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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. In silence and preparation. How can one false comforter comfort another false comforter? The same can be said about bible knowledge. Silence: -- What is silence? Not the absence, the negation of speech, but the pause, the suspension of speech. Speech is, we all admit, one of God's choicest gifts to man, for the employment of which man is specially and awfully responsible. Must not something of the like sacredness and responsibility belong to that correlative power--the power of silence? As if to impress this truth upon our minds, Scripture invests silence with circumstances of peculiar interest and awe. Thus, when Solomon dedicated the Temple to Jehovah, after that the priests had arranged all the sacred furniture, and completed the solemn service of consecration, there was silence, and during that silence the glory of the Lord, in the form of a cloud, so filled the whole building that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud. Thus, again, in the text, when the angel "had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour." Very wonderful and mysterious is this instance of silence. It was as though, upon the opening of the mystic seal, events so strange and amazing were to follow throughout the universe, that the very hosts of heaven were compelled to suspend their worship and adoration in order to behold and listen! Now, the first sort of silence to which I would call your attention is the silence of worship, of awe, and reverence. "The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him." Such is the canon for worship laid down by Habakkuk; and it is a canon as much binding upon us as upon those to whom it was originally addressed. When we come up to the house of prayer, there to meet Christ upon the mercy-seat--there to hear His voice speaking to us in the read and spoken Word--there to receive Him into our very souls in the Sacrament of His broken Body and shed Blood--we are bound to observe the silence of awe and reverence. Except when we open our lips to join in prayer and praise to God, our attitude within these hallowed walls should be that of silence, of those who are impressed with the sanctity of the place, and who know and feel that the Almighty God is indeed in their midst. Yes; and it would be well, could we put more of this holy silence into our religious acts. Our religion shares too much in the faults of the age in which we live. It is too public, too outspoken, conducted too much as a business; and so the inner and contemplative element is too much lost sight of. The silence of self-examination, the silence of the heart's unsyllabled supplication, the silence of meditation on the mysteries of redeeming love--these are forms of silence which every one must observe often who would have the flame of spiritual life to burn bright and clear in his soul. Then, again, there is the silence of preparation. Every great work that has ever been achieved has been preceded by this-the doer making himself ready, by thought and study, for action. Every great achievement, whether in the moral or the intellectual world, has been in a sense like Solomon's temple--it has risen noiselessly, silently, without sound of axe or hammer. Therefore, is that great primary act in religion--the conviction of sin--invariably preceded by deep and solemn silence, while the sinner stands before God self-accused and self-condemned. Therefore, also, is silence ever present at all the more solemn passages of our life. Sorrow -- real, genuine sorrow -- is ever silent. A cry -- a tear -- what relief would these be; but they must not intrude into the sacred ground of sorrow, the sorrow of the just -- bereaved widow or orphan. And so, too, sympathy with sorrow is ever silent. Idle words, or still idler tears - these are for false comforters, like those who troubled the patriarch Job; the true sympathy is the sympathy of a look -- of the presence of silence, not of uttered consolation. And now think of that last silence--a silence that we must all experience, and for which, by silence, we must prepare now -- the silence of death. What exactly the silence of death is, none but the dying can know. May we have known what it was, day by day, to be many times alone with that God who must then be alone with us, to judge or else to save. (Charles H. Collier, M. A.)
  2. AMP 1 Tim 5:20 20 As for those who are guilty and persist in sin, rebuke and admonish them in the presence of all, so that the rest may be warned and stand in wholesome awe and fear. It is true when Jesus rebuked Peter and said: AMP Mark 8:33 33 But turning around [His back to Peter] and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, Get behind Me, Satan! For you do not have a mind intent on promoting what God wills,
  3. I was done with your apostasy and foolishness long ago. LEARN SCRIPTURE!!!
  4. While a true Christian can utter the word of God to be pleasing to him, a Christian that offends God cannot. AMP Matt 24:15 15 So when you see the appalling sacrilege [the abomination that astonishes and makes desolate], spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Holy Place — let the reader take notice and ponder and consider and heed [this] AMP Rom 2:22-23 22 You who say not to commit adultery, do you commit adultery [are you unchaste in action or in thought]? You who abhor and loathe idols, do you rob temples [do you appropriate to your own use what is consecrated to God, thus robbing the sanctuary and doing sacrilege]? 23 You who boast in the Law, do you dishonor God by breaking the Law [by stealthily infringing upon or carelessly neglecting or openly breaking it]?
  5. The best thing to learn about the apostles is that they obeyed Christ's instruction and God's commands without trying to discredit the word of God in any way or misrepresent them to benefit themselves. Even when they spoke to the opposition.
  6. It appears the ignorance continues by some, when it comes to Pastor Russell’s words. While Pastor Russell didn’t believe the saints needed to be part of a WORLDLY organization and thus independent, Russell didn’t have a problem with an organization that dealt with being in union. Pastor Russell’s own churches were in UNION. All organizations having the motive of hope of improvement deteriorate rapidly into machines of aggrandizement of clique or class, owing to the cupidity and sordidness of men. R1285:1* Not that a man could not be a member of a union, but the position of separateness from these human institutions and bondages is a safe position for the saints. R1285:5 Therefore, the apostate witness continues in error along those that bring up such utter nonsense. Psalm 76:8 From heaven -- From the new powers of spiritual control. A318; D618 The earth -- The present organizations of society. C229; D46 UNION: Noun union - /jˈunjən/ 6 An organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer Hypernym America combination combining compounding device happening healing marital status natural event occurrence occurrent organisation organization political entity political unit set sex sex activity sexual activity sexual practice state the States US USA United States United States of America US USA
  7. Yes! Apostates are a spectacle and a black eye to God's sovereignty. Especially those defaming the name of God. But that was foretold in scripture. 1 John 2:18, the apostle John calls this the last hour. We are in the last days, as we await Christ’s coming, and these days will be marked by increasing apostasy—those who profess Christ and enjoy fellowship in the church but fall away. As the revelation from the Spirit in Scripture shows, apostasy is predictable, and inevitable.
  8. This is very good comedy. Please continue!!! 😂 From one anointed to another anointed in false spirit and expectation! 😆
  9. This poster just self-described the poster. 🧐
  10. NIV Mark 13:9-15 9 "You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. 10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. 11 Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit. 12 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 13 All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 "When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong — let the reader understand — then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. This context fits the persecution of @Witness, against the Watchtower and its members to a tee!!!
  11. This coming from a fake anointed. 😂😆😂
  12. True Christians expose spies within the Org. People that can't have the fruitage of the spirit by their own actions. Therefore, what spirit actually moves such a person? The spirit of darkness.
  13. @Audrey Kennedy-Tripp posts are now laughable since that poster is prophesying while denying the conclusion of the gentile times. Contradiction after contradiction. NIV 1 Cor 14:33 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.
  14. True, but here's the difference: Mattias didn't tarnish nor change Christ's teachings to benefit himself. He obeyed God's word and laws just like the rest of the apostles. Something the aforementioned posters @Audrey Kennedy-Tripp, and @Witness have failed to do as professed Christians.
  15. Exactly why no one should tolerate this obtuse poster and Pearl Doxsey, unscriptural and unholy claims.
  16. If this is the case for this poster, then what is the excuse for this poster spilling spiritual blood as a false prophet? Apostates don't document anyone committing suicide for being confused by apostate ideology, when there is. I believe, Bonnie and Clyde that was mentioned on this forum proves that. Therefore, if this poster believes the Watchtower has blood in its hands, so does this poster. I will remind this obtuse poster about making such obtuse claims, and those that allow such comments!!
  17. I guess it would be the same authority this poster thinks it has, therefore must be challenged according to the poster. 😂 Twist and turns amount to nothing knowledgeable.
  18. This is funny coming from this poster since the poster condemns the Watchtower for using the same scriptural context. It's amazing how these 2 apostates contradict each other and scripture. 😂
  19. Wow!! Seriously, if this poster needs help, please dial the crisis center nearest the poster. This just proves it. The contradictions of telling people about time and expectations, when the poster is doing the same. Please contact a crisis center nearest the poster ASAP!!!
  20. So, he couldn't have been in error? This none argument doesn't desire an answer. Ignorance is, a bliss, and it still is, when it comes to fully understanding the Watchtower chronology. Once again, if this poster has a problem with the Watchtower, then this poster is in the WRONG Org. I would suggest this poster hookup with apostates like those here. This poster's Watchtower bashing is no different from that of apostates. So this posters lack of bible knowledge suggests that the written word of God is a sin. CSB Luke 21:24 They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Did this poster ever understand scripture?
  21. I'm sure they were eye-opening to gullible people. I don't give credence to any Bethel member since there was a lot of cleansing at the house, and a good portion of them turned out not just to be apostates, but fools. There are one or two here that follow that pattern. But, if you weren't around 1974 or 1975, then there's nothing this poster could have personally experienced while some of us did. I still have connections to 1 old bible student. Your reference to old apostate news is nothing new. If it's just hitting this poster's interest, it's too late. I personally knew Bro Raymond Franz and his uncle Fred. It grieves me to know Ray lost his soul because he listened to apostate nonsense with chronology. The same abomination that is seen here. If this poster understands the nature of imperfection humanity has, which Jesus disciples were part of that imperfection, then this poster should understand, judgment is not an option since no one controls free will, or is this poster claiming to be perfect just like Jesus?
  22. When it comes to people's actions and behavior, then yes. When, it comes to hating people as a Christian, then no! When it comes to hating people under the guidance of scripture, it's anti-christian. That is what these apostates are striving for. For people to hate the Watchtower and its members as though they have the authority to condemn God's people by God's authority and representation. An abomination!!!
  23. Very true, especially when old English is expressed. Pastor Russell observations are difficult to understand if people don't tie in all his articles into a proper perspective.
  24. Since this poster doesn't understand its own argument, LEARN SCRIPTURE, then you can have a basic debate.
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