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John 12.24to28

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  1. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    Jesus said even if a person comes back seven times a day and say "I repent" to forgive him. Jesus didn't say "hold a judicial committee, then wait a week to make an announcement, then give the person a year not talking to them..." Nope. Those things are all man-made doctrines. Jesus was clear and simple with his instruction. The Pharisees liked to make everything complicated.
  2. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    I can't do much, but I can make that happen!☺️
    (At least I can on future posts.🙂)
  3. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    There! @Pudgy @Witness scriptures cited 🙂
  4. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    …. And while you are at it, make a picture book of the Dead  Sea Scrolls.
  5. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    I will include scripture references from now on if it pleases you. ( @Witness expressed similar sentiments as to wondering why I don't include the chapter and verse all the time. I told her that Jesus didn't, since back then there were no divisions yet into chapter and verse, and that just because the Watchtower does it in their publications doesn't mean we have to.)
    I am not against always putting the chapter/verse reference, I'm just lazy. 🙂 But I will include them from now on, if you wish.
  6. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    it’ just that I try never to say anything without solid reference-able proof, as I expect to be challenged on every word , as I and everyone should be.
    Basic rule: If any supposition or reference can’t be independently verified, it can be ignored.
    As an example, I almost never quote scriptures, except from memory, and I always add (paraphrased), indicating it’s the general idea if I don’t give a citation.
  7. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    In my KH, if you tell the elders the truth they will view you as a threat. They are out for figurative "blood" and don't stop until you are "gone."
    "There is a generation whose teeth are swords
    And whose jaws are slaughtering knives;
    They devour the lowly ones of the earth
    And the poor from among mankind."
    (The thing is, they can't see Jehovah so they don't understand why I just keep laughing when they are trying to make me cry.😂) Jehovah turns it into a blessing. 
    This sort of things happens in congregations all over the world. "But take your stand against him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by the entire association of your brothers in the world." Jehovah will rise up.
    "For Jehovah will rise up as at Mount Pe·raʹzim;
    He will rouse himself as in the valley near Gibʹe·on,
    That he may do his deed—his strange deed—
    And that he may carry out his work—his unusual work.  
    Now do not scoff, So that your bonds may not be further tightened,
    For I have heard from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies,
    That an extermination has been determined for all the land."
  8. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    Yes, Audrey …. his personality and mine are somewhat  similar. And although I am 6’-6” tall, I weigh 287 pounds.
    AND, in the comic strip the cat called Satchel “Pudgy”, which we both are.
  9. Like
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from boyle in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    I hope you have a lovely rest of your evening! Thank you that we could talk, it was fun.  I will try to respond more tomorrow to the questions I missed tonight. Good night!

  10. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    I wasn't alive back then, so, no.
  11. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Oh boy! CAT FIGHT!
    If it wasn’t my nap time, I would stay to watch!
  12. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    I envision Armageddon to be the Nations being led, as if with hooks in their jaws to Global Thermonuclear War …. Where the elements being intensely hot will melt.
    But hey! You say “ … that would kill Jehovah’s people tOoooo!”.
    Not necessarily …. did not Jehovah protect the three Hebrew men in the blast furnace with personal “force fields”?
    They came out not even smelling of smoke!
    Otherwise …. What else could common sense tell you about what that scripture about “… the elements being intensely hot will melt” actually mean?
    uh….. in context.
  13. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    ( wag! )
    I have inside information …. been there …. done that.
  14. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    You are the one saying it.🙂
  15. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    If you are going to wander around in the desert for 40 years, take notes … draw a map.
  16. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in "Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)   
    The seven plagues, trumpets, seals, bowls, thunders, they are all expressing different aspects of the beginning of the great tribulation. They are expressing God's judgment on false religion in slightly different ways, as well as revealing the debased condition of beastly human governmental powers. The seven plagues, trumpets, seals, bowls, thunders all take place after Jesus is enthroned in heaven and Satan is cast down to the earth. Jesus was not enthroned in 1914. When he is enthroned, all these other things will take place in rapid succession. Daniel shows we are near that time at present, because Putin is coming to his end, and there is no helper for him. Michael will stand up soon to take the throne and the great tribulation will begin.
    During that time, we will need to have strong love in order to endure. We must show love for not just our friends, but also for our enemies. We have to overcome these petty prejudices and foolish class distinctions. It is the only way to survive what is coming. "God is Love." We must have love for all our neighbors. It is the only way to survive.
    Ex-JW or JW, apostate or orthodox, whatever race, whatever sexual orientation, religious or atheist - "disfellowshipped" or "shunned" is not something that should be in the vocabulary of a true Christian...we must show love for all humans because they are made in God's image. It doesn't mean we have to agree with all their personal life choices or closely held doctrines. But we need to be willing to help them if they need help, if they are the ones beat-up on the side of the road.
    There are no caste systems in love.
    "Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man who fell victim to the robbers?”  
    "He said: “The one who acted mercifully toward him.” 
    "Jesus then said to him: “Go and do the same yourself.""

  17. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Definitely the coffee.
    I’ve been up all night with “something”.
  18. Haha
  19. Haha
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Don't you ever go to sleep?🙂
    Time for a coffee or something.
  20. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Good thing Jesus gave the advice to "put down the sword" (or the figurative smoking "gun")...
    Bad company Minus the "sword" = Better Company 🙂
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
  23. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Uh ….. you type too fast?
    …. And now for something completely different.
    The U.S. National debt is 31 TRILLION dollars.
    If you made. Line of $100 bills, end to end, it would stretch about 12.5 times PAST the distance from Earth to Moon.
  24. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    For the past three years, I have only commented as “Pudgy”. Before that I only commented under my one previous Screen Name for about 10 or so years.
    In that context I do not have multiple profiles. 
  25. Like
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    I love you, my brother, and I will keep you in mind in my prayers, as I have been doing.
    Hope you have a good rest of your day.🥰
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