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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. Yes! Hate people, just like Jesus taught, Oh! Wait, that's an apostate ideology to be unchristian. 😂
  2. Nope! He just meant the end of the age, and the beginning of troubles for all the nations. I'm sure this poster will get background support (Instant Messaging) from others who are as much in the dark as this poster here. I don't tolerate misrepresentation. The Watchtower was NOT the only one making that claim. However, the Watchtower is the only one that has corrected the "time of the gentiles" to be from 607BC instead of 606BC as many others have affirmed. There's a very good reason why 607BC stands correct under historical chronology. If this poster needs to learn about scripture, what makes this poster think it can provide sound linguistics? CSB 2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your home, and don't say, "Welcome," to him; KJV 2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: NAS 2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; NLT 2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don't invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. BGT 2 John 1:10 εἴ τις ἔρχεται πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ ταύτην τὴν διδαχὴν οὐ φέρει, μὴ λαμβάνετε αὐτὸν εἰς οἰκίαν καὶ χαίρειν αὐτῷ μὴ λέγετε· BYZ 2 John 1:10 Εἴ τις ἔρχεται πρὸς ὑμᾶς, καὶ ταύτην τὴν διδαχὴν οὐ φέρει, μὴ λαμβάνετε αὐτὸν εἰς οἰκίαν, καὶ χαίρειν αὐτῷ μὴ λέγετε· [Fri] οὐ οὐκ before a vowel, οὐχ before a rough-breathing vowel; an adverb negating an alleged fact, used predominately in the NT with the indicative mood no, not (MT 4.4); (1) with an accent οὔ as the negative answer no (JN 1.21); (2) in litotes, using a negative to emphasize a positive not . . . (but) (JN 1.13); (3) contrary to the general rule, occasionally with a participle; (a) to negate a single concept (HE 11.1); (b) to denote strong emphasis or contrast (HE 11.35); (c) in quotations from the Septuagint (GA 4.27); (4) used to negate the declarative future, forming a prohibition (MT 19.18); (5) used in direct questions to indicate that an affirmative answer is expected (MT 6.26); (6) in combination with other negatives, such as οὐ μή (MT 5.18), οὐκ οὐδέν (JN 6.63), to produce a strong negative or prohibition never, not at all, by no means, certainly not _____________________________________________________ CSB 2 John 1:11 for the one who says, "Welcome," to him shares in his evil works. KJV 2 John 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. NAS 2 John 1:11 for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds. NLT 2 John 1:11 Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work. BGT 2 John 1:11 ὁ λέγων γὰρ αὐτῷ χαίρειν κοινωνεῖ τοῖς ἔργοις αὐτοῦ τοῖς πονηροῖς. BYZ 2 John 1:11 ὁ γὰρ λέγων αὐτῷ χαίρειν κοινωνεῖ τοῖς ἔργοις αὐτοῦ τοῖς πονηροῖς. [Fri] πονηρός, ά, όν comparative πονηρότερος, α, ον; (1) adjectivally; (a) as what is physically disadvantageous bad, harmful, evil, painful (EP 5.16; RV 16.2); (b) of persons and things, as of little worth to anyone useless, unprofitable, unserviceable (MT 7.18; 18.32; perhaps MT 6.23 and LU 11.34); (c) in a moral sense of persons and things characterized by ill will evil, wicked, malicious (MT 12.35; probably MT 6.23 and LU 11.34); (2) substantivally; (a) of persons evildoer, wicked person, bad person (MT 13.49); (b) as a term for the devil ὁ π. the evil or wicked one (MT 13.19); the phrase τοῦ πονηροῦ (mt 5.37; 6.13) may belong here or it may be neuter, as in the following; (c) neuter (τὸ) πονηρόν generally evil (MT 5.11)
  3. How does either of these two charlatan posters know who God has appointed as anointed?
  4. Can the poster cite where the Watchtower mentioned the kingdom of heaven, arrived, on earth in 1914, or where the Watchtower stipulated the world would end in 1914 by either party? However, the poster REFUSES to answer simple questions placed before the poster, just more nonsensical arguments. For instance, simple request, what text is the poster citing about the second verse in John? More incoherence, since Jesus himself didn't know the day or the hour, only the father. However, what does that have to do with the end of the gentile times of Daniel and Revelation? Once again, what does judgment day have to do with the end of the gentile times? When did Christ, true disciple from the Watchtower, stop keeping on the watch, stay alert, and have stopped the preaching work according to this poster? Can this poster read the poster's own thoughts? Once again, what does one have to do with the other? Judgment day is separate. Now, this poster is stipulating like many others here. When Jesus second coming arrives, it will be because Satan has taken control of ALL facets of humanity. False religion, UN, independent governments, individuals, Armies, murders, false prophets, apostates, nonconformists, etc. The word TOOL should come to mind. So he shall to those that accepted God and obey his commands. Those who are on the fence will be dealt by God. NAS Revelation 3:15 'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. (Rev. 3:15 NAS) NAS Revelation 3:16'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. (Rev. 3:16 NAS) However, this poster is now sounding like a faction of the hallelujah fellowship.
  5. Does it matter? This poster contradictions are becoming erratic. The commentator is now confusing the issue about 1914 and that of what has happened after 1914 as a clear sign we live in the last days by the Watchtower standards of understanding scripture after the end of the gentile times. Yet, the poster fails to see the harsh reality of what happened in the first century churches and Christ. This poster is now claiming to be an apostate activist. Incoherent thought and ideology. Once again, PROVE 1914 is not tied to world events. More contradiction by personal opinion. However, this poster continues to use God's name in vain, thus making it blasphemous to that contradictory. In my personal experience, I NEVER saw anyone execute or drive someone from a home by word of an Elder. If parents told a child to leave because of being drunkard, drug addicts, wanting to bring in their lovers home, then those parents exercised their moral obligation as true Christians. If they applied scripture, then more so. Therefore, this poster should not act sanctimonious when the poster has none to begin with. I have also experienced that with none-witness families. They include kicking out their child for being GAY!! What is this poster's excuse for that worldly action? This comment puzzles me. Is the poster suggesting the Watchtower is somehow committing social murder? I will advise the poster to be very careful with its words from now on. That was the theme for that era. To get an understanding about the gentile times, and how closer humanity was to judgement day. I guess at some point this poster will have an issue with @BroRando posts. Is this poster an expert in linguistics? How about being proficient? Perhaps knowledgeable in linguistics. Now recite the chapter, and verse in John as a reference point.
  6. "THE LAW WAS A SHADOW" The Apostle explains to us that the various things commanded Israel under their Law Covenant were prophetic shadows illustrating higher things—things appertaining to Spiritual Israel. Thus, for instance, the disease of leprosy, practically incurable, except by Divine interposition, was a type of sin; and the seven days of excommunication from the favored people represented a full and complete period of tests as respects a putting away of sin, a cleansing, a return to harmony with God."
  7. DECENTLY AND IN ORDER. ————— "Let all things be done decently and in order."—1 Corinthians 14:40. RECENTLY, by various circumstances among the companies of the saints, our attention has been drawn to the subject of order in the Church. As the numbers of those separated from "Babylon" by the sickle of harvest truth increase, and in small or larger groups assemble themselves together as the Lord directed (Heb. 10:25), we find new difficulties and see new dangers arising, particularly on account of the great activity of our ever-vigilant adversary. These have led us again to a very careful consideration of the subject in the light of the Scriptures. Once again, if people are going to use the Bible Student Era as a sticking point, LEARN to understand it!! Don't just automatically assume like some former Bethel member.
  8. If this poster considers WW1 as a little issue, then what would this poster consider an extensive issue? How would this poster know what issues were presented back then, like Child Maltreatment? How would this poster know what kind of excommunication the Bible Students went through? Does this poster understand scripture at all, and those that endured no natural affection in the first century congregations, a reason for the apostles to be so vocal? This poster is showing nothing more than an "apostate" state of mind, that's all. No reasonable knowledge about scripture. The phrase “without natural affection” comes from one Greek word (astorgos) that is found in only one other place in the Bible– Romans 1:31. It means exactly what it says, “unsociable”, “unloving”, “inhuman”. It is the absence of the kind of love for family that is instinctive. If this poster has an issue with the Watchtower Biblical Bylaws, I recommend this poster find another religion that would be more acceptable, until the poster finds issues with that religion or another part of Christendom.
  9. Wow! If this poster doesn't understand the difficulties the Bible Student era went through and continues to be criticized by many, including some witnesses, by not fully understanding that organization, then there is nothing I can help this poster with its erred assumption. Yet, once again, this poster lacks knowledge of what the purpose of 1914 is. It's refreshing to see how this poster's contradiction also corrects the poster. Now, look at 1914 AFTER the time spectrum. Devout followers of Christ.
  10. Unfortunately, some of his writing continues to be taken out of context. However, the pastor was in favor of individual congregations having their own elected Elders. This is no way disproves, he wasn't part of a collective organization of Bible students under his direction and his publishing house. Yet, the FACT is that @Witness has to dig up a view not related to the modern day Watchtower speaks volumes of desperation from a false prophet, and anyone willing to acknowledge that understanding, since the first century churches of Christ were organized under God and Christ's word. The article I posted also involved how the Catholic Church Bishops equate themselves as the apostles, which Pastor Russell disproved of. Therefore, there were many articles written by the pastor to relate to different types of organizations. "The first thought of some in this connection would perhaps be: "Ah! there we have the object of [A46] their organization: with them, as with other nations, the priests ruled the people, imposing upon their credulity and exciting their fears for their own honor and profit." But hold, friend; let us not too hastily assume anything. Where there is such good opportunity for testing this matter by the facts, it would not be reasonable to jump to conclusions without the facts. The unanswerable evidences are contrary to such suppositions. The rights and the privileges of the priests were limited; they were given no civil power whatever, and wholly lacked opportunity for using their office to impose upon the rights or consciences of the people; and this arrangement was made by Moses, a member of the priestly line." So, @Witness out of context post is meaningless. If anyone is going to cite the Bible Student era publications, I would suggest they first understand the ideology of that era to get a meaningful context and not just read the words of an article. There are many ways from Sunday to understand them properly. This problem also exists with many "witnesses" here that lack the proper knowledge of understanding. "This fact, stated thus, is an unfair presentation too common to skeptics, who, possibly ignorantly, thereby misrepresent one of the most remarkable evidences of God's part in the organization of that system, and that it was not the work of a selfish and scheming priesthood. Indeed, it is not infrequently misrepresented by a modern priesthood, which urges a similar system now, using that as a precedent, without mentioning the condition of things upon which it was founded, or its method of payment." Does this mean Pastor Russell is denying an organized structure? or the authority vested within that organization as to civil rule, like the Pharissees?
  11. This is hilarious, since that's exactly what the poster is going by posting nonsense here. 😂 True! All apostates are, and they never will, since God can read their minds and hearts.
  12. Each person's opinions are just that until they misrepresent scripture. Then it's no longer an opinion but an abomination. Therefore, those that don't hold such a person on account for bad behavior and bible misrepresentation, have nothing to do with accepting Christ's words. However, if this poster was so bad as to upset another apostate in his forum, that says more about this poster than that other apostate. Then this poster would do Pearl Doxsey no good and her group or Org as it can be stipulated by man's and or bible standard of a gathering. The building doesn't matter, but the gathering of the minds. So, anyone that chats on the internet or other means of electrical devices in public or private is considered a gathering regardless of how people view it. The same goes for public or private meetings or gatherings. This also goes for apostates, false prophets, and fake anointed. Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Noun gathering - /gˈæðəɹɪŋ/ 1 The act of gathering something 2 The social act of coming together Hypernym aggregation assembling collecting collection group action sewing social group stitchery Hyponym assembly audience auditory bevy building bunch calling together camp carload cast cast of characters centralisation centralization class coming together commune community concentration concourse congregating congregation contingent convening convention convocation cortege course covey crew crowd dramatis personae eightsome entourage fair fivesome floor form foursome gang grade group meeting harvest harvest home harvesting klatch klatsch mass meeting meeting mobilisation mobilization multitude municipality muster octet octette pair quartet quartette quintet quintette quorum rally rap group rave-up retinue room septet septette sevensome sextet sextette sixsome social affair social gathering suite table threesome throng triad trinity trio turnout wine tasting year Derived gather gatherings
  13. To bad, things are different here. They accept apostates pretending to be witnesses in such an obtuse way, that it's easy to spot. Especially liars and blasphemers of God's Holy Spirit. The good thing is, there's no coming back from the second death this poster has sealed. 🤨
  14. True. There was no real spiritual backing until Martin Luther and those in that century that started questioning the authority of the Catholic Church. It seems, @Witness equates the Watchtower to the Catholic Church. However, that poster fails in many ways, since one of the main things about the Catholic Church is, they had a literal war, and they literally have a military, when the Watchtower never did or does. Fast-forward, then people can see God's enlightenment progress after the 19th century, when people actually started reading the bible for themselves, and found many erred views within Christendom. This is why the Watchtower sets itself apart from Christendom to "revise" all that was lost from the first century teaching. Therefore, when a new way of translation is found in order to better understand the context, then it will be applied. If every Christian was on the same page, it would glorify God and God would be extremely happy. Unfortunately, Satan influence prevents the majority of Christendom from facing facts. They just as want as @Witnessstipulates the authority they have compiled. Ironically, Pastor Russell thought along those same lines when it came to questioning the CATHOLIC CHURCH's authority. "Nothing in the Bible sanctions the view held by our Catholic brethren, to the effect that Apostolic authority and power have been handed down through the Bishops of the Catholic Church or any other." "The picture is that of the New Jerusalem, whose dominion is to bring Divine blessing and uplifting to all the families of the earth. The New Jerusalem is declared to be a symbolical picture of the elect, saintly Church after her marriag with the Lord at His second coming. That symbolical City is represented as having twelve glorious foundation stones --and no more--and in those twelve foundation stones were the names of Here, I agree with the poster, when it comes to how people interpret and translate scripture without a true effort to understand the word of God with wisdom. We can also apply that ideology to those that misinterpret other people's thoughts and publications. I also recall when the Catholic POPE thought he was equal to Christ and was infallible, which I found hilarious. The good thing is the Watchtower GB don't think that way, nor do they believe, they can replace the apostles. They as fellow workers of Christ rely on God's Holy Spirit for guidance.
  15. Not that it matters since the Bro believed in individual congregations. That doesn't exclude him: he was part of a cluster of hundreds of congregations under the publishing house Watchtower. This implies he felt Elders should be voted in as Elders. Contrary to the misrepresentation this poster suggests. Yet, this poster "refuses" to accept or "denies" the first century congregations led by leaders that were instructed by the apostles to continue Christ's fine works. Sad way of showing this poster can be considered a Christian much less an anointed.
  16. This only works poster for those that obey god's commands, not disobey them like this poster.
  17. 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 New International Version 12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you."
  18. No misunderstanding. Yes! Jesus in due time will judge us ALL!, However, that time is NOT here yet. Therefore, God has a structured means of earthly authority as he has done in ancient times. The difference now is, true Christians use God's inspired word rather than prophets. That doesn't mean an Org shouldn't obey God's instruction to find: Acts 6:3 New International Version 3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them. That number is symbolic not literal. A true Org can have thousands of responsible men to take the lead. Therefore, GOD will judge those that undermine that responsibility, NOT the poster. James 4:12 English Standard Version 12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? That in no certain terms forbids those responsible men to keep god's command on keeping the church clean. Titus 3:10, NIV: Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. What is this poster's action doing, causing division and strife just like any other apostate? That is a literal action and stance the poster is taking, so once again, no misunderstanding.
  19. Then the poster fails to understand scripture just like any former member. Matthew 23:3, NLT: So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach. Jesus condemned their actions, NOT their authority. Get that straight!!! The poster condemns the GB for being kings. What does this poster think the poster is doing? The GB are fellow workers that have undertaken a great responsibility to abide by scripture. I have yet to find fault with that message of God by those fellow workers. ONLY apostates do. You judge individuals, when you have NO authority. This poster blasphemes.
  20. False prophet Pearl Doxsey her husband and all those this poster associates with can't be considered anointed under biblical understanding of anointed. So, this statement is hilarious!!!! 😂😂😂 All those involved with Pearl Doxsey can't even be considered Christians, just like this poster. They are part of false religion. A group (Org) that is governed by men and women on earth in Satan's World.
  21. Then this poster has a problem with understanding someone else's post. I would suggest a learning tool.
  22. Yes, well this is just the poster's false opinion. Read scripture correctly and learn from it. So, forget the inspired word of God, and listen to a false prophet. This poster blasphemy is getting worse.
  23. Then this poster condemns Christ and his attempts to achieve what past prophets couldn't, a stable authority on earth governed by heaven. Then this poster condemns the apostles for continuing Christ's legacy. After that, the poster condemns scripture which states that you continue making disciples by example by following those in authority.
  24. Since Jesus did NOT condemn the religious structure of his time, what gives this poster the authority to do so when Christ didn't? Matthew 23:3, NLT: So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach.
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