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  1. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    In a religious debate forum, you can’t just be unhappy with the other person‘s viewpoint, you have to destroy it with Facts and sound reasoning and reason and logic so that it is obvious to everybody. 
    The technique you use is quite contrary to that. You ask rhetorical questions of similar things or try to throw the burden on the personality and character of the poster.
    Or questions to answer would require a 30 page thesis, like “How is that different from the way Adolph Hitler would do it?”
    This never works, because it’s not using fact, reality based, independently verifiable reason and logic, it is using obfuscation and redirection.
    Agenda driven arguments almost always fail unless they’re based on solid, verifiable and clearly elucidated truth.
    That is why on this earth there may be At any one time 2 billion Wally McNasty’s, and their arguments will fail if challenged.
    If I am in a knock down, drag out religious debate, (and I’ got my bloody wounds  in  knock down, drag out religious debate in IRC many years ago, and had my ass handed back to me on a platter for irrational debate), I realized that you CAN have faulty logic handed back to you on a plate like steaming entrails.
    Very painfull to realize your cherished agenda is wrong.
    “Stuff Happens”
  2. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Good point. Whatever it is.
  3. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Moise Racette in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    If you want to have a happy life, and most people do, it seems, Moise, that your being here does not contribute to that.
    I would recommend that during periods of depression and loneliness that you take up Skydiving.
    I did, and I guarantee it will work.
    If the parachute doesn’t open, your next jump is FREE!

  4. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    @Allen Smith
    Not sure if you were referencing my comments, but if so, read it again. I was saying that neither Sampson nor Christ were committing suicide. Christ told that he could have prevented his death by calling upon legions of angels. Sampson, very likely, could not know whether pulling down the pillars would mean his death or if Jehovah might spare his life miraculously.
  5. Downvote
    Pudgy reacted to Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    What is wrong with you tonight, Pudgy? So hateful! Get a grip 🙏
  6. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Then what's your argument if you don't give a darn. Are you talking to yourself? The public has the right to know? 🤣
  7. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    The is no record in the Bible that there is any punishment whatsoever for suicide, and many people go on “Suicide Missions” , knowing for a certainty that they are going to die, in duty to some perceived concept of the “greater good”.
    Often we as bystanders view this a an honorable thing of courage and a sound mind, as well as a lamentable tragedy.
    Jesus, of course, was the perfect example.
  8. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I wonder if waiting with baited breath includes fishing worms? Sardines? Crickets?

  9. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    He's always been that way. You just don't know him very well. The more he is wrong, the more aggressive he gets. Some others do the same, and then posters disappear because of them.
  10. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Come come, Allan, it’s not a threat. I’m just being playful. You can’t see that? I’m just blown away by how you came out of nowhere to resurface in all your glory. I make even worse ‘threats’ to Pudgy for the impolitic things he says …

    and he just blows it off for the trash-talk it is.
  11. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Hmm. Do you think long-banned Allan should accept his reinstatement into the forum at this particular time of year seeing that some may regard it as accepting a Christmas present?
    Could be another trap.
  12. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to TrueTomHarley in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Doesn’t that just frost you when that happens?
    when you can save as many people by your death as did our Lord then I’ll sanction your ‘suicide’ as well.
    Quite the contrary. His final performance brought the house down. 
    The point is that just after Allen ascends from the netherworld, this feed suddenly runs several pages overnight. And the time spent is time you never get back.
    As it turns out, our deceased dog was named Samson. I would tell people he was not the Sampson that pushes apart the pillars but the Samson who pees on them.
    There are times when that serves him well, I have noticed
    No sane member of the public would ever come here.
    Yes, it’s a big headache for them, but frankly the same thing occurs with any death. If only to shovel out the house, there’s usually lots for survivors to do.
    Doesn’t this fly in the face of what we recently learned about John 5:30–that an ‘unrighteous’ resurrected one’s future depends upon how they respond to God’s provisions from that time on, not a judgment of what they did in their prior life. Upon death, a person’s sin has been paid for. 
    what’s left of it.
    Both. They caught me easily enough.
  13. Haha
    Pudgy got a reaction from Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I wonder if waiting with baited breath includes fishing worms? Sardines? Crickets?

  14. Confused
    Pudgy got a reaction from Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Did Jesus sin, DELIBERATELY walking into a trap with a  100% chance of getting killed?
     “Suicide-by-COP” is still suicide, even if the COPs are Roman Soldiers.
  15. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    When in a religious debate demanding specific scriptures to support specific ideas becomes “hateful”, the phrase “… do not go beyond the things that are written ..” becomes noise.
  16. Upvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Thinking in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    For me, it’s an exercise in “…. Not going beyond the things that are written …”
  17. Haha
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Could one argue that the pillars killed him?
  18. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Such arrogant and demeaning banter, Pudgy. I’m really surprised. I thought Allen Smith was doing an excellent job in representing the Scriptures accurately and some basic Christian ethics were being overlooked by his contenders.
    From Young People Ask, Vol 2, p 307
    What does baptism symbolize? Being immersed and raised up means that you have died to a self-seeking course and are now made alive to do Jehovah’s will.
    Not one of us, in fact, lives with regard to himself only, and no one dies with regard to himself only.  8 For if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah (Romans 14:7, 😎
    What does it mean to dedicate your life to Jehovah? It means to give up ownership of yourself, promising to put the doing of God’s will ahead of all else. It’s fitting that you make a formal dedication in prayer to Jehovah sometime before your baptism.
    Then Jesus said to his disciples: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me. (Matthew 16:24)
    I will ask answer your questions Pudgy —
    (I am going to Save this first because I just lost about 30 minutes of work on my iPad trying to answer it previously)
  19. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    That would apply ONLY if you could vote on Truth.
    You can’t.
    And in your case you can’t find any valid scriptures!
  20. Upvote
    Pudgy reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    What are you talking about? The Catholic church teaches that those who commit suicide will burn in hell.
    I remember watching a documentary about 9/11 where people were jumping out of windows because they didn't want to be burned alive. There was a Hispanic couple that was being interviewed, they may have been the parents of one of the jumpers. They were extremely distraught hoping that it wasn't their son who was depicted on one of the photographs because they believed if it was, then he was in hell. It was hard to watch.
  21. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Moise Racette in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    How is that Search coming along?
  22. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Moise Racette in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I can prove that riding a horse is not a sin, and a horse paralyzed and killed “Superman”, played by Christopher Reeves.
    If God considered it a sin to endanger one’s life on a horse, he would have said so.
    He did not.
    Simple logic.
    Same thing with suicide.
    But … it’s not up to me to prove suicide is NOT a sin … it’s up to you to prove it IS a sin,  with specific, unambiguous Scripture addressing that specific point.
    Since none exists, and there are three Biblical examples that contradict your false supposition, your only possible solution is to confuse and misapply.
    Sometimes …. When you are in the “Arena of Ideas”, and all the blood in the sand is yours … it’s time to go home.
  23. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Moise Racette in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    The is no record in the Bible that there is any punishment whatsoever for suicide, and many people go on “Suicide Missions” , knowing for a certainty that they are going to die, in duty to some perceived concept of the “greater good”.
    Often we as bystanders view this a an honorable thing of courage and a sound mind, as well as a lamentable tragedy.
    Jesus, of course, was the perfect example.
  24. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Moise Racette in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I very seriously doubt that Jehovah gets upset that much about our deaths, as he has the ability to in an instant restore any of us to perfect life and health with a casual thought. 
    No loss to Him whatsoever!
    Whatever He cares about is in his memory, completely untarnished.
    All living things on Earth die, from microbe to Great Whale, without a single exception, since life began on this Earth. 
    The supposition does not match reality.
  25. Downvote
    Pudgy got a reaction from Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I find it amazing someone can choke on false premises  as much as you do, and not strangle themselves.
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