belonging to an unhealthy and misguided group more bent on preserving privilege and power than in serving lay needs.” Several speakers made ominous comparisons to the Reformation, which split the church wide open in the 16th century.
    According to Richard Sipe, a former priest turned psychotherapist and expert on sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, all this institutional denial reveals “a deep, desperate and knowing personal involvement in the problem.” He added: “The church knows and has known for a long time a great deal about the sexual activity of its priests. It has looked the other way, tolerated, covered up and simply lied about the broad spectrum of sexual activity of its priests.”
    Not surprisingly, then, many abuse survivors are suing the church. NCR quotes one attorney who specializes in such cases as saying that there are pedophile-priest cases in each of the church’s 188 dioceses in the United States. He says that out-of-court settlements have run as high as $300,000 per case. U.S.News & World Report says that such suits have already cost the church $400,000,000, a figure that could surge to $1 billion by the year 2000. And the Canadian Press reported recently that some 2,000 survivors of childhood sexual abuse in 22 church-run orphanages and mental institutions in Quebec are suing six religious orders for $1.4 billion in damages.
    Interestingly, though, the aforementioned U.S. attorney, who represents 150 victims of pedophile priests in 23 states, says that he has never yet had a client who was eager to go to court. Each one first tried to seek justice “within the pastoral context of the church.” NCR concludes: “Survivors go to the courts, it appears, not as a first resort, but as a last resort.”
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Hence, at the business meeting of all shareholder-voters of the Society on October 2, 1944, it was unanimously voted that the Society’s charter be revised and be brought into closer harmony with theocratic principles. Membership would not now be unlimited as to number but would be between 300 and 500, all of whom would be men chosen by the board of directors, not on the basis of monetary contributions, but because they were mature, active, faithful Witnesses of Jehovah who were serving full-time in the work of the organization or were active ministers of congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These members would vote for the board of directors, and the board of directors would then select its officers. These new arrangements went into effect the following year, on October 1, 1945. What a protection this has proved to be in an era when hostile elements have frequently manipulated business affairs so as to take control of corporations and then restructure them to suit their own aims!
  13. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    *** w01 7/1 p. 30 Annual Meeting October 6, 2001 ***
    THE ANNUAL MEETING of the members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held on October 6, 2001, at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2932 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey. A preliminary meeting of the members only will convene at 9:15 a.m., followed by the general annual meeting at 10:00 a.m.
    The members of the corporation should inform the Secretary’s Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can reach them during July.
    The proxies, which will be sent to the members along with the notice of the annual meeting, are to be returned so as to reach the Office of the Secretary of the Society not later than August 1. Each member should complete and return his proxy promptly, stating whether he is going to be at the meeting personally or not. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, since it will be relied upon in determining who will be present.
    It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. There will be no afternoon session. Because of limited space, admission will be by ticket only. No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums.
    Terminology changed. They are not sharholders but Members - Voters.
    Money is not in their pockets, it seems, but somewhere else.
    *** yb73 p. 258 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ***
    A little after ten o’clock the annual business meeting was called to order and, by proxy and persons present, there were 423 members of the Pennsylvania corporation in attendance. They reelected as members of the board of directors for three years M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle.
  14. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    … besides … it’s a military secret.
  15. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    it reminds me of something Hillary Clinton said after Bill Clinton’s problems with Monica Lewinsky and the other bimbo eruptions and all the legal fees associated with that, and they were down to $40 million dollars.  she cried out they were broke and didn’t have any money. Apparently among  her and her group of peers, if you’re down to $20 million you were considered destitute.

    Of course there may be many reasons the WTB&TS did not make the chart. They have never published ANY financial data to the Brotherhood, so above the Circuit level, there is no way to know. The maze of Corporations would confound a team of specialists.
  16. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Yes, “we” do know.
    They have not.
  17. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Real estate as tangible proof that Kingdom is now ruling   
    If an abundance of physical assets, real estate, media centers, branch offices, and kingdom halls is evidence of God’s kingdom, the Catholic Church has 100 and more times as much.
    With that flawed logic it’s quite clear that the Catholic Church is the true religion.
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in Real estate as tangible proof that Kingdom is now ruling   
    Wow if the society's buildings and branches is proof what about the Mormons 100 billion bank account thats way more tangible proof to me then 😆😆😆
  19. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in Real estate as tangible proof that Kingdom is now ruling   
    "The scores of branch office buildings, hundreds of Assembly Halls, and tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls around the world provide tangible proof that God’s Kingdom is real and is now ruling." - https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/gods-kingdom/support/building-work-honors-jehovah/
    This same words was told by GB Helper Alex Reinmueller on JW TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzgfCMcOhM4&feature=em-uploademail  in 32:31 of this video.
    Where in Bible and in Jesus' words you can find confirmation how construction program and buildings will be tangible proof about God's Kingdom reality on Earth?
    Does Watchtower's worldwide possession of  properties, real estate (buildings) is part of "sign" of the Last Days ?
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    A simple comment “ they were the signers of the letters I posted” would have been sufficient, and informative and simple.
  21. Like
  22. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    I am sure, Fausto, that the Thessalonians shared your opinions about everything and that the Bereans, like myself, would have hounded you to prove every statement.
  23. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Heck … i even remember Compuserve.

  24. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    By the way, I fully agree with the letter you provided … it was a SNAFU of normal proportions.
    I had copies of this 20 years ago.
    ”Stuff Happens”
    The same screw-ups we make as individuals, the Society also makes.
    To think otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

  25. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    I am not even trying to persuade you, el Fausto, much less the public.
    I know absolutely nothing about you except your blind agenda, and that you switch screen names about once every two months in a continuously failed attempt to hide your identity.
    I have no proof you are a man or woman because your sentence style is that of a programmed device.
    What you perceive as ad hominem attacks on you is actually me destroying tor logic, reasoning, and pseudo “facts”, and agenda driven support of the indefensible.
    With your own words you destroy your own credibility. All I do is separate your Disneyland view of the Universe from what can actually be proven.
    I used to be a Private Investigator and was good at it. Being able to separate fact from fiction is a valuable skill that lends itself to many areas of life … including Theology, where half only want to sit under a waterfall of free money.
    My instinctual wild-ass guess is that you are are, or blindly support that philosophy.
    …. as you have shown literally dozens of times by whatever screen name by choking when pressed for proof of your assertions and unable to produce anything except mountains of irrelevant and deliberately  diversionary claptrap.
    I argue with you for one reason only. 
    It’s fun to prove you wrong.
    Look at how much work it was to get you to produce that Nov. 1, 2001 letter.
    As your adversary I can attest to that it is proof good enough for most suppositions.
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