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  1. Like
    Amidstheroses got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    @Moise Racette@Anna@Pudgy@Thinking
    Then why do we all know… What Noah’s daughters did to him? What Saul did to David? What David did to Uriah and Bathsheba? What Amnon did to Tamar? How Peter betrayed his Lord? What Ananias and Sapphira did with the profit earned from sale of their field? The list is extensive.
    Isn’t there is a double standard when Jehovah is so honest and his people are secretive and deceitful?  It seems to be more a game of asserting one’s privilege and power to be “in the know” on matters, like this of general fellow feeling and concern for safety going forward. Aren’t we admonished to be imitators of God?
  2. Like
    Amidstheroses reacted to Arauna in 2023 Convention Program   
    Thank you - we have to attend in Athens. Going from Albania to Athens to get our sp. food in english.
  3. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to TrueTomHarley in What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of Bitcoin?   
    Maria followed me on Twitter one fine day and she was drop-dead gorgeous. No, I did not follow her back for that reason. Trust me on this: drop dead gorgeous women throw themselves at me all the time; it is a great nuisance because all I want to do is think about God.
    In fact, I didn’t follow her back at all, not even for the reassuring profile photo she displayed, consisting solely of “Jehovah” in gold-embossed letters. However, I did scroll her timeline and found a suitable place to leave a comment. She soon replied that she had just texted me.
    Sorry, I told her, I don’t do DM. I stay on the public side of Twitter. “Why?” she wanted to know. “Because if I do so I am immersed in dozens of private chats and I can’t keep up,” said I. She responded that, in that case, I could contact her on WhatsApp. I didn’t reply to that one.

    Next thing you know she has disappeared and all her notifications with her! I searched out her username: “Account suspended for violation of Twitter rules.” Hmm. I searched for the name on Facebook. It links to a certain bit-coin trader, also drop-dead gorgeous.
    No, Maria, my dear, I have all the bit-coin I need, thank you very much—even though you are drop-dead gorgeous, even though your profile does say ‘Jehovah’ so I know you are one of us, probably belonging to the congregation right next door. I’ve no doubt she has a separate profile that says Jesus, another that says Buddha, Dagon, Moroni, Baal, and a dozen others. 
    It is called ‘Affinity Fraud,’ winning someone’s confidence through feigned common roots. It factors into the making of E.T—The Sequel, a movie you may not have seen. In the original, cute, adorable, toddler E.T. charms all who are pure enough to let him into their hearts. But in E.T.—the Sequel, he returns as a surly teenager. He curses, spits, brawls, swears, and in the end destroys the earth with his white-hot power beam, starting with Wall Street. 
    Steven Spielberg, the movie’s creator, had just lost an ever-loving fortune to the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Both were Jews. Virtually all of Madoff’s victims were Jews. It was affinity fraud. Not that Maria’s scheme is a fraud, necessarily, but her means of contact certainly was. She’s probably not even drop-dead gorgeous. She’s probably an old hen. And even if she is not, so what? Is not Mrs. Harley also drop-dead gorgeous?
  4. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to JW Insider in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    That's such a great line: "a book about self-pity for an audience of one."
    I might have missed something, but when I read on his site about three companies he claims to have exposed for fraud, they didn't seem to have anything to do with any local German companies that Witnesses or elders were involved with. It seems he was promoting the idea that he had been exposing fraud in major multinational companies, or at least fraud at very high levels within those companies.
  5. Haha
    Amidstheroses reacted to Moise Racette in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Many witnesses have gone to author books. Those witnesses favor acknowledging the inspired word of God as the truth. They don't malign nor do they disparage. But, here we go, the blame game rearing its, ugly head in order to blame Elders. The elders made that person, have shady business deals, the elders, made that person write a book about self-pity for an audience of one.
  6. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Anna in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    I know, this is an indication of his delusional importance. He probably felt underappreciated, and then the nail in the coffin was when he got warned about it by the elders. 
  7. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Moise Racette in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Most of the time, it's true. However, to a well-trained mind, it's not easy to manipulate a person, especially those with social behavioral assets behind them. Unfortunately, there's not that many in the Org. Yet, once again, we see the blame game come to the forefront. Blame our own bad behavior and failures on an institution or employer.
  8. Haha
    Amidstheroses reacted to TrueTomHarley in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    “Never before has the attempt been made to make clear the interaction between heaven and earth and to make visible the influences of the spirit persons [God, Jesus Christ, Satan] on humanity, society and individuals.”
    No one’s even tried?
  9. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Anna in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    I hazard a guess, but his book was probably the reason for his disfellowshipping.
  10. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Space Merchant in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Yep, that is him. Apparently, he was angry at his former employer too. The police had went to his home in February when they got tipped with a letter from an unknown person, but didn't do or suspect anything because he was cooperative. This is an example of anyone, be it teacher, elder, pastor, even those in law, such as a police officer, can't see if the person is a threat or not because often times, people can easily put up a show, whether they manipulate someone or not in order to do something bad.
    That letter should have prompted them to keep a watch on this person.
  11. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Anna in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    This seems to be the guy:
    If it is him, then it looks like he was mentally unhinged, with delusions of grandeur.
  12. Thanks
    Amidstheroses reacted to Anna in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Some more information here from SKY news:
  13. Thanks
    Amidstheroses reacted to Anna in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    I have just read a "report" and have no idea of its accuracy. Anyway, apparently that night of the midweek service meeting it was announced that Mr. Philipp Fusz (35) no longer one of JWs. During the prayer, Fusz left the KH, went to his car to retrieve a gun and started randomly shooting into the auditorium through an open window that was behind the podium. (The window is apparently opened after the meeting to allow for fresh air). He emptied one magazine and then after putting a new one in he climbed through the window and emptied that one too. It was 9:15 when the police smashed the glass in the entrance door and entered the KH. The shooter ran up the stairs to the second floor where he shot himself. 
  14. Sad
    Amidstheroses reacted to The Librarian in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    "...Vehren said police were alerted to the shooting about 9:15 p.m. and were on the scene quickly. He said that after officers arrived and found people with apparent gunshot wounds on the ground floor, they heard a shot from an upper floor and found a fatally wounded person upstairs who may have been a shooter. He said police did not have to use their firearms.
    Vehren said there was no indication that a shooter was on the run and that it appeared likely that the perpetrator was either in the building or among the dead.  "
  15. Thanks
  16. Thanks
    Amidstheroses reacted to JW Insider in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    It's made US national news all over this morning. Authorities believe the shooter is among the dead. This is how it is currently reported on jw.org:
    BREAKING NEWS | Shooting at Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany
    On March 9, 2023, a shooter attacked the Hamburg-Winterhude Kingdom Hall after the midweek meeting had concluded. Sadly, four brothers, two sisters, and a sister’s unborn child were killed in this shooting. Several other brothers and sisters were injured. Local elders are providing spiritual comfort to the family members and friends of those affected. We appreciate the courageous help provided by the police and emergency services. Our prayers are with all those affected by the attack. We are confident that Jehovah, the God of peace, will continue to be a refuge and strength in this time of distress.—Psalm 9:9; 46:1; Philippians 4:9.
  17. Like
    Amidstheroses reacted to BroRando in The 144,000... when are they chosen and sealed?   
    The 144,000... when are they chosen and sealed?
    Brother Rando is a student of Prophecy and one of Jehovah's Witnesses. His interests are directed towards how the time of the end would come about. His Goal is to educate the public that Jehovah Witnesses have accepted the Sacrifice in Christ, whose Blood was shed for many as a ransom and exercise faith in 'Jesus Christ' for salvation. (Romans 10:9)
    As a student of Prophecy, the passing of time often reveals the specific timing of such divine declarations. The Prophets that announced them do not always know the exact timing. The Sealing of the 144,000 is now at hand. Another timed event that needs no guess work. Jesus replied to them: “Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) The Bible points out that Jesus was not talking about the temple made with hands, “But he was talking about the temple of his body.” (John 2:21)
    Could the temple of his body be the 144,000 of his anointed followers also known as the Body of Christ? If the "the temple of Christ's Body" is not made with hands and Jesus was to sacrifice his Flesh, once for all time, then taking back his fleshly body would void his Father's Will. (1 Peter 2:18) The scriptures do indicate some insight to what he meant, "But he was talking about the temple of his body." (John 2:21) Notice the scripture doesn't state his fleshly body for his fleshly body was to be sacrificed once and for all time, but rather 'the temple of his body.'
    Once the temple is raised up, then we could expect to enter into Christ’s Millennial Reign in the third day. That time of (three physical days) has gone and passed almost two thousand years ago and Christ's Millennial Reign has not yet taken place. Today, we see that the World is engulfed in hatred and greed and the signs or manifestations happening today are causing all of the tribes of the earth to beat themselves in lamentation or grief. People are looking for a way out.
    The Apostle Peter referred to the temple by stating, "As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but chosen, precious to God, you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:4-5)
    The scripture by the Apostle Paul also gives us evidence that others are also included as God’s temple that Jesus Christ himself would raise up. "Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16) Again, this did not happen in a 72 hour period but rather the process of raising up the foundation of the living stones began on Pentecost 33 CE. Can the Body of Christ be the same as God’s temple? Yes. “Just as the body is one but has many members, and all the members of that body, although many, are one body, so too is the Christ.” (1 Cor 12:12)
    Jesus could have stated (John 2:19) in several ways.
    in three days on the third day after two days The question of how long a day is listed in the scriptures for all to see. "However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8) 33CE + 2,000 yrs = 2033
    So when can expect the 144,000 of God’s temple to be raised up? "He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him." (Hosea 6:2)
    The Body of Christ began to be collected on Pentecost 33 CE and will continue for two days of 1,000 years each before the third day begins 2034. 33CE + 2,000 yrs = 2033 You won't find 2034 in the Bible, but you won't find 33 CE either. Yet, 33 CE was a 'timed event' that comes from the Messiah being cut off in the middle of that 70th week and Pentecost followed 50 days later. They looked with their eyes but they could not see. "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.”(Rev 7:3)
    We also get 1914 from the book of Daniel which was another 'timed event' that occurred about the time allotted for Gentile Rule. In the Book of Daniel, Bible Prophecy pointed to a specific time period. Taking the time limit of 2,520 years and adding them to the time of destruction of the temple in Jerusalem 607 BCE, the timing lined up to the year 1914 CE.
    The timing of the 144,000 being chosen, seems to line up with the conclusion of the Last Days in 2034. When you add the time limit for the Last Days of Noah to the Last Days of this Age, what year keeps popping up? 1914 + 120 yrs = 2034
    The Fulfillment of Prophecies are 'timed events'. They have a Beginning and an End to them which covers a specific time period. Knowing such dates of a prophecy once revealed to those who are being ministered to, does not necessarily beget salvation. It doesn't give a person divine protection or extraordinary insight but it may make a person more accountable to Jehovah for not warning others.”
    One would need to continue walking by faith... Better times lay ahead of us, but not for everyone. “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” (Rev 7:3)
    Notice that harm to the earth, sea, or trees are being withheld until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads. This is in reference to sealing of the 144,000 which are representatives of God’s temple, the Body of Christ, New Jerusalem, Christ’s Brothers, and even the Bride of Christ. All are one in the same.
    Once the total number of the 144,000 are sealed, then a colossal number of other prophecies begin to become fulfilled. “I will make my holy name known among my people Israel, and I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in Israel.” (Ezekiel 39:7)
    Since these things are undergoing spiritual fulfillment, the Bible warns us that "Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed." (2 Peter 3:10)
    "For the vision is yet for its appointed time, And it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!" (Habakkuk 2:3)
  18. Confused
    Amidstheroses reacted to Pudgy in Why did Jehovah create Jesus?   
    Personal Preference …. All else is guesswork and projection.
  19. Like
    Amidstheroses reacted to Arauna in Why did Jehovah create Jesus?   
    It has to do with the loving personality of Jehovah.  Love is sharing - Jehovah is so high and even though we are imperfect, he stoops down to listen to us- like we listen to toddlers.  Jehovah is a giver, not a taker.  Do your find pleasure is seeing young kids develop and grow and learn new things?
    It does not have anything to do with ability or power.  Jehovah has power but unlike imperfect men - he has shared positions with Jesus, the 144,000 and even gives the angels opportunity in heaven to give their ideas and carry them out. 
    Jehovah was not lonely - so did not create out of loneliness or because he wanted subjects.  His motivations are about joy and pleasure for all his creatures (within  moral boundaries).   It was humans who rejected the order Jehovah had instituted for society to work in a perfect way.  Jehovah equipped us with everything we need to function optimally and enjoy life.
  20. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Arauna in For All the Lazarus-es (Luke 16:19-31; John 11:1-31)   
    That was NOT the explanation we give for this dream and you know it - or you are misleading information.
    Instead a heart of a BEAST was given to the king for seven periods - which indicate that beastly worldly governments would rule until the government of jesus would be installed.
  21. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Space Merchant in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    If I am not mistaken, this is the same person who, believe it or not, said he saw JWs advocating for same-sex relationships, and also claim to witness two men in a relationship in these Bethelites JW churches, only came across such prior to the 2017 situation a while back, but I recognize his face. The irony here is this man does not even consider the facts mentioned in the police report.
    What is crazy is whenever there are situations like this, they spin doctor it in a way to push a narrative, or agenda. This is also isn't the first time, for there were other murder suicides, one including the woman who had a gun, although being excommunicated for years, having nothing to do with her former church, is somehow the fault of other members of the faith, some even went as far as to say the JWs gave her the gun to end her family, and trying to push that idea to people even JWs, specifically one fellow in the UK attempted to do a while back.
    That being said, ran into some who suffered similar situations, even one in particular of whom I was friends with, a good soul, ended by a teen responsible for the Oxford Shooting, so when people mislead using these situations, it is hellishly sickening, and rightfully so, a disrespect.
  22. Haha
    Amidstheroses reacted to Moise Racette in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    There seems to be a poster that thinks EU people are better than Americans. What a sad and ignorant way of thinking. Especially coming from a professed witness. What a disdain on the Org to have such proud people among them.
    Now, when it comes to d'fd people that posters like and go against bible principles, that pride is misplaced. This ideology should be kept in the JW closed club where sinners can continue to sin.
    Prov. 11:2     When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
  23. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Arauna in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    I am from Africa (born, lived and worked there for 45 years) but now live in Albania..... which is not part of EU.
    I worked in many countries - Africa, England, America and lived in several others.  But I found only in USA the idea that people have 16 ways to look at a "truth" or an individual way of doing everything - which is a deceit.   Best practices was hard to implement.  It was a cultural thing which I presume was taught in schools - just like tra.ns....g.en.de.r.is.m is now taught in schools - even pre-school. By the next generation it will be part of the culture
  24. Haha
    Amidstheroses reacted to TrueTomHarley in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    No, of course not! There's 16 different ways of looking at it. Every American knows that. 
  25. Upvote
    Amidstheroses reacted to Arauna in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    I have seen this argument so many times in American society  and expecially in the work place ; It is a form of indoctrination....... that each one sees things differently so there is 100 ways of doing a thing correctly .....that is why there are so many religions because everyone thinks their own way is the right way. 
    People who speak like this have not sorted out in their own mind this question:- what is truth.  Jehovah is the truth and HIs standards are the only truth or reality.
    This is why I could never fall for the American way of thinking ( I do not mean to hurt your feelings but many Americans think this way and it comes from the school indoctrination....... which is also closely related to the New Age way of thinking.  It is deeply rooted in secular thinking or materialistic thinking.
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