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  1. Below is a new video of a few minutes. The Fall of Antony Morris III Remains a Mystery? I can understand the JW and ex-JW who got stung have a hard time admitting it was because of this: https://jehovah.nu/letter2022.pdf https://jehovah.nu/brief2022.pdf
  2. "A startling testimony by Dr. Carol Rosin at the Disclosure Project press conference on May 9, 2001,conducted by Dr. Steven Greer. Here she explains what Wernher von Braun told her about deployable space weapon systems, which should protect us against all kinds of enemies, including an alien threat. And all based on big lies".
  3. When we move towards the return of Jesus / Armageddon, going to experience another WWIII and other tribulations, it's good to know what else we're being fooled with. Don't get into anything I would say, don't go with anyone just like that. I can't put the video of 58 minutes below. They put that video in an article. Video at the bottom of the article. You better take everything into account. Satan is an angel of light. Anyway, there is a well kept fact, which mankind will undoubtedly have to deal with before the return of Jesus. An eye witness, a firefighter, told his family in the video that God has also created life elsewhere. But that was not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who went to create other life forms elsewhere. The angel who has been intersecting and mixing Creation from the beginning is the culprit. Article is Dutch but the video is spoken in English (Dutch subtitles) https://niburu.co/et/18628-de-roswell-doofpot-75-jaar-later
  4. Who Burned Rome And Who Burned The Reichstag? And Who Blew Up The Kakhovka Dam? In any case, we are heading towards WWIII: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-06-06-red-alert-pentagon-mobilizing-thousands-of-aircraft-for-wwiii.html
  5. Documentary is a bit long 🙂 The road to WWIII seems a lot shorter. Quote: "Just as US State Department policymaker Victoria Nuland broadcast the US destruction of Nord Stream pipelines days in advance, Nuland apparently announced in a video conference with Kiev government officials that’s since been removed, her intent to ignite World War III on July 11th, 2023. Nuland boldly declared that World War III would be ignited on July 11th, the day that a NATO summit in Lithuania will convene". SOURCE: https://jameshfetzer.org/2023/06/jo...ds-are-now-leading-to-imminent-world-war-iii/
  6. Good morning, (translated with Google and placed on a Dutch board this morning) Dutch time, the new documentary is only in about 17 hours: https://thehighwire.com/thegreatawakening/ So Saturday evening around 00:00 or even on Sunday. What is Saturday for the Netherlands can still be Friday for America, for example, and almost Sunday for Australia. That is with many things in terms of time. The day and hour, said Jesus, no one knows but the Father. But if we did know the day and hour of Jesus' return, it would mean a lot parts of the world are a different hour or even a different day. Jesus simply meant that we cannot know the exact time. But because we had to be awake, alert and ready for his return there is always a sense of urgency in the life of a follower of Jesus. The Bible does not teach "that it will be our time." "We'll see". Jehovah's Witnesses and before that the Bible Students believed in certain dates. 1975 is very well known. The Adventists and other end-time Christians also had their expectations for certain dates. I don't blame them all they lived up to the return of Jesus and the Armageddon of Jehovah and expect it in their day. (let's disregard the Watchtower nonsense that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914) I've been expecting it since 1981/1982. In 2020 when the PLANdemic broke out, I immediately concluded that "it had started". That's literally what I said to my wife and daughter that night. It would never be quiet again. For me, the great tribulation had begun that I believed would last seven years. Twice three and a half years. Just because I believed it. Maybe it's not, then we'll just move on after that. Well, just. This world is not ordinary and it never will be again. We live in a madhouse. If forty years ago - so around 1983 - we had said to each other that in 1988 a book to be published by the Watchtower Society, and a picture in it with a hidden message that APPEARS to be fulfilled from 2020, because most Jehovah's Witnesses follow the advice of the Watchtower Society have been vaccinated (it was not a vaccination) with a life-threatening injection, then we would have found it hard to believe. And if it were true then we would have said the great tribulation should be going on when the world is turned upside down like that. We are on the verge of an open WWIII (actually already underway). The world population stands for reducing the number to 500,000,000 controlled people. And so I can go on and on. In a few months we will enter the next 3 1/2 years after the early 2020 PLANdemic. I am very curious about 2027. Maybe I'm blind from the Resurrection and wanting to see my wife again. But she died in 2022. She was as awake as I was in 2020. Whatever happens, this world is not going to be quiet and reasonably normal until Jesus returns. Jehovah will eventually shorten the days . . .
  7. Perhaps you are already aware. Coming Saturday 3 June a new documentary. The Great Awakening. https://rumble.com/v2of57c-the-great-awakening-trailer.html https://thehighwire.com/thegreatawakening/ At the moment I am distributing this document to elders worldwide: https://jehovah.nu/memorial.pdf It seems that they are more and more willing to listen. Maybe I want that too much. But it seems. Getting attention and pointing out something is not easy. https://jehovah.nu/rijkjanssen.html
  8. Letter2022 and Letter2022 I wrote unexpectedly. I had gone to the Kingdom Hall with my mother-in-law and after the third Saturday, I wrote the letter in Dutch and mailed it. That was Saturday, September 17, 2022. In January 2023, I translated the letter into English using Google Translate and sent the letter worldwide. By Sunday, February 19, I had reached 1172 elders worldwide with the letter. A few days later on Wednesday, February 22, Antony Morris III was removed from the Governing Body. I called the action from September 17, 2022 through February 19, 2023 "PROJECT JEHOVAH." The Netherlands, Belgium, Surinam, Caribbean Islands (all Dutch language) 224 elders Australia 115 elders England 66 elders Guyana 19 elders Ireland 35 elders Northern Ireland 13 elders New Zealand 19 elders Scotland 24 elders Congregation English Rest of the World 21 elders Letter sent by regular Mail to 81 Kingdom Halls (159 congregations of Jehovah Witnesses) 636 elders https://jehovah.nu/letter2022.pdf https://jehovah.nu/rijkjanssen.html letter2022.pdf
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