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Chioke Lin

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Posts posted by Chioke Lin

  1. A commentator has given the bible a discrepancy with what is written in Matt 5:43-58. The meaning behind our actions should reveal a good state of mind while being an imperfect creation. Jesus sacrifice gave man the opportunity to regain a state without sin before God. We as God's slaves are not without sin at the present time.

    If we are as indicated by the commentator, there would have been no need for Jesus sacrifice, and God is apparently playing games with his creation. This changes the passage significantly.

    Once again, this passage cannot be linked to the 1000-year reign of God’s kingdom.

    The commentator also references Heb 4:12. I agree that God is the living word for his creation, We as his creation should understand there is nothing we do that can be hidden from God.

    This passage cannot be linked to the 1000-year reign, either. But it does illustrate the sacrifice of Christ as our High Priest.

    Matthew 4

    15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. 16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

    Once again, is God’s creation without sin in our present time?

    So, the 1000-year reign is not of judgment but a state of reconciliation of a sort back to perfection. After the 1000 years, there will be a final judgment for God's creation that will include Satan and his followers.

  2. The correct form would then be YHVH and Y'shua, if anyone wishes to follow the ancient form. Even Yeshua is a modern Jewish form. If that's the case, then, Yehovah would be appropriate in Jewish form. If you use grammar correct for Yeshua, it will point you to the correct English change of Jeshua. The same English correction we get with Yehovah. 



    In my view, I don't think, God's personal name should be a point of contention. 


  3. A commentator concludes the earthly survivors should have no role in the development of the resurrected. This commentator, then, has to agree, there will be daily visits from the heavenly priesthood on earth, after those priests have been cleansed by the blood of the high priest, and will be perfect men among the imperfect. 

    This seems out of focus on what the bible indicates. I will agree, we should not make the bible to be confusing or deceptive. The survivors do play an important role to the resurrected by their experience after Armageddon.

    My apologies. I was knocked offline by a power surge for some reason.

    My final thought, relates to the difference between, apostle, minister, priest, father, Elder, royal priest, preacher, etc.? Does everyone proclaim God's kingdom?


    *** w95 11/15 p. 20 par. 21 Stay in the “City of Refuge” and Live! ***
    21 Unintentional manslayers in the ancient cities of refuge had to be productive workers. Similarly, the anointed “sons of Israel” have set a fine example as harvest workers and Kingdom proclaimers. (Matthew 9:37, 38; Mark 13:10) As ‘alien residents’ and ‘settlers’ in today’s refuge city, Christians with earthly prospects are privileged to do this lifesaving work alongside anointed ones still on earth. And what rewarding work this is! Those working faithfully in the antitypical city of refuge will escape eternal death at the hands of the Avenger of blood. Instead, they will derive eternal benefits from his service as God’s great High Priest. Will you stay in the city of refuge and live forever?


    *** w91 12/15 p. 12 pars. 15-16 Rejoice in the Kingdom Hope! ***
    15 Concerning the great crowd, Revelation 7:17 says: “The Lamb . . . will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.” Though this prophecy has a spiritual fulfillment now, the Armageddon survivors will see it literally fulfilled. How so? Well, what did Jesus do when he was on earth? He healed the maimed, made the lame walk, opened the ears of the deaf and the eyes of those blind, and he cured leprosy, paralysis, and “every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.” (Matthew 9:35; 15:30, 31) Is that not what Christians today need? The great crowd will carry old-world disabilities and infirmities over into the new world. What do we expect the Lamb to do about that? The needs of the Armageddon survivors will be very different from the needs of those who will be resurrected. The resurrected ones will likely be recreated with whole, sound, healthy bodies, though not yet having human perfection. Because of the miracle of resurrection, they will evidently not thereafter need repair of any former disabilities by the miracle of healing. On the other hand, because of their unique experience of surviving Armageddon, miraculous repair is what many of the great crowd will need and will receive. Apparently, a major intent of Jesus’ healings was to portray for the encouragement of the great crowd the joyous prospect that they will not only survive but be healed thereafter.
    16 Such miraculous healing will logically take place among Armageddon survivors relatively soon after Armageddon and well before the resurrection begins. (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6; Revelation 21:4; compare Mark 5:25-29.) Then people will throw away eye glasses, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, dentures, hearing aids, and the like. What a cause for rejoicing! How well such early restorative action by Jesus comports with the role of the Armageddon survivors as the foundation of the new earth! Disabling maladies will be moved out of the way so that these survivors can move forward with zest, looking eagerly to the marvelous activity of the Millennium stretching ahead of them, not dragged down by the afflictions that the old world may have brought upon them. And all during the Millennium, they will be rejoicing in the hope of reaching the very fullness of perfect human life by the end of those thousand years.

  4. Once again, a commentator has made a point of reference, John 14:6. This passage refers to how we can have access to everlasting life through Christ.

    We cannot use this passage in relation to the anointed priesthood once they are in heaven. Jesus sacrifice paved the way for all who would become slaves of God. That includes the priesthood while they were still on earth.

    In my understanding, this cannot be linked to passages relating to the priesthood once they are in heaven helping Christ. The point of reference Rev 5:9,10 refers to the worthiness of Jesus sacrifice to all that would praise that sacrifice to include the priesthood in heaven for the kingdom of God on earth. Here, the passage mentions “kingdom” which will be established on earth and “priest.” These priests are not the same as the anointed priest in heaven. These priests are the survivors that will become earthly priest to those resurrected. How else will the resurrected know God's will?

    We are morally obligated to mention the bible doesn’t confuse. At this point, I will agree with the commentator Patiently. This commentator shows how we can make the bible deceitful by our own design.

  5. Once again, I don’t believe the bible has discrepancies. I believe we are the ones that make those discrepancies manifest. A commentator used 1 Corinthians 3:16 as a point of reference. This particular passage refers, not only to the anointed, but to all those that become slaves of God.

    Romans 6:16, Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:9, 1 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 6:16.

    This passage refers to a point in time when we all exist as humans. It would be inappropriate to use this passage to mean when the saints are ruling in heaven with Christ.

    In my understanding, this passage cannot be linked to the 1000-year reign, mentioned in Revelation 20:7-8. So, I would avoid such a man-made discrepancy.

    If autocorrect incorrectly places a comma where it shouldn’t be, I’m not the developer of this software.

    If anyone has a better suggestion on a good English grammar software, please advise me, thanks.

    I also find no need to discredit those that apply the bible correctly. I will accept BroRando’s explanation and the illustration of the commentator Peter Carrol. Thank you.

  6. 5 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Yes, that's correct.  Jesus doesn't come back to the earth in the flesh.  Rather he rules over the earth FROM Heaven.

    Commentator, I will ask you the question. The other 2 commentors don't seem too receptive to my questions and bad English. I hope you don't feel the same way. I'm trying your last suggestion. Thank you.

    Why would others believe the 1000-year reign is symbolic even though the book of revelation speaks of it as it being literal? A time for humanity to experience perfection once again.

    What does Gog of Magog, Satan's deceit have in connection while that 1000 years while it is happening? Isn't Satan supposed to be locked up, or is that deceit discussion, after his release? 

    I don't want to directly ask, that commentor, there seems to be some animosity and suspicion, that's why I'll ask you. The other commentator, I asked, didn't care to provide an answer. I guess, it was a dumb question.

  7. 1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

    Please continue to post

    Hello, commentor.

    Why would others believe the 1000-year reign is symbolic even though the book of revelation speaks of it as it being literal? A time for humanity to experience perfection once again.

    What does Gog of Magog, Satan's deceit have in connection while that 1000 years while it is happening? Isn't Satan supposed to be locked up, or is that deceit discussion, after his release? 

    I don't want to directly ask, that commentor, there seems to be some animosity and suspicion, that's why I ask you. I don't wish to offend a fragile person.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    My sincere apologies

    Apology accepted. I don't wish to have my poor English language skills cause any problems. I've been insulted for it in other sites. Likewise, I can't help having bad grammar. Furthermore, I use autocorrect, but I don't think it helps in many cases. Sorry, if that is irritating. 

    If you wish for me to stop posting, I will understand. I try to correct myself as much as I can understand the English language.

  9. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    Actually he was the cause of the problem - they threw him into the sea at his request.

    Yes, Jonah's attitude was adjusted by God because of his anger. I'm still working on the "double sabbath" that some commentors have suggested.

    The only way I can see commentors explanation is if Y'shua was crucified at 9 AM and died at 3 PM. Under the atonement and soldier placement, Wednesday would have been the first night when the high sabbath began. It would appear, by the explanations, Wednesday night would have been the first high sabbath, Jesus would in the tomb.

    Keeping in mind the time difference.

    I've been unable to resolve the issue of one commentor suggesting, Jesus wasn't, the "heart of the earth" for 3 days because of the 40-hour internment. Still working on that.

  10. 1 hour ago, BroRando said:

    Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and they will rule as kings with him for the 1,000 years.

    Doesn't this imply, these kings are in heaven? How about those on earth that will have the same time to receive perfection.

    Your comment does indicate, your literal understanding of the 1000 years by the bible's lexicon.

    Danker, Greek NT Lexicon (DAN)

    [DANK] χίλιοι
    χίλιοι,αι,α [Skt. assoc.] a thousand – a. of temporal periods 2 Pt 3:8; Rv 11:3; 12:6; the apocalyptic millennium 20:2-7. – b. of spatial units Rv 14:20.

  11. 4 hours ago, Witness said:

    I've had the same chill for the last few days.  I believe now seeing a traditional comma out of place

    Dear commentor, if this is directed to me because of my bad English, I had no formal English studies. There is no need to insult someone because, English is not their primary language. This is unacceptable rudeness.

    If you wish for me to stop posting, just say so.

  12. 14 hours ago, Arauna said:

    To go and find out if there are many more little similarities or discrepancies between Jesus and Jonah, going into the number of hours, finding out if Jonah was in a coma within the fish, or dead and then came alive,,, that would be missing the point of the sign that Jesus spoke about.

    I don't believe there are any discrepancies in the bible. I believe the discrepancies come from us. Likewise, I don't think I spoke of Johan being dead. I spoke of Jonah being protected from evil.

    This is why it's interesting, the discussion of the "double sabbath" is confusing. That phrase was first brought up by one of the first church fathers, John Chrysostom. I don't believe he meant it as its being described.

    When the changing of the guard was held back because it was needed, then the double sabbath concept would apply. I don't wish to disparage the bible in any form.

    11 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Regarding death: this is why I wrote the part on death..... it is total unconsciousness where "protection" of the dead is not needed.  It is a prison forever if Jehovah does not wish to free the person from this condition.  But I agree with you that Jehovah took the body of Jesus because it was a perfect sacrifice to him. I would guess, the moment Jesus was resurrected Jehovah disposed of it. It was protected by the soldiers as the pharisees tried to prevent the sign of Jonah..... the resurrection or freeing from the prison of death.

    Perhaps my English writing is not being presented correctly. We as imperfect beings, once we die, there is no reason to be protected. Jonah was protected from evil men. Jesus didn't need that kind of protection. He was the atonement for humanity. His body needed to be protected from evil deeds that men or Satan might do with his body.

    If my English has become too confusing, let me know if you wish for me to stop posting. I have been insulted much worse in other sites. I see there are possibly 2 individuals here that are starting to speculate and bait me into a confrontation with my bad English. Maybe those commentors are protected, but I'm not. I don't wish for that to happen.

  13. 9 hours ago, BroRando said:

    It's simply a lack of understanding. The Day of Christ is a thousand years. Have you never heard of Christ's Millennial Reign?  Adam and Eve choose to decide what was good and bad for themselves and partook of the tree of knowledge.  Therefore, Adam was to die within the day he partook. And he did. 

    Can this be said, Adam and Eve had never experienced evil, while imperfect beings have. So, the millennial reign will be an experience for those imperfect souls to regain something that was lost.

    Why did God choose to make it a 1000-year reign, before he allows Satan to stand again before man? Can it be, it's just one day. Did all those that believed in Gods, miracles through Moses, stand firm with their loyalty? If, Israelites could be convinced to be disloyal, that will be the final test for mankind by means of Satan's release.

  14. 12 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Saturday was the regular sabbath on which no cooking on any work was to be done.  It was the first day of the Festival of Unfermented cakes.  The first day being a special day- kept like a Sabbath.

    I see you went through great lengths to explain the double sabbath. I still find it a little confusing. Maybe you can help. The way I understand, the "double sabbath" is, not being part of the Passover ritual, but a direction for soldiers to comply. 

    I use, the Hebrew language here. Shabbat. So, to me, I look at the writings in 2 King 11:9-11 

    2 Kings 11:9-11

    9 The commanders of units of a hundred did just as Jehoiada the priest ordered. Each one took his men—those who were going on duty on the Sabbath and those who were going off duty—and came to Jehoiada the priest. 10 Then he gave the commanders the spears and shields that had belonged to King David and that were in the temple of the Lord. 11 The guards, each with weapon in hand, stationed themselves around the king—near the altar and the temple, from the south side to the north side of the temple.

    This to me would indicate there would be a "Double Shabbat" on the Sabbath.

    I also found a similar reference in the Watchtower Library.

    *** ws13 12/15 p. 20 par. 19 ‘This Is to Be a Memorial for You’ ***
    19 When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were not to break any of its bones. (Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:11, 12) What about the bones of “the Lamb of God,” Jesus, who gave his life as a ransom? (John 1:29) He was hanged on a torture stake with a criminal on each side of him. The Jews asked Pilate to have the bones of Jesus and of the two criminals broken so that they would die quicker. This way, their bodies could be taken off the torture stakes before Nisan 15, a double Sabbath. Soldiers broke the legs of the two criminals, “but on coming to Jesus, as they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.” (John 19:31-34) Just like the bones of the Passover lamb, Jesus’ bones were not broken. So the Passover lamb was like “a shadow” of Jesus’ sacrifice on Nisan 14 of the year 33. (Hebrews 10:1) This fulfilled the words at Psalm 34:20. This should strengthen our confidence in Bible prophecy.

    Having a similar meaning, to me, I believe double Shabbat means extra guards for an important occasion, such as Jesus sacrifice was. Those off duty soldiers were requested to stay by the Pharisees to Pilate A special day of atonement for the world, before the actual ritual of atonement in October.

  15. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    These words mean the same: the common grave of mankind (all humans go to dust in the common grave of mankind). Gehenna is the second death (this can be discussed later as this refers to death which lasts forever.)

    I can explain this to you in more detail later if you want........  but it is important to know that Jesus died completely!

    Since, I am referring to Jesus body after death by means of Sheol, or hell, I use the word protected as a means of his body being cloaked from evil in Jesus case, just as Jonah was shielded from evil. My thought is to the 3 days of Jesus death and the 40 hours that seem to be a point of discussion here.

    Maybe I'm not using the right words to express my thoughts well. Sorry.

  16. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    If God helped Jesus at this time, then Satan could accuse God of not being fair - that Jesus did not give his all together with his life and suffer of his own free will. Satan  could have said that Jesus was unfairly or extraordinarily helped to endure. He did not really have a death of suffering.

    Thank you for the insight. I was thinking more of, after Jesus death and his body, not while he was being judged.

  17. 14 hours ago, Witness said:

    Interesting comparison

    Since I was used as a point of reference, it seems the phrase dusk to dawn has now become confusing. When Jesus spoke of Jonah, it would be important to use Jonah's experience.

    Can any commentor post, why "dawn" should not be considered in Jesus experience?

    Jonah’s Anger at the LORD’s Compassion

    Jonah 4

    Jonah, however, was greatly displeased, and he became angry. 2 So he prayed to the LORD, saying, “O LORD, is this not what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I was so quick to flee toward Tarshish. I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion—One who relents from sending disaster. 3 And now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.”

    6 So the LORD God appointed a vine, and it grew up to provide shade over Jonah’s head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was greatly pleased with the plant.

    7 When dawn came the next day, God appointed a worm that attacked the plant so that it withered.

    8 As the sun was rising, God appointed a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on Jonah’s head so that he grew faint and wished to die, saying, “It is better for me to die than to live.”

  18. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Satan did all the harm he could to Jesus' body when he was alive.  He had him tortured and killed.  At his death he was in the abyss/Hades preaching to the demons.  The light of Christ overpowers the darkness of death.  John 1:5

    I'm trying to see your teaching. To me, it looks the same with my claim of protection. Just like the Pharisees were afraid, Jesus followers would steal Jesus body in order for them to claim the resurrection, then any evil person could have taken Jesus body to harm the Christian faith. Most of all, Satan. I can imagine what Satan would have done with Jesus body in order to corrupt the Christian faith.

    I'm still trying to figure, the "double sabbath" that is being referenced. There is no Double Shabbat unless you are referring to Yom Kippur. That, happens in October, I think. The only way I can see that tradition is if Jesus sacrifice became the day of atonement, along the Sabbath. Heb. 5:7-10-8:4-5 / 2 Cor 5:21

    I hope you don't get offended by me asking dumb questions. This site is the first site, I haven't been accosted for having poor English skills and being seen as illiterate.

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