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  1. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    The uneducated person is you, since my response refers to how to stay alert. Learn to read. 
  2. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Yes indeed. It's always interesting when Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah's Witnesses find it a need to hate one person. Never mind the foolishness. Not the kind of unity Jesus spoke of, but nevertheless, in unison. 😁
  3. Upvote
    Dmitar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    to see Arauna and JWI largely in agreement on this thread is seriously messing with my head. Is nothing sacred?
    Thank heavens for the Thomas Jefferson of internet, who holds all men are created equal and equally worthy of downvoting.
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Kick_Faceinator in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    You’re pretty uneducated, the “Jehovahs Witness brotherhood” believe every sign Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 is literal. 
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Do JWs feel they have not been deceived when they believe the exact line of reasoning as the majority who apply the Bible’s signs as literal evidence of the coming Kingdom? Of course they don’t believe they have been deceived.   Yet, all Christian religions have their “king of the north/south”, as nations in the world which Satan has dominion over.  So do JWs.  What then, sets JWs apart from the masses in Christendom?
    Nothing.  Almost all believers see most of the signs in Matt 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13, as LITERAL.   These are Satan’s signs, in his world  – fake, a deterrent, a counterfeit from the real war at hand. They are not the signs of the coming Kingdom of God.
    JWs in Ukraine are not all anointed – a small number compared to the general population of JWs. The organization houses most anointed ones that have remained inside, among all the anointed “saints” who were “taken captive” (Col 2:8) and attacked by "empty philosophy".  It is they, who come against the two Beasts of Revelation – two – a Gog/false prophet and a Magog/Beast/organization - compiled king of the north that crushes, tramples, removes the power of God's priesthood,  and “kills” any who stand up to it. (Dan 11:31,32; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3; 13:1,2,5-7,11,12,15-18; 20:7-9)
     So, how is it possible that the signs are fulfilled by one country at war with another, while JWs are doing their best along with many other Ukrainians to successfully get out of there? Is God only helping JWs get out?  How are the other people escaping?  Who is helping them?  What foolish thinking; especially when a typhoon comes along and kills JWs in their kingdom hall, known to be “God’s house”.   
     “Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” 11 And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” Matt 13:10-11
    It is not a secret or a mystery that the world has suffered for eons down to this day from famines, wars, earthquakes, etc.
    “For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”  Matt 13:12,13
    Parables are the key that unlock the secrets of the kingdom.
    Matt 13:34 – “All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable.”
    JW leaders tend to dismiss parables, as just “stories”.  They invalidate the words of Jesus by saying they are simply “warnings” if the parable doesn’t follow their manmade doctrine.  They change scriptures to read their way, to hide the connection to truth.
    Matt 13:8 NIV – “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
    Birth pains, not “pains of distress” (NWT) that covertly focuses the eye on the world instead of on the “woman” which represents the New Covenant (Gal 4:26) giving “birth” in Rev 12:1,2 -
    "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."
    Because of this, God’s anointed have been deceived, taken captive by empty philosophy. They're not applying these signs to themselves, but to the world as they are taught by false prophets.   The signs of war, famine, earthquakes, etc. during the last days, are parables; their meaning is deeper than what the physical eye witnesses in the world of politics.
    Matt 24:3-5– “As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.”
    This is said right before the rest of the signs are given.  Who is telling God’s people that the signs are literal?  Those who have led them astray.  Again, the anointed under the New Covenant “woman” (Gal 4:26)  experience the signs in a spiritual way.  They are presently under the authority of false prophets and a false priesthood. (Matt 24:24,25; Rev 13:11,12,18; 2 Thess 2:3,4) This signifies the war at hand, with its outcome leading to the coming of the Kingdom of God, when the last faithful anointed who perceives the signs, is sealed into the Temple of God.  Satan, and the nations with Russia at the fore, can fight indefinitely, but it will not bring about the Kingdom. (Zech 4:7-10; Rev 12:5,17)
    As all of you feast your eyes on what you can apply physically to the fulfillment of God’s word, Jesus said,
     Now having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He replied, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed or with a visible display; 1 nor will people say, ‘Look! Here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For the kingdom of God is among you (in the midst of you).  Luke 17:20,21
    Sadly, these words of Jesus Christ most likely will not reach your spiritual ears, or the ears of God’s holy priesthood who have disregarded the signs that apply to them, who are under the New Covenant.  (1 Thess 5:3)
    Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
    “‘“You will indeed hear but never understand,
        and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
    15 For this people's heart has grown dull,
        and with their ears they can barely hear,
        and their eyes they have closed,
    lest they should see with their eyes
        and hear with their ears
    and understand with their heart
        and turn, and I would heal them.’  Matt 13:14,15
    The Sign of the End
  6. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    In my opinion, I think the most notorious and despicable example of those who might be identified as the King Of The North (KON)are the infamous red suits. I understand they have a secret fortress somewhere in northern Canada where  tens of  thousands of  slaves with pointed ears (possibly Chinese), toil Without pay for an autocratic leader that crosses all international borders directing havoc with the disciplining and instruction of children.
    and of course, I’m indentifying this King Of The North (KON) as a agent of German manufacture, “Papa” Noel, otherwise known as Santa Claus.
    You may be naysayer to this new light, presented to you today, but I assure you with all earnestness that MY ALLEGED screwball inspiration has the exact same factual basis as YOUR ALLEGED screwball inspiration.
    Where do you think the Chinese get all those toys and Ronco Bass-a-Matics?
  7. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to BroRando in The Second Coming of Christ...   
    The Fulfillment of Prophecies are 'timed events'.
    For almost two thousand years, faithful followers of Jesus Christ have been in anticipation of his Second Coming. We are living at extremely exciting times as our Preaching Work comes to its end! According to Bible Prophecy, an allotment of two days of 2,000 years would need to lapse before the Second Coming is revealed to unbelievers. (Hosea 6:2, 2 Peter 3:8) Oh!! If only the ungodly would stop being stubborn, pay attention, listen, and gain the wisdom of understanding to keep on living into Christ's Millennial Reign... "Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)
    Even though the Second Coming will be Invisible to the human eye, only faithful followers will perceive when Jesus became King of God's Kingdom. One more 'timed event' or prophecy would be fulfilled prior to the destruction of the wicked. Satan and his earthly kingdoms are entering their final hour since 2015 spewing demonic propaganda that they brought peace and prosperity to the earth by transforming our world by 2030, and the majority of the earth's population will be more than willing to capitulate. "Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
    It's imperative to build your faith now because the trigger for the Great Tribulation is an outbreak of peace. When Satan's world promotes that they achieved peace and prosperity in 2030, people will no longer have to follow any rules. Aborting unborn infant lives will become a common place as in offering up children sacrifices to their gods. No need to work. No need to pray. Government is your god in providing your wants and needs. Then comes the enforcement, perhaps a door to door check by a government agency to see if you bent your knee and have proof of your card to buy and sell.
  8. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    @Arauna Possibly India also, good with US over the years, but slowly changing teams. Some Truthers and Preppers are mentioning them leaning towards Team Russia/China. Granted, people are seeing the US as a weakened power.
    Prices for Gas has been going up the last I checked, and will continue to do so. But sadly, with the Economic problems, some people adhere to the Ostrich mentality (Ostrich effect), which isn't too far from the Bystander Syndrome, evidently leading to a dangerous precedent down the road. Regarding the Agenda and the UN, with too many distractions, they could make a move if they please without any push back from anyone this time.
  9. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    China is indeed an ally, likewise with somewhat of a secret ally, that being North Korea. Both China and Russia are under the United Nations Banner, Team Russia has several known groups who align with them, the most notable ones, hence the 2018 remark I made.
    In addition to that
    Another thing to note is the issue with Ukraine is also linked with the statement below:
    The US and their allies were indeed involved with Regime change actions for noted countries, among them, being Ukraine, hence the Pro-West coup regime change to which we have specific folks such as Zelensky.
    That being said, granted how big and complex the situation is now, who is stopping Russia's allies from, hypothetically speaking, wanting to deal with their adversaries out of the UN's Libya playbook, which can go into a Fog of War type situation. There was some chatter of Middle Eastern allies on both sides may want to get involved, one in particular who seeks revenge on Russia, but due to the murky water out there, this needs to be research to confirm if true or false.
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    On a related note, did you ever see the episode where Mr. Bean is it is stuffing a very large turkey and he loses his watch inside the turkey?
  11. Downvote
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    I remember thing, as a teenager, that it would take about 400 miles per hour for those fins to have any value., but it would not matter as the airflow would tear the car apart.….. same with Spock’s ears.
  13. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Says the bully troll. Yep! False Christian. Also, since your intelligence is as dumb as @TrueTomHarley describes in order for you to be smart, consider the SPAT you just started. At this point, any former witness is better than you @Arauna in Character and intelligence.
  14. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    NIV Prov 18:6
    6 A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating. 

    An application suitable for many Jehovah's Witnesses here. It's a shame, there are real Jehovah's Witnesses having their lives displaced while woeful fools poke fun at that trauma, at their expense. Sickening!!
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Speculating on prophecy in peace is better that to continually pull other people apart and looking for unchristian spats.  I usually ignore you now but thought I must just tell you that you are looking for spats all the time - a genuine troll!
  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Do you mean there is always just the one King…..and that king must always be acting against gods people in some form……….he then then pulls In The second king…sorry for my ignorance…but it can be confusing to read as sometimes I misunderstand written words….
  17. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I’ve been on line for sometime now and I have wondered about the increase of sisters who now are feeling  they are anointed ….I am not a brother…but a sister…so I can look at this with fair and unbiased eyes..
    Anointed sisters and Ive known two who definitely were in my time…still observed  Jesus command and observed their headship arrangement InThe cong.
    These sisters often knew and understood much more than any of the brothers taking the lead ..sorry brothers but it’s was true…even tho one of them used to get really frustrated with certain things…even to the point of tears at times..but she always kept her earthly obligations to Jesus arrangement…but I know she found it hard at times..
    Yet they respected the arrangement and their place as it was not time for them to step out of that earthly arrangement…it’s the law of  Christ and it’s being obedient to our King until he changes it or their death does.
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    A downvote for a 59 Caddy? Are you nuts?
    Downvote it at your own peril, Dimitar. I happen to know that tail fins are chief among the perilous weapons in the arsenal of both north and south. kings. Mark my words, they will be game-changers.
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I'm a bit skeptical about this guy. He's American and as an American he will have American views. Before I came to live in the USA I never heard about gangs in Europe, at least not to the extent he is talking about. Europeans don't have that American gang mentality. There is of course organized crime, but I don't think that's the issue here, because organized criminals already have guns. I doubt that while martial law is in effect they would go around shooting each other.
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Well it appears it was nobody......for nearly 2 000 years. The prophecy applies to the time of the end, that's what I was trying to say.
    As Arauna says: The King of the North appears again after Jesus was crowned*...
    (it won't let me quote from more than one post. It used to be possible.....what happened? @The Librarian)
    *Of course JWI would say this was in the first century
  21. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The villain got off but Perry impaled him on the fins of his Cadillac.

  22. Downvote
  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I do not know Wood…and yes I have great pity for these….as I said..I understand why some do this…….or get swayed to stray…but to continue  down from that fork in the road….and take so many with them..my pity runs out for these leaders…
    Again the thing is …they probably are all nice people..and it’s hard for some to detach themselves from them……and make a stand for truths…
    You know if we was walking along and seen Satan sitting at a table..he would appear as a good looking nice kind man…a man of great intelligence and he would also appear to be modest about it…some choose to sit and talk with him….some see thru him and escape his trap….but some are so intrigued with certain revelations that only a man of great spiritual powers would know..so they take another bite …and then another bite….just as Eve was deceived…so are many who listen to Pearl and the likes of her,
    Its sad as they genuinely beleive her teachings….
  24. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Pearl was a witness and a very nice lady but now teaches demon inspired teachings…I know this for a fact…she has no time for study and writes sitting at her table with pen  and paper..she does not know what she is about to write nor has studied the question she is about to answer from someone.
    she writes and it just flows and she herself is surprised at times of what is written….it’s called automatic writing…like channeling …her writings have truths wrapped and Intertwined with expressions and words coming from demon sources …that’s why she can sound intriguing and fascinating at times…the demons can see when we have teached  a wrong belief….they relay the proper understanding to her….years later the brothers have corrected that understanding…..she is being used as a mouth peice for them..so they do give her some truths and this acts as a hook to those who listen to her…it’s how Satan always works….over the years I have seen followers of her have a real hate for witnesses…a real venom comes from them.
    satan targets hurt brothers and sisters….while at their weakest…many follow her…some see thru it..having said that. I do understand why she became like that..and it’s a shame a real sad shame….but is no excuse to mislead so many and put them on the road to destruction…it’s a cruel and selfish thing they are all doing.
    By the way I have blocked certain ones here who will probably answer this..
  25. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Do you know that thousands of JWs were Catholics at one time?  My brother and myself grew up as Catholics and became JWs.  Interestingly, we were not "shunned" by our Catholic family for making the decision. 
      What "woman in question", and who is it that is speaking for "her"?  What sort of conspiracy are you up to now?  
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