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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. True, that is why I have friends in Colorado that give firsthand information.
  2. I've been called Allen. Does it matter to this poster? Is it that important that this poster should bring up such meaningless determination? Can I then deduce this poster is @JW Insider, @TrueTomHarley, @xero Does this poster then wish to pick a fight by posting such an opinion just like @Pudgy? That being said, should I not USE "that being said" not, to be confused with this poster?
  3. Then the poster doesn't understand the science behind what is "whole" blood. The same dysfunction as @Pudgy and John Butler. If this is this poster's opinion, then what's the excuse for the poster to be like Jezzabel and Anti-Christian?
  4. Walking in the Light 5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
  5. The poster errors in many ways. The GB doesn't change doctrine, but will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture. As for doctrine, God provides guidance, not the GB for any revision that is necessary to impact a new generation.
  6. I find those that subject themselves to false narratives comical. If a person is unwilling, that person will make every attempt to make it known. I have gone through that scenario. It doesn't matter how unwilling the partner is, they will find a way. In this case, there doesn't seem to be any indication of that unwillingness. Therefore, I would label it Bonnie and Clyde. Indeed. There are many institutions that don't allow many kinds of behavior. The Salvation Army won't allow drunks in their safe houses. Outsiders in Mexico "SHUN" their relatives for being gay, etc. Yet, these 2 apostates here want that for the Org like dictators.
  7. From one dysfunctional poster to another. The fact these posters can't comprehend their own imperfection and need to blame it on others.
  8. This is true. However, the poster @AnnaNana and @Witness, seem to believe the fault lies with an institution. They believe by their post that the Org should somehow hold people's hands and continue to dictate to them like robots what their lives should be. Take away their "free will" from their humanity. Yet, they REFUSE to apply the same standards to themselves as though they are the chosen ones. Those 2 are playing Gods in the most blasphemous way against God's Holy Spirit. The most outrageous form of psychological babble ever imagined. Although, there are some "professed" witnesses here that think along those apostate lines.
  9. The poster should learn first who the poster is defending. Then the poster, blasphemous ideology of equating Jesus with this person should serve as a reminder to visitors how obtuse the poster is.
  10. Denial! Denial! Denial like a common disfellowshiped wimp!! Yet, the poster can't defend what is the truth. An uneducated clown never can. 😅 😅
  11. To the visitors. There is plenty of evidence with either biblical backing or human laws, which determine and classify KILL, MURDER, and SUICIDE. With respect to human laws, depending on the governments, most institutions consider suicide as self-murder. Some dictionaries classify it as such. In both instances, the message is clear. Biblically speaking, ALL murder is an act against another and is NOT tolerated by God, regardless of what humanity thinks. Noun kill - /kɪl/ 2 The act of terminating a life Thesaurus Hyponym: annihilate asphyxiate asphyxiation assassinate behead beheading brain bump off butcher cack carry off commit suicide coup de grace death deathblow decapitate decapitation decimate decollate despatch destroy dismember dispatch do in draw draw and quarter drown electrocute electrocution eliminate eradicate erase euthanasia execute exsanguinate exterminate extinguish fell fry genocide hit homicide impale kill off knock off lapidate liquidate lynch martyr massacre mercy killing mow down murder neutralise neutralize off overlay overlie pip poison poisoning polish off put away put down put to death put to sleep quarter race murder racial extermination remove ritual killing saber sabre sacrifice self-annihilation self-destruction shed blood shoot slaughter slay smother stake stone strangle strangulate strike down suffocate suffocation suicide take off throttle tomahawk vaporize waste wipe out zap Noun murder - /mˈɜɹdəɹ/ 1 Unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being 2 To kill intentionally and with premeditation Thesaurus Synonym: bump off dispatch execution hit mangle mutilate off polish off remove slay slaying Hypernym: distort falsify garble homicide kill warp Hyponym: assassination bloodshed burke butchery carnage contract killing dry-gulching elimination execute filicide fratricide gore hit infanticide liquidation lynching mariticide mass murder massacre parricide prolicide regicide shoot-down slaughter thuggee tyrannicide uxoricide viricide Derived: murdered murderer murdering murderous murders Noun suicide - /sˈuəsaɪd/ 1 The act of killing yourself It is a crime to commit suicide 2 A person who kills himself intentionally Thesaurus Hypernym: kill killer killing putting to death slayer Ex. 20:13 ¶ p“You shall not murder.3 Matt. 5:21 ¶ y“You have heard that it was said to those of old, z‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable ato judgment.’ Matt. 19:18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, m“You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Rom. 13:9 For the commandments, y“You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: z“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” James 2:11 For he who said, l“Do not commit adultery,” also said, l“Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. Mark 10:19 You know the commandments: x‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” Luke 18:20 You know the commandments: w‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’” There is wisdom in the words of Matthew 15:14. What defiles a man 14 Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.
  12. Yes! I proved you can't commit to an educated bible discussion without reverting to your nonsense as usual. Make it 10 to your 244. Learn scripture, or at least defend why you think man's laws are better than God's laws. That's your obtuse stance, prove it!! While you continue in your unrepentant ways here that, the Org know about; the good thing, you'll never be reinstated.
  13. My 8 to your 144. You are the one that needs to prove God wrong about killing, and murder.
  14. Glad to see you're back on track defending apostasy, dog boy!! The good thing is you'll never be reinstated. Not while the Org knows about your apostasy here! 😀
  15. Then the dog is blind. Perhaps, the dog should learn to read!! 😅 Fitch the stick boy, Fitch!! 😅
  16. Is God posting the nonsense or is the poster? The actions and behavior of the poster should be considered by the reader. Therefore, the poster's spirit comes, not from God but instead led by Satan.
  17. Understandable. I can see why the poster has become uneducated in scripture, especially when scripture means nothing to the poster. But since the poster has failed to understand the words of Apostle James and those indicated in 1 Corinthians, then James is referring to, at war with God by not just those Anti-Christians that you refer to as worldly people but also those within the establishment by which are being condemned, by the lack of obedience or don't follow God's commands. The shift was meant to be metaphor for those in conflict by continuing to be part of this world. A good reason for James to revert to the thought written in Exodus 20:5. What are the consequences and sins of the ancestors? It appears everyone that has entered this forum lacks bible understanding, which is a shame. But it's never too late to learn. Now about the ad hominem attacks, check your own poster, then I will check mine!
  18. Yes! The sky is blue, and the earth is brown and green, blah! Blah! Blah! The poster just wants to post nonsense without defending its stance. No bible knowledge whatsoever!
  19. More uneducated bible knowledge. Kill, (Murder), is against God's will. Does it matter if James was referring to worldly people or people murdering in the name of God, get educated poster, learn something other than the sound of your own voice. The killing of another is murder in biblical context as well as man's law. The difference there is how justifiable in man's law can murder be accepted. That distinction doesn't exist in biblical terms. Suicide is "self-murder." Taking away what God has given. Doesn't 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 mean anything to d'fd people, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. Just because the poster stubbornly wants to see the WORD suicide in the bible, doesn't mean the poster is educated in bible knowledge. So, don't try to subvert scripture to meet the poster's argument. We have enough of that, with@AnnaNana and @Witness
  20. Yes! It's all the rage on apostate sites!! SHOW proof, poster? I have also filed a lawsuit against that obtuse person on Reddit that can't even spell authority correctly. Pass it on to that apostate.
  21. Apparently, neither does this poster, so why criticize a person from a different faith.
  22. How, by condemning scripture? I guess this poster rejoices is not the same rejoice driven by Christ, but instead led by Satan. Therefore, this poster is NOT a true witness to God!!
  23. True, that is why I believe the discussion about seeing the Elders was just a ploy to canvass that KH. A mentally unstable person that wants to blame something on others instead of their own failures in life will go through extreme judgment on those people he/she has targeted. In this case, he made the Org the target to tarnish and discredit. This will be unknown, since there are circumstances that a wife agrees with the husband's suicide pact, or vice versa. So, who knows what was in her mind. The fact she was there speaks volumes. https://nypost.com/2023/01/23/ellen-gilland-76-killed-sick-husband-as-part-of-suicide-pact-cops/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27643706/ Another reason why that person showed not repentance or remorse. Unwillingness to remove himself from his old self. There are biblical reasons why God's church needs to be kept clean, from unrepentant souls. His actions proved it.
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