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  1. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Pudgy in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    Like I said, if you want to fight with others, that's your prerogative. I get banned every time I speak the truth, while you people continue unimpeded. So, NO! I won't engage with your bullying. @Pudgy has begun his obtuse criticism about it.
  2. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from JW Insider in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Have I ever implied Jehovah's Witnesses are perfect? That fiction comes from former Jehovah's Witnesses. That, somehow, becoming a witness is supposed to wash imperfection away. Therefore, not realistic. 
  3. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from JW Insider in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I thought you expressed by your comment to @Equivocation, you would be more civil. You even got an up vote from your friend @JW Insider.  
    Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have. Hebrews 13:5
    SELFISH prayers are too expensive. Some have gained wealth and lost the truth and its service; some have gained health, only to find that with it they gained other trials no less severe: some have had their dear ones restored to them from the very jaws of death, only to wish afterward that God had not answered their prayers—or, more correctly, to wish that they had accepted the Lord's wisdom and providences trustfully, contentedly, uncomplainingly....Spiritual Israel should use wisely such things as are within their reach—accepting all as God's gifts with thanksgiving; but their petitions should be for spiritual gifts—including patient endurance and heart contentment.
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    I never, ever, thought I would be saying this, …. But I now agree with those who think it is time to ban Dmitar.
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Pudgy in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Wrong, @Pudgy I'm saying, since you have stumbled in a horrendous manner, you have no credibility to comment about matters that relate to children. Not Magic. That magic comment of yours is a reflection to cause a distraction. A bad actors tool. 
  6. Haha
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    I just comment for fun. If Son of God came to Earth in the past as a son of man, then there is no obstacle to it happening again in the future.
    Also. GB said that soon they will all go to heaven and leave JWs members on Earth, but not to worry. So when the situation with Gog is over, then the team could go back to Earth but with Jesus at the helm.  
  7. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in How much are Watchtower Lawyers paid?   
    I had all that info' come through on an email as I'm on the mailing list.  
    Jesus made it very clear that true Christians should turn the other cheek, give the inner/outer garmnet also, walk the extra mile................ 
    The GB are just greedy selfish non-Christian men that love power and attention.  And of course they are guilty of ruining people's lives and they don't want JW's or outsiders to know the truth about how they work. 
    Fancy being happy that you drive people to suicide. Split up families. Hide pedophiles in their organisation. Disfellowship victims of CSA just to get them out of the way. And then cry like babies when the truth is revealed about them. 
    The GB are wicked money grabbing selfish hypocrits. But their time of judgement will come.
    Remember Luke 17 : 1&2 
    Berean Study Bible
    Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
    No Dimmy, I am not one of the fake 'christians' that love everyone. I hate the things that YHWH hates. 
  8. Like
    Dmitar reacted to Space Merchant in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    It does because they are, in a sense, the first ones to get hit by these things if not being aware of it, the reason I bring up Desmond and Loudon County. Desmond is an interesting case, for not only his parents were gullible into falling for the paradigm, but they essentially used their son to push the influence, to the point Desmond's influenced pushed others to do the same thing, and to some children, rebel against their parents/guardians. This also connects back to the fact children not only reap this ill influence, but they in a sense become victims to Wokeism, so much so, it enables even the likes of potential predators to groom. As for the parents, they, and the Media become so consumed by the influence they do not see a danger. In the other thread I mentioned my rival who is a former Trump Supporter, the person she was debating was in regards to that because her opponent, a known and experienced debater seem to be defending the influence.
    That being said, the Resister's influence varies with people, those will fall to it, others resist the temptations and the bad influence.
  9. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    It that the excuse they make on behalf of Elders ????? All the CSA is just because Elders are stupid.
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Now look in the mirror and @Pudgy then, think how much more "obtuse" former Jehovah's Witnesses are with their woeful and foolish debates. Can that theory not be expanded within the millions of former witnesses?
  11. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Space Merchant in Not sure if anyone saw this before concerning the Rephaim   
    @Space Merchant
    To a none believer, this might cross their minds.
    Compromise (6:1-7).
    Some interpreters view 6:1-7 as an invasion of fallen angels who cohabited with women and produced a race of giants. But as interesting as the theory is, it creates more problems than it solves, not the least of which is the union of sexless spirit beings with flesh and blood humans. Even if such unions did occur, could there be offspring and why would they be giants? And how did these "giants" (Nephilim, "fallen ones") survive the Flood (v. 4; Num 13:31-33), or was there a second invasion of fallen angels after the Flood?
    Sons of Elohim and daughters of men
    Sons of Elohim and daughters of men: -- Opinions have differed greatly as to the meaning of the name "Sons of God," or rather of "Elohim." The rabbis, as was natural, from their love of the marvellous, took for granted that the fallen angels are meant; since "nephilim" is derived from the verb "to fall." Hence Apocryphal Jewish literature assumes this constantly, while not a few writers of the most opposite schools still support this explanation, which, nevertheless, seems fanciful and ungrounded. The giants are not said to have been "the sons of Elohim," and their name may as fitly be explained as referring to their "falling upon" their fellow men as by any mysterious connection with the rebel angels. Nor does the name "sons" of "Elohim" necessarily refer to angels at all; for the word "Elohim" is used elsewhere in Scripture of men. Thus, in Ps 82:1, we read that God "judges in the midst of the Elohim," who are shown in the next verse to be those who "judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked.”
    (ji'-ants) The word appears in the King James Version as the translation of the Hebrew words Nephilim (Gen 6:4; Num 13:33);  repha’im (Deut 2:11,20; 3:11,13; Josh 12:4, etc.);  Rapha’ (1 Chron 20:4,6,8), or  Raphah (2 Sam 21:16,18,20,22); in one instance of  Gibbor , literally, "mighty one" (Job 16:14).
    In the first two cases the Revised Version (British and American) changes "giants" into the Hebrew words "Nephilim," nephilim, and "Rephaim,"  repha’im, respectively (see these words). The "Nephilim of Gen 6:4 are not to be confounded with the "mighty men" subsequently described as the offspring of the unlawful marriages, of "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men." It is told that they overspread the earth prior to these unhallowed unions. That the word, whatever its etymology, bears the sense of men of immense stature is evident from the later passages; Num 13:33. The same is true of the "Rephaim," as shown by the instance of Og (Deut 3:11; Josh 12:4). There is no doubt about the meaning of the word in the ease of the giants mentioned in 2 Sam 21 and 1 Chron 20. See also ANTEDILUVIANS .
    How would a Christian answer such questions by, archeological proof?
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Arauna in Revelation 12 : 6. 1260 days. Revelation 12 : 14. a time and times and half a time. 3½ times = 3½ years, of 360 days Prophetic calender   
    You make statement coming from no-where.  I research things which are worth-while.  You know, mice do not play with the bullies.  They play once or twice with them but if they lose every time they lose interest. (this is a true experiment).
    Humans can learn a lesson from this.  Unpleasantness makes people avoid people - especially if they are always looking for a fight and accuse you of wanting a fight.
  13. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Good one! 🤗
    Shouldn't this sentiment be for all Christian believers? Why spoil it with hate toward the GB?
    If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue,...this man's religion is vain. James 1:26 
    BECAUSE the tongue is the index of the heart, because "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh," therefore the unbridled tongue, speaking selfishly, enviously, bitterly, boastfully, slanderously, proves that the heart from whose fullness these overflow is unsanctified, unholy, grievously lacking of the spirit of Christ—hence, whatever religion it may have attained is thus far vain, as that heart is not saved, nor in a salvable condition....The Good Physician has pointed out antidotes for soul-poisoning—medicines which, if properly taken according to directions, will sweeten the bitter heart. 
    Does this mean, you are going to act more civil, or follow scripture more closely than you have before?
  14. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Could it be said; If someone is just plain stupid JW, then he/she will do the most harm to self and family? If someone is just plain stupid Elder, then such will harm 100-200 others around him? If someone is just plain stupid King, then he can ruin thousands and millions of subjects?
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in How much are Watchtower Lawyers paid?   
    You know, that those who understand clowns real people, just with costumes and make-up, watching the antics of clowns is funny…… Depending on whether or not your taste runs to slapstick humor. The Three Stooges made a living off of slapstick humor, and many became great fans.
    But for many children, they do not understand what a clown is, and the value in society of having clowns, and so they are deathly afraid of clowns. Clowns scare them. A lot!
    In a circus, one of the common acts is for a Volkswagen full of clowns to drive into the center ring, and the clowns start piling out of the car. And the clowns come, and the clowns come and the clowns come… And sometimes 25 or 30 clowns will come out of the Volkswagen. For a long time I never gave it any thought at all, but then it occurred to me, that is just not enough space in the car for that many clowns!
    Later on I discovered that the way they do it is they have a trap door in the floor of the center ring and the clowns are under the stage, and the Volkswagen drives over the trap door And the clowns come up under the bottom of the car and out the door.
    I don’t know but it probably looks good on a résumé.
    With the title of this topic in mind, and the above preface, I submit for your approval, or comment, or for Dmitar’s agenda driven down vote, the following:

  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Imagine what, those JWs who were given the task to collect and put all this material in order, think about it. I would love to see and hear their reactions they had during the work. Or were they insensitive Borgs?
    Dmitar i SM, they have prejudices against anyone who comes from the JW milieu and is no longer a member of them. For two of them, ex-JW are liars. 
    It’s really interesting that the two of them can so easily accuse people who have been the “most honest” people in the world for decades because they belonged to the JW religion, and that they became hardened liars so soon after leaving JWorg. A truly stunning psychological analysis by these two “artists”.
  17. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes, but no one pretends that a Doctor is appointed by Holy Spirit.
    You are doing the typical JW 'thing'. You are judging JW Elders against the people in this 'world'.  JW Elders are supposed to be serving God through Christ. 
    I like the bit about "voluteer to be appointed.." That is the truth of it. BUT why do they voluteer ? What is their true intension ? It seems that on another post, a lady / sister suggested that some volunteered to be Elders to become 'spies'. And i would suggest that some 'volunteered to be Elders' to become Pedophiles. 
    But still, TTH says it's the best 'ball game in town'.  
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    My work tablet has too much auto correct. 
    There was a case in California a few years back. A family had left the jw's, elders kept showing up wanting to speak to their 14 year old daughter alone The parents kept refusing, then one time the elders waited for both the parents to leave and they tried talking to the girl, but didn't realize the door bell cam they had installed. Eventually they were able to replace a restraining order against the elders and the watchtower.
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Wouldn't be surprising to have some rouge jw's out there starting to back door to door or stalk 14 year old girls to come back to them.
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    …. Marker to hold this spot until I finish my nap ….
  21. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I suspect, Dmitar, that you STILL HAVE NOT READ THE ARTICLE, or in calling someone a liar, you would have attached a screenshot of the article  to disprove my contentions, and prove your contentions.
    You did not indicate you read that SPECIFIC  1st Issue article, and so now the question remains about who of the two of us is a fraud and a liar.
    I know the answer, as do you …. And a screenshot of the Article in the first issue of the Watchtower about “What is Truth” will document which one.

  22. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    … could be worse .      

  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.
    Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.
    As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.
    Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
  24. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Time to ban dimtar.   
    And remember ….. wherever you go …. There you ARE!
    ….. sometimes in life, the winds blow us in some directions less traveled …..

  25. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    ….. All of us start out totally ignorant … and it’s often an uphill climb from there …..

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