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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from SheltonB in This is funny   
    Also want him to explain December 7, 1941 to you ET?
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    Many can assert themselves in various forms and claim whatever they want about themselves. Among other things, they can claim that Jesus chose them in 1919 to be his "chosen ones". At the same time, they can lead a multinational company "following the example of Jesus" in same manner? And asking followers to sign a "vow of poverty"? Should that be proof to someone that they are "chosen" and that they have "received the spirit"?
    For many it is doctrinal nonsense.  
  3. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    Also want him to explain December 7, 1941 to you ET?
  4. Sad
    Pudgy got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in This is funny   
    Also want him to explain December 7, 1941 to you ET?
  5. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    … Elijah walks into a large dining room with 100 waiting acolyte scribes, and says “… today we are going to do spreadsheets!”.
  6. Confused
    Pudgy got a reaction from SheltonB in This is funny   
    Wellllll …. all humor has to have some basis in truth (for the “setup”, and spin your head around with an absurdity at the end, to be funny! If you have heard a joke before, it’s often not funny. The exception is my jokes, which I repeat quite often, because they are ALWAYS funny, to me. Sometimes my humor is just for me, but I enjoy it, so there you go!
    One reason it is almost impossible to insult me, is if as an example, you called me  “… a low down scum sucking pig”, by the time I finished visualized that, I might be laughing at Porky on the ground with a frog stuck in the end of his scum straw!, with caved in cheeks and bulging eyes.
    This has many benefits, and almost always involves being naturally happy, competent and self-sufficient.
    AAAaaand … it costs nothing.
    Humor, I have found is always the characteristic of an active mind, because the “punch line” necessitates a person having a clear mental picture of the “setup”, or when the twist, or “punch line” is delivered, you get that dumb “deer-in-the-headlights” look of incomprehension.
    As an aside … the reason deer stand in the middle of the road at night, staring at oncoming headlights until they get hit and killed, is they are thinking …   “ …. hmmm … is that a Toyota or a Mazda?”.
    I think humor is or is not funny, depending on your life experiences, and ability to visualize.
    I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes  …. until I met a man who had no feet. Or a cow skiing down a powder snow slope …. and hitting a tree!
  7. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    From the Dead Sea Scrolls - “GALATIA — A local follower of the new religious sect known as "Christians" expressed frustration after a letter from the Apostle Paul arrived notifying the group of believers that circumcision is not a requirement to be a member of the church.
    "Would've helped to have known about this a few days ago," said Lucius, a recent convert to the faith. "I became a believer in Jesus Christ last week, and I was so gung-ho about doing everything I could to show how serious I was about changing my life. These Jewish guys told me if I really wanted to belong, I needed to get circumcised. Now, we get this letter from Paul saying it's not required. Could've saved myself a lot of pain if I had been a little more patient. I still can't walk normally."
    A small group of troublemakers has reportedly been traveling around to Christian churches throughout Asia Minor and telling believers they have to be circumcised. "It's kind of messed up, actually," Lucius said. "I was a little suspicious when one of the guys telling me I had to get circumcised kept giggling, but I really wanted to fit in, so I figured I should go ahead and do it. I just wish that letter had gotten here sooner. C'mon, Paul! You're killing me here! OWW…geez!"
    At publishing time, rumors persisted that the group claiming circumcision is necessary was considering kicking their practical joke up a notch to find out what other body parts they could convince people to cut off.”
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    The perfect example of the watchtower Bible and Tractor side yes ( I think I will leave that as is …) manipulating “Church News” is how they provided relief supplies to Haiti when it was devastated by earthquake.  
    Be a sport …. look it up. 
    Almost nothing was said about the whole mission because the supplies getting delivered to the users, both Witnesses and others relied on cooperation between the Brothers, and the Haitian military, the United States Army, and the United Nations, who had manpower, trucks, and helicopters to deliver supplies, that the Governing Body did not.
    Many nations and organizations poured resources into that catastrophy, and for every relief worker there were two scam artists skimming money and resources out of the pile.
    The Clinton Foundation collected about $30 million to rebuild housing, but it was all used to pay Chelsey’s “expenses”.
    News from the society will never give credit to others, and there used to be a cabinet full of gold figurines at Brooklyn Bethel, “Telly Awards” for video productions ( … they look somewhat like Hollywood’s “Oscars”), that are a joke that you have to buy, and anyone can get one as long as your check clears the bank, solely and specifically designed to impress the ignorant and naïve.
    Such is the nature of all human thought and actions.
    No one is immune … especially if you enjoy luxuriating in the never ending waterfall of free money.
    …..it’s VERY addictive. 

  9. Like
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    The loss of status and state money in Norway was published. Russian confiscation of assets and prohibition of activities as well. What's the difference? Manipulation, that is the answer to the question.
  11. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    WTJWorg claims that "apostates" cannot be trusted. Can secular people be trusted? WTJWorg claims they can't be trusted either, although it doesn't consider them "theological apostates from the JW ranks." So it is important to determine whether the PA Attorney is telling the truth or telling lies. 
    JW.ORG is the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Newsroom reports on current events and other news affecting Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.
    For what reasons are JWs not officially informed about current events, like this in PA, that affecting JW worldwide? And similar investigations about JW and CSA from Australia, Japan, Europe to USA.
    Can you even be worried about something you don't know is happening? JW Newsroom and manipulative selection  about what information will be published to members. This is something that should cause restlessness and struggle in every person.
  12. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    What type of "apostate" is PA Attorney General Michelle Henry? 
    Is she a former JW?
    I know that it's summer and there's great heat, so people come to strange conclusions under the influence of unbearable heat. I recommend a higher intake of water in the body.
    Now seriously ..,
    Do you think that "apostates" can arise from some "false" religion or only from the "true" one? Former Adventists, Scientologists, Catholics and so on, could not be "true apostates", because they were once members of false, apostate religions that are fundamentally "apostate" according to JWs belief.
    JWs firm belief that they are members of the only true religion is not a guarantee that the institutionalized religious company, aka WTJWorg, does not belong to a false religious group or so-called "Babylon the Great".
    The WTJWorg website does not state that charges have been filed against quite a large number of JWs in PA. Is it because the GB doesn't believe the charges have been brought or they don't believe the Jws could commit a crime, which is also, theologically, a sin?
    Be free to tell your view, opinion or perspective.
  13. Sad
    Pudgy reacted to Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    Read and be "Awake!" and "Shun" all who disagree with WTJWorg.
  14. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    You know, when I see someone down vote a statement that is just plain common sense, it makes me wonder about their grip on reality.
    When they down vote four or  five comments and statements that are just plain common sense, it’s quite clear that they are divorced from reality, and the natural thing to wonder is ….. are they dangerous?
    …. which proves that common sense is not all that common.
  15. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    “ "Woke" culture and "cancel" culture are two related but distinct phenomena that have emerged in contemporary discourse. While there is some overlap between the two, they have different focuses and implications.
    "Woke" culture refers to a cultural and political consciousness that emphasizes social justice, particularly in relation to issues of race, gender, sexuality, and other forms of oppression. The term "woke" originated in African American Vernacular English and gained prominence in social justice movements. Being "woke" means being aware of and sensitive to systemic inequalities and actively working to address them. It involves recognizing and challenging biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices in society.
    On the other hand, "cancel" culture refers to the practice of publicly calling out and boycotting individuals or institutions perceived to have said or done something offensive, objectionable, or morally wrong. Canceling typically involves withdrawing support, often through social media campaigns, in an attempt to hold people accountable for their actions. It can lead to severe consequences such as loss of reputation, employment opportunities, and even financial repercussions.
    While both "woke" culture and "cancel" culture are rooted in social justice concerns, the main distinction lies in their focus and execution. Woke culture is a broader ideological stance centered around promoting awareness and combating systemic injustice, while cancel culture tends to be more reactive and focused on addressing individual behavior. Cancel culture can sometimes be seen as a form of online mob justice, where the accused party is swiftly and harshly condemned without much opportunity for dialogue, understanding, or growth.
    It is important to note that discussions around "woke" culture and "cancel" culture are often polarized, with critics arguing that cancel culture stifles free speech and promotes a toxic online environment, while proponents argue that it holds individuals accountable and helps create a safer and more inclusive society. The nuances and impact of these cultural phenomena can vary depending on the context and specific instances involved.”  -  ChatGBT
    The problem is when the administrators are bat crap crazy with screwball agendas.

  16. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This is funny   
    Circa 1972 I was at a JW Convention at the Hampton Roads, Virginia Coliseum, looking with binoculars at the Sunday afternoon speaker at the lectern on the coliseum floor, and I noticed he had fluorescent yellow patent leather shoes. My only thought was “Where do you even BUY shoes like that?”.
  17. Thanks
    Pudgy got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "Doubt your doubts" ... and you will always have/be in the truth? Really?   
    …. there is a reason why Bro. Anthony Morris III ascended to such high levels in the service, at Bethel, and with the Governing Body.

  18. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from runtifus in This is funny   
    Circa 1972 I was at a JW Convention at the Hampton Roads, Virginia Coliseum, looking with binoculars at the Sunday afternoon speaker at the lectern on the coliseum floor, and I noticed he had fluorescent yellow patent leather shoes. My only thought was “Where do you even BUY shoes like that?”.
  19. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from runtifus in This is funny   
    The Apostle Paul mentioned that he was all things to all people, and I strongly suspect while in port cities and on sailing ships his vocabulary and demeanor were different than that at a lectern or podium.
    But …. I cannot imagine him having any sense of humor whatsoever, or being insulted when or if a real or imagined insult was attempted.
    Much like if Superman was real, and someone disrespected him by noting he wore red underwear with a yellow belt, over a blue leotard, and wore a cape to hide his butt crack.
    He’s Superman!
    Why should he care?
  20. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from runtifus in This is funny   
    It depends on your sense of humor. I have found the more competent and aware a person is, the harder it is to insult him.
  21. Sad
    Pudgy reacted to Matthew9969 in This is funny   
    Makes you wonder what he would be like in today's cancel woke culture.
  22. Confused
    Pudgy reacted to Matthew9969 in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Didn't you give me a hard time a while back about commenting on old post?
  23. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Pharisees used lies in the face of the Christ, but, the trick question was to root out a reasoning. So you linking that to the Pharisees was false, and it shows willful error
    If you want to go down that route, I can easily quote you for Romans 12:9 which you used said verse to defense problematic issues that is not of God's favor. Man of God you say, but you do not abide by context, therefore you said what you said because you fled from the question.
    Utter Pharisees again, and I will gladly link your quote.
    That being said, while you were in hiding, the general public do interact with homosexuals in the workplace or in public, and to the homosexuals they are not psychic, they do not who you are or your views of homosexuality, therefore, if one asks you, you are in a position to explain to the person as to why you can't do this or that, in this trick question - why a Christian should not involve himself with such things, and how to convey to the homosexual the reason.
    Quite the hypocritical mindset, on your part, Butler.
  24. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    @Patiently waiting for Truth @ApostaBabe Linda James It would seem as to what was told to both of you in this regard, as a forewarning, is starting to become like a plague, increased intensity in 2023 and onward, to the point people are now realizing the actions of the people, this also includes a few allys of the disgruntled EXJWs, are doing in various institutions, even the higher education system itself, which is doing a lot of the pushing. Next time it would make sense to listen, rather than ignore and play it off as if there is no threats around when things start to open back up and or push for woke inclusivity as a means to target the youth.
    As for religious lines, they, those with intent, already perverted the Christ. The entirety of this month, those who do not support the agendas, are targeted, Muslims, Catholics, us Biblical Unitarians, and yes, even Jehovah's Witnesses, granted, among the EXJW supporters, has a huge following with the LGBTQ community who advocates for this nonsense. Not to mention Babylon pushing some churches to include notions of the LGBTQ into their churches, hence why I always speak of this Desmond is amazing character, whom someone, even among the chosen, had to deal with. It should also be noted that NBC (a branch of the MSM), who seemingly support most EX members of a faith, are, defending the behaviors of those involved in recent events regarding children, willingly.
    That being said, perhaps next time, actually understand and pay attention, to be this gullible to the actions of those in the world who would love nothing more than to kill Biblical values and or morals speaks volume, especially now, granted, we are at the brink of war, and society is becoming more Godless by the day, and in the end, the very people who prey on children in all parts of the world will be accepted, and it will be a very bad paradigm for everyone else.
    The videos speak for themselves concerning the outrage.
    This will be the last time this will be mentioned to you, Butler, because failing to see a problem and brushing it off is a problem, which is the Agenda itself.
  25. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Space Merchant in Is Easter Really a Christian Celebration? ??   
    The Holiday is Pagan, end of story.
    You do not have to be religious, and or a man of God, or of any faith community, such as JWs, to realize this.
    Those who deem it otherwise, simply want to add to the Church, not realizing what they are doing is unwise, and those who know and do this willingly, even making excuses to partake, well, the White Throne is waiting for them - Revelation 20:11-15.
    That being said, you are either for God and his Christ or the World and it's God. There is no middle ground. Do what you can to remain on the correct side.
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