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  1. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I like your view. But have to ask what is the mission of WTJWorg?  
  2. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Sometimes .... a mission that people undertake willingly .... are not led into battle by paragons of virtue and righteousness ... or even compassion and awareness.
    I firmly believe that .... given enough time ... virtue and righteousness in the minds and hearts of men will prevail but often through the efforts of men with serious flaws, requiring mountains of bodies and oceans of blood, and fields covered in hardships of ruined lives caused by error.
    This is what happens in the REAL world ..... and until we have perfect government .... THIS WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE.
    Get used to the idea, or go bat crap crazy with a screwed up version of reality.
    In the meantime .... the very best you can do is TRUST NO ONE ... and do your best not to become someones' cannon fodder.
    ....sometimes the mission is more important than ones' indignation.
  3. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes, especially men who, without so much as a blink, tell you that God and Jesus trust them, so you must trust them also.  Who, in their right mind would make such an arrogant stand before the Almighty God, unless they were narcissistic, without one humble bone in their body?  They defy God and His principles of righteousness.  They believe their sins are glossed over by God and Jesus, that they will not be held accountable for their record of false teachings. But then, I don't believe they feel they do sin. They have convinced JW's that these men have already been found acceptable to rule in the kingdom of God.  Those on the elder body who display the same narcissism, believe they will rule over JW's on the earth. None of this, is God's plan.  
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    The simple answer is that the JW Org is not guided by or watched over by Almighty God or Jesus Christ. 
    Many men in many congregations would not have been given appointments of 'power' over others, if God and/or Christ had any part of it. I will hold back from mentioning a serious problem in the Org, which obviously proves my point. 
    My own brother is an Elder in a congregation and he admits that many Elders are not fit for purpose, and that they were never fit for purpose. One very big problem here in the UK seems to be, the lack of voluteers to take on responsibilty. Hence my brother, who is now 80 years old, has to keep doing his 'duty'.  He is losing his memory, suffers with anxiety and sleeplessness, but he has to keep on serving the Org, because no one wants to do the job he does. (I think the virus problem has actually been good for him, with KH closed, he can relax a bit ). 
    So, in my opinion, men that are appointed to positions of 'responsibiity' in the Org would be men that want a bit of 'power' and would be friends of other elders. A sort of 'boys club' where only certain types of men would want to be part of it.  Once again there seems to be proof of that, which has given the Org a bad reputation. 
    The one thing that has been made clear ( Luke 8 : 17)  is that Nothing in the Watchtower / JW Org is inspired of God's Holy Spirit. The GB finally admitted that they are NOT INSPIRED, and they call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. So if the GB are not inspired, but they take the lead, then it would follow that the rest of the Watchtower / JW Org is not inspired. 
    Isabella, you need to know that you cannot trust 'men'. That is, you cannot trust Elders or Ministerial Servants.  Remember that you want to serve God through Christ. You do not want to serve men.  You cannot even trust the GB.
    Many JWs do not trust the GB. Even JWs on this forum do not believe everything that the GB writes or says.
    It is your choice to remain in the JW Org or to leave it. But even if you remain in it, do not trust it. 
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Your statement is beautifully uttered, but it cannot confirm that your knowledge and belief, in the form you practice, is true or false. It is your personal experience, personal conclusion and personal opinion. As such, it can be tested and verified and accepted or rejected, not only by people (in general) but also by the God you believe in.
  6. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    While I'm at it, circumcision? A lot of various people practiced it, but you can imagine a person who wasn't given some background as to why this was so critical could wonder...
    Joshua - "We're about to go into the promised land, but there's this one little thing that will really seal the deal."
  7. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    Too, every time I read about Cain, I think of some moral retard. This loser runs into a tad of resistance and he blames other people for his problems. He would have fit in w/the SJWS today. Whine, whine, whine. "Boo hoo! Someone might kill me!"
    I suppose I would have said "Tough. You should have listened. I should wipe you out for whining alone. Get out of here, you disgust me."
  8. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    The Nephil were not the angels, these were the offspring. Also you haven't commented on the fact that only Cain's lineage did interesting tech stuff.
  9. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    He's a JW. They live with that daily.  It's their bread and butter. 
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    Making assumptions is dangerous, it can lead to false teaching.
  11. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    What I'm getting at is that even in @arauna's reply there is a tremendous amount of speculation. We can only know what's written, and what is written is pretty sparse. We don't know whether the garden remained to exist until the flood. We don't know why these came up w/the idea that Jehovah would want some stuff in the form of an offering. That in itself seems to show a retarded conception of God, like somehow you could ever "give" or need to "give" him anything. In the context there are assumptions that people would know what "Doing good" was, or what "Sin" was.  We don't know how it was that these assumed an offering was accepted. We don't know whether these had an audible or visual representation of Jehovah or both. I'm quite familiar w/the standard speculations, because that's what these are w/o biblical confirmation as to the details. I'm just pointing out how we easily make a lot of assumptions because we're not there and not involved. Perhaps we imagine ourselves as in a superior position, and perhaps we are w/regard to knowledge, but we don't "know". 
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    There's a lot in the way of implicit communication, but not so much explicit. 
    1,656 years....a lot of time for things to happen...we have the seed prophesy, we have Cain and Abel engaging in sacrifice for some reason....nothing in the way of what led to this reasoning, we can only speculate....Enoch apparently has a lot to say which is upsetting to some....angels forsaking their dwelling place...Nephils running around...violence filling the earth....people "calling on the name of Jehovah" and finally Noah being told to build the ark and to get in it....plus no one in Seth's line does anything technologically interesting...
    The first 6 chapters are the most enigmatic of the whole of the Bible.....IMHO
    If you don't speculate, you'd have a 1,656 year gap....
    Imagine that you're living then. What do you know, and how do you know it?
  13. Upvote
    Dmitar got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms, 2021
    A central tenet of Marxism and socialism is the repression of all religions other than the religion of the state. China represses Christians, Wegers (Uyghurs), and other groups are suppressed in that Communist country. More than a million Wegers are locked up in reeducation camps to rid them of their Muslim practices.
    Communist countries recognize religious groups which they control until they can completely eradicate them. Chinese Christians, for example, have an officially recognized church. Most Christians belong to the underground. The official Chinese Christian church does not allow the displaying of the cross. Regular Bibles are banned in China. Pictures of Jesus Christ were taken down and replaced with pictures of Xi Jinping.
    With the anti-Christian, anti-religion atmosphere loose in America at this time, do you not think these kinds of things would be happening in America if Progressives were in charge? A Socialist/Communist is a Socialist/Communist, and they have no use for religion whatsoever.
    Hidden Hand– Exposing how the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World 2020
    Many Westerners are by now familiar with the CCP’s crackdown on religious worship in China, which includes the use of CCTV cameras in churches and mosques and forcing believers to practise in approved ways. The 11th and 12th Bureaus of the United Front Work Department devote extensive efforts to this repression, setting up ‘representative organisations’ for each religion.129 It was reported in 2019 that Tibetan nomads had been told they would continue to receive state subsidies only if they ‘replaced their altars devoted to Buddhist deities with images of Chinese political leaders’.130 Christians have been pressured to replace images of Jesus with photos of Xi Jinping. In a move that resonated with its position in the 1930s, the Vatican reached an agreement with Beijing to allow the Party to choose Catholic bishops.
    In Henan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Hebei, churches have been ordered to fly the Chinese flag, destroy banners and images with religious messages, and sing the national anthem and Communist Party songs at their services. Government-installed television cameras with facial-recognition technology monitor congregations. Children under eighteen have been forbidden to attend churches, and local people have been threatened with expulsion from education and employment if they "believe in religions." In some parts of the country the faithful have been asked to replace paintings of Jesus with portraits of President Xi Jinping. Thus, Xi's New Regulations on Religious Affairs, described by Amnesty International as "draconian," are causing considerable concern.' Catholics in Hong Kong are particularly worried.
  14. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Not a throwaway. I think it's passed through a lot of minds. I'm pretty open to reexamining a lot of the future events we're waiting for. 
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Vaccine time   
    It just occurred to me that this emphasis on vaccination in order to have a job or privileges or opportunity might just be, or eventually evolve to be,  the “mark of the beast” spoken of in revelation.
    Just an idea, A throwaway comment, no more.
    Looking back at societal evolution, it’s been along time since we had a good witchhunt, Jew hunt, or similar madness.
  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in Vaccine time   
  17. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in Vaccine time   
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in Vaccine time   
    Did someone say it is a personal choice to get the vaccine?  Not really; that is, if one wants to retain "privileges".  
    Can't open the file here.   This was a letter to "All Special Full-Time Servants at Bethel and in the Field" dated 8/6/2021
    After stating that the getting the vaccine is a personal choice, it ends by saying, "In view of the above, we have asked the Health Care Department (HCD) to contact you to learn your current vaccination status.  If for some medical reason you are unable to be vaccinated, please inform the HCD accordingly.  They may be able to provide assistance".
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in Vaccine time   
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Vaccine time   
    On a related note, the CDC has noted that some COVID vaccinated can grow up to 7 feet, although most only have 2.
    AND … It’s not necessary to get vaccinated if you are a “Transvaccinated” person who self-identifies as being vaccinated.
  21. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Vaccine time   
    That’s what happens when you worship at the Church of Covid.
    It’s blasphemy to disparage the holy vaccine, or it’s Prophets.
    I can visualize a pro-abortion person chastising me for refusing “the shot”, with my reply being “My body,my choice!”, and see ifit short circuits their mind.
    …….. Probably just get an oblivious blank stare.
  22. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Vaccine time   
    Because SM and the Truthers have some special 'media' which is not main stream and they keep it secret amongst themselves  
  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    Yes I was joking, making a pun when one of the governing body members told the witnesses to trust in Jehovah, Jesus and the governing body only.
    In my opinion I see Santa has become an idol and is sort of worshipped by society it is sad to watch.
    I have faith that God will not kill someone for eating a meal together on a certain day, or for givng as much honor to the son as to the father both whom created all things.
  24. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Matthew9969 in The trinity and it’s false theology.   
    I was joking....sort of. And why do guys keep insisting these pagan gods, goddesses are real beings, even 10 year olds know they are not real just like they know Santa isn't real. This year like every year I'm going to hang out with my physical family, like I do on a regular basis, not just on holidays. Now get off your pius arogant and ignorant high horse and watch some Mel Brooks movies, you need some humor in your life.
    On a serious note, why do you guys give more power to non existent pagan gods than the Almighty himself?
  25. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    The Bible has to be read in context.
    Otherwise the Scripture about “… after I leave, wolves will enter in among the flock” becomes rationale for dogs going to heaven.
    etc., ad nauseum.
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