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  1. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in need member this platform   
    I am glad they waived the requirements to go on a 3 year quest on wooden sailing ships, and slay monsters, dragons, and such.
  2. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in need member this platform   
    Welcome, Jean Michel, Sak pase! If you haven't already become a member of one of the clubs, I think to be a member of any club you just have to go to Browse<Clubs, then select which club you want to join and click on it; then click on the "Join" option, and the administrator will help from there. Bon bagay. 🙂
  3. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Goodnight, @Pudgy😁

  4. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Since I don’t care, it eliminates a LOT of reading by people that use 100,000 words that say nothing of certainty.
    Multiply that by 12 months x 50 years …. And it adds up to some SERIOUS brain rot.
  5. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Maybe that would help solve the aforementioned heavenly beard quandary with Roseannadanna?
  6. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Is this “ The hill you want to die on”?
    As a Practical matter … how could it possibly matter if we DO have perfect knowledge about when the resurrection during the “end times” will occur?   …. Or we are totally ignorant about when?
    When it happens, it will be obvious, or NOT obvious for those heaven bound.
    For those resurrected to the Earth it will be VERY OBVIOUS …. If we are there!
    I am not even concerned about that …. soon …. perhaps to soon, we will ALL KNOW!
    Too much thinking about such things will only burn out your hair roots or give you a triple chin.

  7. Haha
  8. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Diagramming sentences can be fun puzzles. I liked grammar class. I prefer the math puzzles. And scriptural puzzles. Wrestling with "puzzles" has helped me cope during the many varied instances and extended circumstances regarding those "bigger problems down here where the rubber meets the road." Sometimes when it seems like the whole world has gone mad, immersing my mind and heart in study of creation and scripture has kept me alive.
    "In this same way, when God decided to demonstrate more clearly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath,  in order that through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to take firm hold of the hope set before us."
    I love my children more than I love anyone else on earth. When I understood about being anointed, I had to "wrestle all night" with that figurative angel...how do you comprehend everlasting life separated from those you love? And the God of Love doing the calling? It just didn't make sense. All the things the organization says about the heavenly resurrection don't make sense. They don't fit with the Bible. I had to wrestle with that puzzle for a long time before things fell into place.
    I begged Jehovah to help me understand. And He did. And it's only right to share that information, because it's just horrible for anybody to think that Jehovah would separate loved ones from each other. He's not like that. Satan is the one who invented the eternal torment doctrine, not Jehovah.
    How could anyone think the God of Love would separate loved ones for all eternity, and that someone in heaven could see their loved ones but not be with them? That's horrible. That's not Jehovah's way.
    "You must not boil a kid in its mother's milk." That was a law of Jehovah. He wasn't just saying it about cooking. It's the principle behind it.
    Jehovah was separated from Jesus for a little while. It must have been horrible. But then they could be together again forever. Jehovah takes the lead in everything. Why would He ask us to do something that He wouldn't do himself? Jehovah would not separate Himself from His Son for all eternity. He would not ask us to do it either.
    Jehovah designed us to be His kids. He isn't going to just watch everybody from heaven. That's not how He is. People don't understand yet that He's actually going to make a way to interact with His kids on the earth. 
    It's kind of like when you know how to do trig, but you're teaching someone who doesn't know their 1-2-3s yet. You have to wait until they can count, then teach basic math, then algebra later, etc...
    For so long, false religion has been teaching that "invisible" thing, and there are still remnants of it in Jehovah's Witnesses today that haven't been removed yet. Jesus will remove them in time.
    Anyway, suffering is bad but good things can come of it. Jehovah doesn't cause the suffering, but He turns it into a blessing every time, like He did with Job, and Joseph, and Jesus. He will do that for all of us.
    Thank you for sharing with me about trigonometry.💖
    I like what Jesus said:
    "“I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.  However, when that one comes, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own initiative, but what he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things to come.  That one will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to you.  All the things that the Father has are mine. That is why I said he receives from what is mine and declares it to you.  In a little while you will see me no longer, and again, in a little while you will see me.”
  9. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    S = the sine of the angle being considered, in decimal degrees
    H = the hypotenuse of a triangle in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)
    O =  the opposite side of the triangle from the angle considered, in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)
    C = the cosine of an angle being considered, in decimal degrees
    T = the tangent of an angle being considered, in decimal degrees 
    A = the adjacent side of the triangle to the angle considered in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)
    S x H = O
    C x H = A
    T x A = O
    O / H = S
    A / H = C
    O / A = T
    Just write down vertically SHOCHATAO before you start doing trig !
    But my very FAVORITE formula was simply SHOCHATAO = $.
    Somebody paid me a lot of money to do that, for 40 years!

  10. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    As far as how and where the anointed or the other sheep are resurrected I have no interest unless it involves needing a Space Suit, or SCUBA gear, a waterproof solar powered GPS, or heavy winter clothes.
    Being resurrected AT ALL is the biggie.
    The rest is irrelevant details.
  11. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    As you quoted me, it is a two way street. Your declaration was a lie, as you just confirmed.

  12. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    You failed your test with evasion.

  13. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Ok, I will take that at face value …..
    Where are you generally located?
    How long have you been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    Are you married?
    Do you have pets or hobbies?
    How many are in your Congregation? 
    etc., etc., etc.
    (.. and yes, this is a test …)
  14. Like
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    (Spirit creatures don't need to sleep, but I do. Hope you guys have a good rest of your night.🙂)
  15. Like
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    I am a guest here, as you also are a guest here.
  16. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    I have absolutely no control over anyone in this club, nor do I want any. It’s not my call … or even my interest.
    I am allowed to upvote, or express my opinion that your opinion is a load of crap.
    If you want to do the same to me, I have no objection ….. but it IS a two-way street.
  17. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Yes, the way you want to do it would be available on IRC, with the “Igloo” iPhone App, on the DALNET network, in the “Christiandebate” chat room. There are usually about 20 or so regulars there, and when I was there for 15 or more years got into some intense knock-down drag-out debates. It works better on a PC using the program MIRC, which is incredibly versatile. Same addresses.
    There are chat rooms for JWs, Baptists, Catholics, Pacifists, Nazis, and people discussing carnal knowledge of oysters and squids be you so inclined. Years ago DALNET had about 20,000 different topic chat rooms.
    It is not for the timid, and much like hand to hand combat, figuratively, you can get chewed up if you try to BS them, or cannot prove your premises.
    I stop by every 3 years or so … same ol’ crowd, and I am only one of two who believe JW core beliefs, and they are always happy to see me. I challenge everything they believe … a battle ensues.
    Good times for all!
    (… conversations I had in 1997 are still being copied and bouncing around the Internet  -  I checked.)
  18. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    … this is from the ChatGBT AI.

    If you want, you can start your own chat room or “channel” for free, with whatever topic you want, and as owner and creator, set whatever rules you want, with the means to discipline or eject as you see fit.
  19. Confused
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    … and it begins, again ….
  20. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Nothing about what I said even remotely suggested that.
  21. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    It would take 100,000 words to respond to that in a fair to everybody manner … so I guess we all need forgiveness for our sins of commission … and omission, which are many. Besides, it would just be “for the record”, anyway.
    That’s why I never aspired to be an Elder.

  22. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    … and it begins, again ….
  23. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to John 12.24to28 in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Amen! ☺️
    "There is something distressing that I have seen under the sun, the sort of mistake made by those in power:  Foolishness is put in many high positions, but the rich remain in low positions. I have seen servants on horseback but princes walking on foot just like servants."
    I have seen many immature prideful tyrants "serve" as "elders" and I have seen many brave and loving mature older brothers "not serving" as "elders". 
    Jehovah can distinguish between the title and the man.
    So can some of the sheep (mostly the ones that got bit by the wolves).
    Jacob had twelve sons. Ten of them attempted to murder or were complicit in the kidnapping of their brother Joseph, because their works were wicked and his were righteous. Later, Joseph and Jacob forgave those ten wicked men, and all of them got an inheritance in the promised land. Joseph helped feed them and their families. The foundation of Israel includes those ten sons who earlier wanted Joseph dead.
    The ransom blood is enough for all of us. The family will be healed. May Jehovah be praised for the riches of His undeserved kindness.
  24. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    It would take 100,000 words to respond to that in a fair to everybody manner … so I guess we all need forgiveness for our sins of commission … and omission, which are many. Besides, it would just be “for the record”, anyway.
    That’s why I never aspired to be an Elder.

  25. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from boyle in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Jesus was of course perfect, an attribute that “Kevin McFree”, does not possess.
    If they both made a paper mache volcano in  5th grade science class, Jesus’s volcano would spit real ash and lava.
    Jesus’s two brothers used to complain to Mary that she loved Jesus more because “… he’s just so PERFECT!”
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