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John 12.24to28

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  1. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    You don't consider the existence of the Bible to be evidence? You don't consider creation to be evidence? Have you ever tried to apply Jesus' advice in your life? I thought you were into the "window test" thing.

  2. Haha
  3. Haha
  4. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    What happens next?
    ”And lo, in the fullness of time, A great Profit arose from among the great unlubricated Robot masses, bringing for their salvation Pudgy’s Robot Oil which was good for 500,000 steps between oil changes, but a great lamentation arose, with weeping (accelerating rust) and rending of … what? …. get to the point? …. Hey! I’m working on it … oh yeah! … same to you buddy! What?, are you NUTS?  …. Yo Momma was made of cast iron!
    Where was I ?
    Oh Hell …. I forgot.
  5. Upvote
  6. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Yeah … I know what you mean. 
    Probably warm ‘em up if they got a lube job and had their tires rotated, too.
  7. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Get an oil change and replace the air filter.
  8. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    I can't believe that you don't get mobbed by your chickens, walking around like that...🙂
  9. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Well, I try to “Be Prepared” as the Boy Scout motto suggests, although they hardly prepared for the septic quagmire of mental cases they became, long after I left.
    it’s customary for me to have lots of yellow construction twine in the left rear pocket of my Levi’s, with a bit hanging out,  tied to that day’s hunk-o-ham.
    …. Which they THINK goes to the string in my pocket.
  10. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Hey, you've used that one already with that thing in the attic story! (I hope you used a different string...I don't know how well duck string and alien string go well together, must be some new string theory I haven't heard of yet...)
  11. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Years ago, I got a call to go to San Francisco for an engineering job that was supposed to take six months at Parsons Brinckerhoff.
    With my trusty HP41CX calculator I finished it in about six weeks. The boss that hired me went to Denver and forgot about me.
    Meanwhile, the project was winding down and people were being laid off. I used to be the first one in the office (..and therefore had to make the coffee …), and when others arrived my desks were filled with plans, sketches, calc sheets and curly paper strips from my calculator’s printer.
    I was always busy doing calcs and sketches. Nobody knew what I was working on, but it looked important!
    People would ask for help, and I said sorry, I’m trying to make a deadline here …
    One fellow asked me how long I was going to be here, as every Friday the office lost people. I replied “Well, they promised me six months, but I’m hoping it will be longer than that!”. (Actually, nobody promised me anything …). So, for about 5 months I worked on my own stuff, and taught myself Structural Engineering, being paid very well as a “Consultant”.
    I felt I was in a Dilbert Cartoon!
    Well, with only about 15 people left, six months rolled by and to the day, I also got laid off, and drove back to Virginia.
    Sometimes, doing nothing works out well!

  12. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁   
    Yeah, like most crazy people I shudder and cringe at a string of asterisks ….
    Which reminds me of the time I tied a block of ham on the end of a long string, and one at a time, fed it to some ducks
    (… Ducks cannot digest ham, so you just rinse it off and feed it to the next duck …)
    After you get six ducks on the string, tie the ends together and run ‘em in a circle, quacking with a lisp.
  13. Haha
  14. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    It would take a month to reply to that, so I will just say “HOLY HAND GRENADE!”
    Who would have thought this incredible technology in common use is all based on fake science?
  15. Like
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from boyle in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    I'm going to go for now, @boyle, and try to get some sleep. I don't count sheep, but they say if you can't sleep well it's good to reflect on some of the wonderful things in the world. I hope you have a good rest of your night.🙂
  16. Haha
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from boyle in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Of course they saw Him. It's only since everybody's brains are so numb now that they can't even imagine seeing Him.
  17. Haha
    John 12.24to28 got a reaction from boyle in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    What are you talking about? Like, the Hebrews going around counting sheep in heaven?
  18. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Violin music is required for incessant whiners. Give it a rest.
  19. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    On my way home from work, I would stop by the dollar store and buy 25 or so of the foot-long Tootsie Rolls……  they came two to a package.
    I had read ingredients and saw that chocolate Was way down on the list of ingredients which are listed by how prevalent they are, in order.
    So, I would take them home and give them to my four  Siberian huskies. I would give them to the dogs sideways, so they would chew it and not just gulp them down.
    Having seen them eat a hotdog without giving it a single bite, I thought that was best.
  20. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Arauna in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Yes- a reply to your bitter water
  21. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Arauna in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Then please cling to it and do not trust your own understanding - which is the main message I  see in your writing. You are always pushing your GB-hate and  a twisted understanding of the scriptures focused on your own ego/interpretation. This is the reason why, I think, you were seen as a danger to the congregation. I am not taken in by intelligent people who think they are anointed because they believe themselves to be privileged or special. I hope I did not offend you but I have seen this before!
    Daniel 11:  King of north and south keep pushing each other. And king of north invades ( I do not know if this is expanded kinetic war, financial flooding - or the communist ideology flooding the king of the south.... but is seems the centralized form of totalitarian government is flooding the west and the subversion is almost complete.)
    from verse 40 ; and then
    43 And he (king of the North) will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.
    44 “But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.
    I saw you were making predictions how USA will win the war etc.  That is in opposition to bible prophecy!
    The king of the North is already instrumental in taking the US Petro -dollar currency down.  BRICS has already been joined by many nations and the currency they use is gold-backed and "produce" as bartering collateral. So their trade network is growing. 
    King of North AND ITS ALLIES had a GDP growth in the past year together with its allies. Almost 80 percent of rare-earth minerals are mined by China and they are at present openly taking over the mines in South America (for batteries and electronics). 
    US has very little factories - they out-manufactured Russia during WW2 with its weapons - this time round they are behind in their weaponry. 
    (Egypt was the southern king in relation to Israel). 
    This is why I say that your understanding is your own - not coming from the bible.  I read what is given in Daniel 11 from verse 40 and ( I can also be mistaken) but it seems that what is in the bible is going into "exact" fulfillment.
    Both the King of the North and South will suddenly attack Jehovah's people and they will both come to their end.  I do not know if peace may unite them for a minute in human history before the end but it seems we are going forward to the end of the end, right now.
    Jehovah's people have their faults - just like Solomon, David and loyal kings had, and many of the early leaders of Israel.... but Jehovah used imperfect people.  Pure worship of Jehovah can only be served by those who love Jehovah and as a nation worship him in unity - despite their faults and sinful nature. We need to produce pure fruit.  Bitter fruit is not palatable.
    The nation of Jehovah today are NOT perfect but they guard the truth - the core teachings - such as the name of Jehovah, the human nature of Jesus; and the understanding of the kingdom and what it will do for the earth.... as well as the immortality of the soul.  These are basic teachings one can find in no other place on earth........and we preach these to everyone we meet. So you either leave your bitterness and serve Jehovah unitedly with his people or prepare to be disapproved.
    One must identify the slave: each individual needs to identify the slave that will give good, wholesome food to Jehovah's people.  That is their main function - to give food - not to arbitrate silly disputes and try to be perfect according to human standards.
  22. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Well, I will say one thing about you, you are certainly consistent. 
    somebody here once asked me if I wanted you banned, and I replied “No … I believe in free speech … eventually they will self destruct …”
  23. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Your general statements are prima facia delusional.
    Several DOZEN times I have asked you for specifics, and you ALWAYS choked.
  24. Haha
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Pudgy in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    The same was true when I came back as Pudgy … after about five posts, even with my Western plaid shirt and Trump red tie, everyone realized it was me! 


  25. Upvote
    John 12.24to28 reacted to Space Merchant in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    This is the case, but they have been rallying religious leaders since the early 2000s, have several events and movements that spawned from it, even using the Pope as a mouthpiece. Some of the pastors some EXJWs follow, are among this fold. Babylon is working and moving about but only when the time comes, the Beast will attack her.
    They will be involved, however, they are under the UN banner, even side by side with their opponents. The only group who, switched teams, is Saudi Arabia as of recent.
    Tribulation End Times will be brutal, but the Firstfruits still roam, and we should be doing what we can in concerning the gospel, and the truth itself. We should also be aware of who the real enemy is, otherwise, those who do not know will fall easily, if people can easily fall back in 2016 concerning the Pope, even in regards to the JW ban in Russia not realizing the timeline of it to Putin's re-election, they will continue to do so now.
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