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John 12.24to28

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Posts posted by John 12.24to28


    I don't understand all the details of how a television remote control works. I don't currently have one in my house, but the times I did, I couldn't even find it half the time. When I could find it, I didn't know what all the buttons on it were for, and I didn't know how to use some of the settings. But my not knowing all the details didn't negate my belief that somebody created the thing. I have complete confidence that a real person designed that remote control, and they know better than I do how it works and why. You could tell me all day the reasons why that remote control "evolved", but I'd tell you've been deceived. 


    A remote control is so much simpler than even the "simplest-seeming" living organism. Even the non-living things around us work together in an organized way, the systems that regulate air flow on earth, and the tides, the flow of water in the oceans - who in their right mind would think anything came about by accident?


    I don't have to understand all the details about why things work in order to understand and accept that there is a Creator who designed the intricate and amazing things around me in the world. It's obvious. 


    A meal doesn't "fix itself". Food has to be made. Work is part of life. The result of the work, the process of working, lead us to the obvious understanding that there must be a "Worker" to get the work done. God enjoys working, and He wanted us to enjoy it too. He built that into us.


    The Bible is the only accurate source of information on where all these things around us have come from, who the first "Worker" was and His assistant.


    "In the beginning, God created."


    "My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working."


    "Jehovah produced me as the beginning of his way, 

    The earliest of his achievements of long ago.  

    From ancient times I was installed, 

    From the start, from times earlier than the earth.  

    When there were no deep waters, I was brought forth, 

    When there were no springs overflowing with water.  

    Before the mountains were set in place, 

    Before the hills, I was brought forth, 

    When he had not yet made the earth and its fields 

    Or the first clods of earth’s soil. 

    When he prepared the heavens, I was there; 

    When he marked out the horizon on the surface of the waters, When he established the clouds above, 

    When he founded the fountains of the deep, 

    When he set a decree for the sea 

    That its waters should not pass beyond his order, 

    When he established the foundations of the earth, 

    Then I was beside him as a master worker.  

    I was the one he was especially fond of day by day; 

    I rejoiced before him all the time; 

    I rejoiced over his habitable earth, 

    And I was especially fond of the sons of men."


    Jesus' advice works 100% of the time when applied. Who can say that about the teachings of any evolutionary theorist?


    Why does Jesus' advice always work? Because he knows what he is talking about. He's been around long enough to know.


    Jesus explained why there is trouble in the world, and he explained the solution. No evolutionary theorist even has a clue about the solution. They can't even figure out the problem! How could they? They are in the dark, leading others in the dark. They have rejected the light. Jesus is the light. Embracing him sheds light on our origins. He is the truth.



  2. 5 hours ago, boyle said:

    organization has nothing to do with evolution


    You are right. The theory of evolution is completely unorganized. The "scientists" do not agree on one theory. Any of the theories, if followed to completion, would not lead to life, they lead to death and disorder and impossibleness. "Random mutations"? If every action in your life was decided randomly, you think that's going to lead anywhere? You really think the order in the natural world got here that way? "Natural selection"? Who is doing the selecting? Who put the mechanisms of life in place? "Survival of the fittest?" Seriously, who makes this stuff up? You know who? The dumb Devil: he's the chief "mutant" by choice, selecting to sell lies, pushing competition and warfare. His theories reflect his own wicked ideas. Many people who adopt his theories tend to reflect his attitudes on sex, competition, and greed. ("Survival of the fittest", "desire to promote the furtherance of their own genes to as many as possible", "Disregard for the lives of others because it's just part of the cycle" etc, etc, etc.)


    The living cell is organized. Schools of fish swim in an organized manner. A Monarch butterfly knows how to get to Mexico with the brain smaller than a pinhead, because the order and organization of the Creator is reflected in His handiwork. Jehovah engineered these beautiful things.


    The greed, war, suffering, disorder and competition in the world is not because of "evolution" - it is because the wicked resister has tried to throw a monkey wrench into the beautiful system designed by Jehovah. Jehovah allowed the Devil some time to try to prove his slander, but that time is coming to an end. All the Devil's lies will be exposed for what they are: frauds and ridiculous make-believe stories. Including the make-believe story about evolution.

  3. 1 hour ago, boyle said:

    What happens if a dog breeds with a wolf? What happens if a Polar bear breeds with a brown bear? Is the offspring considered a dog or a wolf? The same with the polar bear. Will the offspring be classified as a polar bear or a brown bear? These are the questions intelligent people ask.


    I can organize my closet in different ways. I can organize the clothes by color. Or I can organize them by type of clothing (blouses together, skirts together, etc.) Perhaps I might organize them by season, putting the winter clothes on one side and the summer clothes on the other side. There is more than one way to organize a closet.


    If I were to look into my closet and say that since my blue skirt is next to my blue blouse, they must have originated from the same piece of cloth, well, that's not necessarily true just because they're both blue.


    Carl Linnaeus organized creation in a list or chart in the way that made sense to him. It wasn't bad. But the list didn't mean that the creatures evolved into one another or had a "common ancestor". The list was just a tool to organize.


    When Moses wrote down the first chapter of the Bible, he organized it in a way that made sense to him. He talked about creatures that can fly, creatures that swim, and creatures that crawl. It was just another way of organizing information. Moses didn't mean that one type evolved into another type, or that all swimming creatures are more closely related to each other just because he grouped them together. He was just listing the information in a way that made sense.


    You can list bats with rodents if you want, because they look like rodents. But if you want you can list them with birds, because they also fly. You can make a different type of list and put them with other animals that are the same color if you want. Or you can make a list of animals that are approximately the same length and weight.


    Evolutionary theorists get so bogged down on the tool that was initially designed to help organize information - the "tree" or "chart" or "list" - and they turned it into a god. They worship the god of lists. And now there is a whole cult of list-worshippers who have their own cult myths (Darwin's theories and many others, it's kind of like Hindu religion with innumerable acceptable ways you can believe evolution) and "priests" (the evolutionary "scientists" and other "experts") and media propagating the cult of evolution. If you don't believe in the god of lists, you will be shunned or ridiculed by the evolutionary community. 


    Moses used the word we translate as "kinds." Different species of bears are still the same kind of animal. They are bears. The Bible is accurate and trustworthy. Praise Jehovah.

  4. How evolutionary theory evolves...an illustrative short story:


    So you've got a bunch of guys in khaki shorts running around with a few tiny pieces of what they think might be old human bones. They only have a few little pieces, so they use artists to make up a good guess of what the rest of the skeleton would look like. Then they do a computer animation and add guesses on layers of muscle, skin, etc. The guy doing the computer art doesn't believe in God, and he's watched a lot of cave man movies since he was a kid, so he adds a ton of hair to this creation of his and makes him look kinda dumb. Another guy writes a book based on what he thinks it might have been like to be a cave man (even though this guy grew up in an apartment in the city). A third guy builds the exhibit in the museum based on the book. Now Hollywood comes in and starts making movies and cartoons and t-shirts with cave men based on the museum exhibit.


    They only had a handful of old bones. They don't even really know what creature the bones belonged to. Sometimes they make up a new creature. "It's a new humanoid." Pick a cool latin name. They just make up so much of it.


    Next you get tons of kids wanting to be in that field of study, because of the Hollywood movies. Colleges all over the country offer more and more courses in the field. All the professors and upper level grads need to keep publishing. "Publish or perish." Everybody becomes a new "expert". And it's all based on a handful of a few old bones.


    Regular, imperfect people who need to make money for a living write the articles for National Geographic and Smithsonian, the same as regular, imperfect people write articles for the Watchtower. Neither are inspired of God.

  5. A dinosaur is a dinosaur. A lizard is a lizard. A bird is a bird. They are different kinds of creatures.


    I adapt to my environment by putting on a sweater if it is cold. I don't morph into a different creature and I definitely don't sprout a layer of feathers to "adapt".


    Saying that birds "adapted" by growing or shrinking beaks is simplistic and false. Possibly a bunch of birds lived on an island Darwin visited, maybe one year it was more advantageous to have a longer beak because of some bird-food famine issue, but that's not "adapting". The genes of the birds didn't change. The biological variation programmed into the DNA by Jehovah didn't change. The potential for variation in the species that Jehovah put there didn't change. The birds were created by God to be flexible. They're not robots. They're birds.


    It doesn't matter if you're talking to a Creationist or an Evolutionist - the truth is the truth. It wasn't a matter of "new animal life cycles" starting in and of themselves. The Bible shows that Jehovah actively set the times and boundaries for when and where his creations would come on the scene. The only completely accurate record we have on those prehistoric times is in the Bible.


    "God created them according to their kinds." He didn't make tigers evolve into sheep or dinosaurs into chickens. "God made the domestic animals and he made the wild animals."

  6. 3 hours ago, boyle said:

    They didn't "adapt" so a new species of birds took over. Each species adapts to its environment.


    3 hours ago, boyle said:

    However, some forms of creation have evolved to adapt to whatever spot in time. If there were lizards in prehistoric times, we have lizards in our times. The "form" changed.


    So, why don't you give me some specific examples, @boyle, so I can better understand what you are trying to say here?

  7. I do not doubt that you heard those things, but I would not believe it unless I could see it. From my personal experience with people in the fields of geology and anthropology and archaeology and paleontology, they all believe made up stuff on a regular basis, and they pass it on as if it is true. They can tell you completely made up "facts" as if they are the complete authority on the matter. There is no one to contradict them because all the "evidence" is too old, so they can make up stories  all they want. 

  8. Evolutionary theorists made up their own "language", just like the sci-fi people made up the "Klingon language". You can learn the words, but it's not based on reality. The Klingon people are not real. The evolutionary vocabulary are used to describe things that aren't real. The creators of the Klingon language took basic linguistic principles and mixed them with make-believe to invent a language for a make-believe group. You can learn the words all you want, but that doesn't mean Klingon creatures are real. It's the same with evolutionary teaching. The "scientists" take basic truths about how Jehovah made his creation flexible and they mixed it with make-believe. Repeating the "make-believe" words or adding extra layers of "make-believe" words doesn't make the evolutionary teachings into truths. It just makes them sound complicated, like only a fancy person can understand. 


    On 2/19/2023 at 9:15 PM, Moise Racette said:


    On 2/19/2023 at 8:51 PM, Pudgy said:

    I have cassette Klingon Language tapes, and was going to attend th KLI Klingon Language Institute, but it hurt my throat having to yell, spit and growl at the same time



  9. On 4/9/2023 at 8:39 PM, Pudgy said:




    Artists need to be creative, but sometimes they add things that weren't really there. Evolutionary theorists do the same thing. They weren't there, so they have to be creative. And since they don't believe in Jehovah, then of course they're not going to include Him in their story. Evolutionary theorists are fiction writers. They use technical terms, special vocabulary to make it sound fancy, but it's all make-believe. 

  10. I've never heard about the "finding the feathers" thing before. It seems that the feathers would have all decomposed a long time ago. Artists draw pictures of feathers on dinosaurs, just like they draw shaggy hair on pictures of supposed "ape men". People who work at museums like to make creative displays. They weren't walking the earth the same time the dinosaurs were. They are just making stuff up. 


    Even if there were fancy feathered colorful dinosaurs, that just proves that the Creator likes that pattern. Whether the bones are hollow or not, it just proves the Creator used the same patterns in different places, like an automobile manufacturer might use a similar frame style on a few different cars.

  11. I've found that speaking to people who believe in evolution is a lot like speaking to people who believe in the Trinity doctrine or the immortal soul doctrine. There are so many different variations on the theme, and some of the evolution"believers" don't even know which variation they adhere to...when I asked @boyle to explain I could not comprehend what he was trying to say because it didn't add up. (Neither does the equation 1+1+1=1) 

  12. 1 hour ago, Pudgy said:


    ...hairs adapts to become hares...

    1 hour ago, Pudgy said:


    ...3.14159 adapts to become pi which adapts to become pie...


    ...and you get an old Bugs Bunny clip! (No wonder those "science" people like evolution so much, you can connect anything you want! Science fiction! Choose your own adventure! We could play this game all day!)



  13. 14 minutes ago, boyle said:

    *** w12 5/15 p. 18 par. 4 Trust in Jehovah—The God of “Times and Seasons” ***
    4 Precise timing can be observed in the world of biology. The life cycles of many plants and animals are regulated by internal clocks. Many birds instinctively know when to begin their migration. (Jer. 8:7) Humans too have internal clocks, usually governed by the 24-hour cycle of day and night. After a traveler crosses several time zones by airplane, it may take days for his body to reset these clocks. Truly, the many examples of timing manifest in creation demonstrate the power and wisdom of the God of “times and seasons.” (Read Psalm 104:24.) Yes, the Great Timekeeper is all-wise and all-powerful. We can have faith that he is able to accomplish what he wills!

    I guess you are not! Have a wonderful evening, audrey! 🙂


    Thanks, @boyle you, too! I can see that your story is similar to the Watchtower story about the 1914-time-thing, but I guess you don't have time to explain it right now.


    An engineer might work on one project and later another project, each at its appointed time.

    Sometimes a project is only needed for a short period of time or a certain set time period.


    A pregnant mother develops a placenta, an amazing organ, larger than an appendix or an eye or an ear, but that organ is only needed for several months. She does not grow a placenta if she is not pregnant. She does not need it if she's not pregnant.


    Jehovah is the one who sets up the times and seasons. He knew how long he wanted the dinosaurs to do their gig on the earth. They were created at the appointed time and when they fulfilled their assignment they went back to the dust. Jehovah is the engineer. He knows the schedule.


    Regarding creation, it is written: "Then God said: “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.”"


    God made domestic animals. And God made wild animals. They did not "evolve". 


    Scientists say a lot of things. So do politicians. I don't believe everything I hear from either of them.


    I do believe what God says because He's never lied to me. Ever. 


    God's Word is True.

  14. 5 minutes ago, boyle said:

    if you were to explain it to your kids

    6 minutes ago, boyle said:

    the cookie mole

    6 minutes ago, boyle said:

    that cookie mole

    I've never heard of a "cookie mole" but it sounds similar to a book I read to my kids once...maybe the story has evolved since then?



  15. I am not really into reading mythology much anymore these days, and sometimes, if I recall correctly, fantasy books have a lot of characters and mystery going on...if you could, @boyle, please restate what you have going on here so I can try to follow what you are getting at.


    39 minutes ago, boyle said:

    However, some forms of creation have evolved to adapt to whatever spot in time. If there were lizards in prehistoric times, we have lizards in our times. The "form" changed. It didn't evolve like Audrey is vigorously defending, I'm not disputing that. There needs to be a clear reason, why people need to understand the differences when evolution is mentioned.


    39 minutes ago, boyle said:

    Man did not evolve from an ape. Prove it with facts. A big bird did not evolve to a small bird. Dinosaurs had their day. They didn't "adapt" so a new species of birds took over. Each species adapts to its environment.


    39 minutes ago, boyle said:

    So instead of buying into Darwinism, the use of logic is needed to explain how cycles of creation work.


    What are these cycles you are talking about? Who made the cycles? Where do you get this "evidence" from? What do you mean "their form changed"? How? Who changed it? What forms are you talking about? To me it sounds like you are telling a make-believe story. Where is your "window test"?

  16. 17 minutes ago, boyle said:

    Was it molded? Who did the molding for that cookie jar?

    Let me know when you get it. 


    "Ah, so since I didn't see anybody mold the cookie jar, it must have been evolution? The cookie jar formed in a primordial soup of pre-protein molecules swirling that suddenly came together when a chance lightening strike magically delicious lined up the clay into a cute mouse figure?" Is that, like, sci-fi or something? Is that what they call that?


    "There's no way an intelligent person used their hands to mold the clay into a cookie jar. Nope. Because humans are made in God's image and really smart perfect incorruptible scientist evolutionary people like to say He doesn't exist. So that must mean humans don't exist, since God is their Father. So there's no way that cookie jar could have been created by a human. It had to have evolved." Is that your kind of thinking? ( @boyle "logic" 😆 )


    That's not how I think, @boyle.


  17. Are you joking? Seriously?


    29 minutes ago, boyle said:

    So a big prehistoric lizard didn't turn into a modern day small lizard or a Komodo dragon? A giant bird didn't evolve to a small bird. A mammoth didn't evolve to our present day elephant or have you seen one? A saber tooth tiger isn't related to the tiger species?


    I have a mouse shaped cookie jar in my kitchen. It didn't evolve from an ancient mouse.


    Dogs have ears and a tail. So do pigs. So do hamsters. They didn't evolve from each other or a "common ancestor". They were actually formed from a common Creator. Imagine that.


    I paint pictures sometimes or draw. If I draw a monkey one day on one piece of paper and then go draw a gorilla the next day on another piece of paper, did the monkey I drew evolve into the gorilla I drew?


    I don't know if you've noticed, @boyle, but lizard skeletons and dinosaur skeletons are very different in size. Besides that, bones are just the skeletal part of an organism. If an engineer likes to use a certain pattern, is it surprising if you find the same pattern in other things he designed?

  18. You know, there is this one time in the Bible that a man spoke of evolutionary theory. He said that these elements came together with the aid of a super-heated catalyst and formed a creature.


    "And Moses said to Aaron: “What did this people do to you that you have brought a great sin upon them?”  Aaron replied: “Do not be enraged, my lord. You well know that the people are inclined to do evil.  So they said to me, ‘Make for us a god who will go ahead of us, for we do not know what has happened to this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt.’  So I said to them, ‘Whoever has any gold must take it off and give it to me.’ Then I threw it into the fire and out came this calf.”


    "Evolutionary theory" was a lie even back then. It didn't go so well for Aaron at that point in his life. It was fear that motivated him to make stuff up. He knew Jehovah was real. He saw all the plagues in Egypt. He knew the histories. He was just scared and didn't want to face the music after he made a mistake. He didn't make the same mistake twice, thankfully.



  19. 1 minute ago, boyle said:

    What college degree do you have? I don't believe I was referring to evolution, of man or God's creation. There are other forms of evolution, or have you seen a dinosaur in your backyard? If you have, don't let your kids play with it. To dangerous.


    What are you talking about, @boyle? What "other forms" of evolution are you talking about? Dinosaurs are extinct. Death is not a form of evolution. We used to have chickens in our backyard, but they did NOT evolve from dinosaurs. That only happens in the movies.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    The Duckbill Platypus must have taken a thousand years to go from the Ark to Eastern Australia, with those tiny legs.


    Maybe the "duckbilled platypus" paddle stroke is a lot more efficient than the "doggy" paddle stroke?

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