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John 12.24to28

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Everything posted by John 12.24to28

  1. (Oh, yeah, and when you say your prayer, remember to ask Jehovah to show you the evidence "in Jesus name," because Jesus is the one who will carry out your request, if you are brave enough to do the experiment...😉)
  2. I have. I told you I have to go for now, but in the meantime, why don't you try a little experiment? Today. It won't cost you anything except maybe your pride. Test the theory. Get down on your knees. Literally. Ask Jehovah respectfully to show to you that He exists. Ask Him. Say, "Jehovah, if you really are there, if you really are the True God, then please, will you make it so incredibly obvious to me, like getting hit by a two-by-four or a ton of bricks, because I can't believe it and I can't see it. If you're real, please show me, Jehovah." You know how to do scientific research according to the scientific method. Test the hypothesis with this unprejudiced experiment. See whether you get your feedback or not.🙂
  3. You can play semantic games if you want, but you know what that phrase "the sun is coming up" means. True Faith is based on reality. (Fake Faith is believing something unbelievable because you think that's what faith is...that's not real faith, it's make-believe.) Real Faith is not "Believing Make-Believe." Paul was mad at Christians and trying to hurt them because he didn't have enough evidence yet. Once he got the evidence that Jesus was real, he did a complete U-turn. His evidence wasn't based on make-believe. "I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who imparted power to me, because he considered me faithful by assigning me to a ministry, although formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and with a lack of faith. But the undeserved kindness of our Lord abounded exceedingly along with faith and the love that is in Christ Jesus. This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these, I am foremost. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy so that by means of me as the foremost case, Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his patience, making me an example to those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life. Now to the King of eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."
  4. ...or their fear. "Do not be afraid, O very precious (*or very desirable, highly esteemed) man. May you have peace. Be strong, yes, be strong." "But the angel said to them: “Do not be afraid, for look! I am declaring to you good news of a great joy that all the people will have."
  5. A lot of people write books about the so-called Ice Age. You know what? Those people weren't there. They didn't live through it. There are no witnesses to the Ice Age. Noah lived through the Flood. He wrote about it. He measured the floodwaters going down by a method using a bird. He recorded the days it rained and the days the earth dried off. There is a record. He lived through it. He was a witness. You can choose what you want to believe, but the evidence is there if you open your eyes and if you aren't prejudiced to the data source. A real scientist goes where the data leads, and doesn't let their bias blind them.
  6. "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen." Gravity is real. You can feel it. You can measure it. You can't fight it without consequences. You can ignore it, but that would be unwise. The sun will come up tomorrow. I am confident because I have seen evidence that the sun comes up every day. Even though I haven't seen the sun come up yet tomorrow, I am 100% confident it will come up tomorrow. True Faith is not based on unrealities. It is based on realities that we have already experienced. True Faith is based on True Science.
  7. Jesus resurrected Lazarus after four days. He can resurrect dead faith too. "Martha then said to Jesus: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. Yet even now I know that whatever you ask God for, God will give you.” Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life."
  8. What am I, chopped liver? How about this for evidence: YOU ARE TALKING TO ONE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. How much more evidence do you need? Do you want Jehovah Himself to come down and open your eyes? Why do you think He sends witnesses? They are witnesses, evidence, of His Existence. "Then I heard the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said: “Here I am! Send me!” And he replied, “Go, and say to this people: ‘You will hear again and again, But you will not understand; You will see again and again, But you will not get any knowledge.’ Make the heart of this people unreceptive, Make their ears unresponsive, And paste their eyes together, So that they may not see with their eyes And hear with their ears, So that their heart may not understand And they may not turn back and be healed.” At this I said: “How long, O Jehovah?” Then he said: “Until the cities crash in ruins without an inhabitant And the houses are without people And the land is ruined and desolate; Until Jehovah removes men far away And the deserted condition of the land becomes very extensive. “But there will still be a tenth in it, and it will again be burned, like a big tree and like an oak, which after they are cut down leave a stump; a holy seed will be its stump.” If your eyes are shut now, they will be opened when Jehovah allows the nations to destroy false religion shortly. When the UN attacks the Bethels first, you will know that it was Jehovah who sent me to talk to you, and I did not come of my own originality. Then you will know that all the other things are true, too. (I rejoice contemplating that day, my brother, when He opens your eyes, just like he opened Paul's eyes on the road to Damascus! Then we'll joke about all this crazy banter of yours.😃😌💞)
  9. You don't consider the existence of the Bible to be evidence? You don't consider creation to be evidence? Have you ever tried to apply Jesus' advice in your life? I thought you were into the "window test" thing.
  10. I'm not quite sure if I understand you correctly sometimes, @boyle - are you trying to imply with some of your comments that I'm not "one of Jehovah's witnesses"? I do my best to bear witness to Jehovah's existence and praise Jehovah at every opportunity. It is in His strength that I do this. It is evidence of His existence. I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. I am a witness that He Exists. You don't want me to say "Praise Jehovah" even more, do you? Is that what you are implying? You want me to sing Jehovah's praises more frequently? Very well ("be careful what you ask for" they say...) 🥰PRAISE JEHOVAH!💖
  11. I used to drink in the sci-fi, but now I eat the reality. "The reality belongs to the Christ." I would say, "Answer my questions and I'll answer yours," but you refuse to take off your mask. I will play the game later - I have some things to get finished this morning first - but I look forward to more "Bible Trivia with @boyle" when I get my other stuff finished. 😃 Funny, I've been to the Sistine Chapel, and I don't remember it looking exactly like that photo you posted, @Pudgy...although there were some mythological creatures on it that didn't belong like the sibyls. Some people mix up their mythology with reality. I guess it's kind of like people who believe in sci-fi. 😬😆 While in Rome, I did see plenty of evidence of the historical realities described accurately in the Bible. The gospel accounts do pass the "window test" successfully. 🫶☺️👍 "For no one can lay any other foundation than what is laid, which is Jesus Christ." It's always a good idea to build on a solid foundation based on real evidence, because that's True Science (instead of "sci-fi"). 😉
  12. The Never-ending Story movie was an imaginary world of make believe. Our lives don't have to end, and it's not make believe. I do have to end chatting at present because I need to go to bed, storytelling time is over for me for now, but for fun here is a song that they say doesn't end... And a goodbye song too...(He says, "see you another week" but I will talk to you when I talk to you...) Goodnight! 🙂
  13. It's just an illustration. More translation on holy spirit force for those to whom holy spirit is alien... The Force is a type of energy that transcends the physical universe. The Force can give strength for action and strength to hold back action. The Force emanates from the Source. All created life forms in the higher universe and in the physical universe must stay connected to the Source in order to receive the Force which actuates their movement. Just as the disconnected Adam Robot continued to operate for a period of time after he unplugged from the Source as the residual Force discharged, so also the Rebel aliens have continued to operate for a time, similar to dying stars. The Source will not wait for the Rebel aliens to die on their own. He will snuff out their residual Force as part of the complete Restoration. Since the Rebel aliens have behind the scenes knowledge of the physical complexities of the universe (having worked with the Source before the Rebellion) they misuse this knowledge to trick the Robots into creating devices that blow up other robots and into creating systems that destroy the robot environment. The residual Force energy held by the Rebel aliens is decomposing and radiates a decomposing power. Rebel aliens use Remote Control on empty headed robots or willing robots or tricked robots to infect individual members of the Robot race with connections to this destructive residual Force. Robots infected with this dark Force energy display traits of pride, competition, hatred, selfishness, and other negative behaviors. The Rebel aliens desired to abuse the Robot race for their own selfish purposes. The Source designed the Robots to procreate in a way that brought pleasure and the reward of new Robots born into love and from a loving union - the fruit of love. Aliens produced loving fruit in different ways, by working with the Source in love and creating the fruits of the entire physical universe. The Robot race was, in effect, the fruit of the love between the Source and the Alien army. The Rebel aliens decided to abuse their own children, the Robots, for their own sensual gratification. The Source took away the ability for the Rebel aliens to materialize robot-type-bodies, so the Rebel aliens now use Remote Control to get some robots to abuse other robots in the same way the Rebel aliens did, crossing the programmed boundaries. Some of the Rebel alien army asserted that the Source viewed the Robots as disposable and too low to love. To prove that challenge false, the Source selected the chief Ally alien to become the new Adam Robot and decided to redesign a new hybrid model fleet of 144,000 Alien-Robots from among lowest most broken down robots that combine to form a mega-bot unit as a counterpart helper for the new Adam Robot during the Resolution. Until the mega-bot is complete, the individual units receive a measure of the Force but are still broken and subject to falling down frequently and falling apart. Some of them also fall prey to tricks of the Rebel aliens at times. Once the code programming for all Robots is restored and the link to the Source is back in place, all Robots will be connected to the Force properly and be able to communicate with the Source as originally intended. The Source and the Allies alien army and the Alien-Robot hybrids and the new Adam Robot will all interact in the physical universe. The Source is able to materialize a robot-type body to visit His beloved Robots and the Allies alien army will as well. The home base for the aliens and the hybrids will still be the higher universe, but they will visit regularly and interact with the Robot race in the physical realm, because they are brothers. Until the time of the Resolution, individual Robots have a measure of Force leftover from the initial Adam Robot, but they can receive access to additional clean Force energy by following the directions in the message book communicated from the Source. This untainted energy is evidenced in Robots who have strength in love, self-control, joy, peace, and other positive qualities. These qualities emanate from the Source. All Robots can connect to the Source even though the Resolution hasn't happened yet.
  14. This isn't my Bible's interpretation, but it may be interesting to you. Jehovah is "alien" to some people because they are unfamiliar with Him and His ways. The two types of spirit creatures described in the Bible as holy angels and as wicked demons are also "alien" to those who deny their existence. (Some people don't believe in Jehovah, but they believe in aliens.) Here's a "translation" for those who believe in aliens... Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away there were three types of sentient higher alien life forms. The first alien life was the Source of the Force. This Source always existed and created all other forms. The second was a group of aliens, called the Allies, created before the physical universe existed. The Source worked with this second group of aliens to create the physical universe and everything in it. The third group of aliens broke away from the second group. There was a rebellion in the higher universe. The Rebel aliens twisted the Force for their own selfish ends. Before the rebellion, the Source and the Allies created a robotic race with artificial intelligence that could procreate. The first Robot was named Adam. The Source and the chief Ally powered Adam down temporarily and removed one part from his rib cage to use for DNA genetic engineering to form a second Robot mate with the same program. The chief Rebel alien used the Force in a twisted dark way to tempt the wife Robot. He told her if she unplugged from the Source she could live forever and be the chief source herself. Adam was not fooled by the chief Rebel alien, but he decided to unplug from the Source also because he didn't want the Source to tell him what to do, he wanted to write his own programming. Since the Robot race was not designed to make their own programming, and since they were not designed to live without the power from the Source, they fell apart after several centuries. The Source calculated the solution right away for the Robot race. The solution hinged on the creation of a new Adam Robot who would stand in for the old one and lead the Robot race, teaching them how to use the Force properly and how to replug into the Source. The new Adam Robot had to be made of the same materials and had to be at least as old as the first Adam Robot in order to take his place in the series. Additional details of the war between the Allies alien army and the Rebels alien army in the higher universe have not been revealed at present. During the centuries leading to the creation of the new Adam Robot, the Rebel alien army has used their past training in the ways of the Force in a twisted way to deceive Robots. Initially, they materialized robot-looking bodies and procreated with the females of the Robot race. After the Source took away that ability of materialization, they relied on misusing the Force in other ways, such as attempting to control individual Robots through tempting promises with hooks. Whispering, Infiltration, Channeling, Possession, Magic, Psych-ology, Myths, Cults, Lies as Education and other forms of Remote Control and Fear were used by the Rebel alien army throughout the centuries to encourage the Robot race to reject the new Adam Robot and also to stay unplugged from the Source. The Source used simple means to communicate with the Robot race. Since the Adam Robot unplugged, he and his offspring could no longer understand the communication code. The Source sent messengers at different times to record a book that could be copied and passed on to future robots until the time of the Resolution. The Rebel alien army attempts to hide their existence by shapeshifting stories. Some of their shapes are Fairies, Extraterrestrials, UFOs, Monsters, and Superheros. Additionally, at times they closely manipulate Politicians, Religious leaders, Big Business moguls, and War mongers. The taint on the Force is soon to be removed by the new Adam Robot. The Source solved the broken Adam issue by allowing the chief Ally alien to reside in an Adam Robot body and process appropriate research and development and training in order to be reintroduced as the replacement Adam Robot link. Since the chief Ally alien also knows the details of the battle in the higher universe, he is able to explain best how to cope until the Resolution time arrives. Time has shown that robots who do not follow programming eventually kill other robots. Time has also shown that aliens who misuse the Force eventually kill robots. The Source does not like to end life forms, but at the Resolution will no longer permit rebellion, since there is now a permanent record in the higher universe and the physical universe of how that route of rebellion doesn't work out well. Very soon, any of the Robot race who would like to replug into the Source will be given the opportunity. Many robots from the past will be rebuilt. All those robots will be given an opportunity to learn the proper way to follow programming with the new Adam Robot back in place linked to the Source. Any who do not wish to replug into the Source will be incinerated. There is also a new line of Robot-Aliens that will be created to help during the Resolution. You will see what comes next.
  15. (I remember the film.) I know you decided not to learn Klingon, but did you ever learn whale? (Some people think I don't understand, but I do. He said "it's time to let go" of the fear and doubt.) Jehovah can make the tiny insignificant ones give off light, even under immense pressure. Jehovah said "Let there be light." He can light up the darkness of the hearts in the deepest abyss. If He can make a lowly worm glow, and a bacteria, and a little fish under pressure, how much more so the heart of a man, made in His image. "So we have the prophetic word made more sure, and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place (until day dawns and a daystar rises) in your hearts."
  16. How to Survive a Great "Flood" of Pressure (such as is coming...) James Cauthon, Thriving in the Trenches (transcript of talk) "Located in the western Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench is the deepest known location on earth. To help you get an idea of its depth, imagine that you could stack the Empire State Building in the trench. It would take 25 such buildings to go from the bottom of the trench before you would reach sea level. It is also one of the deadliest places on earth. Why is that? In a word - pressure. The crushing pressure, water pressure, on the floor of the trench, is more than eight tons per square inch. Now, to give you some idea, that would be the equivalent of having about 50 jumbo jets on top of you. Surely no life could live in that trench. At least that's what scientists thought. But they were wrong. When they finally developed a submersible that would take them down into the trench they found life teeming - and not just surviving, but thriving. Now, how is that possible? It's possible, friends, because Jehovah, our Creator, knows how to deal with pressure. Jehovah knows how to deal with pressure. And this is a fact that should be comforting to all of us. Why? Because the pressure in this system of things is increasing - strain, stress, anxiety - for all people at all levels. And the Bible tells us that these pressures are likely to increase in the near future. But the good news is that Jehovah does more than just equip his servants to survive. He can actually make one thrive. Here's an example. Try this on for pressure. You're surrounded by men who hate you. In addition to hunting you down with a view to taking your life, they've spread slander and lies about you everywhere. Your name has become a reproach. When people see you coming, they turn and run the other way because they feel that your time is short and they don't want to be caught in the crosshairs. Wherever you look, it seems like terror is waiting for you. And as a result of these problems, you're struggling with depression. Your own sins are staring you in the face. The whole experience has taken a toll on your health. You can't sleep. Your stamina is shot. Your body is wasting away. Now, that was David's situation, and you can read about it at Psalm 31:10-13. The pressure was real - no question about it. David's feelings were real - no question about that. But something else was very real. And that was Jehovah. And so Jehovah was where David would turn to. Let's turn to his words in Psalm 31. Psalm 31 - and note his humble prayer beginning in verse 14. He said: "But I trust in you, O Jehovah, I declare: 'You are my God.' My days are in your hand. Rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those persecuting me. Make your face shine upon your servant. Save me by your loyal love." David's life experiences had taught him the value of turning to God and pouring out his heart in times of trial. And he absolutely knew that prayer, coupled with implicit trust and patience, would always bring Jehovah's blessing. And you see, friends, the key to not just surviving but thriving under extreme pressure is to have the internal pressure equal to the external. And when this is true, there is no amount of pressure that can crush you. So in a spiritual sense, David received the internal fortitude or, as some say, "the intestinal fortitude," meaning "the courage and the strength that would make him equal to the pressure weighing in on him." And how do we know that he received that? Well, let's go back to Psalm 31 for just a moment. If you look in verse 21, notice now the change. He says: "May Jehovah be praised, for in a wonderful way, he has shown his loyal love to me in a besieged city." And then in verse 23: "Love Jehovah, all you who are loyal to him! Jehovah protects the faithful." And finally in verse 24: "Be courageous, and may your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah." So, you see, David received an answer to his prayer - his prayer coupled with his faith and his patience. He was waiting on Jehovah. And Jehovah helped him not only to survive but to thrive. And he added joy to David because David went on to find joy and happiness in his responsibilities and privileges. So what do we learn? (1) David was able to face the pressure because he had an unshakable faith in Jehovah, (2) David's relationship with Jehovah brought him the patience to wait on God, and (3) when a loyal servant of God humbly turns to Jehovah for help, it is Jehovah's own loyal love that has the effect of equalizing the pressure. And, you know, there's something else. David's experience in the trench reached further than he ever knew. Jonah, while in the belly of the great fish, cited words from Psalm 31. Jeremiah, who had many trialsome times in his life, often echoed phrases from Psalm 31. And Jesus Christ himself, the very Son of God - His final words from the stake were a quotation from Psalm 31:5. So Jesus must have meditated on this many times. And so, friends, like David, Jonah, Jeremiah, Jesus, and many, many others - they all trusted in Jehovah, and Jehovah never failed to make them equal to the pressure. He'll do the same for you. And so in conclusion, you see, it really doesn't matter how great the pressure is. It only matters where the pressure lies. Do not let it come between you and Jehovah and your worship and service. Don't let it come between you, because then the external pressure will only continue to move you closer to your heavenly Father. The life that flourishes in the Mariana Trench gives a positive example, a beautiful example, of Jehovah's limitless ability to help his creation deal with pressure. Prayer, trust, and patience will always be rewarded by Jehovah. Relief will come. So remain close to your heavenly Father, and you will not just survive the pressure in the trench, but you will thrive spiritually." Thriving in the Trenches.mp4
  17. Holy = clean, higher, pure, right, Godly, lovely, true “Every period of human development has had its own particular type of human conflict—its own variety of problem that, apparently, could be settled only by force. And each time, frustratingly enough, force never really settled the problem. Instead, it persisted through a series of conflicts, then vanished of itself—what's the expression—ah, yes, 'not with a bang, but a whimper,' as the economic and social environment changed. And then, new problems, and a new series of wars.” “These are facts which, with the self-evident proposition that no being can create another being superior to itself, smashes your silly hypothesis to nothing.” ― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot Robot "love" isn't really real. It can't be "holy". It may be flashy and loud, but its cold unreality is made manifest by its cold fruits. It may go out with a bang, like fireworks or big guns, but the point is, it goes out. Jehovah's Love is not that way. The fruits of His Love are warm and endure. Forever. (He didn't make roses and butterflies out of metal and plastic. He didn't make His children that way either.) "Place me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm, For love is as strong as death is, And exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the Grave. Its flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah. Surging waters cannot extinguish love, Nor can rivers wash it away. If a man would offer all the wealth of his house for love, It would be utterly despised." (A blossoming rose doesn't make much sound, neither does a butterfly stretching its wings. Sometimes Jehovah tells you He loves you without words.) IMG_1304.TRIM.mov IMG_1473.mov IMG_4037.mov IMG_1304.TRIM.mov
  18. @Pudgy... 🙂 God's Love is more powerful than any man-made contraption. The "holy hand grenade" of this movie is ridiculous and fictitious, just like the many myths of the Evolutionary Theory Cultists. Real Love is the most powerful thing there is. "God is Love."
  19. (All he has to offer you are parlor tricks and ham hocks. I don't know why you can't see that.) "Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him to do his will." (The reason any of the "parlor tricks" work is because of the principles set in place by Jehovah in the first place. The only reason the "parlor tricks" work is because the cronies you are playing with were originally designed to do cool things but they decided to use their training for dumb things. Who do you really think is more powerful, the jokesters doing the "parlor tricks" or the One who Designed all things?) You like to play with puppets and maybe you think you are fooling people, but you don't realize you are the one with the strings attached. You get played all day long. Who is the real fool? "The foolish one says in his heart: "There is no Jehovah."" (You don't have to play the fool if you don't want to.) "The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, But the wise one accepts advice." Here is some good advice from the Powerful One of Israel, Almighty God Jehovah, the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of Armies: "Search for Jehovah while he may be found. Call to him while he is near. Let the wicked man leave his way And the evil man his thoughts; Let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, To our God, for he will forgive in a large way. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So my ways are higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts. For just as the rain and the snow pour down from heaven And do not return there until they saturate the earth, making it produce and sprout, Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results, But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, And it will have sure success in what I send it to do. For you will go out with rejoicing, And in peace you will be brought back. The mountains and the hills will become cheerful before you with a joyful cry, And the trees of the field will all clap their hands. Instead of thornbushes the juniper tree will grow, And instead of the stinging nettle the myrtle tree will grow. And it will bring fame to Jehovah, An everlasting sign that will never perish." (You can "get by" without the strings attached. It's the only real way to be free. We're all "dead" right now, but the ransom has been paid and it's just a matter of time until it is applied. Be grateful to Him, He's the only One who can set you free. Jehovah's the only One who's strong enough to cut the strings, but you have to humble yourself and ask Him. He will answer you when you call His Name.) I am done talking to puppets at present. Maybe someday you will remove the mask. Until then, hope you have as good a day as you can...💖🕊️
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