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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. Wrong, now I know this poster is either a moderator or has special privileges. However, the poster should not conclude to be anointed as a fake Christian. Therefore, you have no judgment over me and the position I have been given by God to expose apostasy and those that misrepresent scripture. So, I will continue to expose this poster's fake Christian ethics and bible understanding just like I would anyone else.
  2. I don't worship the same deity as apostates. Perhaps the hate the poster uses fails on the claim of worshiping God. But, apostates and fake Christians can make a believer of themselves. That doesn't mean they should.
  3. Does the poster speak with experience?, or is the poster claiming to enjoy the process.
  4. I must have picked it up from you. But, like I said, when, it comes to defending, it applies to @AnnaNana by moderators. Meaning, in the same way they defend @Pudgy
  5. @AnnaNana: "By what authority do you do these things? And who gave you this authority?" Paul was not a member of the governing body. And yet Jehovah assigned Paul to preach to the nations and write several books of the Bible. Jehovah gave him this authority. @Moise Racette: Rebuttal. It is interesting the poster makes this type of comment while contradicting scripture. Since, God gave Paul the “authority” as stated by the poster then, God CAN give anyone, or any group, that authority like the apostles, elders, and overseers mentioned in scripture. What authority does the poster have to contradict the words of God? Philippians 1:1 New International Version 1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons It is now evident the poster has special privileges such as a moderator. like @Pudgy If the poster notices the plurality of the text, meaning more than one.
  6. Then I find it troubling since they are preventing free speech as they advocate it for certain people. I also find it troubling that poster can continue to make comments, and then they close the topic for further discussion, then allow that poster to post another comment and close the topic again for further discussion. That is not only giving apostates ammunition, they become part of that misrepresentation. That means, they are deliberately allowing the devil to work this forum.
  7. Wrong sir, I speak like a true advocate against shame. which the poster is now part of. If a person wishes to worship Satan such as the poster, who am I to stop that worship? The poster has free will and can worship any God or deity the poster wishes. I hear Baal is still available. If the poster has become an atheist and has completely turned his/her back on God, once again, free will. Just don't complain when judgment is set on the poster. That was the poster's choice. Where the stupidity comes in is, blaming others for the personal choice people make in their personal lives.
  8. @AnnaNana "Everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin, for His seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin, for he has been born from God. Reuttal: does this ideology of the poster make humans perfect? That’s what the poster is indicating with such words. Prove how the poster was perfected and became sinless? Also to the moderators, how is it that this person can continue to post when the topic is closed for further discussion? Is this a moderator thing?
  9. That's what I say to those obstructing a commentary, whatever!!!
  10. @AnnaNana Daniel chapter 4 does not say anything about Gentile Times. "Do not interpretations belong to God?" In Daniel chapter 5, and chapters 7-12, there is an angel who tells Daniel what the interpretations of the visions are. The angel tells Daniel when a vision is about one kingdom or another. Since, the prophets were in communication with the most high for the demise of Israel and Judah by the gentiles, a group of people other than Jew, those Prophets understood who they were referring to. Scripture doesn’t need to see a “specific word” to make intelligence true. Therefore, the 3 1/2 times in Daniel are significant.
  11. @AnnaNana1914 is a lie. Calculating some so-called "Gentile Times" is a theory by philosophers who like to make stuff up and sound really important, like the Pharisees. God's Word is clear. The Bible speaks of many "appointed times". "There is an appointed time for everything; A time for every activity under the heavens." In response, it can only be a lie if the bible doesn’t mention time of the gentiles, which is does. Therefore, the lies come from uneducated people that deny God’s words.
  12. Yes, apostates are grotesque and obtuse just like this poster.
  13. You seem to forget, Spain doesn't dictate american Laws. Isn't that what those people are doing? Why not add Luke 12:53 to the apostate exploits in the posters' equation. Jesus defended his exploits with the Pharisees, and was condemned nevertheless. What makes the poster think the Org doesn't have an obligation to defend scripture and it's commands? This particular argument is nonsensical. Once again, if apostates want to be treated in kind by those that support their apostasy, there are millions out there. They have free rein to think whatever their little misguided hearts desire. However, what does SCRIPTURE say in such matters? Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 1 Corinthians 5:11 Verse Concepts But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. Ephesians 5:7 The day, you want to challenge me on a serious bible topic without using the Org as a crotch, I'm all ears!
  14. I see the posters point of view about the number 7 being perfect, and the number 6 being imperfect. That ideology has been around since the AD second century. The number 616 in scholarly circles seems to be considered as scribal error in the MSS. However, around that century, some Scribs liked to use "gematria" to calculate the dictatorship of the emperor's name. For instance, Caligula, "Gaios Kaisar" 616 (g = 3 + a = 1 + i = 10 + o = 70 + s = 200 + k = 20 + a = 1 + i = 10 + s = 200 + a = 1 + r =100. Some also consider the number to be associated with a person. Using this practice, initials of emperors from Julius to Vespasian total 666: K(Caesar), S(Sebastos/Augustus), T(Tiberius), G(Gaius/Caligula), K(Claudius), N(Nero), G(Galba), O(Oespasianos/ Vespasian) Yeatts Since John was referring to a future tense scenario, then all those speculations are moot. We can continue to speculate with the name Nero-Ceasar. In this case, I agree with St. Irenaeus, the only number that needs consideration is 666.
  15. This is exactly what the poster is doing with God's name. The very reason in Exodus 20:7 that the poster is now profaning by using God's name in a nonsensical way. A person in darkness has no light, therefore cannot have the spirit of God or be in company with the spirit of Christ. 2 Timothy 4:3. You misrepresent your Christianity by the posters words and actions. Therefore, NOT a witness to God but those that continue to discourage others that do wish to learn the truth about the true God. 2 Timothy 3:13 This is a good motive for a true Christian to show that kind of misrepresentation of scripture and lack of bible understanding.
  16. Sad, such wisdom is wasted, for the wrong reason. A child of light, cannot continue in darkness and expect the devil to reform.
  17. I got this sis. I enjoy, apostate ideology. I just wish they had something real to offer as facts through bible, interpretation. That's been the problem for those folks. They can never argue logic without trying to involve the Watchtower and its printed articles they mispresent. Enjoy your day!!
  18. Indeed, they are, our heavenly father is far greater than any man imaginable, short of Christ perfect state of mind on earth. Then why not follow Christ lead and start being a true Christian, not a pretender that just wishes to post, nonsense.
  19. To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc. Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.
  20. Fits the posters ideology and stance perfectly. No one should listen to an apostate state of mind.
  21. I seriously hope they do. Then the Watchtower along with any interested party can "SUE" the pants off of that organized group, blogger and instigators for assuming the Org has stopped anyone from forming their own religious ideologies or groups, including this poster, which is what this ignorant person is saying. Please let it be so!! The constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and a right to choose. That freedom doesn't involve dictating a religion by laws. I'll forward the link, and I will look forward to the many filings for that date. After the subpoenas are filed, all information in discovery by every resource admitting such information will be seen, including posters and bloggers. Thank You so much!!!!!! 2023 is off to a very good start!!
  22. I hope the poster is referring to "Jesus" when he walked on earth and NOT God that our forefathers heard and felt.
  23. While the comment is true, the intent isn't. That is the poster's topic, "seeing God" which no man will ever do, nor experience. That doesn't mean, that no man can feel his presence, which some did in ancient times. Therefore, two different ideologies that are ignored by that poster as you willfully pointed it out as a mistake in bible understanding. Jesus always had, and continues to have, a bigger role in creation. He was the master builder with creation and the son of man to redeem humanity. Thus, being elevated above the angels without holding a position of, actually, being God.
  24. Bible discussions are, only affirmed by its intellect. Scriptural understanding has been a challenge for humanity after its original intent was lost. Now, interpretation by many have a variation. A composite to the truth. (Job 38:1-7) 38 Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm: 2 “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel And speaking without knowledge? 3 Brace yourself, please, like a man; I will question you, and you inform me. 4 Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you think you understand. 5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 Into what were its pedestals sunk, Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause? How does a true Christian make that distinction? That is the purpose in many ways how the Watchtower brings the original understanding back. By explaining the reasoning and wisdom of the ancient world through God's inspired word, not theirs. How do you convince a person that is opposed to a certain interpretation? You don't. What one can do, is show the fallacy of the posters interpretation. Since this is a public forum, then, the reader should be willing to understand the differences.
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