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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. Diligent research is a must. However, when new forms of understanding ancient script are found, then, that translation gives the reader a better understanding of ancient writers. This is why the Watchtower relies on God's guidance, not man's.
  2. Does this poster see the hypocrisy of the statement, when the poster is mocking Christ church?
  3. It is not an expression but an attribute. (Galatians 6:7) 7 Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap.
  4. The poster was doing very well until the poster confused the sealing of the anointed. 1914 has nothing to do with that impact. Then again, there are several professed witnesses here that feel or are confused or plainly disregard 1914 as meaningful. Therefore, the true nature of 1914 escapes those here. However, this poster has failed in many arguments to produce evidence of the absolute stance the poster has on the matter, or anyone willing to support this poster. Since there was an actual recorded historical event on earth in 1914 that's undisputable, how does the poster know that war wasn't raging in the heavens as well?
  5. What this poster is saying, Jesus had no impact being on earth while Satan influence was around him to his disciples and the people willing to hear his message. Does that in any way make sense to the poster, since the poster just referenced when Satan spoke to Jesus and attempted to influence Jesus to give Satan homage just like you do to Pearl Doxsey. So, to this poster, the first century churches should not be considered to be an example for people to model over. I find this troubling since the poster professes to be Christian. 😬
  6. When one obeys God's command, then God's reward is great. We all have the ability to be God's children, which is God's greatest love to mankind. However, one cannot be a child of God from darkness. There is a saying about curiosity. I rarely use the NWT, since I have no willingness to abuse nor use God's name in vain. I find using God's name in arguments or debates, defiles God's sovereignty. A problem that even witnesses here have a problem with. However, I agree the NWT is an excellent translation, even though there are witnesses here that believe the interlinear is not. They rather use outside sources, that have not kept up with new translation sources.
  7. Within God's true Org. There are many gifts afforded by God's Holy Spirit. This curiosity seems to equate that of @Space Merchant curiosity. Why is everyone all of a sudden so curious, when my curiosity is none? Rom. 12:6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, pin proportion to our faith; Rom. 12:7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; Rom. 12:8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads,6 with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. 1Cor. 12:4 ¶ Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 1Pet. 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 2Tim. 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,3 a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
  8. Does this mean God has given this poster specific authority to judge imperfection? It appears, this poster is mindfully thinking the poster is perfect and has the same authority as Christ. Can you prove, this poster is the second coming of Christ, to Judge and disobey the will of God, when Jesus didn't? This poster just like @Witness condemns the Organization and its members for the fault of imperfection that has befallen, as selected few. a few. Then the poster should condemn the poster for the same imperfection, unless the poster can prove being sinless? I will await the proof.
  9. This is true on the poster's behalf. Bible knowledge escapes the poster. Therefore, how can God's kingdom secret, be allowed by God to be tarnished by those that reject God's command? This poster just like @Witness can't pick, and choose what they want out of scripture only to benefit themselves.
  10. Yes! God is EVERY TRUE Christians Shepherd only if those Christians follow Christ Directions, which this poster does not. Hebrews 13:17 17 Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account.
  11. The good thing is no one is chasing the poster to enslave the poster. Therefore, the poster needs no confidence in being persecuted just like the poster is persecuting the GB, and it's Watchtower members, just like @Witness is doing. Another indication of being Anti-Christian and senseless anointed.
  12. This would be incorrect. The poster cannot be a representative of God and blaspheme at the same time. The poster cannot even be considered a Christian while causing strife and division. Once again, if the poster believes as @Witness to be an anointed, then it's only in the mind of the beholder.
  13. DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE ORG! You're not a representative for the Watchtower. If you want to feel sorry, then feel sorry by your own accord.
  14. No misquote. God has given people labels from the inception of time. The fact this poster has a problem with the Watchtower, its members, goes against the grain of scripture. I believe @Witness talked about adding or subtracting from scripture. Therefore, the posters false words stand as false!
  15. @AnnaNana: Why should this poster be given the last word before the post is closed? Jesus is the Messiah. He is also my friend, my king and my brother. He is a friend of all those who love Jehovah and obey Him. Jehovah is the One who decides whether a label is appropriate. @Moise Racette: Glad to see the poster contradict the earlier message. This should tell the viewer NOT to take the poster seriously. Now the topic can be closed.
  16. Oh! Is this poster losing a friend from the so-called anointed class? It's ironic. @AnnaNana just stated, there should be NO labels, even though scripture USES labels. Must be a @Pudgy thing.
  17. You must be thinking of French people. I don't hang around where apostates breathe.
  18. So this obtuse ideology would suggest that this poster REBUKES the label of Jesus as the Messiah, and the apostles. Learn to think!!!
  19. I'm glad to see you have no clue about the science behind new technology. Does this mean this poster is a vegetarian, and abstains from MEAT? It's good this poster is on the same page of ignorance like that apostate. @AnnaNana
  20. Understandable. To me, however, it's just a waste of time and effort to figure out whose who in this forum, when it's not important.
  21. The Watchtower will make adjustments when a government entity demands it, within reason. This poster's assertion that "they will not obey" is a false equivalency. This would be the poster's own opinion on the matter, which I disagree with. Again, an erred assumption since the Norwegian Supreme Court cited, with the Watchtower in its bylaws as early as last year. The fact that the Norweigian government is playing devil's advocate and using double standards for the Watchtower is not surprising.
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