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  1. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father, Let Your Name Be Sanctified   
    You ask people to learn about the Bible or about jehovahs witnesses, but not coming into a personal relationship with God.
    Why do you love the jehovahs witnesses more than God Himself, why do you hate God?
  2. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I'm trying to find if this is legit as this article doesn't post who wrote it, but if it is true, how despicable, trying to profit off of a genocide.
  3. Confused
    Dmitar got a reaction from Thinking in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Since the Story is about how Jehovah’s Witnesses "reject" the notion of active military service because it goes against bible principle, does it matter who they are?
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The dogmatic views did exist…I do notice no practising witness comments on these sorts of posts but I am going to…one which I am thinking of is Organ transplants..of which many died because if they took them they would be disfellowshipped…and I read some examples of one’s dying true to the faith et cetc…later it was found to be unscriptural and a conscience matter.
    in the meantime a number of witnesses died before this dreadful over reaching of the written word was admitted…
    This Ditmar is going beyond the written word and being dogmatic because they were disfellowshipped if they went ahead and had one….I often wonder if they were or even offered their disfellowhipment to be pardoned.
    I see that…and me admitting that does not count me as a witness that lacks loyalty…because it turned out to be a man’s law…..the same thing applies to the 1975…that came from the top…it was misleading..again going beyond the things written…It did not come from the rank and file.
    these things were errors….serious ones…and that’s why we need to be like beroeans and make sure of what is said is scriptural…
    That does not make me Disloyal to Jehovah or Jesus….nor the org…because the org changed those views in time and admitted their error….
    I read a WT article warning some witnesses to be careful not to idolize Jehovahs visible organization….as the Israelites did in the wilderness and went into panic mode when Moses didn’t come back….some are doing that….some not….
    Doesnt make me a bad witnesses (Ditmar) more like a wiser one….if I say so myself.
    But I will stand toe to toe with those who trash on the org….because they are lacking trust in Jehovah …there is a difference in admitting errors….and attacking because of those errors…..and you dont get that Sreko  and nor do some others here…including Ditmar.
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Anna in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Recently we have been commenting more on topics in the closed JW only club...
  6. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Since that bad actor retrieves information from apostate sites, maybe he can direct you to a site that still has it.
  7. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    As an experience to the fall of man or the conditions that the chosen people were subjected to by their oath of worshiping the one and only true God? 
    You continue to confuse man's history. Being up voted by unhealthy spiritually ignorant people, doesn't help your cause.
  8. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
  9. Confused
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The specificity of the Jewish judicial system should be recognized in its public process, not the chamber one where there are three who decide the guilt or innocence of one. Whether such a way is good or bad, I leave to the discussion. But if WTJWorg boasts of its authenticity and originality stemming from the Judeo-Christian milieu, then it is seen that in this matter they do not imitate the workings of the 1st century church.
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Jesus was never like that ……and the Christian life back then had its problems as well…..the Corinthians cong was not all rosy……no cong even now is all rosy……we were warned  wolfs would enter in amongst us after Paul was gone…he was already dealing with superfine apostles at this time…with in the Christian congs of the time..
    Facts Ditimar….deal with Facts….we are all works in progress ….
  11. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Thinking in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b).
    Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b). What we are largely determines what we do and say, so the first emphasis is on godly character. (See Isa 33:14-16; 58:1-12; Jer 7:1-7; Ezek 18:5-9; Hos 6:6; Mic 6:6-8; Matt 5:1-16.) "Blameless" doesn't mean "sinless," for nobody on earth is sin-less. Blameless has to do with soundness of character, integrity; complete loyalty to God. Noah was blameless (Gen 6:9), and the Lord admonished Abraham to be blameless (Gen 17:1), that is, devoted wholly to the Lord. (See 18:13,23-25; 101:2,6; Deut 18:9-13; Luke 16:13.) People with integrity will honor others who have integrity and who fear the Lord (15:4; 119:63). They will not be deceived by the flatterers (12:2-3) or enticed by the sinful (1:1). When godly people endorse the words and deeds of the ungodly, there is confusion in the church. "Like a muddied fountain and a polluted spring is a righteous man... who compromises his integrity before the wicked" (Prov 25:26, AMP).
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Yes, for both thoughts.
    An empty stomach must be filled.
  13. Downvote
    WTJWorg has mastered the technique of how followers learn what is acceptable and what is not in accordance with the "principles" explained in writing through literature or interpretative form by elders.
  14. Like
    Dmitar got a reaction from Amidstheroses in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b).
    Integrity — blameless character (vv. 2 a, 4 a, 4 b). What we are largely determines what we do and say, so the first emphasis is on godly character. (See Isa 33:14-16; 58:1-12; Jer 7:1-7; Ezek 18:5-9; Hos 6:6; Mic 6:6-8; Matt 5:1-16.) "Blameless" doesn't mean "sinless," for nobody on earth is sin-less. Blameless has to do with soundness of character, integrity; complete loyalty to God. Noah was blameless (Gen 6:9), and the Lord admonished Abraham to be blameless (Gen 17:1), that is, devoted wholly to the Lord. (See 18:13,23-25; 101:2,6; Deut 18:9-13; Luke 16:13.) People with integrity will honor others who have integrity and who fear the Lord (15:4; 119:63). They will not be deceived by the flatterers (12:2-3) or enticed by the sinful (1:1). When godly people endorse the words and deeds of the ungodly, there is confusion in the church. "Like a muddied fountain and a polluted spring is a righteous man... who compromises his integrity before the wicked" (Prov 25:26, AMP).
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    1. The church = temple, was the Anointed ones, and still is. 
    2. What does the Temple in Jerusalem have to do with the Kingdom Halls of JW's ? 
    3. Religion is just a word. Most 'religions' are used as excuses to do wrong things. Even JWs have used religion as an excuse to do bad things, including Child Sexual Abuse. Some Elders have used their 'religious authority' to do some wicked deeds. 
    Next .................
  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Hence I left that JW Org. To be away from those immoral persons before my Christian conscience was ruined by the immorality of that organisation. 
    We can clearly see how the consciences of JWs have been ruined or dulled, because they put up with the immorality, or actually support the immorality by supporting the GB and it's man made rules.  
  17. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    I can go either way with this comment. However, let God be the judge. Christ was persecuted for many reasons. Loyalty to God was a major factor. You have the will, now understand his sacrifice. Imagine it in your heart. Feel the value of those receiving God's Holy Spirit and Fight for the just, not the injustice you claim in your mind. Release your innermost ambitions and Serve God to the fullest, our lord's way.
    As a Christian, I wish no ill will toward anyone. I harbor hope. I to fight for justice through bible standards. A standard I would love people here would really claim by its understanding as Christians. The light deems, every time scripture is butchered for self-worth. People here really need to get past the negativity for the visitors. 
    It's not a personal indictment, but a personal appeal. 
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Good, Now let others believe the way they want to believe, and stop degrading an institution that you are no longer part of. You claim to be a Christian, then act like one. Right now, you disparage members that your behavior is committed to by your own actions. That means, by your right of believing, you are no matter than the people you disparage.
    Then you misapply scripture to meet your argument. Yet, you descend on the elite of faithful members for doing the same thing you are doing, by your right to believe. 
    Play the devil's advocate, and figure out what side you're in.
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    When you denounced that your 4Woman group does get funding by donations. If you want to take it back, I have no quarrels,
    When bloggers come together and support each other by their blogs and anything else, YOUR A GROUP!! Don't change the definition just because you want to keep that oneness.
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    So, to you, Judaism is the same as Christianity. Therefore, you believe the Pharisees had true worship. Then what was the purpose of Christ sacrifice to you? Why did true worshipers of God find it a need to kill Jesus?
  21. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    The classification and clarification needs to come from a person that professes to be Christian and lacks Christian ethics. Then you can show God himself how to be obedient to his son's words and God.
    I can ask you the same thing, Why, haven't you joined the Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Baptist, Hinduism, Buddhist, Methodist, Presbyterian or Seventh Day Adventist beliefs?
    A person that declares to be part of Christ church, needs to understand the reason behind the word unity. A person alone is not united through the internet. That's a man-made concept. Not the "oneness" God is looking for in his spiritual people. 
    Now you are putting too much effort in what the Watchtower represents to you, rather than what it has accomplished. Without the Watchtower, there would be no exercise of the freedom of religion as constituted, since that was a challenge that came before man's laws. Something that Rome restricted for the first century Christian by condemning Jesus. Then you had emperor Nero who blamed Christians. Yet, first century Christians maintained a united front in their "churches" where possible and in hiding where it was nor possible. 
    However, they "ALL" accepted the words of Christ, and they worshiped the ONE TRUE GOD. Did the apostles receive perfection? NO! Were Christians followers prefect NO! But they were committed to ONE true cause of Christian unity.
    How many denominations can claim or at least put their "best" foot forward to follow the first century structure? All the ones you mentioned have "one" thing in common. They believe it's OK to kill your fellow man in war. Would that be acceptable to you?
    Please don't use ZOOM as an excuse for wordplay. You know what I'm talking about.
  22. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    To the bible impaired. I have three questions.
    1. Does this mean, the first century churches were "bad" houses of worship?
    2. Did Jesus consider the Temple dangerous for children, even though he visited one at age 12? Luke 2:41-52
    3. Those that bring religion inside their home. Does that mean that house, has become a dangerous place for children?
    I'm interested in finding out, what kind of message you are conveying to install "fear" in the hearts of children?
  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    No the Catholic Church hierarchy..copied to a point the Christian’s hierarchy or order directed by Holy Spirit… .Just the same as The Babylon religions copied the Jewish heirachy and rituals directed by Holy Spirit  to an uncanny degree …..Satan mimicking  Jehovahs rituals to a tea…..
    as a people have we been too authoritarian…to dogmatic at times…yes…
    Just like Moses going mad at the people when he had no right…
    Too right we made administrative changes after Rutherford…we needed too…..
  24. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in FALSE CLAIMS   
    Doesn't it? She taught you. Are you now denouncing her as a former Jehovah's Witness, or yourself? Although, why do you believe I should be contaminated by that former Jehovah's Witness (Pearl Doxsey) that doesn't understand scripture? What kind of Christian recommendation is that offering? How do you believe Jesus engaged in this kind of reporting?
    It would be like me accepting the parameters coming from @Patiently waiting for Truth and @Srecko Sostar about their drudge.
  25. Like
    Someday, all of your conspiracy theories are going to get the best of you.  
    We're done.  I don't think I've ever met a man who creates illusions so well, and believes he knows everything about everyone.  
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