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Everything posted by ETERNALBLACKPROJECT

  1. Well, we have a liberated, feminist opportunist trying to build her brand and rank points here amongst her fine fan base. Comedy club Santa Anna hath checked in with her vote. "Crucify" Let the liberated daughters of EVE all cry out for her blood flow has been rescinded and she hath become like the God's knowing good and eVil. And God knew if her foremother Eve ate, she, even hundreds of generations later would find themselves in the month of the woman, seizing Earth from those GOD appointed and the word "her" would become synonymous with "him" and her desires today have been satisfied, FOR SHE IS an ENLIGHTENED WOMAN!! and she will never die, like the snake promised Eve. Let her words of mock be recorded forever in the iclouds and the heavens. For she is now speaking in the clouds. Like the sun shines from the East, westward down from sAtan's satellites. SAtan has given her a megaphone she uses here to rack points and mock Robert Nicholas Walsh. As for me, I'm Robert Nicholas Walsh, and I myself have never claimed to be anyone else. I know how to read birth certificates, and one will never say Jesus C christ, son of GOD. Only the spirit world has proclaimed me as not just myself but Anti/Christ/sAtan/Jesus/Lord/Beelzebub/ Shiloh/ Yeshua/Zeus and more in thousands for songs. . So you argue what's said by spirits and I . And if my voice is ever amplified, it's to bring down sAtanic governments man and woman back to there given orders. If I had power and a voice, the power woulds be granted to the lowest of slaves through Jehovah's infinite wisdom and mercy mysteriously used to capture the intellectuals and scholars and deliver them to children. Every action or thought I would use such a voice for would be precisely what action or thought my father Jehovah would do fir he himself were in me.
  2. I'm not a bible student nor am I seeking earthly credibility. You also would have condemned Christ as lacking credibility when he broke laws and threw down the tables in the temple and called out to the religious leaders , which you would have called the teachers of "serious bible students" when Jesus an unpolished drifters shouters out at your highly esteemed leaders of that time and condemned them. "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, you testify against yourselves that you are the sons of those who murdered the prophets. You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape the damnation of hell?… The sAtanic secret societies running the world Arte exactly that "Doomed and bitch ass demons". nEphilim, just like you're idol gOliath. My likfe is ETERNAL. Like your great nEphilim leader Joe Biden the phedophile.
  3. NOBODY on Earth knows the day and hour and time, But Jehovah's people do know the season. And the Gentile times and that generation which that secret day will fall into was foretold. I reiterate the window that the prophets and Jehovah himself hath written. Jehovah's secret and terrible day of wrath falls inside of that window. His window, which is between 1914 and 2034. He gave us 120 years of not knowing the day and hour/ and on this day nobody on this earth knows the day and hour nor will anyone residing in flesh ever know un til the trap door slams shut. I come3 in my own name Robert Nicholas Walsh saying Ib man Robert Nicholas Walsh/ servant and prophet of Jehovah unassociated with any earthly group/sect/church/organization or movement. So what's your point Good JW insider/ teacher/judge and scorner of prophets?
  4. Nobody here is presumed "asleep" Those sleeping are out side feeding and drinking with wolves and snakes,
  5. I was a raised one many years ag0. I'm Just a lone prophet the anti-Christ if you hear about me In back mask prophecy where the spirits speak JabBeRwOcKy. If you knew enough about me you might blame me for the global panic that precipitated the need to break up rumors and groups, ie, I'm the pandemic really. born October 20, 1962 Westlake Ca, 2 days before thew Earth hit Defcon 2 for 13 days. Born with my umbilical cord Wrapped 3 times around my neck. perhaps I'm here because the spirit surrounded me and guides me. .But here I am on the 33rd degree parallel Ca, just a prophet in the iCloud beaming West to the east Reys of enlightenment and truth and what Jehovah's Witnesses teach is true. YOUTUBE @ ETERNALBLACKPROJECT.Ve\ry much unassociated with any "WE or "US"It would take allot to understand who... I am ... But I am indeed a Witness of many things and I am a simple one like a David and the sAtanic Illuminati is like a doomed and bitch ass Goliath. But mostly I'm nothing and nobody unless Jehovah grants it to be through his power and wisdom and Holy Spirit.
  6. You are somewhat correct! With surety and conviction, you loosely quoted Christ. Matt 24:36. “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. That day and hour WILL come before 2034, and only GOD knows the day and hour. It could be 2021, 2029, 2034 or any day and hour in between. And, BTW, ... Who is this association or group of "Us's, whom you speak of ? ? ? "For me, US" does not exist in this world, unless we're speaking of truth prophets. Only Jehovah chooses who is true. Jehovah raises ups truth, and casts falsehood into sheol. You raise noise and cast road apples into salads of fruit. You make me part of your group of "Us's" I separate myself into a spiritual wilderness where I am just ME!
  7. Could be as early as 2022 orc 20232, as late as 2034. few understand how I know.
  8. You mean 2034 or 2043? I say it is the year 2034 based on 120 years from 1914. In Genesis 6:4, after the flood, Jehovah limited the lifespan or generation of man to 120 years.
  9. I'll also say this, since the conception of Jehovah's Witnesses and throughout the years that followed, the seeds and spiritual forces of sAtan have been free to infiltrate all organizations from the Ark and Canaan, to Christ's 12 closest followers. It' stands to reason that since sAtan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light, that the sAtanic illuminati, being ball EnlighteneD and shit, would have worked into their plan to discredit GOD, Trojan horse Jehovah's Witness board members to peddle many theories that the Enlightened ones knew to be untrue because of the sheer pace of technology and the scripture in Genesis, so that these same sAtanic Illuminati spin doctors could then use these books of inaccurate prophecies that they themself pushed into these books and group discussions, to use in 2021 to further doom the lost ones seeking guidance. Makes me believe the spirits that posses you and reincarnate intonations the 13 bloodlines, were present at the crucifixion of christ screaming. "Free Barnabas" Crucify Jesus" but that's just my FuckIng OpinIon... A LowLy sinner on the west coast of California, who was born on the 20th of October 1962, day Seven or so of the 13 days the world Wass in Defcon 4 because of the cuban missile crises. And with my umbilical cord wrapped tightly around my neck three times, maybe I myself was dead on arrival.
  10. Well, I'm telling you, Awake, awake! Rise up, Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the LORD the cup of his wrath, you who have drained to its dregs the goblet of nEphilim, your forefathers also mocked Noah and Christ himself, your hero wore armor and pierced kings, your words echo what was mocked through the ages as you tagged as unreliable sinners those drunk like Noah in his tent, or those breaking roman law, like a common carpenter who without earthly rank and merit entered into the jewish temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there, and vandalized and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and screamed out like a disorderly criminal "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'" You're likely a descendant of those who were proud of Canaan, who saw his father Noah's nakedness and then gleefully told his two brothers outside how flawed their father was preaching to the world sober and clothed, then in private falling over drunk and naked..… The words of Isaiah aptly apply.."And now what do I have here?" declares the LORD. "For my people have been taken away for nothing, and those (nEphilim) who rule them mock," declares the LORD. "And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed.Therefore My people will know My name; therefore they will know on that day that I am He who speaks. Here I am!” LOL, BTW, I, Robert Nicholas Walsh, AKA, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT, alone and on my own am telling you this date of 2034, I am NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have come up with this connective truth alone and have never heard or seen any evidence that JW. org or the organization itself follows my understanding of the generation of 1914, and the connection to the year 2034. I am the one who created that video and who says that the prophecy of the generation of 1914 doesn't truly pass away until 2034. So, blah, blah, blah, LZentaylor71... I prophesy this date, mock me prematurely as the unreliable prophet, not Jehovah's Witnesses, for if they do not possess the truth, then the world itself has no truth. Isn't it better for you to stay silent on the matter and just do your best to survive the coming great tribulations and destruction of the enemies of GOD. All faiths, even those in the synagogs of sAtan understand it is inevitable that GOD will have one organized faith and one doomed class mocking him and his people.
  11. Mark 6:4 Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.”.
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