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  1. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    You cannot fight a war with the army you want ... you have to fight a war with the army you have.
    This is particularly true with Leadership ... and Leaders become Leaders for all sorts of reasons, just as men become soldiers for all sorts of reasons,
    Classic example of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"
    The Polish soldiers fought the Nazi Panzer tanks with horse drawn artillery, and were slaughtered, and Poland was lost to the Third Reich.
    It is not a surprise, or even unusual in any way that Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body has elements of hubris, incompetency, and self aggrandizement that permeates ANY effective Military Organization Officers' Corps, especially at the General Staff level.  Such is the curse of all men.
    There are no exceptions in ANY Organization of more than, say 200 people ...... get used to the idea, or pick at your scabs until they turn cancerous.
    They have a habit of going overboard in trying to establish discipline and consolidate their authority ..... we have a habit of resisting discipline, thereby undermining their authority.  Anytime three people interact there will be politics, and a jockeying for advantage. Internal politics must be a drama to see.
    Interestingly enough, in the United States, it is not considered cruel and unusual punishment to impose the death penalty for crimes, but it IS considered cruel and unusual punishment to deny a person their Citizenship.
    There are basic human rights that we have as a natural consequence of being human ... and although disfellowshipping is an absolute necessity in any society.... HOW it is done defines whether or not it is necessary protection of that Society, or is just an exercise in cruelty "... because one can".
    There is nothing whatsoever in Christian Tenets that justify cruelty.
    A lesson most of us learn too late ... just because we can do something, does not mean we should.
  2. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    If you knew anything about hebraisms and the way things are expressed, you'd know that the translation "Jehovah struck the child" is an interpretation w/regard to Jehovah allowing. So you have latitude as to how to read and view this scripture.
    Elsewhere it says
     Ezekiel 18:20 -The soul who sins is the one who will die. A son will bear no guilt because of the error of his father, and a father will bear no guilt because of the error of his son. The righteousness of the righteous one will be accounted to him alone, and the wickedness of the wicked one will be accounted to him alone.
    And that the unborn are considered precious and valuable has been discussed elsewhere (Ps. 139 16)
    The fact that the scripture attributes an executional act on the part of Jehovah towards the relatively innocent unborn child serves to underscore that all things which happen in the universe are only possible because Jehovah ALLOWS it.
    Your ability to enjoy something? "Jehovah made me enjoy that ice cream cone." 
    "Really? Jehovah MADE you? So you ate the whole carton and it's Jehovah's fault?"
    One might say  - Jehovah ALLOWED the bible writer to describe the death of the child as being the result of direct intervention. Or do we say Jehovah CAUSED the bible writer to describe it this way?
    There have been a lot of discussions w/regard to the difference between causing and allowing ...
    I think in this particular case the translation is intended to underscore that bad behavior will be punished and that innocent (relatively so) people can and will bear the brunt at times as well and this is on them for their bad behavior.
    In every case the whiners against Jehovah are in a weak position w/their arguments. 
  3. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Although I agree with your principle here, the Scripture directly contradicts you. Apparently David's son was normal before being stricken with fatal sickness.
  4. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Then we have problem with (understanding) this Bible text where is explicitly clear who caused baby to die, among other things, where Nathan said God said it. 
    Then Nathan said to David: “You are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘I myself anointed you as king over Israel,+ and I rescued you from the hand of Saul.+ 8  I was willing to give you your master’s house+ and put your master’s wives+ in your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah.+ And as if that were not enough, I was willing to do much more for you.+ 9  Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? You struck down U·riʹah the Hitʹtite with the sword!+ Then you took his wife as your wife+ after you killed him by the sword of the Amʹmon·ites.+ 10  Now a sword will never depart from your own house,+ because you despised me by taking the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite as your wife.’ 11  This is what Jehovah says: ‘Here I am bringing against you calamity from within your own house;+ and before your own eyes, I will take your wives and give them to another man,*+ and he will lie down with your wives in broad daylight.*+ 12  Although you acted in secret,+ I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight.’”*13  David then said to Nathan: “I have sinned against Jehovah.”+ Nathan replied to David: “Jehovah, in turn, forgives your sin.*+ You will not die.+ 14  Nevertheless, because you have treated Jehovah with utter disrespect in this matter, the son just born to you will certainly die.”15  Then Nathan went to his own house.And Jehovah struck the child whom U·riʹah’s wife had borne to David, and he became sick. 16  David pleaded with the true God in behalf of the boy. David went on a strict fast and would go in and spend the night lying on the ground.+ 17  So the elders of his house stood over him and tried to raise him up from the ground, but he refused and would not eat with them. 18  On the seventh day the child died, but David’s servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead. - nwt translation
  5. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    He's not directing the speculations any more than he killed the baby which came out of Bathsheba that wasn't Uriah's. Allowing and controlling are not the same as causing.
    No. Causing and controlling are precisely what Satan and those like him think you have to do for things to work. You can see this in leftists and progressives who have to control everything. (and the imagine they can control the weather too...what incredible hubris)
  6. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    The real reason this injustice occurs? To protect a facade... the Image of the Organization, as a spotless spiritual paradise (Jer.6:13-14; Eze.13:10; 22:27; 34:2-4; Acts 20:29) (Rev.13:14-15,12,8; Isa.48:1-2; Jer.7:4; Matt.24:23).
    The innocent who do not honor that false Image of divinity, are slandered and expelled (Prov.17:15; Ex.23:6-7; Ps.12:5; Matt.7:15; 12:7; Jer.23:2; 22:3; Rev.11:7; 17:6; Zech.11:15-17) (Eze.45:9; Isa.59:3-9,14-15; 32:7; Amos 5:12). (Ps.94:21; Rev.20:9; Micah 7:3; 3:10-11; 1Thess.5:3)
    "My Master is Delaying/Two Witness Policy
  7. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims   
    This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.
    BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?
    And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 
    Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 
  8. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Ups, God controls and directs speculations ... inside WTJWorg :))
  9. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    I don't mean to sound critical, but you really need to reword this. It's contorting the English language in a way that's painful to read.
  10. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Every written change of previous interpretation in the WTJWorg literature is proof that what I have commented on is not an echo of empty words. Your own publications produce "sound", and make it to sound in both ways. To looks like have "scriptural support" and to looks like have "non-scriptural support".
  11. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    You make it sound like the literature has zero scriptural support. It's commentary on scripture. You might not agree with the application, but it's not as if it's just completely made up. I don't dwell on the extreme interpretations and I don't think too many do. 
  12. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Srecko Sostar in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Xero reminds me, with this statement of his, of two elders who told me personally after I asked them about a similar thing, that they, from the podium, say only what the literature says even though they are not personally convinced that it is true. And another thing, they (two elders) claim that they do not mention controversial things or explain them when preaching.
    Do such elders really have face and say they represent, stand for the truth? 
  13. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    What does a "witness" for God witness about? Other things to fill out their day instead of their testimony for truth?  
     By the way, "witness" in Greek means "martyr".  We don't know how many anointed and others were "killed" by men (who act as "kings") in judicial committees for the last several decades for their "witness" to truth in God's word.  Are those df'd, the apostates, or were they exposing their apostate "governors"?  
    Why did they become martyrs like the apostles with the early anointed and believers in Christ?  
    They filled their day as much as possible, with their testimony of truth.  Rev 11:3,7; 13:5-7,15; 12:11
    “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. ("congregations")  On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.  And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.  Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit."  Mark 13:9-11
    "They will put you out of the synagogue ("congregation"); in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God."  John 16:2
    Do you see?  This is the direction of the end time preaching work - to "Israel", the anointed and those with them.  Matt 10: 23  To the "apostates" that have dominion over the anointed and all, who remain captive to empty philosophy.  (Col 2:8)
    "Of course, we are living in the world, but we do not wage war in a world-like way. For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the world. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments  and every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive in order to obey the Messiah."  1 Cor 10:3-5
    What is the "fortress" of protection for JWs?
    And just as a child seeks his parents’ protection when a storm rages, we seek protection in Jehovah’s organization when, like a thunderstorm, the problems of this world strike us. wt 11/4/15 pp 3-5
    Sounds like idol worship, doesn't it.  Rom 1:25; Rev 13:4
  14. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Well it's clear that a lot have processed whatever they're processed and decided that staying was better than leaving. Look at all the Catholics who are still Catholics after the chronic and ongoing mess of pedo-priests. 
  15. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    I never expected my local congregation to do anything. I just did what I felt was right for me to do. 
    I must admit that I thought a lot of others earthwide would also have left the JW Org at the time. Maybe they did and i never found out. 
  16. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    What did the apostles do?  What was their homework?
  17. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Point is that none of the people complaining about the GB actually are in their congregation and it's a waste of time chasing real or imagined deficiencies of other people you don't know when you just look in the mirror and realize you have your own homework to do.
  18. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Deal with the discipline of people who are not inspired, but act as if they are on par with the apostles?
    No, never.  The point is to defend truth, not those who exalt themselves and their doctrine, over Truth in Jesus Christ.  We are to make a noise when we know that truth is not being upheld.  (Eph 5:11)
    Are we to defend men or the Father and the Son?
    "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."  Gal 1:10
    We can't please God or Christ and please men who expect us to accept their false teachings.  
    What is the point of Armageddon if not to exalt the Father and the Son in Truth, through our testimony?   Why does "Michael" stand up in the last days if not to defend the Father in Truth? (Acts 3:20,21; 2 Thess 1:6-10; Dan 12:1) 
    "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!"  Gal 1:6-9
  19. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    I do get that some people hold the organization responsible for whatever was going on w/CSA or other stuff and they leave their local congregation because they feel that the local congregation should have risen up against the main organization. 
    I just know that locally, where I am and where I've been, things like this didn't happen on my watch and I'll have to be frank about it when I say that just like people who are privy to materials presented to them in a grand jury, I haven't been presented with information which damns the organization as others imagine it has (am I responsible for everything others do?)
    I suspect many have never read the hebrew scriptures and been honest w/themselves as to how they would have handled the crappy behavior of many Jehovah was using. They imagine they would have stayed, but we don't know. Face it ten tribes split w/Judah and Benjamin remaining when Solomon and his son turned into jerks. That didn't ultimately go well w/them.
    Sure today you have people who are pretty much into what I call idolatrous worship of the GB, but these people are the same kinds you see in the world who want to push a theocratic sharia onto everyone, but these ultimately get dealt with because that's not in line w/Jehovah's spirit and I see that these get tripped up.
    Some who thought I was out of control have gotten DF'ed for various things after they were heavy on others. I believe you just deal w/the discipline you get, try not to stir things up, realize there are opinionated people who want to push their way onto others, but you just keep following scripture and nodding your head when you get what you feel is "great scripture, brother! just doesn't apply to me here, but thanks so much for giving me the nudge" from anyone who feels you need some counsel.
    As to telling people the truth about the organization, I'd just explain why I'm where I am and why I'm doing what I'm doing. People will judge according to how they want to judge. It doesn't matter to me if they listen or don't listen. At this point I feel it's all a spiritual exercise that I'm benefitting from and if I get potshots taken at me, fine, take them. Granted I don't go out of my way to antagonize anyone outside or inside, but I never tell people to believe anything I don't and can't back up with scripture alone.
    Being frank w/people is easy, feels good and when you get bothered occasionally by someone who thinks you're going astray by not insisting that people believe everything they read in the latest publication you just deal with it. You do more good long term in my view by staying and keeping your cool and taking punches and keeping your integrity with your own conscience than leaving, but I DO understand why some have left and so do many who haven't.
  20. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Well, Witness ....
    By not being able to recommend something better, you are like a handheld GPS with no batteries.
    ... useless.
  21. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    We all know that Jesus was very concerned about the Christian Congregation ... so ..... if Jehovah's Witnesses, warts, scabs, drool and all, are not with whom we should be associating with ...... then who?
    Where and who, ( a name, address, zip code is the specificity required) is the Congregation that is the "real deal"?
    Give me  a better choice, and I will leave what I know in a New York second.
    But I will need to know why the better choice really is the better choice.
    Without specific proof of something better, your very best observations, reasoning, and logic is nothing more than light entertainment.
    No more.
  22. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Pudgy in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    That is a good thought, but probably very simplistic .... opposers, like everybody else, do what they know.
    There is the drunk to whom the determination to drink supersedes all else, and blames the Organization for the consequences come with that, and
    There is the drunk who hangs onto the Organization because he has seen the consequences of stumbling, and realizes that with all their deficiencies, they are less than his own.
    ... of course, there is no shortage of drunks, or reasons to be one....
    ... nor shortage of opposers, or reasons to be one.
    Reminds me of the man who was trapped on an island in the middle of a river. He prayed to God to save him, as the waters got higher and higher, and he started climbing a tree.
    A Fire Department rescue boat came by, but the Captain was an ugly midget, so the man waved them off.
    Next a helicopter hovered overhead, and lowered a cable with a rescue ring, but the ring swung into his face head and hit him, man held onto the tree, as so far the water was only to his waist.
    As the water rose and the current bent the tree over, it finally dawned on him he was about to die and he prayed "Oh God!, I am going to die, why did you not save me?"
    ... and God answered, " I heard your prayers, and I sent a boat and a helicopter .... you did not like either one."
  23. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to xero in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    Strikes me that opposers are hanging on to the organization like a drunk man does to keep from stumbling.
  24. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to TrueTomHarley in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    So then what you are saying is that it is your purpose in life to piss on something without offering anything better—to take away but not give. Isn’t that sort of a pathetic occupation for a grown man?
  25. Downvote
    Dmitar reacted to Witness in The 144k and the GB...gnostics?   
    The effort put out to become a JW is NOTHING. JWs came to us, or we were born into this religion.  The effort needed to leave the organization, leave any life and loved ones we knew while in it, accepting any persecution and ridicule that is said about us...and remain committed to serve the Father and the Son in truth, takes every ounce of effort and faith we can muster.  Luke 6:22; Matt 5:11; 2 Tim 3:12
    But the gift we receive for our devotion and love, is precious.
    "Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  John 10:7-10
    Jesus, the small gate, promises life to the full; unlike an organization that promises the "best life ever" while it leads people down a a broad road littered with false predictions and false doctrine.
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