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    Dmitar got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Doesn't any (Church) do the same thing? Isn't that something you are doing by judging their interpretation? How does your interpretation of scripture fair against others, that it becomes greater? Isn't following in Jesus footsteps the blueprint to excellence?
  2. Haha
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    It appears intelligence is not high on the agenda here; I can answer your comment this way.
    When God created man, he gave man the ability to think, an ability the animal Kingdom did not possess.
    7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
    Here, I can repost @xero previous thought
    Ecc. 7:9
    9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger settles in the lap of a fool.
    So, can you explain how a vicious animal trained to be rude and obnoxious know when a human is wrong?
    Can it be this animal was neutered, and doesn’t possess the ability to chase after puppy tail anymore?
  3. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Since we have already established that you’re wrong about everything, it might be fun to address your points, point by point.
    1.) I am very well coordinated as a non-intellectual animal. MUCH Better than being at odds with myself as a vegetable. I would choose an onion if I had a choice.
    2.) I do not remember ever getting a straightforward question from a real dog, usually just Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark if they have asthma.
    3.) you’re wrong about what real dog does or does not do ….. which is completely immaterial, as I’m a cartoon dog which has one distinct  disadvantage  when playing poker …….. a person can read the thought balloon above my head. If a real dog had good cards, he would probably wag his tail, making it impossible to bluff at cards.
    4.) And to your last point, about me being a rude and obnoxious person pretending to be an animal  ……… What’s your point?
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I think everybody here is missing the point of Life, The Universe, and Everything.
    Yes, the WTB&TS is guilty of hundreds of sins over a hundred and more years, but the fact is that in a Universe that is inhabited by big ugly bags of mostly water, and a Sovereign God that allows for it, they are the best bet we have for learning about how to be better people.
    Again and again and again I have asked all here to show me something better, and they have, with a million words, failed to do so.
    Details are important, and they have been sorely lacking.
    There is no love in what I know .... but I cannot deny the fact that, disregarding "Management", Jehovah's Witnesses are humanity's best bet.
    ... all the others are so very much worse.
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    @Pudgysteadily improves in my eyes. I am starting to think of him as ‘the dog that does indeed vomit but has the good sense not to return to it.’
  6. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    You seem to be at odds with yourself as a nonintellectual animal. Perhaps learning from a real dog, you can get a straight forward question. Real dogs just obey without thought of mind of what the owner really needs, just wants. However, you seem to be an extremely rude and obnoxious person pretending to be an animal. 
  7. Sad
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in INDIA seems to be stepping up it's 'dislike' on Christianity, or false Christianity.   
    India bans Mother Teresa charity from receiving funds from abroad
    The Indian government has blocked Mother Teresa’s charity from receiving funds from abroad, just days after it faced a police investigation for “hurting religious sentiments of Hindus” amid rising intolerance towards Christians in India.
    The home ministry, which made the decision on Christmas Day, said it had come across “adverse inputs” when considering the application.
    The rejection of the application comes less than two weeks after Hindu hardliners accused the charity of carrying out forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity in a home for girls it runs in Vadodara in the state of Gujarat.
    The accusations, which the charity fiercely denies, were that the charity was “luring” poor young Hindu women into becoming Christian by forcing them to read Christian texts and take part in Christian prayer.
    Jesus statue smashed in spate of attacks on India’s Christian community
    Amid growing intolerance to India’s Christian minority, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups
    Festive celebrations were disrupted, Jesus statues were smashed and effigies of Santa Claus were burned in a spate of attacks on India’s Christian community over Christmas.
    Amid growing intolerance and violence against India’s Christian minority, who make up about 2% of India’s population, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups, who alleged Christians were using festivities to force Hindus to convert.
    “As December comes, the Christian missionaries become active in the name of Christmas, Santa Claus and New Year. They lure children by making Santa Claus distribute gifts to them and attract them towards Christianity,” said Ajju Chauhan regional general secretary of Bajrang Dal, one of the right wing Hindu outfits leading the protest.
    Speaking to local media, Father Anand, a priest at the ashram, said the protests were indicative of the increased attacks that Christians in India have been facing in recent months, as allegations of forced conversion of Hindus to Christianity have become rampant and an anti-Christian hysteria has begun to grow across India.
    “This is a symbol of what is happening because these people have impunity, and it creates tension,” said Anand. “Every Sunday is a day of terror and trauma for Christians, especially those belonging to those small churches.”
    Of course JWs don't celebrate Christmas and True Christians wouldn't celebrate Christmas either. But this seems to be more than just a Christmas thing. @Arauna has warned of anti Christian behavior around the world. 
    Both articles quoted are a lot longer but the main points are here. 

  8. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    The idea of sacrificing to the god/s is not unusual, because people sacrificed to the god/s, because they want god/s to protect them or help them. To some extent, this is about bribery. Sometimes it is a way of thanking the god/s.
    One aspect of why people made sacrifices is that they did not understand the laws of nature. Because they felt helpless or felt some debt to the Unknown. That is how god/s of all kind came into being.
    The idea that people are obliged to make sacrifices to god/s does not exist in the initial (Bible) descriptions of the relationship between God and man (Adam, Eve, Abel, Cain ...).
    WTJWorg explains that the most important reason why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice was that he had no faith, and Abel had. Meat and bloodshed also play a role, but WTJWorg publications do not claim that this was the sole reason.
    But giving material or symbolic or spiritual or physical sacrifices to God should not be a practice in which the relationship between God and man should be developed. After all, it is said that God himself said and had it written in the Bible that obedience is more important to him than sacrifice.
    The thought of having to kill someone to please God is terrible, frightening.
  9. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    You describe the Governing Body of JWs very well in this sentence above.  And the Leaders of the Watchtower have been doing this for over a hundred years.  They play ping pong with scriptures, changing their view of interpretation. They play ping pong with their predictions for Armageddon. They've played ping pong with the 'blood issue' and fractions. 
    In fact they ping pong with people lives. 
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I take it as axiomatic that we have a truncated account of the period of time prior to the flood even including the few centuries post flood. All anyone can do is speculate and perhaps use ancient people accounts as a possible source for speculation. You could look at the talmudic speculations on these. You could read Maimonides. I would start w/the CGS (Christian Greek Scriptures) and take anything Jesus affirmed or those closely associated w/him as having an interpretational vector on these things. Another thing is that we often see Jehovah allowing, though not prescribing behavior and know that a given act may not be desirable or it might be desirable, Jehovah at at least at the point of time when it's described as being done considered it(the act) significant enough in the scheme of things to intervene w/a voice from the heavens or a prophet affirming or denying it's action.
    Do you have any scriptures prescribing the disposition of the dead? Nope. Just that you're unclean if you touch a dead thing or person. So when we read that these followed certain burial practices it wasn't as far as we know (unless there are some as yet undiscovered scriptures outlining the proper burial of the dead) something Jehovah prescribed, just what these people did based on what they thought about Jehovah and what they thought of the dead and their future, if any.
  11. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    When you are a hammer, EVERYTHING looks like a nail.
    I do not “like” it that all living things poop and pee, but willy-nilly …. that’s the way it IS.
    But then again, trees pee oxygen and poop wood, which is very good.
    The whole of life eats and drinks, and pees and poops, with ZERO inconsistencies.
    I like That!
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    When he said he’s made a ass of himself it was over a book he wrote…and I forget the actual heading but I’ll have a go st….then is finished the mystery or something like that…it was a study book….I remember the word mystery….and I also remember feeling thankful I wasn’t around at the time as it was a big book to study and then realize all that time and effort would have been wasted…that was the reason why he said that…..I’m not sure of anything else..other than his changes to so many of Russell’s thoughts….of which many as you say have been returned to…thank goodness!
    Things we’re rough back in those days…you should here of some of the stories from old Australian brothers and how they reacted to being banned….in the Second World War…a few  physically tried to defend the KHs…..as they were being confiscated legally by the government.Those men back then built and payed for those  halls…life was very hard then.
    Different era…different culture…tough people….probably had to be like that to survive those times….must say that was a nice post JWI
  13. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Paradise… Will it come?   
    True Christians would NOT tell lies pretending to know when Armageddon is going to happen.
    True Christians would NOT insult and degrade the True Anointed ones.
    True Christians would NOT hide Pedophiles in their organization.
    True Christians would NOT cast out Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, nor call those children liars.
    True Christians would NOT allow people to become collateral damage within their Organization, just to keep the outside of that Org looking 'nice' and 'clean'.
    In fact, True Christians wound NOT be Jehovah's Witnesses. 
  14. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Agreed. Often people who are full of themselves (confusing this w/holy spirit) go on and on playing bible-ping pong or "I'll parse each sentence you make and see if I kind find a spelling error and congratulate myself when I do" are colossal bores. You see the same kind of pin-head analysis in a lot of forums. These are the Mensa members who've never accomplished anything in their lives except score high-enough on the sub-genius category (which is Mensa) so they can content themselves on their superiority despite their tangible real-world mediocre lives. 
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I am speaking for myself only, but I enjoy spiritual discussions if in fact they really ARE spiritual discussions, and not the agenda driven mantras not far removed from how Catholics count beads on a rosary, and mumble "Hail Mary, full of grace....", etc., but I can tell you for a fact that almost nothing upsets me.
    What you consider what I dislike would get you fired as a 7 year old Dick Tracy detective, and I get upset rattling peoples' chains to see if they are awake.?
    If you had a sense of humor you would know how easy and what fun that is.
  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    This is a bit off-topic, but I have discovered a way to silence the sound.
    For reasons I will not mention I heard my Guardian making "motorboat" sounds with his lips and realized that the lips fluttering is what made the motorboat sound.
    The following suggestion however, only works for humans.
    Get a washcloth and cut it in half with scissors.
    Take each half and cut it into four strips (8 strips total).
    Take one strip, and separating the two posterior orbs, place the washcloth strip centered on the gas expulsion orifice.  When you release the orbs the friction will hold the washcloth strip in place, all day, without any thought or maintenance whatsoever.
    Now, the orbs will not vibrate and not make the familiar sound so disconcerting and telling in an office or elevator.
    You may even credibly be able to blame someone else!

  17. Like
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I note that @xero and @Pudgy  dislike spiritual conversation. In fact it seems to to upset them. 
    I think that @xero says he is an Elder of a JW congregation. Well it seems strange that he should dislike spiritual conversation then, but no wait, actually it seems quite fitting that he does not like the truth about God and Christ. 
    As for James aka @Pudgy well I think he is sitting on that fence right now, not knowing which way to turn. 
    Remember both of you, there are only two choices. You can serve Almighty God through Jesus Christ, or, you will be serving the Devil. Serving the GB of the JW org is just part of serving the Devil.  Your life, your choice.
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to JW Insider in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Nothing significant is left out of the quote, in spite of the ellipses. This teaching wasn't Rutherford's doing. Russell believed it too. Rutherford hadn't finished "rethinking" all the things he wanted to change from Russell's time. It wasn't until about 1931 that he had pretty much finished getting rid of nearly everything that was uniquely "Russellite."
    But as you say, culture is hard to change. When this Pleiades teaching finally was dropped, it was replaced with the "Rutherfordite" method of applying nearly everything in the Hebrew Scriptures to 1918:
    *** w53 11/15 p. 703 Questions From Readers ***
    What is meant by ‘binding the sweet influences of the Pleiades’ or ‘loosing the bands of Orion’ or ‘bringing forth Mazzaroth in his seasons’ or ‘guiding Arcturus with his sons,’ as mentioned at Job 38:31, 32?—W. S., New York.
    Some attribute striking qualities to these constellations or star groups and on the basis of such they then offer private interpretations of Job 38:31, 32 that amaze their hearers. Their views are not always sound from the standpoint of astronomy, and when viewed Scripturally they are completely without foundation. ... Incidentally, Pleiades can no longer be considered the center of the universe and it would be unwise for us to try to fix God’s throne as being at a particular spot in the universe. ...
    It has particular application to Jehovah’s people now. In the prophetic drama of Job he represents the faithful followers of Christ on earth at the end of this system of things, specially from 1918 onward. He represents the anointed remnant of the body of Christ, how at that time they were afflicted, in captivity to Satan’s organization, Babylonish Christendom in particular. They could not understand why Jehovah permitted this affliction from the world, and particularly from Christendom. They did not appreciate just what Jehovah’s purposes were concerning them, and so it was appropriate for God to specially reveal himself to them as the Supreme One of the universe and that the big issue was his universal domination over all creation, animate and inanimate. From and after 1918 Jehovah has made these points stand out.
    There are even hints here and later in the article that the "real" explanation had more to do with believing that the "superior authorities" were God and Christ, and not the secular authorities. (A point also made in another article of the very same issue of the Watchtower.) That teaching wasn't changed until nearly 10 years after this article. But the points about Jehovah's sovereignty were still very valid.
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to JW Insider in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Changing back to Russell's view has happened with several teachings, including the elder arrangement, identification of the superior authorities, etc. But I also give Rutherford great credit in getting us out of idolatry, not just with the pagan celebrations, but with the idolizing of Russell himself. Rutherford claimed that the brotherhood was literally worshiping Russell and he called it "creature worship."
    But we shouldn't get the idea, of course, that Russell was always such a paragon of virtue himself. He lied in court about business matters he had involved the Watchtower with. And when his perjury was obvious, Russell changed his story 180 degrees. Rutherford knew these things about Russell, having been his attorney, as his defense of Russell in 1915 shows.
    Curiously, right up to the last book of the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) the Jews are still being condemned for giving in to idolatry. Yet it was the scribes and Pharisees who deserved credit for freeing the Jews from idolatry from that period forward, so that idolatry was no longer the problem in Jesus' day. It's true that Jesus condemned them for hypocrisy, but Jesus didn't condemn them for all their teachings. In fact, Jesus told his audience that they should still do what the Pharisees tell them to do, just not to do as they do. In Mark, Jesus says to one of them: (Mark 12:34) . . .At this Jesus, discerning he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”. . . And we also know that not just Nicodemus, but a great many from the Pharisees became believers. And one became an apostle.
    I thought that was only over his failed predictions for 1925. And it was evidently only privately to a few persons at Bethel that he admitted this. In the Watchtower he blamed the brotherhood for believing it, rather than admitting that he himself had anything to do with it.
    To me, I think all of this is a great lesson that we don't put our trust in earthling man, in whom no salvation belongs. But we appreciate the good teachings and continuing improvements that we have shared together. The copper has become gold. It's not about the overseers themselves, but about what the right motivations bring.
    (Isaiah 60:17) . . .Instead of the copper I will bring in gold, And instead of the iron I will bring in silver, Instead of the wood, copper, And instead of the stones, iron; And I will appoint peace as your overseers And righteousness as your task assigners.
    If you look closely at the words here, it's not saying that the overseers themselves will be righteous humans, but that we will be led by peace and righteousness "itself." Not humans, specifically. Here's how the NIV puts it:
    (Isaiah 60:17, NIV) Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler.
    So, yes, Russell might have sometimes been a perjurer, and Rutherford might have been a "drunken, womanizing, cigar-smoker" (as my old "table head" at Bethel called him). But we still greatly appreciate what has been accomplished over the years. What Jehovah has accomplished is often (as some old-timers still say) in spite of us, not because of us. What must actually be happening is that Jehovah's spirit acts upon us as a group because of our own love for one another. It's not specifically because of what we are always told to believe, but because of our pure and peaceful and righteous motivations. Love and joy and peace and faith, etc., are what bring Jehovah's spirit to all of us, including the good influence on the ones taking the lead.
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I have quite often had those same thoughts, about Rutherford, about how hard it is to be virtuous, and also wonder why Jehovah puts up with any of us at all.
    From available records, it seems Rutherford was a drunk, a bully, and an all around exploiter of the Brotherhood, but the points you made are quite valid, and I know it takes a century to change a culture. He was such an AH that when he died of rectal cancer, the Bethel Family considered it poetic justice, and only two people attended his funeral, one of then Nathan H. Knoor.
    But then again, George S. Patton was just as big an AH, and believed in reincarnation, but with the soldiers that hated him, was instrumental in destroying the Nazis during WWII.
    ... it takes a hundred years and three generations and  more to change a culture ...
    Unless you can drop two atomic bombs on them and really get their attention, a near impossibility.
    Ho Ho Ho!
  21. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Aaaaah…we’ll that’s a lesson learnt for me,..✌️
  22. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Rutherford himself admitted he ..”had made a complete ass of himself over a lot of his writing..”….he was the one that changed the understanding of the ark representing or a type of Jesus….to representing the org……and if you stop and think about the ramifications by that it’s mind numbing…the GB has since changed it back to Russell’s understanding……but I give Rutherford great credit in getting us out of idolatry with the pagan celebrations…Jehovah puts up with a lot from ones he sees fit to use…..thank goodness !!!
  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Your responses are the only ones I read as the humor is welcome. I could easily imagine a syndicated cartoon featuring the character you play.
  24. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    blo·vi·ate /ˈblōvēˌāt/   verb  informal•US gerund or present participle: bloviating talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way.   When I tell jokes, most of the time I am just entertaining myself. I try to keep them pithy, and SHORT.
    Dimitar asks dozens of questions that no one EVER answers, as it is apparent he also asks them to entertain himself, as they are based on insulting false premises, and irrelevant assumptions.
    I apologise, for answering for him ... perhaps I should have waited for his own  answer. of why he bloviates, which I had to look up, because I thought it had something to do with chronic intestinal gas being expelled at easily discernible volume..
    ....very similar.
  25. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Dmitar, you are bloviating right now. Why? What are you getting out of it?
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