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Juan Rivera

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Everything posted by Juan Rivera

  1. Ok. Let me know how much we agree. As Witnesses we do not see the laws and rules and commands laid out by the congregation as a list framework or performance treadmill (as stuff you gotta do for the rest of your life) but rather we see them under the love framework. We forgive seventy times seven, we turn the other cheek, pray, confess our sins, repent, not forsake the assembling together with other believers, give to the poor, visit those in prison,(Matthew 24), submit and obey those in authority, provide for one’s family, honor our parents, work (or not eat), continue to believe and affirm the good news, not disbelieve any aspect, etc. But our love framework does not resolve into a list, because love does not reduce to a list. The love framework is not about getting rewards, but about giving everything we can to Jehovah, out of love for Him, just as you would give everything you owned, to help a person you loved very much. Jehovah Himself is our reward.This is the heartbeat of the Witness, to live so as to love Jehovah as much as possible in this present life. And those commands given by the Congregation helps us know how to love. So to see it as merely a list of rules is to see it apart from the love paradigm. But in our framework, receiving love does not mean doing away with the law. The law teaches us how live out the love we have received. We meditate on the commands. This is one way in which we examine our conscience daily. But it is not just a list of do’s and don’t’s, just as marriage is not a list of dos and don’ts. It is a relationship, a fellowship. There are do’s and don’ts in a relationship, but that doesn’t reduce the relationship to a list of rules. Same with the love framework, because marriage is a type of Christ’s union with His Congregation. Love therefore does not do away with the law, and the love framework does not do away with the list of laws. But in the love framework, love is not merely an aid for doing better at keeping the law. Love is the fulfillment of the law. We meditate on the law to deepen our understanding of and further conform our lives to the love that is already within us.
  2. I hear you. Here's where I'm coming from. In 1 Corinthians 9:9, for example, Paul says, “For it is written in the Law of Moses: “You must not muzzle a bull when it is threshing out the grain.” Obviously, Paul is not saying that the Mosaic law concerning oxen still has legal force, rather, Paul is merely extracting the Mosaic principle of providing for the needs of the worker, in this case, the preacher of the Good News. Likewise, I'm saying that whatever law is cited or practiced today in Christianity, whether it is natural law, Mosaic law, etc., it is only because the Congregation, under its own legal authority, decided to incorporate those particular principles into the New Covenant. At the present time, the Old Covenant’s purpose is to serve as a model, a precedent, a teacher, for the divine principles that will be needed to allow the New Covenant to function as efficiently as it possibly can. But there is only one covenant that has legal force, that can save and condemn and that Jehovah recognizes today.
  3. Rotherham: "Some have presented the notion that the Apostolic Decree to “abstain from blood” and the other abstinences mentioned were not commands for Christians to adhere to indefinitely, but were simply concessions made for the sensitivities of the Jewish populace among them. These ones appeal to 1 Corinthians 8 to prove this claim. We will take a closer look at this to determine the truth of the matter. The topic in Acts 15 specifically addressed what some JEWISH Christians felt the Gentiles had to do to be saved. That WAS the backdrop of the entire conversation as is clearly spelled out in the first verse and the verses to follow. Follow it through and you will see this clearly demonstrated. Notice the following that is interspersed throughout this chapter 15: Verse 1: The supporters of the circumcision claim that Gentile Christians must be circumcised AND observe the Law of Moses in order TO BE SAVED. Verse 2: The dispute escalates and they decide to take it to the Apostles and older men in Jerusalem. Verse 5: Again the Jewish faction states it is NECESSARY for Gentiles to be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. In what sense were they using the word NECESSARY? In keeping with the context as established with verse one they were stating that is was necessary for their SALVATION to get circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. Verse 11: Peter clarifies the Christian position regarding SALVATION which is through the undeserved kindness (grace) of the Lord Jesus. Verses 23-29: After a decision is made regarding the issues, a letter is drawn up to inform the Gentiles what would be NECESSARY for them to do that had a bearing on the principles found in the Mosaic Law. Again, in keeping with the context, the word NECESSARY is used in regard to SALVATION as that is the entire backdrop to the dispute as is shown from verses 1, 5 and 11. To deny a connection with salvation is to deny the context. At this point I would like to address further the claim that this is merely a command given out of regard for Jewish sensitivities. There are a number of things which speak against such a conclusion. First, as I have demonstrated, the backdrop of the discussion was SALVATION. How could it not be in regard to Acts 15:1, 5 and 11 in the immediate context? Secondly, consider this: If such a command to abstain from things sacrificed to idols and things strangled and from blood was merely for the sensitivities of the Jews one could ask why the Apostles and older men did not recommend “circumcision” for Gentile Christians which was a MUCH MORE burning and divisive issue of that day? The circumcision issue was the CAUSE for the conference of the body at Jerusalem and the moving cause for writing the letter! There was strong opposition to the decree about circumcision by those Jews who falsely claimed to be Christian and insisted on staying under the Law. Notice the following passages: Galatians 5:3-6, 11, 12; 6:12-15; Romans 2:25-29; 4:9-12; Philippians 3:2-4. If anything should have been considered in regard to Jewish sensitivities it should have been that one, yet, why would the apostles conciliate them on the point of blood and things sacrificed to idols and raise greater opposition to circumcision, since we know that Paul in the very next chapter was willing to let someone BE CIRCUMCISED out of regard for the JEWISH SENSITIVITIES? (Acts 16:3) Surely, if the list in Acts 15 was merely for their sensitivities, circumcision would have been included since the next chapter shows how they handled circumcision in regard to Jewish sensitivities. With that considered and with the backdrop of the entire council being a connection with salvation, this should dispel the notion in anyone’s mind that it was not binding and lasting MORAL LAW. It WAS binding and lasting moral Law. The sensitivity argument does not fit the context and neither does the claim that the issues did not have to do with salvation. Furthermore, consider the following information in Insight on the Scriptures under “Blood” (published by Jehovah’s Witnesses): Noah and his sons were allowed by Jehovah to add animal flesh to their diet after the Flood, but they were strictly commanded not to eat blood. (Ge 9:1, 3, 4) God here set out a regulation that applied, not merely to Noah and his immediate family, but to all mankind from that time on, because all those living since the Flood are descendants of Noah’s family. Concerning the permanence of this prohibition, Joseph Benson noted: “It ought to be observed, that this prohibition of eating blood, given to Noah and all his posterity, and repeated to the Israelites, in a most solemn manner, under the Mosaic dispensation, has never been revoked, but, on the contrary, has been confirmed under the New Testament, Acts xv.; and thereby made of perpetual obligation.”—Benson’s Notes, 1839, Vol. I, p. 43. … [The Apostolic] decree rests, ultimately, on God’s command not to eat blood, as given to Noah and his sons and, therefore, to all mankind. In this regard, the following is found in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, by Sir Isaac Newton (Dublin, 1728, p. 184): “This law [of abstaining from blood] was ancienter [sic] than the days of Moses, being given to Noah and his sons, long before the days of Abraham: and therefore when the Apostles and Elders in the Council at Jerusalem declared that the Gentiles were not obliged to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses, they excepted this law of abstaining from blood, and things strangled, as being an earlier law of God, imposed not on the sons of Abraham only, but on all nations, while they lived together in Shinar under the dominion of Noah: and of the same kind is the law of abstaining from meats offered to Idols or false Gods, and from fornication.”—Italics his. …The Jerusalem council sent its decision to the Christian congregations to be observed. (Ac 16:4) About seven years after the Jerusalem council issued the decree, Christians continued to comply with the “decision that they should keep themselves from what is sacrificed to idols as well as from blood and what is strangled and from fornication.” (Ac 21:25) And more than a hundred years later, in 177 C.E., in Lyons (now in France), when religious enemies falsely accused Christians of eating children, a woman named Biblis said: “How would such men eat children, when they are not allowed to eat the blood even of irrational animals?”—The Ecclesiastical History, by Eusebius, V, I, 26. Early Christians abstained from eating any sort of blood. In this regard Tertullian (c. 155-a. 220 C.E.) pointed out in his work Apology (IX, 13, 14): “Let your error blush before the Christians, for we do not include even animals’ blood in our natural diet. We abstain on that account from things strangled or that die of themselves, that we may not in any way be polluted by blood, even if it is buried in the meat. Finally, when you are testing Christians, you offer them sausages full of blood; you are thoroughly well aware, of course, that among them it is forbidden; but you want to make them transgress.” Minucius Felix, a Roman lawyer who lived until about 250 C.E., made the same point, writing: “For us it is not permissible either to see or to hear of human slaughter; we have such a shrinking from human blood that at our meals we avoid the blood of animals used for food.”—Octavius, XXX, 6. Surely “fornication” was not being forbidden for the sake of Jewish sensitivities. It was forbidden absolutely, and the word “necessary” in verse 28 would certainly mean necessary in the same sense. The word “necessary” is applied equally to each thing in the list. Fornication in ANY form would not only cause offense, but would be a death-dealing sin against God. Likewise with the rest of the list. The word “necessary” would not apply to one item in the list differently then it would apply to the rest. Therefore, one of those things in the list is unquestionably a sin that if committed without repentance could cost us our salvation. What about the others though that are in that list? Do we see indication that those things are “sin” as well, or are they simply issues of sensitivity? Let’s take a look at the very word that others use to establish that what was really spoken of was just a sensitivity issue and not a sin that could cost us our salvation. That word used is “eidolothuton,” generally translated as “things sacrificed to idols.” Also another very pertinent phrase that we must include in this examination is “alisgema eidolon,” generally translated as things “polluted by idols” or “pollution of idols,” found at Acts 15:20. We will note first that the phrase “pollution” of idols in verse 20 is equated with the phrase “things sacrificed to idols” in verse 29. So, in this context, whatever was meant by the “pollution” of idols was also meant by what was stated in verse 29. It should also be noted that the word “meat” as is found in many translations of verse 29 does not occur there, which is a bit misleading to the overall context. The Greek word there used simply means “things sacrificed to idols.” There is no “meat” specified at all. So what was spoken of in verse 29 was a “pollution” of idols as is stated in verse 20, they being parallel statements. Therefore, we are not just speaking of “things” sacrificed to idols but the “pollution” that those things would create, which seems a clear reference to the fact this is speaking of “idolatry,” and not just items that might serve as idols to the pagan mind. Do we have any other biblical evidence to help us appreciate that even the phrase “things sacrificed to idols” could be understood in a “forbidden” sense to ALL Christians? Not just for sake of sensitivity issues but because of direct idolatrous connection? Yes we do. In fact, one of those occurrences is in the very chapter that most refer to as the passage that supposedly waters down the Apostolic Decree to a mere sensitivity issue. But first, before coming to 1 Corinthians 8, let’s look at another passage which clearly equates the phrase “things sacrificed to idols” with “sin,” not just an issue of sensitivity. In Revelation 2:14 and 2:20, it states in regard to the Pergamum congregation and the Thyatiran congregation that they were tolerating that woman Jezebel (obviously a symbolism for a Jezebel-like woman) and holding fast to the teaching of Balaam who leads them to “commit fornication” and to “eat things sacrificed to idols.” Both times the “eating of things sacrificed to idols” is listed with the undeniably deadly sin of fornication. Clearly, in these passages, the “eating of things sacrificed to idols” was the sin of “idolatry” that brought God’s condemnation to those congregations. This is undeniable when one looks up what happened in the incidents that are referred to in Revelation in connection with the teaching of Balaam. (Numbers 25:1-3, 31:15,16) With it established that the phrase “things sacrificed to idols” and “eating things sacrificed to idols” can be a clear reference to “idolatrous practices”, it would be no wonder then that Acts 15:20 parallels “pollution” of idols with “things sacrificed to idols,” which both could clearly refer to idolatrous practices, especially the phrase involving the word “pollution.” TrueTheology.net • View topic - Christianity and the Use of Blood
  4. @JW Insider What do you think about this explanation from Rotherham: "Now, what about then the 8th chapter of 1 Corinthians? Is the phrase “things sacrificed to idols” or “eating” things sacrificed to idols ever presented as a clear “sin”? Let’s go through each verse and then we can see of course that it is. “4 Now concerning the eating of foods offered to idols,” This use of the phrase is obviously referring to the non-idolatrous connection of eating something that had been sacrificed to an idol, as the argument that follows conclusively shows. To a Christian, an idol should mean nothing, and therefore eating something sacrificed to an idol should mean nothing. “…we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no God but one. 5 For even though there are those who are called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” 6 there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him. 7 Nevertheless, there is not this knowledge in all persons; but some, being accustomed until now to the idol, eat food as something sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.” Here, it is clear that the phrase “eating something sacrificed to an idol” has direct idolatrous connection in the mind of the one eating, as the contrast that is brought out by stating, “there is not this knowledge in all persons.” So far then, twice the phrase “eating things sacrificed to idols” is used and once it refers to the “non-idolatrous connection” and the other time it refers to the “idolatrous connection” which would surely serve as a “pollution” of idols to a Christian, that which the Apostolic Decree forbids. “8 But food will not commend us to God; if we do not eat, we do not fall short, and, if we eat, we have no credit to ourselves. 9 But keep watching that this authority of YOURS does not somehow become a stumbling block to those who are weak. 10 For if anyone should see you, the one having knowledge, reclining at a meal in an idol temple, will not the conscience of that one who is weak be built up to the point of eating foods offered to idols?” Again the phrase “eating foods sacrificed to idols” is used in the sense of an “idolatrous connection” because this is what the “weak conscienced” brother would be “emboldened” to do. Surely, there would be nothing wrong with him being emboldened to eat WITHOUT the idolatrous connection, in fact, that would be fine, but here, it is the “idolatrous” POLLUTION that is spoken of again, something that the Apostles clearly condemned as it was listed with fornication which is clearly condemned in ANY context, surely not just in the context of protecting a weak person’s conscience. “11 Really, by your knowledge, the man that is weak is being ruined, brother for whose sake Christ died.” Ruined because he has committed an act of idolatry in his mind. So, it is clear beyond any doubt that the phrase “eating things sacrificed to idols” can be equated, and predominantly so, with the idea of “idolatry.” Therefore, there is no real reason for anyone to insist that what the Apostolic Decree was speaking of was not idolatry. In fact, there are many reasons to insist the opposite because of the inclusion of fornication in the list mentioned in Acts 15. To insist otherwise surely strains the context to the breaking point since the backdrop of the council was “salvational” and what was necessary in that regard. Obviously idolatry and fornication are salvationally necessary abstentions. Likewise therefore, that would be the case with the references to blood and things strangled. Frankly, we can see no other option without destroying the context of what is stated there. So, what happens is this: they misunderstand the point Paul was making in 1 Corinthians 8. The point is that if you emboldened your brother’s conscience to the point of eating meat sacrificed to idols with that ceremonial attachment in his mind, he not only would have violated his conscience but he would have violated God’s Law against “ceremonially” eating things sacrificed to idols, for it would have then been a form of idolatry, would it not? How could it not be? It is this understanding that keeps perfect harmony between 1 Corinthians 8 and Acts 15. Acts 15 was decided upon in the context of salvational issues, abstaining from things that could cost you your salvation, such as the “fornication” that was mentioned, and of course the “idolatry.” Abstaining from “blood” would have therefore been in the same category. The point of departure comes in not realizing that what the Apostles forbid in Acts was the “ceremonial” attachment to the idol. What Paul allowed in 1 Corinthians was not the “ceremonial” eating of meat in regard for the idol, which would be idolatry, but what Paul was talking about being acceptable was the incidental eating of the meat that had been sacrificed to the idol without the ceremonial attachment in the mind of the Christian. It is important to clearly understand this as it is crucial to the harmony and the differences between Acts the 15th chapter and 1 Corinthians the 8th. 1 Corinthians 8 just wasn’t about Paul’s view. It was the view of those “brothers” weak in conscience who might sin by “being emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols.” (Verse 10) If it was okay to do so, then why did Paul present this act as a sin in verses 9-13? One must discern the difference between incidental eating of something sacrificed to an idol and the ceremonial attachment of such in the conscience of a weak brother." TrueTheology.net • View topic - Christianity and the Use of Blood
  5. There is only one covenant that has legal force, that can save and condemn. There's a difference between obeying the law within the system of undeserved kindness and system of law (Judaic Law). As a Witness I assume you believe and hold to the official position of the Congregation's understanding about faith and works and the Good News, Justification and Salvation. Do you? If not, I fail to see how you identify as a Jehovah's Witness. I think I said that whatever law is utilized, it will be legalized and controlled by the New Covenant, not the Old. Unless I'm misunderstanding your point, I fail to see based on what I have said how it stands condemned? Can you restate your point?
  6. @Many Miles I'm going over some of the comments and concerns brought out in this thread It's not Judaization. If a Christian/Witness tries to use any of the Judaic/Mosaic law as the means to be declared righteous, he will be condemned. Being declared righteous does not come by observing laws but by Jehovah's undeserved kindness. The explanation I see is very simple. The key to deciphering the whole ball of wax is understanding that whatever law, stipulation, precept, principle, pastoral discipline, is cited or practiced, whether it is natural law, Judaic/Mosaic law, etc., it is only because the Congregation, under its own legal authority, decided to incorporate those particular principles into the New Covenant. Whatever is taken, is under its jurisdiction. Under the New Covenant, the Congregation has the power to legislate/decide based on the dictates of time and circumstance which doctrine and practices are most beneficial for the Christian community, leading her to incorporate various laws, although with her own modifications (Rom 13:1-10; Acts 15:28); while discarding others as useless (Col 2:16; Acts 15:10-12). The only question remaining is whether changing the law, stipulation, precept, principle, pastoral discipline is a wise thing to do. If the Congregation finds out it is not wise, she can restore them the way they were before. The idea that the New Covenant would borrow principles from the Old should not be hard for us to understand. Take for example the relationship of the US Constitution and the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta had some very beneficial insights concerning law and life. These were incorporated into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta itself became obsolete and was revoked, but whatever principles were borrowed from it, they became part of the Constitution, and it was only from the Constitution that those principles acquired legal force. In the same way, Scripture declares that the Old Covenant was legally revoked (Hebrews 7:18; 10:9) but its spiritual and moral principles were utilized in the New Covenant (Hebrews 10:16-18; Gal 5:14; 1Co 9:9; Rm 7:7-12). As a practical guide to life we have borrowed some ethical and worship principles from the Old Covenant. We borrowed from the Ten Commandments (although the New Covenant alters them a little to fit the Good News); we borrowed from some of the civil laws (paying just wages), and even have borrowed from some of the ceremonial laws. But whatever we borrow and practice, it is not because the Old Covenant, in whole or in part, is itself still legally valid, but because the New Covenant has the authority to incorporate any principle from the Old Covenant it wishes if it finds it helpful for Christian living. In that way, the Old Covenant laws are under the legal jurisdiction of the New Covenant, not the Old. Hence, the Congregation could legally abolish the entire Judaic/Mosaic law, but then take from the Judaic/Mosaic law those moral, civil or ceremonial principles that they saw fit for the Christian community.
  7. It's not Judaization. If a Christian/Witness tries to use any of the Judaic/Mosaic law as the means to be declared righteous, he will be condemned. Being declared righteous does not come by observing laws but by Jehovah's undeserved kindness. The explanation I see is very simple. The key to deciphering the whole ball of wax is understanding that whatever law, stipulation, precept, principle, pastoral discipline, is cited or practiced, whether it is natural law, Judaic/Mosaic law, etc., it is only because the Congregation, under its own legal authority, decided to incorporate those particular principles into the New Covenant. Whatever is taken, is under its jurisdiction. Under the New Covenant, the Congregation has the power to legislate/decide based on the dictates of time and circumstance which doctrine and practices are most beneficial for the Christian community, leading her to incorporate various laws, although with her own modifications (Rom 13:1-10; Acts 15:28); while discarding others as useless (Col 2:16; Acts 15:10-12). The only question remaining is whether changing the law, stipulation, precept, principle, pastoral discipline is a wise thing to do. If the Congregation finds out it is not wise, she can restore them the way they were before. The idea that the New Covenant would borrow principles from the Old should not be hard for us to understand. Take for example the relationship of the US Constitution and the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta had some very beneficial insights concerning law and life. These were incorporated into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta itself became obsolete and was revoked, but whatever principles were borrowed from it, they became part of the Constitution, and it was only from the Constitution that those principles acquired legal force. In the same way, Scripture declares that the Old Covenant was legally revoked (Hebrews 7:18; 10:9) but its spiritual and moral principles were utilized in the New Covenant (Hebrews 10:16-18; Gal 5:14; 1Co 9:9; Rm 7:7-12). As a practical guide to life we have borrowed some ethical and worship principles from the Old Covenant. We borrowed from the Ten Commandments (although the New Covenant alters them a little to fit the Good News); we borrowed from some of the civil laws (paying just wages), and even have borrowed from some of the ceremonial laws. But whatever we borrow and practice, it is not because the Old Covenant, in whole or in part, is itself still legally valid, but because the New Covenant has the authority to incorporate any principle from the Old Covenant it wishes if it finds it helpful for Christian living. In that way, the Old Covenant laws are under the legal jurisdiction of the New Covenant, not the Old. Hence, the Congregation could legally abolish the entire Judaic/Mosaic law, but then take from the Judaic/Mosaic law those moral, civil or ceremonial principles that they saw fit for the Christian community.
  8. I hear you. Perhaps this is what you are looking for: “As most any Bible student knows, there are teachings which are explicitly stated within the Bible where there is no ambiguity as to what is taught. For example: “There will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.”~ (Acts 24:15) No one can deny the explicit nature of that statement. They may debate over the implications and purpose of that resurrection, but they cannot deny the explicit element within that statement that unambiguously declares that there will be a resurrection for both the righteous and for the unrighteous. We would surely expect the Body of Christ to teach correctly the explicit teachings and fundamental or elementary teachings of Christianity. Those elementary teachings are listed for us in the bible itself at Hebrews 6:1,2: “Therefore, now that we have moved beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying a foundation again, namely, repentance from dead works and faith in God, the teaching on baptisms and the laying on of the hands, the resurrection of the dead and everlasting judgment.” They would surely be teaching the correct identity of God, the proper view of faith, the proper view of repentance, the correct understanding of baptism, the correct understanding of the laying on of hands, the correct understanding of resurrection and everlasting judgment. There are numerous explicit statements and teachings within the Bible that most will agree upon. Such as: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. God is Almighty. God is the Creator. Jesus Christ died and was resurrected. Jesus Christ provided the ransom for the salvation of mankind. Other teachings are not explicit in nature and present ambiguity to one degree or another, such as: prophecies, parables, symbolic language. Views are ambiguous or peripheral when they are not relating to the main or most important part, such as with a computer, a peripheral would be connected to a computer but not an essential part of it. Or in other words, the main part could exist and function without it, but it is enhanced with it. The understanding of the meaning of the one word “generation” is peripheral to the main understanding of the parousia and it’s expected events and results. In other words, the teaching concerning the last days could exist without it but is enhanced with it. The same is true with other changes. The main understanding is enhanced by the adjustments, but the main part does not change. Any truth that can be solidly established via the scriptures should be regarded as essential. And please remember, that if one has a different view on a peripheral issue, it is not the view itself that causes the problem, it would be the promotion of a view against the view of the body of Christ that would constitute a division. What about the teaching of the Faithful Slave? This teaching is connected together with the prophecy of the parusia of Christ. So the ambiguity starts as to how we are going to understand it. There are many eschatological elements that we first have to understand in that prophecy to get an idea of who represents the faithful and discreet slave. Many believe that the entire structure of Jehovah’s Witness beliefs rest in those verses of Matthew 24:45-47. But that’s not the case. You could remove those verses and nothing will change in the way witnesses see the authority of the Governing Body and it’s assignment. The identification and the doctrine of an ecclesiastical authority and a teaching authority in the Congregation is there, relatively it has remained the same, hasn’t changed, regardless of how you interpret Matthew 24. The adjustments throughout the years have been peripheral about minor issues. At the end of the day, the application and correct understanding of the Faithful Slave pales in comparison when compared to the fundamental teachings in Hebrews 6:1,2. Who is the slave and when would it exist, was and is a minor point in regards to the fundamental teachings.” It can be said that when it comes to the explicit teachings found in the Bible, the body of Christ would never find itself in contradiction of such. The body of Christ would unquestionably be led by the spirit of God and therefore would not find itself contradicting explicit Biblical statements and teachings. For instance, they would clearly never teach that Jesus Christ was not resurrected. For instance, if the Governing Body came out and stated that the scriptures are no longer considered inspired of God, that would be clear and defined stand against what the scriptures teach. That would be apostasy, and naturally any Bible believing Christian would walk away from an organization that would promote such and idea, and rightfully so. To do so would immediately disqualify them from any claim of being the body of Christ for that could not be the result of God’s spirit upon them, but rather the opposite. Therefore, we can use the scriptures to help us to identify who would be the true body of Christ on the earth today by comparing explicit Biblical teachings with what those groups who claim to represent the body of Christ are teaching. If a group or individual contradicts explicit Biblical teachings, or even a single explicit Biblical teaching, then they could not qualify as the body of Christ, for such an error would surely not be the result of the direction of God’s spirit upon that body. True, the body may reinterpret ambiguous elements on occasion as clarity is achieved through time and or better understanding of words and phrases found in the original languages of the scriptures, (1 Cor. 13:12) but when it comes to explicit teachings, they could not be found in contradiction of such and it still be possible that they represent the true body of Christ. They would be counterfeits.”— The Body of Christ and Identity of God ~http://truetheology.net/forum-bkup/download/file.php?id=58 What if the Watchtower went into apostasy? https://michaeljfelker.com/2013/01/18/what-if-the-watchtower-went-into-apostasy/
  9. No. My comment is narrowing the subject to what Paul said: the ”good news”. I understand the plurality “we” to be Paul and by extension his companions. The “whoever” in verse 9 is all encompassing. October 2023 Broadcast: What is the “good news”? https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/StudioFeatured/pub-jwb-106_1_VIDEO I said before that Paul is exhorting the Galatian believers to test the spirits against the good news that had been originally given to them.To see whether someone was teaching a novel good news, one would compare the message in question to the teaching universally received throughout the whole Congregation. If an overseer or elder like the Judaizers or Apostle came along teaching contrary to the good news that had been taught and believed throughout the Congregation, they should not follow him because he was a heretic. The good news that Paul and the others had preached was not defined as the individual Galatian believer’s own personal interpretation of Scripture. It was something much bigger than that. It was the public and communal shared good news received by the whole Congregation that was the standard, it wasn’t limited to the letters written by the Apostles. Paul is saying that the Galatians must not abandon the good news which he and all the other Apostles had preached to them. The foundation laid was absolutely true and therefore must never be torn up and re-founded on something different. That initial apostolic preaching is an irrevocable foundation. Paul’s main concern in the letter of Galatia is the infiltration of the Judaizers. They were preaching their Judaistic version of the Good News in Galatia. Paul got wind of their infiltration and heard of the apparent success they had in persuading the Galatians to abide by kosher laws that far exceeded the stipulations of the Jerusalem council. Paul knew that circumcision would be the next plateau they would seek to impose on the unsuspecting Galatians. Once it reached that level, the Galatians, according to Paul, would fall from the faith. His whole letter, was to stop the hemorrhaging occurring in Galatia.
  10. Any unity or society established by men is natural. The Congregation's origin, comes from Christ directly, it's his Body, established by him, not merely providentially. Yes, the Congregation is so human that one can walk right past it without recognizing it for what it is, because her members have no form or majesty that we should look at them, they are in some respects quite ordinary. But there is something unique about the Congregation, something that characterized Jesus: “He was despised and was avoided by men, A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness. It was as if his face were hidden from us. He was despised, and we held him as of no account.” (Isaiah 53:3) "Well, at hearing these things, they were infuriated in their hearts and began to grind their teeth at him" (Acts 7:54) To find Jesus, we could have followed the loathing, hate and rage, and it would have led us right to Him. Likewise, to find His Body today, follow the same. Naaman, for example, did not like the muddy Jordan. He would have picked a cleaner river back home near Damascus. But the issue was accepting what God had said through His prophet, even though it wasn't the way Naaman would have ordered it up. Here's the Body of Christ, still with us, rent and torn, and we can be like the priest and Levite, who passed by on the other side of the road, or we can be like the good Samaritan, who stopped and bandaged up the wounds, pouring oil and wine on them ( Ephesians 5:29)
  11. @Many Miles You’ve asked a very good question at the beginning of this thread, having to do with a litmus test or limit of obedience. Something along the lines of: Does the duty of submission to those taking the lead carry with it an implicit understanding that the individual must obey his conscience if a delegated authority's call for obedience conflicts with the Good News and revealed will of God? Yes. As Jehovah’s Witnesses we have a duty to hold on to what has been given. In this way we come to know what those taking the lead cannot possibly say, and if an overseer including a Governing Body member were to say “x” that would be contrary to the Good News and Faith, it should not be accepted, just as Paul teaches in Galatians 1:8. So the Congregation is not requiring anyone to give more obedience to the those taking the lead than Paul did. The duty to submit to present interpretive authority is not incompatible with a duty to hold to what has previously been given; the two duties go together, and neither nullifies the other. We can get into the details and specific examples and application on how this understanding works in real life, but this is my position. I think in these conversations it’s important take into account the greater context of Galatians and Christianity. The pages of the NT do not show Jesus establishing a religion of the book, rather, they show Him constituting a new Israel. The one and only earthly program Jesus seems to have set in motion is the establishment of a Congregation. So we don't try to approach Scripture as if his Body, the Congregation has no role. As I have mentioned, the Congregation Jesus established was a new supernatural society capable of growing and adapting within human society, across cultural and linguistic boundaries. In keeping with the divine pedagogical pattern of cradling revelation within a unified historic society (the protective womb of the Hebrew society & culture), he transformed old Israel, by establishing a worldwide society by which the divine communication might travel to the ends of the earth while retaining its identity and integrity by developing within the bonds of the Congregation.
  12. @Many Miles I'm reading thru the forums comments and catching up on the conversation you started on the other thread. So far these statements by @JW Insider has put things on a different light for me.
  13. @Many MilesAppreciate your response🙏 I hope that one day we can engage in a dialogue and share a meal in person. Same with @JW Insider Between 2017 and 2020, during my intellectual crisis following my epistemological crisis. I traveled across the US to converse with elders and others capable of aiding me in resolving my lingering questions.(Grew up in Dallas and currently live there) It was during that time that I had the opportunity to meet Brother Edgar Foster in North Carolina, Brother Hal Flemings in San Diego, and other brothers who had collaborated with Greg Stafford in his research before his disassociation. I also got to meet a friend who is a professor of philosophy of religion in Iowa. I had everything planned to study in Iowa while I was working in Chicago (ended up sleeping in my car for a full year) 😂Traveling back and forth working while attending college, pretty much putting myself at the feet of those who were masters of the science, especially since that friend also had a lot of training in exegesis as well. However, fate led me to Walkill, NY, where I stayed for two years. During this period, brother Flemings connected me with Governing Body helpers from the translation and writing departments who were open to discussing my inquiries. I would love to meet Rotherham(moniker) in person as well, but I don’t think he likes my personality or style of writing 😆 @JW Insider I sent him an email but haven’t heard back. I would like to know how he’s doing health wise. Perhaps you can reach Jim Seward (Jimspace) he’s an elder in Upstate, NY my understanding is that they are close. http://jimspace3000.blogspot.com/?m=1
  14. @Many Miles I haven't fully read your above response, but I will follow up. Can you disclose or tell me a bit more what is your relationship with the Congregation and if you consider yourself a Witness? I’m intrigued in learning where you are coming from? I don’t mean to be nosy, and fully understand the repercussions. To give you some background. And please don’t take this the wrong way. I am of the belief of using your real name, unless doing so would risk your career or livelihood. Real names makes us accountable for our words, by tying our reputations to what we say and how we say it. Transparency contributes to authentic dialogue, anonymity detracts. I’ve said in the forum before that I am not a fan of anonymous internet dialogue because it artificially separates persons from ideas and arguments, and in this way it assumes a false anthropology, as if we are mere intellects, and not embodied beings with feelings and biases and emotions, character, histories, etc. In my opinion, so long as a person remains anonymous or hides his or her identity behind a moniker or an avatar she remains incapable of entering into authentic dialogue, because authentic dialogue requires the personal authenticity by which we reveal who we are, where we stand, and take responsibility for our words, by allowing them to be connected with our personal identity by those who we enter into dialogue. Maintaining anonymity, for example, hinders the development and expression of sociability. I don't think that ideas and persons can ever be fully separated. All dialogue is between persons, and it involves the character of the participants. My reason for including some biographical facts here and elsewhere in the forum is not to persuade other Witnesses, but only to explain that I don't think that ideas and persons can ever be fully separated. The more I know about you, the more I can determine your credibility, your sincerity, your authenticity, and likewise the same is true the more you know about me. I'd be glad to learn more specifically what your position actually is from a JW framework. Feel free to write me privately to discuss your thoughts.
  15. I hear you. I probably mentioned already on the forum that I grew up as a Witness and baptized at 15, but then got caught in Greg Stafford’s theology (Mere Christianity) at 18 which then evolved in me becoming a Neo-Anabaptist for 5/6 years when I was 21, back in (2011- 2016) while still being a Witness. I explored other options after as well, but found that I could not take them seriously as intellectual propositions and remained a Witness. I try to be careful when constructing arguments and often wonder if I have understood and learned the other person’s position. So I try to live by these three options: Try to refute the argument. Say that I need time to think about it. Or accept the conclusion of the argument. Anything else would be intellectual sloppiness at best. I’m still trying to grasp and understand your position and of other Witnesses here, especially JW Insider’s since I used to believe the same thing you guys do (a more rudimentary form though 😂) in ecclesiology. I'm not saying that the thesis you have described is unreasonable. But I do believe that it is neither fitting nor true. Looking forward to our discussions. I've some catching up to do. I’ll get to reading all your points and JW insiders eventually.
  16. This is why I'm a firm believer that people who want to conduct academic debates about theology, study philosophy before they study theology. Some of those concepts are metaphysical. But even more necessary are the epistemological ones, especially those in logic and critical thinking. (I’ll admit I’m an epistemological tyro). Without a proper study of philosophy, there is a lot of frustrating going-round-in-circles.
  17. Just, noticed it about two days ago. I’ve been meaning to reply to the Thomas post asking for some clarifications. I have something prepared but I’ve been trying to be parsimonious 😆 But before that let me follow up part of your above point with some questions: “What Is a Denomination? The English word Denomination comes from the Latin word denominare, which means "to name.” You will find that the names of denominations are diverse, reflecting a wide range of distinctive beliefs and practices. Denominationalism is a recent development that proliferated in the US in the nineteenth and twentieth century, and has now been exported from the US all over the world. A denomination is “an association or fellowship of congregations within a religion that have the same beliefs or creed, engage in similar practices, and cooperate with each other to develop and maintain shared enterprises.” ~The Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences" by Ron Rhodes. Jehovah’s Witnesses seem to define and use the word “denomination” interchangeably with any (including themselves) christian religious community. Be that as it may, since the 'denominational' concept is, less than two hundred years old. I wonder what you think about the early Church; was it, in your opinion, a denomination? If yes, then how did it not exemplify the true church. But if no, then what is the principled difference between what the early Church was and a denomination, and why do you think Jehovah’s Witnesses are a denomination and not what the early Church was? Until the Reformation, almost all Christians believed that Christ established an organization/institution (one hierarchically organized body). Were they all wrong? Was the true Church not exemplified until the plethora of denominations arose after the Reformation? Or the last two hundred years?
  18. You are right. No dialogue at all is better than imitation dialogue. Most online debates, whatever the topic, are a waste of time largely because the participants don’t have a strong enough handle on the concepts one needs to master so as to conduct theological debates carefully and fruitfully. They also lack the humility needed to understand that they need to avoid speaking or rather advance beyond their level of expertise. Since you and Tom mentioned Atheism earlier, I’m thinking of Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins as opposed to or in contrast to serious atheist philosophers like Graham Oppy, Quentin Smith, and J. Howard Sobel. Just a caveat: I’m not equipped to engage in any sort of historical theology, most especially at an academic level.😂 I am hoping that even what can be done at the simple level can be helpful for providing a non question begging common ground to keep having conversations here on the forum. I see no promising alternative (besides praying really hard) to finding common ground other than what we’ve been doing. So, even if we are going to be over-simplifying, it is better than nothing. Besides, there are enough participants around 😬, that I'm sure they'll correct us. 🙂 I meant it in a positive sense 👀 Thank your for your irenic comments, and also for raising your concerns on several topics here.🙏
  19. @Many Miles I understand, so let me be clear that I am not advocating any kind of autocracy, on the part of anyone, or any kind of abuse of power. Hierarchy does not in any way justify abuse of those for whom one is responsible. The Scriptures teach and speak of the importance of the strong helping the weak. And that is the purpose of the hierarchy, that those who have God given authority, might serve those entrusted to them. Of course a tyrant does not serve those whom he rules. But tyranny is an abuse of government, not the proper use of government. The true ruler of any society serves that society through his leadership. Hence, when Jesus says that the Apostles should not lord it over them, as the Gentiles do, Jesus is not contrasting leadership in the Kingdom with the way leadership in the state should be (as though civic leaders should not serve those whom they lead). The worldly (fallen) notion of authority is one of domination and tyranny. That’s not the way God has created hierarchy in the family, and in the Congregation. Indeed the leaders of the Congregation have been called to serve the sheep, and that is what they are supposed to do, through their teaching, and their prayers, and their ministry. I agree that Jehovah was not bound to do it this way. Jehovah, being omnipotent, could have done it other ways. He could have set up His Congregation such that it had no hierarchy, and each man was guided entirely by the holy spirit through his own reading of Scripture. But, that would be entirely unfitting to human nature. We are social beings, and our nature is expressed in societies, as Aristotle explains in his Politics. In addition, Jehovah delights in allowing us to participate in His work, and by setting up a hierarchy, Christ has given men the gift of participating in many unique ways in the extension of His work, with His authorization. The Body is an extension of the Head. The Apostles, elders and overseers have been given the great gift of participating in a very special way in the work of Christ, governing Christ's Congregation, sharing in His ministry, and guarding and providing the interpretation of the content of our faith. I hear your but, can we be ordered to a common purpose without a hierarchy? That’s like saying that societies and nations can function in an ordered way without a government. This is a common notion among twenty-something anarchists and anarchist leaning libertarians, and hippies. But it is naïve. In reality, throughout the entire history of civilization all societies have understood that without a hierarchy, the immediate result is that each man does what it is right in his own eyes, and the short term result is chaos, which inevitably and shortly leads to tyranny. See Plato’s Republic. No country sends out an army that has no hierarchy. An army has a hierarchy, precisely so that they will work together as one body. And that is why Christ established Apostles in His Congregation, and gave them authority. And it is why they appointed elders and overseers so that His Congregation wouldn’t be left as sheep without a shepherd. The principle I am pointing out is that in any natural human society, unity requires one leader. Anarchy is loved only by those who haven’t tried it. Even a pure democracy or oligarchy will inevitably have a single functioning leader, even if the person isn’t given any formal title. Nature abhors a leadership vacuum. Pretty much everyone recognizes this. My point is that it is ad hoc to accept this need for a single visible head in every other human society, whether large or small, at every level of human society, and yet deny it regarding the Congregation, where Christ cannot be the visible Head, because He (being in Heaven) is not now visible to us. As far as I understand, every human society is naturally hierarchical, it has a visible leader, from the family, to the local community, to the state. Any human society must be hierarchical if it is to be unified. That is a natural principle of a human society. It belongs to our human nature to be ordered. An organism (body) is unified in its hierarchy. Meaning the parts of a body are ordered hierarchically, in systems, organs, tissues, and so on. Not every part of the organism is the head according to Paul’s description of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) If there were no hierarchy, then the whole would not be a body. Do you agree? Going back to my earlier point. We can draw from Plato’s Republic that all other things being equal, a unified form of government is a better government, because it is most capable of preserving the unity of the governed. And that form of government that is intrinsically most capable of being unified and preserving unity is that in which the highest political authority belongs to a single individual at a time. This is precisely why countries do not have multiple presidents at the same time, and companies do not have multiple CEOs at the same time, and congregations do not have multiple coordinators of the bodies of elders(circuit overseer) and to a similar degree a chairman/ presiding overseer/ coordinator of body elders at the same time. Both natural societies and man made societies require unified leadership. In Scripture we find that there are heads of families. The Congregation herself is described as “God’s household” (1 Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 2:19), “those related to us in the faith” or “household of the faith”(Galatians 6:10) and the “house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). Hence it would be odd if this family (the Congregation) did not also have a primary head for its government. A body with multiple heads is divided (and potentially divisible) in a way that a body with one head is not. So we should expect there to be a head for the society Christ established. So the fact that we believe that we are the head of our home, that our elders are the head of our congregation, that Biden is the head of our country, and that the CEO of our company is the head of that company. You seem to agree that every other social unit needs a head. So it would be ad hoc to believe that the Congregation does not need a visible head. Without a shared hierarchy, what it means to follow Christ and Jehovah will be different for every man, and in many cases, contradictory, in part because who they are, will be different for every man. If you don’t believe me, just look around. Think about all the contradictory claims the world is hearing about Jehovah and Christ and His Congregation, from all the thousands of sects each divided from all the others in matters of doctrine, worship, morals, and practice. Imagine if all Christians were truly united under one Governing Body, all holding and teaching the same faith, sharing all the same worship, and submitting to the same leadership. For example, instead of millions of people hearing Benny Hinn teach that there are nine members of the Trinity, they would hear the teaching of the Father as the only true God. To clarify an earlier point. There is no contradiction between Christ being the head and leader of the Congregation, and the Governing Body being the head or taking the lead(leaders) of the Congregation, so long as we are very clear that the word head and taking the lead (leader) is being used in two distinct senses. Christ is the Head and leader of the Congregation, because He is the Congregation’s source, life, highest authority, and end. But the Governing Body is the visible representative of Christ, under Christ’s authority but acting in His authority as steward of the Congregation. So the Governing Body is the head and taking the lead (leader) of the Congregation in a different sense than Christ is the Head of the Congregation. The Governing Body is subordinate to Christ. But Witnesses are subordinate to Christ by being subordinate to the Governing Body, as Jesus said, “Whoever listens to you listens to me. And whoever disregards you disregards me also. Moreover, whoever disregards me disregards also Him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16) But if it were true that no one could speak for Christ without undermining Christ’s unique authority, this verse could not be in the Bible. This verse (along with others) shows how Christ’s delegation of authority in His Congregation does not undermine His unique authority, but allows others to participate in it, in a subordinate way. So you can start to see how the Bible speaks at times using negative phrases when in fact is not trying to exclude all others from being considered or described the same way as the subject here. What I am talking about is a different type of application, a different degree of usage.
  20. @Many Miles I’ve heard similar sort of objections before. For example as an argument from silence in the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. I’m not saying you have made it, but others have. Specifically, that because when the Samaritan woman asked Jesus where one should worship God, Jesus didn’t address the question, therefore, what matters is the dominance of Jehovah over all said differences. But, this is a basic logical blunder. The conclusion does not follow from the premise. Jesus’s answer to the Samaritan woman is fully compatible with His desiring all His followers to be united in faith, in worship, and in hierarchy. One cannot rightly use an argument from silence from John 4 to trump what Jesus explicitly says in John 17 about the importance of visible unity among His followers. Or another example I’ve heard is Jehovah speaking directly to Adam in the Genesis narrative, as if therefore that unmediated mode of divine communication to Adam must be exclusive and normative for all time. But that conclusion does not follow, as can be shown by the very fact of the existence of the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures and can be shown by the fact that Korah could have made the same argument to Moses: We have had enough of you! The whole assembly is holy, all of them, and Jehovah is in their midst. Why, then, should you exalt yourselves above the congregation of Jehovah?”(Numbers 16:3) This is applied to an argument, claiming that since we are all united to Christ, therefore we don’t need any secondary authority having a mediatorial role regarding the right understanding of divine revelation. And we all know that Korah was wrong, dreadfully wrong. The fact that all the people were holy did not entail that Moses did not have a unique authority as God’s chosen prophet to the Hebrews. And I think the same is true today with respect to a Governing Body in the Congregation. You are right. It is possible by the working of the holy spirit, to have faith in Jehovah, and love for Him, without having heard about Jehovah or Christ. There are a number of examples in the Hebrew Scriptures of righteous Gentiles who are treated in Scripture as God fearers, even friends of God, but who were likely unaware that God intended to send His Son to die as a sacrifice for our sins. Think of Moses’ father-in-law Jethro, Hiram of Tyre, Rahab, the people of Ninevah, Namaan, Job, even those during the time of Noah who repented at the last moment, after the door of the ark had already been closed. The New Covenant doesn’t damn such persons, or make their condition impossible. But, such persons are in a gravely deficient condition, especially and to the degree that their understanding of Jehovah is incorrect. It is much more difficult to be saved without the fullness of the Good News and the means available in the Congregation. The Good News and the undeserved kindness offered through the Congregation are the ordinary means by which we are to grow up into the fullness of conformity to Christ. But because the holy spirit is at work in the hearts of all men, and because Jehovah is omnipotent, the Congregation does not rule out the possibility that persons in a condition of ignorance concerning the fullness of the Good News, the means of Jehovah’s kindness and the Congregation, can be saved. And the testimony of Scripture supports that teaching, which is not universalism but rather a recognition of the power and mercy of Jehovah who desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Paul isn’t being redundant there. And that’s why even children can be saved, not by denying that they sin, but by the undeserved kindness that does not absolutely require for salvation a complete understanding of the doctrines of Jehovah’s nature, identity, and the resurrection of Jesus, etc.
  21. @Many Miles As others have mentioned, it seems the first part of Bro. Jackson’ response even if it’s skirting the issue, addresses an aspect of the Congregation in relation to the Governing Body. The mind of Christ is something revealed to the world not primarily in individuals as individuals, but in the Congregation as a community, as a people. And Jehovah is most glorified when He gives greater goods to His creatures, including the great good of participating in His own work of redemption. So when other JW/Christians participate in bringing a person to Christ, or, as Paul put it, “undergoing the tribulations of the Christ that are yet lacking in my flesh in behalf of his body, which is the congregation” (Colossians 1:24) His glory is diversely manifested through the various distribution of gifts among His people, just as the order of creation with its hierarchy of perfections more perfectly reveals the glory of the Creator. In regards to the second part of Bro. Jackson’s answer, what do you think is presumptuous, arrogant, about claiming to be the Governing Body? Was Jesus arrogant when He claimed to be the Son of God? (No, because he is the Son of God.) It is not arrogant to claim something if you have it. Nor is it arrogant to claim to be what one actually is. Also, claiming that one’s own Congregation is the Congregation Jesus established is not triumphalism or sectarianism even when the person making the claim is mistaken. If I misunderstood or mischaracterized your statement about this point, then I apologize and please follow up. @TrueTomHarley I agree with your comment. And I’ll elaborate on my next post. My only concern with your point, is what Miles briefly mentioned already 😂 and to what I alluded to here: Human opinion remains human opinion, whether it is private or public, held by one person or held by a group of persons. Take a group of persons each having the same theological opinion. They discover that they share this opinion, form a congregation, and then make adherence to this theological opinion a condition for continued membership in their congregation. Their opinion has not thereby acquired any divine authority just because this group of persons made adherence to this opinion a condition for congregational membership. Rather, those taking the lead having merely human authority to exclude others from this group (as do leaders of other groups), are exercising their own authority in making adherence to this opinion a necessary condition for membership. That would be ok if the group/congregation’s leaders were divinely authorized to determine which theological opinions are true and which are not. But, if those taking the lead don't have such authority (and don't claim to have such authority, then that congregation or group and its theological opinion are no more authoritative than any other person's opinion. Their theological opinion is a condition for membership in that group, but it is still only an opinion of men. I agree, of course, that authority in the natural order is divinely established and has it’s authority ultimately from Jehovah as the New Testament teaches. Jesus says this to Pilate, and Paul teaches it as well. It is divine only in the providential sense, not in the supernatural sense. For this reason, government officials, public authorities, kings, princes, presidents and mayors are to be obeyed, unless they command us to violate our conscience, or to violate the divine law. This is true also of voluntary civic groups, sporting leagues, philanthropic organizations, educational organizations, etc. These societies have internal laws, and hence dutifully appointed leaders. Anyone who wishes to participate in such societies must be subject to these leaders and laws. But the authority had by the leaders and laws of voluntary civic societies is still natural authority. What Jesus said to Pilate applies here too. That means that leaders of the Rotary, Elks, and the Masons, and the leaders of the Hell’s Angels and Peter Gilmore who is the current High Priest of the Church of Satan would have no authority over it’s church if it had not been given to him by God. But mere group/club authority is not the kind of authority in question in this discussion, because as far as I can tell, no one in this discussion believes that the only authority our religious institution (Jehovah’s Witnesses) claims to have is the sort that any group has. The Congregation has a genuine, though subordinate to Scripture authority that is not just the sort of authority that any man made group has. So we need to distinguish here between the natural authority (that still has God as its ultimate source) of any congregation, community, society, club, or institution founded by mere men, and the supernatural authority of the one society established by Jehovah and Christ. Otherwise, we reduce the Congregation to just a man made group or set of groups.
  22. @Many Miles I hear you, but my response which you quoted, was following Tom's response to my response about the state of Christendom’s church shopping phenomenon and the observation that we are living in the aftermath of theological liberalism and modernism. If your comment is about how to have fruitful dialogues, then I agree with your point, as I already said: Let me offer some additional thoughts in line with your comment. If you observe how some of the discussions are carried out by JWs, Catholics, Evangelicals, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Anabaptist, Baptist, etc. about the doctrines about which they disagree, you’ll notice that some of the approaches don’t work or are inadequate for resolving their disagreements. And if you observe these kinds of dialogues with an eye not so much to determining which side is right, but to determine precisely why the dialogue regularly reaches a stalemate, and why they fail to overcome their disagreements through this type of dialogue, you’ll find that they are not realizing or focusing on the role that second order disagreements are playing in their reasoning, which underlie their first order disagreements. So, for example, while they are trying to resolve their disagreements concerning a particular doctrine, they are unaware of and overlook their framework level differences and their respective theological methodologies that arise from these framework level differences. Understandably, then, they grow frustrated at the failure to reach agreement at the first order level, and eventually give up, not realizing that dialogue about first order disagreements is futile so long as there are framework and methodological disagreements at the second order level.This means that they must not merely learn each other’s doctrines, more crucially, they must also learn each other’s framework. Then the conversation can take place at the second order level, comparing frameworks, comparing the coherence of the frameworks, comparing the fit of the framework to the data, etc.
  23. @TrueTomHarley You are right. It seems the problem is deeper than just pointing to verses, since it is not that such persons cut such passages out of their Bibles but rather that they interpret such passages differently than we do. Nor does simply calling their interpretation of such passages not valid solve the problem. That’s because we don’t share agreement concerning what makes interpretations valid or invalid. Without at least the mutual recognition and embrace of a shared interpretive framework as authoritative, those persons who deny the authority of any framework, including any interpretative framework, and who have not yet fallen into any other theological error, are only living unaware on the confine of their own framework. Take for example Evangelicalism. Their children, or their children’s children, will no longer even be Christian. "Within two generations, evangelicalism will be a house deserted of half its occupants"~Michael Spencer. See his article illustrating this, from 2009 : The coming evangelical collapse: https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2009/0310/p09s01-coop.html
  24. @Many Miles So what are we disagreeing on? In order to have faith, we need to know who and what has authority, and what authority they have. Otherwise, it is each man for himself, and we’re rationalists by default. When Eve was faced with her choice in the garden, it wasn’t for her to determine for herself whose word was true (God’s or Satan’s), but in obedience to trust as true the One having the higher authority. That’s the whole purpose of faith in this present life. If we don't distinguish between truth and authority, then the danger is rationalism, because then you treat a statement as authoritative only if you can verify its truth. But when Jehovah speaks, we may not be able to verify (independently) the truth of what He says, but what He says is both truth and authoritative and binding on us, because He is divine. Abraham rightly obeyed Jehovah regarding the sacrifice of Isaac, because even though it is true that murdering the innocent is wrong, God's direct command to sacrifice Isaac is greater in authority. One truth can outweigh another truth in authority. Authority is not reducible to truth (where truth means correspondence between a proposition and reality). Likewise, when the Congregation spoke in the first century, they were not able to verify for themselves the truth of what the Congregation said, but because of her divine authorization to speak in Christ's Name, they accepted what she said on account of that divine authorization. The existence of authority greater than ourselves means that we are bound to accept claims that exceed the (present) capacity of our rational abilities to confirm or disconfirm. Rationalism is the notion that human reason is the sole source and final test of all truth. The error of rationalism is its implicit denial of the distinction between nature and faith. It implicitly denies that there is anything supernatural. Anything exceeding the power of unaided human reason to verify or falsify. (It is in that respect a form of atheism, by making man the measure of all things, and thus the highest being.) Rationalism denies the possibility that more could be known with the aid of supernatural illumination. It acknowledges the natural light of reason, but denies the supernatural light from above, that elevates human reason to know beyond what human reason could know by its own light and power. So the dilemma between rationalism and fideism is that we must choose between figuring out for ourselves everything about religion (and thus relying always and entirely on our own reason as our highest epistemic authority), or figuring out for ourselves nothing about religion (and thus relying always and entirely on an arbitrary choice of a (supposedly divine revelation). That dilemma is a false dilemma. We do not have to choose between faith being reduced to reason, and faith being entirely separate from reason. The third (and middle) position is that reason shows us the way to faith, but that then by faith we can see what we could not see or know by unaided reason. Faith is not irrational, but faith does elevate the intellect beyond its natural limits, and thus supernaturally perfects the intellect. (Perfects' in the sense of makes more perfect, not in the sense of correcting an imperfection.) We do not have to choose between remaining the ultimate interpretive authority of Scripture on the one hand, and being unable to determine the authority of Christ and the identity of His Congregation on the other hand. By reason (aided by actual faith) and evidence ( miracles, fulfillment of prophecies, appointment, etc.), we can determine with certainty that Jesus was sent from God, and locate the Congregation he established.
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