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Fausto Hoover

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  1. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    So, FH, why not give a point by point rebuttal instead of your valueless imaginary generalizations?
  2. Haha
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    To directly answer both of your questions which are self-evident deflections, the answer is no, and no.
  3. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    EVERY time you use the term “former members …” you assume homogenous thinking of both groups, and is a prima facia admission of ignorance of reality.
    What makes it worse it that it is deliberate and premeditated ignorance, actively denying reality.
    That is what agenda driven thinking ALWAYS does.
    The PROOF of it is clearly shown here, when you spasm downvote historically straight simple facts.
  4. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Reality has always been worrisome for those agenda driven theorists whose income depends on a carefully crafted  web of fantasy definitions of reality.
  5. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States faked “neutrality” toward the Nazis, and loudly proclaimed its “neutrality” about the war in Europe … while at the same time shipping enough supplies to England to “sink the Island”.
    As a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War, it took me a long time to realize that being against war in general resonates and is in fact a political stance, and that NOT doing something IS POLITICAL AND BEING INVOLVED IN POLITICS.
    That is REALITY.
    The only time in the entire history of humanity that there was no politics was before Eve was created!
  6. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in September 2023 brings a “global campaign” for the Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    "Open JW Club" does not require identification of participants. Everyone who is familiar with my posts and comments, from first one, knows who I am. If you wanted to know the details, you could have asked for it in a more subtle and polite way, without categorizing people according to your value system.
  7. Downvote
  8. Downvote
  9. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    Use Theocratic War Strategy
    The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom—1957
    .., So in time of spiritual warfare it is proper to misdirect the enemy by hiding the truth. ...,
    After this instruction from WTJWorg "Mother Organization", can one really trust what a JW member says?
  10. Downvote
  11. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Victims of Pedophile Priests Speak Out - Awake 1993, April 8, page 31   
    In order to write like that, you must be being paid by the word.
    Whatever you are being paid … it’s too much.
    ….. sounds EXACTLY like Doodyville’s Mayor, Phineas T. Bluster. 

  12. Downvote
  13. Downvote
  14. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Heck … i even remember Compuserve.

  15. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    By the way, I fully agree with the letter you provided … it was a SNAFU of normal proportions.
    I had copies of this 20 years ago.
    ”Stuff Happens”
    The same screw-ups we make as individuals, the Society also makes.
    To think otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

  16. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    I am not even trying to persuade you, el Fausto, much less the public.
    I know absolutely nothing about you except your blind agenda, and that you switch screen names about once every two months in a continuously failed attempt to hide your identity.
    I have no proof you are a man or woman because your sentence style is that of a programmed device.
    What you perceive as ad hominem attacks on you is actually me destroying tor logic, reasoning, and pseudo “facts”, and agenda driven support of the indefensible.
    With your own words you destroy your own credibility. All I do is separate your Disneyland view of the Universe from what can actually be proven.
    I used to be a Private Investigator and was good at it. Being able to separate fact from fiction is a valuable skill that lends itself to many areas of life … including Theology, where half only want to sit under a waterfall of free money.
    My instinctual wild-ass guess is that you are are, or blindly support that philosophy.
    …. as you have shown literally dozens of times by whatever screen name by choking when pressed for proof of your assertions and unable to produce anything except mountains of irrelevant and deliberately  diversionary claptrap.
    I argue with you for one reason only. 
    It’s fun to prove you wrong.
    Look at how much work it was to get you to produce that Nov. 1, 2001 letter.
    As your adversary I can attest to that it is proof good enough for most suppositions.
  17. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Whatever it is… it proved nothing, and is not even a letter. It’s a fragmentary scrap of someone’s opinion,
    The only thing it actually proves is that you are deliberately self-delusional. And because it is deliberate, that makes you a fraud.
    With your own hand you did prove that, as you have shown every time I challenged you for facts, and you choked.
  18. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    …. all those words, and you did not produce the letter that YOU REFERENCED that would have proved you are not just a bloviating deceptive deluded faker.
    Srecko Sostar proved his case with hard evidence.
    You did not.
  19. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to JW Insider in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    I don't think I ever saw a Gilead tour letter for a U.N. tour. But the ones I have seen are very similar, and there is nothing in the writing or format of this one that looks odd. It's very much like the other letters that came out of the Gilead office in the 70s and 80s. When I pull out some of my old boxes of papers, I can post an almost identical memo/notice that was given to all Gilead students.
  20. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    You know, Fausto, as I have said here many times, I have no problem if someone wants to commit suicide.
    Sampson did. King Saul did. If memory serves 900 Jews at Masada did.
    Certainly. Seppuku, also known as harakiri, is a traditional Japanese practice of ritual suicide by disembowelment. It was often carried out by samurai as a means to regain honor or to avoid capture and dishonor. The concept of seppuku was deeply rooted in the Bushido code, which was the samurai's way of life.
    When someone, particularly a samurai, was exposed as being a fraud or a fool, they might feel an overwhelming sense of shame and disgrace. Seppuku was seen as a way to cleanse this shame and restore their honor, even in death. By performing seppuku, individuals believed they could demonstrate their sincerity and commitment to the values of loyalty, courage, and self-discipline.
    The process involved a highly ritualized procedure where the individual would dress in traditional attire, prepare a small area for the act, and be assisted by a second person who would behead them upon completion. The act itself was a painful and gruesome form of self-disembowelment, symbolizing the depth of remorse and dedication to redemption.
    You have been caught deliberately trying to defraud Jehovah’s People with your agenda driven claptrap.
    Perhaps an apology is in order.
  21. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Matthew9969 in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Breaking news, the UN decided to make their international colors grey, grey white and white...but are awaiting on conspiracy theories to confirm their colors. In the meantime, storks in the netherlands are laying eggs with suspicoius markings on them, leading to theories that ancient birds were able to communicate with modern Liberian's via strange markings on pagan easter eggs.
  22. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Oh Yeah!
    Same to you, Communicator!
  23. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    Some commentators lead us to conclude, after showing some historical incidents or accidents in WTJWorg;
    -That every good thing that happens to JWs is due to God's blessing and guidance.
    -On the other hand, that every bad thing that happens to JWs is a consequence of GB intellect and their overpowering the influence of HS.
    Logical right? :))
  24. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    if you spasm “downvote” hard facts and straight common sense statements, I find it a “tell” to your agenda driven thought processes, absurd and comedic.
    Why not instead pick something out, and challenge it on whatever basis you think is objectionable. It would certainly make it look like you were capable of rational thought, even if you are proved wrong.
    Spasm downvoting just makes you look silly, irrational, and unable to defend your own agenda. It also makes you look petty, pouty, and motivated by a post hypnotic compulsion where you are “driven to the cliff”, and cannot turn away.
    A hail of downvotes without a rational challenge to what you do not agree with does not advance your agenda or speak well for it.
    It just makes you look whiney and petulant.

  25. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead   
    You can have peace, or you can have Freedom.
    Don’t ever count on having both at the same time.
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